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Scope and Limitation

This research was conducted at Our Lady of Triumph Institute of Technology-

Pagadian-City, 2nd Year maritime students. The researcher is expecting all sections in

2nd year Bachelor of Science and Marine Transportation students.

The researchers provided a survey questionnaire for the students of Our Lady of

Triumph Institute of Technology- Pagadian City, specifically, in 2 nd year maritime

students. The gathering of the data was collected during the vacant time of the

researchers and adjusted for their respondents in terms of their schedule. The

researchers observed the students having gender inequality and how it affects their

academic performances. The researchers have knowledge about their topic because

they have experienced gender discrimination, and they were also students from Our

Lady of Triumph Institute of Technology- Pagadian City.

Significance of the Study

This study may help our maritime students in Our Lady of Triumph Institute of

Technology – Pagadian City to recognize that equal rights should exist between men,
women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. However, the fact remains

that woman, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community have fewer

opportunities than men to benefit the maritime intercourse.

This study also aims to motivate those people who belongs to LGBT community

(lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) to be proud, leave their closets and do what

they want to do, especially, chasing on their dreams. This study aims to help the

following individuals:

Students – This research study will help them realized or discipline and make

the students responsible for their actions.

Teachers – This will help them to have better relationship with their students and

guide them accordingly. It will also help them to discover new learning regarding to this

kind of matter.

School administrations - This study will help the school administrations in

assessing the gender inequality cases. This will make them develop rules and

regulation that will lessen the discrimination between genders.

Parents - This will help the parents to guide their child to this kind of issues and

concerns. And also, to make them comfortable and assured that the school is free from

discrimination and bullying.

Future Researchers - This will help them gather data and help them to apply the

ways on how to find solutions in their study. Also, this study will guide the future

researchers on their future research paper.

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