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Field Evaluation Against Aedes aegypti Larvae of Aluminum-

Carboxymethylcellulose-Encapsulated Spore-Toxin Complex
Formulation of Bacillus thuringien....

Article  in  Journal of Economic Entomology · June 2010

DOI: 10.1603/EC09372 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Montserrat Ramirez-Suero Julio Bernal

Université de Haute-Alsace Texas A&M University


Mario Ramirez-Lepe
Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz


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Field Evaluation Against Aedes aegypti Larvae of Aluminum-

Carboxymethylcellulose-Encapsulated Spore-Toxin Complex
Formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis Serovar israelensis

J. Econ. Entomol. 103(3): 570Ð576 (2010); DOI: 10.1603/EC09372

ABSTRACT The insecticidal activity after Þeld exposure of an aluminum-carboxymethylcellulose
microencapsulated formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) spore-toxin complex, with
malachite green as photoprotective agent, was evaluated using third-instar Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae
in laboratory bioassays in Veracruz, México. Four insecticide treatments and an untreated control
were compared at low and high doses over 96 d of Þeld exposure under full sun or full shade conditions:
1) microencapsulated Bti spore-toxin complex, 2) nonmicroencapsulated Bti spore-toxin complex, 3)
a commercial Bti formulation, 4) a commercial formulation of temephos, and 5) an untreated control.
The low and high doses corresponded to the LC50 and LC90 concentrations for the Bti insecticides
and to 0.5 and 1.0 mg/liter for temephos; the corresponding values for the microencapsulated Bti and
commercial Bti, estimated in this study, were 0.061 and 0.14 mg/ml and 0.13 and 0.30 mg/ml,
respectively. Overall, the study demonstrated that microencapsulation with aluminum-carboxymeth-
ylcellulose improved the activity against Ae. aegypti larvae of B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex over
that of a nonmicroencapsulated spore-toxin complex and that the improvement was particularly
important under full sun and high dose. Moreover, insecticidal activity of the microencapsulated B.
thuringiensis israelensis spore-toxin complex was superior to that of a commercial B. thuringiensis
israelensis formulation and comparable to that of the chemical insecticide temephos. Finally, it was
suggested that the microencapsulated B. thuringiensis israelensis formulation should be evaluated for
Þeld use in Veracruz because its activity against Ae. aegypti larvae remained high through 31 d and
this would allow halving of the current insecticide application frequency.

KEY WORDS microbial control, Bti, aluminum-carboxymethylcellulose, microencapsulation,


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis has been stud- produce resistant insect populations (Satinder et al.
ied in great detail over the past 25 yr because of its 2006). However, exposure to environmental variables
insecticidal properties. The insecticidal activity of this such as solar radiation, dust and sand particles, organic
bacterium is derived from crystalline inclusions pro- material, elevated temperatures, tannins, and water
duced during sporulation, which are toxic to dipteran depth, among others, decrease the efÞcacy and insec-
larvae, such as mosquitoes and black ßies (de Barjac ticide activity of B. thuringiensis israelensis formula-
1978). The inclusions, or ␦-endotoxins, are ingested by tions (Dunkle and Shasha 1989, Yu-Tien et al. 1993,
susceptible larvae, solubilized in the high pH larval Elcin et al. 1995, Vilarinhos and Monnerat 2004). Con-
midgut, and activated by proteases. The gut cells swell sequently, a variety of formulations have been devel-
and lyse, and the insects stop feeding and eventually oped to overcome the effect of such variables, includ-
die (Soberón et al. 2007). Bacillus thuringiensis is- ing granules (Batra et al. 2000), pellets (Mulla et al.
raelensis is currently used in mosquito control pro- 2004), briquettes (Kase and Branton 1986), water-
grams worldwide. Some advantages of using ␦-endo- dispersible granular formulations (Su and Mulla 1999),
toxin-based insecticides include that they are safe to ßowable concentrates (Lee et al. 1996), wettable pow-
mosquito natural enemies and vertebrates, biodegrad- ders (Thiéry et al. 1999), and tablet formulations
able, receptive to genetic engineering and large-scale (Melo-Santos et al. 2001; Armengol et al. 2006), among
production, highly effective, and not likely to rapidly others.
A prior study showed that a formulation of B. thu-
1 Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz UNIDA, Laboratorio de Ge- ringiensis israelensis consisting of spore-toxin complex
nética, Av. Miguel A. de Quevedo #2779, Colonia Formando Hogar, microencapsulated with aluminum-carboxymethyl-
Veracruz, Ver. México C.P. 91897.
2 Biological Control Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Texas cellulose (CMC) and photoprotective agents was sta-
A&M University. College Station, TX 77843-2475. ble and protected the ␦-endotoxin against UV light
3 Corresponding author, e-mail: under laboratory conditions (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al.
0022-0493/10/0570Ð0576$04.00/0 䉷 2010 Entomological Society of America

