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Holt, Pg.

Stephanie Holt

Mrs. Litle

ENG 121-00L

7 October 2020

Activity System: Dames of Destiny

Replace the text in each box with items you identify from the community in the links provided on D2L.

Zero tolerance policy, Mission Statements, Clan Rosters, Cross platforms

Tools: What genres types to they

use to accomplish their goal

Bungie, Twitter

Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Positive female gaming

environments, Safe gaming,
Sponsorship, Supportiveness

Object: WhatOfficers, Ally
is/are the clans,
Subject: What is the group goal(s) of the group

Launch players, Kinderguardians, RAIDucation, M

Holt, Pg. 2

Respectfulness, Kindness, Education, Rules/Guidelines

Dames of Destiny, Safe Gamers

Dads of Destiny

Rules: What guidelines steer Div. of Labor: How

their behavior/ interactions? are the different
Community: specific
types of people who
make up the subject

Activity System: S.C.A. Society of Creative Anachronisms

Replace the text in each box with items you identify from the community to which you belong.

Book of Rules, Chapter Rosters,

Announcements, Files, Event Calendar

Holt, Pg. 3

Object: What is/are the aim(s)/

Subject: What is the group goal(s) of the group

Determined by the Book of Rules,.

Rules: What guidelines steer Div. of Labor: How

their behavior/ interactions? are the different

 Tools: Corpora, Activity Rulebooks, Outlands Laws, Officer Handbooks, Waivers & Releases
 Subject: Kingdom of the Outlands, founded in 1966, covering Texas, New Mexico, Colorado,
Wyoming, and Nebraska; S.C.A. Society of Creative Anachronisms
 Object: Communication, Friendship, Historical knowledge of pre-17th century Europe, Maintaining standards of
excellence, Information, Community Service
 Rules: Determined by the Corpora, B.O.D., Chapter by laws, waivers
 Community: Monarchy, Knights, Laurels, Pelicans, and all active members
 Division of Labor: Administration, Officers, Monarchy are allowed to post.
I have typed this out in this way, as my computer was unable to allow me to place the information inside of the blocks as was

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