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This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its au-

thor. It is intended to provide helpful general information on

the subjects that it addresses. It is not in any way a substi-
tute for the advice of the reader’s own physician(s) or other
medical professionals based on the reader’s own individual
conditions, symptoms, or concerns. If the reader needs per-
sonal medical, health, dietary, exercise, or other assistance
or advice, the reader should consult a competent physician
and/or other qualified health care professionals. The author
and publisher specially disclaim all responsibility for inju-
ry, damage, or loss that the reader may incur as a direct
or indirect consequence of following any directions or sug-
gestions given in the book or participating in any programs
described in the publication.

SQUARE ONE Free Therapies Guide.

Copyright © 2019 by Chris Wark.
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

Eat a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

A whole food plant-based diet is the most potent anti-inflam-

matory, anti-cancer diet on planet earth. Plant food is rich in
vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants,
and amino acids – the building blocks of protein.

“Whole food” doesn’t mean you have to shop at Whole Foods.

It means buying and eating whole, unprocessed, raw and
cooked fruits and vegetables, legumes (like black beans and
lentils), nuts (like almonds and walnuts), seeds (like sesa-
me seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds), and
whole grains (like oats, barley, quinoa, and various forms of

Oats with blueberries is a whole food breakfast. A bagel with

cream cheese is not. A big salad is a whole food lunch. A slice
of pizza is not. An apple is a whole food snack. A Snickers
bar is not. A bowl of black beans with roasted sweet potato
cubes over red rice is a whole food dinner. A ham and cheese
sandwich with chips and a Coke is not. Do you follow me?

Furthermore, contrary to popular opinion, eating healthy

food is not expensive. It doesn’t cost any more to eat whole
food plant-based than it does to eat the Standard American
Diet (aka the Western Diet). When you stop spending money
on food that can cause cancer and/or fuel its growth – like
meat and dairy, packaged food, processed food, junk food,
fast food, and restaurant food, along with sodas, overpriced
coffee concoctions, and alcohol – you will find that you have
more than enough money to spend on fruits and vegetables
at no extra cost to you. And no extra cost to you is…free!

“But organic food is more expensive.” That’s true in some cas-

es, depending on the type of produce and whether or not it’s
in season. I recommend organic produce because it has the
lowest levels of pesticide residue, which is ideal for obvious
reasons. But the good news is, you don’t have to eat 100% or-

ganic to get the amazing and wonderful benefits of fruits and

vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Simply
switching from eating a diet of processed foods and animal
foods, to a diet of whole plant foods, is a vast nutritional im-
provement and will make a significant impact on your body
and your health.

I cover the most potent anti-cancer foods and the daily diet
that I and many others have followed to heal cancer in Mod-
ules 3 and 4 of the SQUARE ONE Program.

Get Moving
Exercise boosts your body’s production of T-cells and im-
proves your immune function! It increases oxygenation of
your tissues. It improves the function of antioxidant enzymes
and triggers the release of endorphins that make you feel
good. And…it costs you nothing!

When you exercise, you’re sending signals to your body to

live – to get healthier and stronger. Increased blood circula-
tion provides more oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and
increased lymphatic circulation carries more toxins and met-
abolic waste away from your cells. Increased circulation also
speeds up the healing process.

Exercise switches your good genes on and your bad genes

off. Exercise switches on cancer protective genes and switch-
es off cancer promoting genes.1 Seriously!

One study found that breast cancer patients who walked an

average of 30 minutes per day and ate 5 or more servings of
fruits and vegetables per day cut their risk of recurrence in
half after 9 years!2 (Those are both Free Therapies!)