2003). In the current study, the residual insecticidal interval. Subsequently, Þve concentrations were pre-
activity of low- and high-dose suspensions of that pared for each assay. In each assay, 20 mosquito larvae
formulation was assessed in laboratory bioassays in- were placed in a container holding 100 ml of one
volving third-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.) after concentration; one container without MeBti or Com-
Þeld exposure to full sun and full shade conditions in mBti served as a control. Mortality was determined
Veracruz, México. For comparison, a commercial for- 24 h after exposing mosquito larvae to a MeBti or
mulation of B. t. israelensis (Vectobac AS), a nonen- CommBti concentration. Mortality data were sub-
capsulated formulation of B. t. israelensis spore toxin- jected to probit analysis (Finney 1971) by using
complex, and the chemical insecticide temephos SPSS12 (SPSS Inc. 2005) to calculate LC50 and LC90
(Abate) were evaluated alongside the microencapsu- values for MeBti and CommBti.
lated B. thuringiensis israelensis formulation.
Field Exposure and Laboratory Bioassays.
Materials and Methods
Insecticides were exposed in the Þeld at low or high
Insecticides, Insolation, and Doses. The insecticidal dose to full sun or full shade conditions in 5-liter
treatments were as follows: aqueous suspensions of 1) containers as suspensions or solutions in 3 liters of
a microencapsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin com- water. Each of the 20 treatments was replicated three
plex (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al. 2003) (hereafter MeBti), 2) times (N ⫽ 60 5-liter containers). Samples of 100 ml
a nonmicroencapsulated B. thuringiensis israelensis were taken from each container at 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,
spore-toxin complex (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al. 2003) 46, 72, and 96 d and used for laboratory bioassays on
(hereafter Bti), 3) a commercial B. t. israelensis for- third-instar Ae. aegypti larvae. The bioassays consisted
mulation (Vectobac AS; Adventis, México City, Méx- of placing 20 Ae. aegypti third-instar larvae inside a
ico) (herafter CommBti, 4) an aqueous solution of glass beaker holding a 100-ml sample from the Þeld
temephos (Abate; Agrevo, México City, México), and and counting the number of dead larvae after 24 h. The
5) an untreated control (water). All insecticidal treat- 100-ml samples were returned to the corresponding
ments were evaluated under two insolation levels, container after each bioassay, after removing all Ae.
namely, full sun and full shade, and at two nominal aegypti larvae. In addition, approximately twice per
doses, namely, low and high. The combination of in- week distilled water was added to each container to
secticide, sunlight, and dose variables yielded 20 treat- compensate for evaporation and adjust its volume to
ments. Full sun corresponded to exposure to direct 3 liters.
sunlight, and full shade to no exposure to direct sun- The number of dead larvae per container was con-
light (under a roofed, wall-less structure, 6 by 5 by 3 m, verted to a proportion, which was arcsine 公x-trans-
length by width by height) during the entire evalua- formed for analyses. Analyses consisted of repeated
tion period, 96 d (see below). Low and high doses measures (exposure intervals) analysis of variance
corresponded to LC50 and LC90 values for the B. t. (ANOVA) of 20 treatments (because the design was
israelensis treatments and to 0.5 and 1.0 mg/liter for unbalanced, i.e., controls did not have “high” nor “low”
temephos (Mulla et al. 2004). The LC50 and LC90 doses), followed by orthogonal contrasts to compare
values for the MeBti and CommBti treatments were group means of interest (see Table 1). Subsequently,
unknown, so they were measured in this study (see because the effects of dosage (low dose, high dose)
below). For the Bti treatment, they were 0.05310 ⫾ and insolation level (full shade, full sun) were signiÞcant
0.0026 and 0.1074 ⫾ 0.0083 mg/liter aluminum-CMC, (see Results), repeated measures (exposure intervals)
respectively (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al. 2003). The strain of ANOVA was applied to insecticidal treatments within all
B. thuringiensis israelensis used for the MeBti and Bti insolation level and dose combinations, namely, full
treatments was obtained from the Pasteur Institute shade⫹low dose, full shade⫹high dose, full sun⫹low
(Paris, France) (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al. 2003). dose, and full sun⫹high dose. In every insolation level-
LC50 and LC90 of Microencapsulated and Commer- dose combination insecticidal treatment ⫻ sample day
cial B. t. israelensis Formulations. Bioassays were car- interactions were signiÞcant, so one-way ANOVA was
ried out following the procedure described by applied to speciÞc exposure intervals of interest, namely,
McLaughlin et al. (1984) to determine the LC50 and days 1, 10, 31, and 46, followed by TukeyÕs tests to sep-
LC90 values of MeBti and CommBti. The bioassays arate treatment means as appropriate. All analyses were
were conducted in a room maintained at 24 Ð28⬚C conducted using Statistix 9.0 software (Analytical Soft-
using third-instar larvae of Ae. aegypti, which were ware 2008) and are described in Zar (1996).
obtained from colonies maintained at the insectary of
the Ministry of Health of Veracruz state, México, in
Veracruz. To prepare suspensions of B. t. israelensis, 50
mg of product were placed in 5 ml of deionized water The LC50 and LC90 values corresponding to MeBti
and agitated in vortex yielding a 1% (wt:vol) suspen- and CommBti for third-instar Ae. aegypti larvae are
sion, which was then diluted serially 10-fold in a total presented in Table 1. These values were used as the
volume of 5 ml, giving suspensions of 0.1, 0.01, and low- and high-dose levels, respectively, in the Þeld
0.001 mg/liter. A preliminary test was conducted with exposure experiment and bioassays.
three replicates of each of four concentrations be- The treatments in the Þeld exposure experiment
tween 0.5 and 0.01 mg/liter to determine the activity had a highly signiÞcant effect on Ae. aegypti larval

