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Keith Kenneth A.

Obguia Grade 12- STEM C Theology Subject


My understanding of vocation is the path God has chosen for you to follow.
Vocation is what you are destined to be.Vocation can come in many different forms.
Some people are called to live a life dedicated to serving God, others are meant to be
parents, while others are called to have regular working jobs. Vocation is not
something that you are born knowing, it is often found through introspection and
contemplation of what God is leading you towards. Finding your vocation is not an easy
task, there are often turns and bumps along the way, that is why many people get
divorced or hate and quit their job.

My vocation always continues to expand with all the different experiences I’ve
gone through my life so far; I bet that as the years go by and I get older, my vocation
will keep growing. I see that the purpose of having a vocation is to be happy, to expand
the way you see people and the world. Vocation broadens our world and helps us take
advantage of every opportunity we get in life. I’ve had many experiences that have
shaped my vocation. I found myself being guided, whether this was pressuring from
others or God, I’m not sure, but I felt it was the right place for me. Since entering
senior high school, my understanding of what it means to be a student has changed. I
have found that I needed to make a more conscious effort when studying or doing
homework. I have realized that this is the time to learn and absorb knowledge because
this is one of the last steps in my education.

From my understanding, I have come to view resilience as the art of not dwelling. This
personal definition, I recognize, only summarizes half of the word’s meaning, not even
touching on the action of recovery. I chose to view it in this way because, I find it
helps me to find it manageable. I often struggle with experiencing difficulties or
changes, I often find myself internalizing my problems which leads me to introspection
and self doubt. By concentrating on a single facet I am able to better manage
resilience. Despite my choice to ignore the second half on the word’s meaning, by
choosing not to dwell, I have found recovery becomes easier to achieve.

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