A 2014 study of Swedish men with early-stage prostate can-


cer found that the men who walked or rode a bike for 20
minutes or more daily had a 39% lower risk of dying from
prostate cancer, and a 30% lower risk of dying from any oth-
er cause, compared to men who were less active.3

Another 2014 study found that colon cancer patients who

exercised 7 hours a week or more were 31% less likely to
die from any cause than those who didn’t exercise at all. On
the flip side, the study also found that 5 hours of TV watch-
ing per day increases your risk of death by 22% than if you
watch less than 2 hours of TV per day.4

The minimum amount of beneficial exercise is 150 minutes

per week. That’s only 20-30 minutes per day. And there’s an
unlimited amount of free exercise you can do. Walk, run, ride
your bike, jump on a trampoline… And you don’t have to join
a gym or pay for classes. There are thousands of free work-
outs on YouTube that you can do from home. Any activity
that involves moving your body and gets your heart pumping
and the sweat flowing is great. Just find some exercise you
enjoy and get moving!

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 8: Exercise & Rest for more info
on the amazing health benefits of exercise.

Fast Your Way to Health
Fasting might just be the most powerful free therapy of all.
During a 3-5 day water fast, old and damaged immune cells
die off. Then when you start eating again, your body ramps
up production of new immune cells. Fasting essentially re-
generates your immune system!5

Researchers have found that when cancer patients water

fasted 24 hours before and during chemotherapy treatment,
the treatment worked better with less side effects because

the water fasting strengthened healthy cells while weakening

the cancer cells.6

While fasting, your body switches from normal daily opera-

tions to internal house cleaning mode. During this time, your
body will address issues that have been overlooked. And it
will break down and recycle the useful parts from old and
damaged cells.

When you remove animal protein and fat, sugar, salt, caf-
feine, and other food additives (like aspartame) from your
diet, you will experience physical withdrawal and cravings
for those foods. You may think you “need” to eat those foods,
but don’t give in to the temptation!

During the second day of a fast, your body will start breaking
down fat for energy in a process called ketosis. Your body
stores toxins in fat. And as your body starts to break down
toxic fat, toxins are released into your bloodstream, which
may make you feel bad. Some common reactions are low
energy, headaches, nausea, or aches and pains. You could
break out in a rash, throw up, have diarrhea, or even run a
fever. These symptoms are known as a Healing Crisis.

No one likes having a fever, but the benefit of a fever is that

your immune system kicks into high gear. A fever can wipe
out a host of viruses, bacteria, and parasites in your body
that you didn’t even know you had.

The typical scenario is you just feel lousy: no energy, foggy,

occasionally light headed, maybe a bit of a headache for a
few days, and more emotional than usual. If and when you
start feeling bad, just remind yourself: “Chris said this would
happen. This is normal. I will get better.”

I recommend you start fasting on a Friday. That way, the

hardest days (days two and three) fall on the weekend. Clear
your schedule and plan to relax and rest on the days you
may feel lousiest. When you get over the detoxification hump,
usually around day three or four, you may be surprised at

how good you feel, considering the fact that you haven’t eat-
en in days!

DISCLAIMER: Most people can handle a 3-5 day water fast

without any problems. But if you are underweight, have
any serious health conditions, or are taking pharmaceutical
drugs, fasting can be risky, especially if you have a serious
physical reaction. You may need special support or medical
supervision from a qualified healthcare professional. As in all
things, use your own best judgement. Many people dip their
toes in the water (pun intended) with a 24-hour fast first,
and work their way up to longer intervals.

This is just a quick primer to whet your appetite (another pun)

on fasting. I cover everything you need to know about fasting
in my Water Fasting Guide, which is a special bonus included
with the SQUARE ONE Program that you can download from
the SQUARE ONE Membership Site.

Get More Sleep
You need an early bedtime and lots of sleep, because sleep
is when your body heals. If you’re getting less than seven
hours of sleep per night, you are slowly eroding your health.
Sleep deprivation can affect your mood and brain function,
and can also lead to depression, weight gain, a weak immune
system, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and death.