Table 1. Toxicity of MeBti and a commercial CommBti to niÞcantly higher mortality (72%) than Bti (58%) and
third-instar Ae. aegypti in 24-h laboratory bioassays CommBti, and MeBti, which produced similar degrees
LC50 ⫾ SD, LC90 ⫾ SD,
of mortality (⬇49%). At 31 d, temephos and Bti pro-
Formulation Slope ⫾ SD duced signiÞcantly higher mortalities of Ae. aegypti
mg/liter mg/liter
larvae (⬇66%) compared with MeBti (47%) and Com-
MeBti 0.0612 ⫾ 0.0059 0.1448 ⫾ 0.0380 3.63 ⫾ 0.67
CommBti 0.1265 ⫾ 0.0051 0.3001 ⫾ 0.0456 3.54 ⫾ 0.64 mBti (30%). At 46 d, temephos, Bti and MeBti pro-
duced signiÞcantly higher mortalities (⬇36%) than
LC50 and LC90 values were used, respectively, as “low” and “high” CommBti (12%).
doses for subsequent bioassays. Treatment effects were signiÞcant at all exposure
intervals under low dose⫹full sun conditions (P ⬍
0.0001) (Table 3b). The control treatment yielded the
mortality in the bioassays (P ⬍ 0.001) (Table 2a).
lowest Ae. aegypti mortality at every exposure interval,
Orthogonal contrasts showed signiÞcant effects (P ⬍
and varied between 0 and 5% (Fig. 1b). At 1 d, teme-
0.0001 in all cases) and greater Ae. aegypti mortality in
phos produced signiÞcantly higher mortality (97%)
1) the MeBti treatment relative to the Bti and Com-
mBti treatments combined; 2) full shade relative to full than CommBti, Bti, and MeBti, which produced sim-
sun; 3) high dose relative to low dose; 4) MeBti in ilar degrees of mortality (⬇61%) (Fig. 1b). At 10 d,
full sun relative to Bti in full sun; 5) high-dose MeBti MeBti produced signiÞcantly higher mortality (59%)
in full sun relative to high-dose Bti in full sun; 6) than CommBti and temephos, which produced similar
MeBti in full sun relative to MeBti in full shade; degrees of mortalities (⬇46%), and Bti (28%). At 31 d,
and7) temephos relative to MeBti, Bti, and Com- temephos produced signiÞcantly higher mortality
mBti combined (Table 2b). (62%) than MeBti (40%), commercial Bti (18%), and
Because the effects of dosage (low dose, high dose) Bti (7%). At 46 d, temephos produced signiÞcantly
and insolation level (full shade, full sun) were signif- higher mortality (37%) than MeBti (15%), and Bti and
icant (both P ⬍ 0.0001) (Table 2b), subsequent anal- CommBti, which produced similar mortalities (⬇4%).
yses focused on insecticide treatment effects under Treatment effects were signiÞcant at all exposure
the four combinations of those variables: low intervals under high dose⫹full shade conditions (P ⬍
dose⫹full shade, low dose⫹full sun, high dose⫹full 0.0001) (Table 3c). The control yielded 0% mortality
shade, and high dose⫹full sun. Both treatment and of Ae. aegypti larvae at every exposure interval (Fig.
days ⫻ treatment effects were highly signiÞcant under 2a). At 1 d, temephos, CommBti, Bti, and MeBti pro-
all four combinations (P ⬍ 0.001 in all cases) of dosage duced similar degrees of mortality (⬇61%) (Fig. 2a).
and insolation levels (Table 3, aÐ d). Thus, compari- At 10 d, temephos, MeBti, and CommBti produced
sons among treatments were made at four exposure similar degrees of mortality (⬇95%) and signiÞcantly
intervals: 1, 10, 31, and 46 d. higher than Bti (65%). At 31d, temephos, CommBti,
Treatment effects were signiÞcant at all exposure Bti, and MeBti produced similar degrees of mortality
intervals under low dose⫹full shade conditions (P ⬍ (⬇85%). At 46 d, temephos and MeBti produced sim-
0.0001; Table 3a). The control treatment yielded 0% ilar levels of mortality (⬇81%), which was signiÞ-
Ae. aegypti mortality at every exposure interval (Fig. cantly higher than mortalities produced by Bti and
1a). At 1 d, temephos produced signiÞcantly higher CommBti (⬇16%).
mortality larvae (100%) than CommBti, Bti, and Treatment effects were signiÞcant at all exposure
MeBti, which produced similar degrees of mortality intervals under high dose⫹full sun conditions (P ⬍
(⬇61%) (Fig. 1a). At 10 d, temephos produced sig- 0.0001) (Table 3d). The control treatment yielded the

