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Potential of Proposed Business Despite Status of Competition

Oyster-based Cement would be a great product despite from the competitive market since oyster-based
cement is just like the other regular cement in which the texture, strength and color will be as just
similar. Thus, the distinction of this product from the other is that, the used aggregate is really viable
and its strength will depend on the amount of calcined oyster shell powder. So, this cement will have a
good potential status in the market since also this is good for soil stabilization because Oyster shells is
composed of CaO [3,4] in which it is similar to lime that is a primary component of the clay stabilization.
Moreover, in the other studies it shows that the oyster shells were used as an additive or replacement
for some part of cement. ). And various tests were run and it shows in the investigation that the effect
of mechanical properties are indicating positive and that bricks are usable in both wet and dry
environmental conditions.

Environmental Impact

According to G.L. Yoon, et. Al., there are huge amounts of oyster shells that are discarded each
year from oyster farms and restaurants. Oyster shells are non-biodegradable in which it can
pollute the land and water when discarded indiscriminately. Thus, using these shells as raw
materials for concrete products when they would otherwise go to waste could help to solve the
problem of disposing of oyster shells. And by simply using a material that would have otherwise
gone to waste, the CO2 emissions associated with concrete are reduced.

Moreover, there is a new investigation in which it presents a potential application of waste that could
enhance the sustainability of society by reducing environmental pollution and by converting
hazardous waste into useful construction material. So, we could not only make a new set of
product but also help our environment reuse its resources and minimize the pollution in our

Government/ Political support


G. L. Yoon, B. T. Kim, B. O. Kim, and S. H. Han, “Chemical-mechanical characteristics of crushed

oyster-shell,” Waste Management, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 825–834, 2003.View at: Publisher Site | Google
T. C. Chu, Influence of replacement of cement and fine aggregates with waste pulverized oyster shells to
the properties of cement mortar [M.S. thesis], Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering, National
Yunlin University of Science and Technology.

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