During sleep, your body produces cytokines that help fight

infections. Researchers have found that men and women
who slept less than seven hours a night were three times
more likely to develop a cold than people who slept eight
hours or more.7

A 2010 study at Case Western Reserve University found an

increased risk for colon cancer in people who slept less than

six hours per night.8

A Japanese study found that women who slept less than six
hours a night were more likely to develop breast cancer than
those who slept longer. Blind women have a 35-50% lower
risk of breast cancer. Why? They tend to sleep longer and
have higher levels of melatonin and lower levels of estrogen.9

Melatonin, produced by your pineal gland when your body

detects low light in the evening, is an antioxidant five times
more powerful than vitamin C. And it increases the effective-
ness of immune cells that kill foreign invaders and cancer

The surge of melatonin in your body at night has been shown

to prevent tumors from forming, inhibit cancer growth and
spread, and promote cell death in many different types of
cancer cells.11

Exposure to light, especially blue light, between dusk and

bedtime, can interfere with your sleep and your body’s pro-
duction of melatonin. Researchers found that exposure to
room light (<200 lux) in the late evening reduced pre-sleep
melatonin levels by over 71%, shortened nighttime melatonin
duration by about 90 minutes when compared to dim light
(<3 lux), and reduced total daily levels of melatonin by about
12.5% in humans.12

Sleeping pills are not the answer. Taking as few as 18 sleep-

ing pills per year triples your risk of death!13

The takeaway is simple. To reap all of the amazing healing

and disease prevention benefits of this free therapy, you
need approximately 8 hours of sleep (9-10 hours in bed) ev-
ery night in total darkness, with a bedtime several hours
before midnight. Dim the lights in your house after sundown
and shoot for a 9-10 PM bedtime.

Learn more about the powerful healing benefits of sleep and

rest in SQUARE ONE Module 8: Exercise & Rest.

Soak Up the Sun
The sun is the source of energy for all of life on planet earth.
Without the sun we all die!

One of the most important anti-cancer vitamins is one that

we get for free from the sun. And studies suggest that we
could prevent roughly 30,000 cancer deaths in the United
States every year if everyone just got more sunshine.14

The vitamin D produced by regular sunlight intake inhibits

growth of breast and colon cancer cells, and is also associ-
ated with substantial decreases in death rates from those
two cancers. In addition, metabolites of vitamin D have pro-
duced complete and partial clinical responses in lymphoma
patients who have high vitamin D metabolite receptor levels
in tumor tissue. 14

Low levels of vitamin D in the body are linked to increased

risk of various types of cancer. A 2016 study found that most
cancers occur in people with vitamin D blood levels between
10 and 40 ng/ml.15

The study also found that middle-aged women with blood

levels of vitamin D over 40 ng/ml had a 67% lower risk of
cancer than women with blood levels under 20 ng/ml. If your
vitamin D level is between 10 and 40, you’re in the risky zone.
And the lower your vitamin D level is, the higher your risk.

Another study from 2005, published in the European Jour-

nal of Cancer, found that women with blood concentrations
higher than 60 ng/ml had an 83% reduction in breast can-
cer, compared with those who had blood levels under 20 ng/
ml.16 So, you definitely want to get your D level over 40 mg/
ml, but over 60 ng/ml may be even better.

Many cancer experts now recommend blood levels of vitamin

D3 between 60-80 ng/ml for prevention and healing.

The sun is the best source of vitamin D, but sunshine is a

bit of a paradox. The right amount of sunshine can produce
wonderful health benefits in the body, but too much sun-
shine can hurt you. It can burn your skin, causing freckles,
sunspots, premature aging, wrinkles, and eye damage. Sun-
burn is bad and severe sunburn can cause melanoma, but
long-term regular sun exposure actually inhibits melanoma.14

We’ve been told for years to avoid the sun because sun expo-
sure can increase the risk of skin cancers that surprisingly
have a very small death rate (0.3%), and only cause about
2,000 deaths per year.14

But that’s only half the story, because regular sun exposure
prevents deadlier cancers with much higher death rates rang-
ing from 20-65% that cause 138,000 US deaths per year!14

Alcohol makes you more susceptible to sun damage, but the an-
tioxidants in fruits and vegetables actually give you extra pro-
tection! Fresh fruits and smoothies are the perfect beach food.

How much sunshine do you need? 10-20 minutes of daily

morning sunshine, depending on the intensity, is considered
ideal for vitamin D production in the body.