Table 2. Repeated measures ANOVA of mortality (percentage) of Ae. aegypti larvae caused by five insecticidal treatments at two dose
levels (low dose, high dose) and two insolation levels (full sun, full shade), which were exposed outdoors for 96 da

df F P
a. Factor
Treatment 83 ⬍0.001
Days 10 35.59 ⬍0.001
Error (interaction) 190 11.35 ⬍0.001
Error 440
Total 659
b. Contrastb Means ⫾ SE SchefféÕs F P
MeBti vs. Bti⫹CommBti 57.9 ⫾ 0.2 vs. 34.5 ⫾ 0.1 10.54 ⬍0.0001
Full shade vs. full sun 50.7 ⫾ 0.1 vs. 45.3 ⫾ 0.1 11.77 ⬍0.0001
High dose vs. low dose 58.8 ⫾ 0.6 vs. 36.9 ⫾ 0.1 19.21 ⬍0.0001
MeBti full sun vs. Bti full sun 58.5 ⫾ 0.5 vs. 27.6 ⫾ 0.4 11.99 ⬍0.0001
MeBti full sun, high dose vs. Bti full sun, high dose 87.2 ⫾ 0.6 vs. 30.9 ⫾ 0.6 7.41 ⬍0.0001
MeBti full sun vs. MeBti full shade 58.5 ⫾ 0.5 vs. 57.3 ⫾ 0.3 46.02 ⬍0.0001
Temephos vs. MeBti⫹Bti⫹CommBti 65.3 ⫾ 0.2 vs. 42.1 ⫾ 0.1 46.08 ⬍0.0001

Insecticides were MeBti, Bti, CommBti, temephos (a chemical insecticide), and a control (untreated water). Low doses correspond to LC50
values for the B. t. israelensis and to 0.5 mg/liter for temephos, and high dose corresponds to LC90 values and 1.0 mg/liter, respectively.
Post repeated measures ANOVA orthogonal contrasts between groups of treatments are as described in Factor (a) information.

