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Co330 Dr.


Name: Subin Naito

Reading: 7
To streamline work and better utilize class time I will be reading and grading, but not handing back your individual presentation responses.
Instead, you will receive an individual grade for each response that will be posted on Moodle. Each grade will be graded accordingly:
12=A (excellent work that clearly and succinctly describes, interprets, and interrogates reading and presentational content)
11=A- (Good work that clearly addresses and interprets the content of both the reading and the presentation)  
10=B (Solid work that clearly addresses reading content)
9= C (Work that fulfills the assignment only at the basic level of observing and responding, but does not attend to reading content)
8=D and below (work that is incomplete in some way)
You may always ask for verbal feedback and/or get your responses back if you want (I will keep them in my office throughout the

Initial associations: Please write 3 single sentences that reference an element delivered during
the presentation (please use clear and complete sentences). Initial observations should both
note the delivery of information as well as the information referenced in the appropriate

1) Pragmatism considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction, problem

solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent


2) The purist approach draws the line between individual culture and the culture in the


3) Verbalism takes no action but rather finds the verbal expression.

Reading Evaluation: Please write 3 neat paragraphs (use back or attach page) after class and
turn-in during the next class session that respond in your own words and opinions to the
aforementioned observations (celebrate insights, critique findings, progress and/or detour

1. Pragmatism considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction,

problem solving, and action. It rejects the idea that the function of thought is to

describe, represent reality. Pragmatic approach considers culture as variable and

culture affects the organizational performance. Depending on what culture the

organization makes, for example, if the workers help out each other, it will enhance
the work performance by building the culture of cooperation, it will result in different

outcomes. However, the culture cannot always determine the organizational

performance rather it depends on the individual capacity. With pragmatic thinking,

one culture decides the whole organization capability. It means the whole

organization will fall if the organization set the culture wrong. That is not true. There

must be companies that do not reveal the facts there are bullies, sexual harassment

going on within employee, yet, sometimes nobody pays attention because of excellent

works they do.

2. The purist approach draws the line between individual culture and the culture in the

organization. The culture in the organization only reflects the interest of the

organization. Culture and the organization are separated. I saw this is quite extreme in

regards that I agree somewhat on pragmatist approach and the purist approach. As

pragmatist approach suggests, I believe culture is created in the organization and it

will help performance. At the same time, I believe individual has their own culture,

so I see it is important both culture of individual and organization to determine the

enhancement of the performance. For example, even if the whole organization

pursues the diligent action if one individual has lived his/her life lazy, the person will

delay the work and affect the whole process. Plus, culture does not always involve in

the work performance regardless of the culture of individual or organization but

rather the skills, expertise, experience and the ability.

3. Verbalism takes no action but rather find the verbal expression. There are a lot of

examples found in the social media. Celebrities often posts their political opinions.

Then followers seem agreeing on it and say they support the idea. Regardless of the

followers having their opinion or not, the followers tend to support it anyway. It is

used as one of the methods to show their affection toward the celebrities. They might
not even aware what they are supporting. However, the verbalism has a good impact

on the entire society when it comes giving the voice to the weak and leads to the

activism. For example, there was “me too” practice years ago. The female raised their

voice to report sexual harassment they received at work. Although it was not directive

as much as activism, it ended up creating activism since the movement became so

huge throughout the social media. The verbalism thus can cause positive impact and

lead them to do it further on activism.

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