One final note. It can be difficult to get enough good sunshine

to get your blood levels up to an optimal anti-cancer range,
depending on your age, your skin color, your work schedule,
and if you live too far north of the equator, especially during
the winter months.

The easiest way to increase the vitamin D levels in your body

if you don’t get enough sun is with vitamin D3 (cholecal-
ciferol) supplementation. D3 supplements are not free, but
they are very inexpensive. I take at least 1,000 IU of vitamin
D3 in supplement form every day. In the winter months, I
take 5000-10,000 IU per day.

I cover more anti-cancer supplement recommendations in

SQUARE ONE Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Supplements
& Teas.

Sing Your Heart Out
Singing is a practice common to every human culture on
earth. We all do it. Why? The obvious answer is because
singing is enjoyable and it makes us feel good. And now we
know why. In 2016, researchers discovered that singing is
actually a powerful free therapy for your mental and phys-
ical health.

A study was conducted by Tenovus Cancer Care with the

help of the Royal College of Music in London, in which 193
members of 5 different choirs were tested.17,18

There were 55 cancer patients, 72 active caregivers, and 66

people who had lost a loved one to cancer in the study group.
Before and after singing, visual analogue mood scales, stress
scales and saliva samples testing for cortisol, beta-endor-
phin, oxytocin, and 10 cytokines were taken.

The samples were analyzed to see if any changes occurred

in various hormones, immune markets, neuropeptides, and
receptors. And the findings were remarkable.

The study found that people who sang for an hour had re-
duced stress hormones like cortisol and increased numbers
of cytokines, which improve your body’s ability to prevent
and heal serious illness.

The study also found that those with the lowest levels of
mental wellbeing and highest levels of depression experi-
enced the greatest mood improvement, which was related to
lower levels of inflammation in the body.

Singing reduces stress, improves your mood, lowers inflam-

mation, and boosts your immune system. Isn’t that amaz-

One possible contributing factor to the results in this study


may be the social community aspect of singing together with

other people in a choir. We don’t know for sure if singing
alone has the same level of benefits as singing in a choir,
but I’m willing to bet that the benefits are similar. And since
singing costs you nothing, do it!

Hopefully, singing badly is just as good for you as singing


This is a prescription to sing more. Sing while you work

(like Cinderella), sing in the car, sing in the shower, join the
church choir, sing with friends and family, or maybe become
a regular at your local karaoke bar (a sober regular, that is).
Just find time to sing every day!

NOTE: Singing/screaming along to death metal may or may

not have the same benefits.

Laugh It Up
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up
the bones.
-Proverbs 17:22

Laughter is a powerful, free medicine. Laughter increas-

es blood flow and oxygenation in your body, improves your
mood, reduces stress, and boosts your immune system!

In 2001, a study on humor therapy was conducted at Loma

Linda University in California. The researchers had 52 men
watch a stand-up comedy video for 1 hour. Blood samples
were taken 10 minutes before watching, 30 minutes into the
video, 30 minutes after the video ended, and once more 12
hours later.

The study found that just one hour of watching stand-up


comedy increased the activity of natural killer cells, B-cells,

T-cells, and immunoglobulins in the test subjects. And some
of these immune boosting effects were still measurable 12
hours later!19

Conflict, drama, thrills, and excitement are enjoyable. I get

it. That’s what hooks us to watch. But here’s the truth. The
news, and dramatic TV shows and movies, stress you out.
They make you anxious, nervous, and fearful, and get your
stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol pumping. And
these hormones promote inflammation and suppress your
immune system. That’s not good!

However, media that makes you laugh has the opposite effect
on your body.

Turn off the stressful media and watch sitcoms, stand-up

comedy, or funny YouTube videos instead. And of course,
spend more time with people who bring joy into your life and
make you laugh. ☺

Laughter truly is medicine! It’s the most fun medicine of all.

And it’s 100% free.

Ground Yourself
Have you ever noticed how good it feels to walk barefoot in
the grass, or on the beach?