Table 3. Repeated measures ANOVA of mortality (percentage) of insecticidal activity of B. thuringiensis-based bio-
of Ae. aegypti larvae caused by five insecticidal treatments that were logical insecticides (Morris 1983, Pozsgay et al. 1987,
exposed outdoors for 96 d at (a) low dose under full shade, (b) low
dose and full sun, (c) high dose and full shade, and (d) high dose and Chen et al. 2004). Thus, UV light has been an impor-
full suna tant variable limiting the effective Þeld-use of those
insecticides, and numerous attempts have been made
Dose/insolation Factor df F P to develop protectants against UV radiation for B.
(a) Low dose/full thuringiensis-based biological insecticides (Dunkle
shade and Shasha 1989, Prasad et al. 2003, El-Sharkawy et al.
Total Days 10 2009). Our previous work in the laboratory showed
Treatments 4 26.84 ⬍0.0001
Days ⫻ treatments 40 14.01 ⬍0.0001
that microencapsulation with aluminum-CMC and
Day 1 Treatments 4 144.02 ⬍0.0001 sunscreens protected B. t. israelenis spore-toxin com-
Day 10 156.19 ⬍0.0001 plex from UV radiation (Ramṍrez-Lepe et al. 2003).
Day 31 121.20 ⬍0.0001 The current study showed that microencapsulation
Day 46 21.98 ⬍0.0001
(b) Low dose/full
with aluminum-CMC protected a B. thuringiensis is-
sun raelenis spore-toxin complex from UV radiation over
Total Days 10 an extended exposure period in the Þeld. For example,
Treatments 4 21.92 ⬍0.0001 under full sun MeBti (i.e., microencapsulated Bti)
Days ⫻ treatments 40 11.37 ⬍0.0001
Day 1 Treatments 4 96.00 ⬍0.0001
produced more than two-fold greater mortality of Ae.
Day 10 227.48 ⬍0.0001 aegypti larvae than Bti (i.e., nonmicroencapsulated
Day 31 66.28 ⬍0.0001 Bti) over the entire Þeld exposure period of 96d, par-
Day 46 6.02 ⬍0.0001 ticularly at high doses (Table 1). Moreover, after 31d
(c) High dose/full
of Þeld exposure under full sun MeBti at high dose
Total Days 10 produced 90% mortality, whereas Bti and CommBti at
Treatments 4 29.68 ⬍0.0001 high doses produced ⬇40% mortality (Fig. 2b). The
Days ⫻ treatments 40 6.43 ⬍0.0001 high level of mortality, 90%, produced by MeBti after
Day 1 Treatments 4 50.14 ⬍0.0001
Day 10 37.73 ⬍0.0001
31 d of Þeld exposure is signiÞcant because in the study
Day 31 42.30 ⬍0.0001 area, Veracruz, México, Ae. aegypti-infested water
Day 46 10.75 ⬍0.0001 bodies are every 2 wk, and usually with a chemical
(d) High dose/full insecticide, such as temephos (Sesver 2005).
Total Days 10
The insecticidal activity of MeBti was maintained
Treatments 4 17.38 ⬍0.0001 over extended exposure periods but was affected par-
Days ⫻ treatments 40 16.12 ⬍0.0001 ticularly by dosage levels and less so by insolation
Day 1 Treatments 4 95.52 ⬍0.0001 level. For example, at high dose Ae. aegypti mortality
Day 10 127.71 ⬍0.0001
Day 31 48.08 ⬍0.0001
levels caused by MeBti fell below 90% after 31 d in-
Day 46 41.67 ⬍0.0001 dependently of insolation level (Fig. 2a and b),
