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Chapter 3 Questions

1) What is one way that Marty thinks he can get Shiloh back? And do you think it will work?

2) What does Marty’s dad think he should do to earn some extra money?

3) What does Marty’s dad do for a living?

4) In this chapter Becky Lynn and Dara are catching lightning bugs. I want you to draw a picture
of a time when you caught lightning bugs? Were you with your friends? How many did you

5) Why do you think Marty is going to close his eyes if the jeep gets close to Judd Traver’s

6) What does Marty mean when he says that Judd smells like “mean sweat”?
7) At the end of the chapter Marty joins into the conversation between his dad and Judd by
telling Judd that the dog’s name is Shiloh. This seems to upset Judd as Marty and his dad drive
off in the jeep? Using your own experiences and context clues make a prediction as to what will
happen to Shiloh next and what will happen the next time Marty and Judd run into one another?

8) The conversation between Marty’s dad and Judd Travers turns into more of an argument at the
end because Judd is obviously mistreating his dogs. I want you to give me the who, what, when,
where, and why for the situation taking place between Judd, Marty, and Marty’s dad.

Who is involved? (which characters)

What is happening between the characters?

Where is this argument taking place?

When is this argument taking place? (what time of the day)

Why is there an argument between the characters?

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