When you are in direct contact with the surface of the earth
(walking barefoot), your body absorbs negative electrons.
These electrons produce significant measurable physiologi-
cal changes in your body. This free therapy is called ground-
ing or earthing.

Ironically, I’m actually writing this section while on an air-


plane. I’m the farthest I’ve ever been from the surface of the
earth, and I can’t wait to get back to the ground!

This is just one of many examples of how disconnect-

ed we have become from the earth. We no longer sleep on
the ground. We wear rubber soled shoes, instead of leather
sandals or moccasins (leather is conductive). And we spend
most of our time living and working indoors, elevated from
the earth and ungrounded.

When I first read about grounding I thought it was some hip-

pie nonsense. But I was wrong. It’s hippie brilliance! And the
scientific research on grounding is incredible.

In one study, 10 adults were grounded for 2 hours. The re-

searchers took blood samples before and after grounding,
and found that grounding tripled the negative electrical
charge (zeta potential) on the surface of the subject’s red
blood cells, and reduced viscosity and clumping. Grounding
naturally thinned their blood.20

In addition, three of the subjects reported having some pain

before grounding. After the 2-hour grounding session, 2 of
them had no pain, and the third reported her pain had “near-
ly vanished.”

Grounding not only reduces pain, it also reduces stress by

shifting your nervous system from a sympathetic state to a
parasympathetic state. And it normalizes your daytime and
nighttime cortisol levels. This can help you fall asleep faster,
wake up less during the night, and have more energy during
the day.

Grounding has been found to increase heart rate variability

(that’s a good thing), and has also been found to reduce chron-
ic inflammation and speed up wound healing after injury.

After strenuous exercise, subjects who were grounded were

found to have reduced muscle soreness and inflammation,
and lower levels of circulating inflammatory immune cells –

specifically neutrophils and lymphocytes.21

Grounding has also been found in various studies to improve

thyroid function, decrease blood glucose, and decrease blood
and urinary calcium, which are primary indicators of osteo-
porosis.22 Incredible!

Walking 30 minutes a day is wonderful exercise (Free Ther-

apy #2). And walking barefoot in the grass, on the beach, or
even in the dirt, grounds you to the earth and supercharges
the benefits of walking.

Forgive Everyone
Bitterness and resentment are toxic emotions that poison
your body and will make you sick.

Bitterness and resentment are some of the most powerfully

destructive emotions that cause some of the highest levels of
stress, anxiety, and harm to your body. The longer you hold
on to bitterness and resentment, the more damage they do.

One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is to

make the decision to forgive every person who has ever hurt
you, let them go, let go of the bitterness and resentment, and
give them to God and let Him deal with them.

Many people have wronged me in my life. I’ve been lied to,

cheated, stolen from, betrayed… But I realized that holding
on to anger, grudges, bitterness, and resentment from the
past was turning me into a person I did not want to become.
I realized that I had to forgive the people who had hurt me,
and let those insults and injuries go.

I’m criticized more today than I ever have been in my life.

People say really mean things to me on the Internet! I have

pretty thick skin after being a public figure for 9 years, and
I shrug most of it off. But I’m not bulletproof. Occasionally,
people really do hurt my feelings on and offline. Fortunately,
I’ve learned to be quick to forgive, which is like throwing wa-
ter on a small fire before it becomes a raging inferno.

No one deserves forgiveness, and it’s especially hard when

the perpetrator isn’t sorry for their actions. But when you
hold on to the hurt, you stay locked in a prison of pain.

The person who wronged you may have caused the pain, but
they aren’t keeping you in pain. You are keeping yourself

Choosing to forgive is how you release yourself from a prison

of pain.

Forgiveness is three dimensional. Forgive people who’ve hurt

you. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and failures. And ask
God to forgive you for the things in your life that you’ve done
wrong that are weighing on your conscience.

I go deep on the subject of forgiveness in SQUARE ONE Mod-

ule 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart. I hope you
will watch it.