whereas at low dose they never reached 60% inde-
In aÐ d, the interaction term was signiÞcant (P ⬍ 0.0001), so a pendently of insolation level (Fig. 1a and b). Impor-
one-way ANOVA was applied to speciÞc exposure periods, namely, 1, tantly, at high dose and under full sun the mortality
10, 31, and 46 d (post hoc comparisons for among treatments at these
periods are shown in Figs. 1 and 2). The treatments were a microen- produced by MeBti was greater than that produced by
capsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex, a nonmicroencapsu- the commercially available B. thuringiensis israelensis
lated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex, a commercial B. t. israelensis formulation CommBti by 17 d of Þeld exposure and
spore-toxin formulation, temephos (a chemical insecticide), and a was similar to that produced by the chemical insec-
control (untreated water). Low doses corresponded to LC50 values
for the B. t. israelensis and to 0.5 mg/liter for temephos, and high dose ticide temephos through 31 d (Fig. 2b). CommBti at
corresponded to LC90 values and 1.0 mg/liter, respectively. high dose and under full shade produced mortality
levels comparable to those of MeBti only through 24 d
lowest mortality at every exposure interval, and varied (Fig. 2a). Thus, the Ae. aegypti mortality levels pro-
between 0 and 5% (Fig. 2b). At 1 d, temephos, CommBti, duced by MeBti are competitive with those by teme-
Bti, and MeBti produced similar degrees of mortality phos under the local treatment frequency of ⬇30 d
(⬇92%) (Fig. 2b). At 10 d, temephos, MeBti, and Com- and are superior to those produced by the locally
mBti produced similar degrees of mortality (⬇95%) and available commercial formulation of B. t. israelensis.
signiÞcantly higher than produced by Bti (47%). At 31 d, Previous studies showed variable activity levels of B.
temephos and MeBti produced similar degrees of mor- t. israelensis formulations against Ae. aegypti larvae in
tality (⬇91%), which were signiÞcantly greater than pro- the Þeld. For example, Maldonado et al. (2007)
duced by Bti and CommBti (⬇41%). At 46 d, temephos showed Ae. aegypti control (⬎80%) for 21 d, whereas
produced signiÞcantly higher mortality (90%) than Armengol et al. (2006) showed control for 12 wk and
MeBti (47%), and greater than Bti and CommBti, which Araújo et al. (2007) and Melo-Santos et al. (2009) for
produced similar degrees of mortalities (⬇1%). 6 mo. The evident differences in activity levels may be
due to the particular formulations, doses, level of in-
solation, among other environmental variables (Lacey
2007). Aside from dosage and insolation levels, other
Numerous studies over the last ⬇25 yr have shown environmental variables may have contributed to the
that UV light is an important causative factor in the loss differences in Ae. aeypti activity levels between our