Pray & Meditate
Prayer and meditation are powerful free therapies that go
hand in hand and bring peace and promote healing in your
mind and body. Meditation connects you with your body and
prayer connects you with God.

There are a lot of misconceptions about meditation. Think

about meditation like massage. It is a relaxation exercise.
Meditation is simply taking time to relax your mind and your

body. It doesn’t require any woo-woo stuff like mantras or

animal sounds (mooo), etc. to get the benefits.

Have you ever been told to count to 10 when you’re angry?

That’s meditating!

Our thoughts and emotions can sometimes run away with

us. A frantic mind is an anxious mind. And an anxious,
stressful mind produces stress in your body. We can choose
our thoughts, and the practice of meditation teaches you
how to focus your mind and your attention to where you
want it to be. The act of calming your mind also calms your
body, reducing stress, inflammation, and improving immune

Also think of it as a way to check-in with your body.

The easiest way to get the brain and body benefits of medita-
tion is to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and listen to your

Inhale deeply and comfortably through your nose. Feel the

air come in through your nose and fill up your lungs. Then
exhale through your nose in a slow controlled manner. Listen
to the air flow out of your body as you feel your lungs deflate.

Your exhale should be equal to, or longer, than your inhale.

My exhale is usually about twice as long. When you notice
your mind wandering (it definitely will), just bring your at-
tention back to your breathing. That’s it! That’s all you have
to do to be an expert meditator.

Some people find counting to be helpful, counting as they in-

hale (1…2…3) and counting as they exhale (1…2…3). Or the
inhale can be a long count of “one” and the exhale is another
long “one.” Followed by “two” and “two.” And when you get to
ten, you start over.

You can also meditate on specific things, like scripture or

affirmations. I do all of the above.

Meditation therapy shifts your brain from an active state pro-

ducing mostly high frequency beta waves, which are associ-
ated with stress and anxiety, into neutral and calm states
producing lower frequency beta waves (in addition to alpha,
delta, gamma, and theta waves), which lower stress and have
healing benefits in the body. Meditation also flips hundreds
of genetic switches in your body, turning good genes on and
bad genes off!

I was skeptical about the value of meditation for most of my

life. It seemed like a waste of time. But the science changed
my mind.

Meditation is an especially helpful way to calm yourself down

if your mind is racing, you’re in a panic, or you’re overcome
with a negative emotion like fear, anger, or frustration.

Prayer is actively communing and communicating with God;

talking, listening, and just being with your Heavenly Father
who said, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Meditation actually helps me with prayer. I’m self-diagnosed

with ADD and easily distracted. Oftentimes, when I start to
pray, I have a hard time staying focused after just a minute or
two. I’m anxious and antsy. My to-do list is pulling on me, lots
of things are running through my head distracting me, and I
feel a sense of urgency to get on with my day and get stuff done.

I’ve found that a few minutes of meditation before active

prayer, calms my mind, puts me in a state where I am re-
laxed and at peace, and I’m comfortable praying for a much
longer time than when I jump straight into prayer. Maybe
that could be helpful for you too.

That concludes 10 Powerful Free Therapies to Help Heal and

Prevent Cancer. I wrote this guide for you to help you under-
stand how powerful your daily choices and habits are. These
are therapies that anyone can do. You can eat healthily for
the same amount of money it costs to eat badly. You can
exercise in the sunshine, sing, and ground yourself all at
the same time! You can get more sleep by setting an earlier
bedtime. You can laugh. You can forgive. You can pray and
meditate. And yes, even though it may be intimidating and
hard to imagine, you can fast (medical supervision may be

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have.

You can do all of these things!

But knowledge isn’t enough. You have to put your knowledge

into practice to reap the benefits. I created the SQUARE ONE
Healing Cancer Coaching Program to give you the informa-
tion, resources, and support you need to transform your life
and your health. This program contains the nutritional pro-
tocol and natural, non-toxic strategies that I and many oth-
ers have used to heal cancer holistically. The entire SQUARE
ONE Program airs free online August 13-22, 2019. I hope
you will tune in.

To your life and health!



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