Fig. 1. Mortality (% ⫾ SE) of Ae. aegypti third-instar larvae in laboratory bioassays after exposure (intervals in days) of
insecticides at low dose in the Þeld under (a) full shade or (b) full sun conditions. Treatments indicated in legend boxes are
MeBti, microencapsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex; Bti, nonmicroencapsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex;
CommBti, commercial B. t. israelensis spore-toxin formulation; temephos (a chemical insecticide); and control, untreated
water. Different lowercase letter indices among treatments within legend box or among treatment means within plot indicate
signiÞcant differences (P ⬍ 0.05). Low dose corresponds to LC50 values for each of the B. t. israelensis-based treatments (see
text) and to 0.5 mg/liter for temephos.

study and previous studies. For example, during the similarly high (⬎90%) through 31 d (Fig. 2a and b), it
exposure period the containers in our experiment ac- is likely that adequate management of Ae. aegypti
cumulated leaves, organic matter, insects, sand, and larval populations could be achieved by applying ei-
other debris, which settled at the containerÕs bottom; ther insecticide at 4-wk intervals, although this re-
e.g., ⬇1Ð2% of sand, by volume, accumulated in con- mains to be investigated. Over the course of 1 yr, a
tainers in full shade, and 4 Ð 6% in containers in full sun 4-wk application frequency would lead to 13 applica-
(data not shown). tions, compared with 26 applications under a 2-wk
Environmental variables seemingly affected the in- application frequency. Moreover, because MeBti and
secticidal activity against third-instar Ae. aegypti larvae temephos produced similar levels of Ae. aegypti mor-
of temephos in our study. The strong insecticidal ac- tality, the choice of one insecticide versus the other for
tivity of temephos at high dose under both full sun and use in a management program against this insect
full shade conditions (⬎90% mortality through 46 d) should consider their environmental (e.g., nontarget
(Fig. 2a) is lower than reported in previous studies impacts) and pest management (e.g., selection of in-
(Mulla et al. 2004; Thavara et al. 2004; Palomino et al. secticide resistant Ae. aegypti populations) impacts,
2006). However, the insecticidal activity of teme- and costs, among other variables.
phos in our study did not seem to be affected by Overall, the results of our study showed that mi-
insolation, as suggested by the mortality patterns croencapsulation with aluminum-carboxymethylcel-
caused by temephos at high dose under full sun and lulose improved the activity against Ae. aegypti larvae
full shade (Fig. 2). of a B. thuringiensis israelenis spore-toxin complex over
On the basis of the Ae. aegypti mortality levels over that of a nonmicroencapsulated spore-toxin complex,
time caused by both BtiME and temephos at high and that the improvement was particularly important
doses, it seems that these insecticides are suitable for under full sun and at high dose. Moreover, insecticidal
use in management programs targeting this species in activity of the microencapsulated B. t. israelensis
the study area. Management of Ae. aegypti in the study spore-toxin complex was superior to that of a com-
area is based upon treatment of breeding areas at 2-wk mercial B. thuringiensis israelensis formulation, and
intervals with an insecticide, such as temephos (Ses- comparable to that of the chemical insecticide teme-
ver 2005). Thus, because at high dose the Ae. aegypti phos. Finally, our results indicate that the microen-
mortality caused by both MeBti and temephos are capsulated B. thuringiensis israelensis spore-toxin for-

Fig. 2. Mortality (% ⫾ SE) of Ae. aegypti third-instar larvae in laboratory bioassays after exposure (intervals in days) of
insecticides at high dose in the Þeld under (a) full shade or (b) full sun conditions. Treatments indicated in legend boxes
are MeBti, microencapsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin complex; Bti, nonmicroencapsulated B. t. israelensis spore-toxin
complex; CommBti, commercial B. t. israelensis spore-toxin formulation; temephos (a chemical insecticide); and, control,
untreated water. Different lowercase letter indices among treatments within legend box or among treatment means within
plot indicate signiÞcant differences (P ⬍ 0.05). High dose corresponds to LC50 values for each of the B. t. israelensis-based
treatments (see text) and to 1.0 mg/liter for temephos.

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