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College of Business Management

Introduction to French LAN102


Course Outline

The course is designed for those who do not have any prior knowledge of French language. This
course aims to enable students to carry out basic conversation in French language. Students are
prepared in a manner that they can put the message across. Through this course, students will
understand and appreciate the French language and its culture, develop an awareness of the
trade ties between Pakistan and French speaking countries. The main objective of this course is
to bring the students to a level where they can read, write, speak and understand the basics of
the target language.

Intended Learning Outcomes

a. Knowledge and understanding:

 Introduction to French course will develop students’ knowledge of daily routine nouns
and their use, the nouns of place, time and prepositions;
 It will enable students to differentiate between and use masculine and feminine;
pronouns, demonstrative pronouns;
 Through this course, students will be able to count from 1 – 10, learn names of days and
months, singular /plural, parts of body, and learn to read time on the clock;
 The course will empower students to develop and use interrogative sentences and their
responses, and to write short paragraphs.

b. Intellectual skills:
 The course will enhance students' creative writing skills and will enable them to write
skits, dialogues and description of the room and house etc. in the target language;
 It will develop students’ abilities of abstract thinking, concept formation and

c. Professional and practical skills

 Through this course, students will be able to imply their improved communication and
presentation skills throughout their academic and professional years;
 This course will facilitate students in building confidence and public speaking skills.
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d. General and transferable skills
 Through this course, students will be able to demonstrate their competence in group
 The course will assist students in problem solving, creative writing and imparting
knowledge and experience in discourse.

Session Topics/Contents, Intended Learning Outcomes and Methodology

1+2 Class and course introduction - Language Introduction, Basic Features, Self-
Introduction and Greetings
 Importance of French language
 The basic features of the language
 Pronunciation and Reading Tips
 Alphabets and articles use in sentences
 Greetings with different times of the day
 Self-Introduction

Intended Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to learn the basic features of the language and general
customary greeting and their corresponding replies.

 Input
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
3+4 Simple introductory conversations, Grammar
 Types of sentences
 Subject and predicate
 Definite and indefinite articles
 Types of nouns

Intended Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to learn the required grammar and to conduct a conversation.

 Question / Answers
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
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5+6 Questioning a person, Grammar

 Interrogative sentences
 Forming and answering questions
 Asking about names, age, nationality, address, professions and hobbies.
 Types of nouns

Intended Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to learn to use the required grammar to ask questions and give

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays

7+8 Making a conversation with a stranger, Grammar

 Personal (Subjective) and attached (possessive / objective) Pronouns

 Pronouns in sentences

Intended Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to use the required grammar to conduct a conversation with a

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays

9 + 10 Going Shopping, Grammar

 Verbs and prepositions
 Conjugation of the verbs

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to conduct a one-to-one conversation

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays

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11 + 12 1st Hourly Exam (Written)

Students will be tested on their grasp of the language. The test will focus on the
grammar, written, spoken and vocabulary structures taught so far. The one hour
exam will analyze the overall understanding of the language of the students and
how well they are able to use it.
13 + 14 Asking questions on day to day topics like describing personalities,
likes/dislikes, colours, price, and any other object, Grammar
 Prepositions and their use in sentences
 Use of nouns in different verbs in a sentence

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to ask questions, answer
questions, inquire about some shopping basics price, time and any other object.

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
15 + 16 Expressing a need or desire, Grammar
 Counting and its use

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to convey requirements and
demands and respond.

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
17 + 18 Expressing relationship with a person and possession, Grammar
 Possessive Adjectives
 Demonstrative Adjectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to express personal possessions.

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays

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19 + 20 Giving information (size, price, quality and colour), Grammar
 Basic colours and their use
 Likes and dislikes

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to communicate in order to
make market purchase.

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
20 + 21 2nd Hourly Exam (Oral)

Students will be orally tested on their grasp of the language. The exam will focus on
the use of grammar and vocabulary in spoken language taught after 1st hourly. The
oral exam will assess students’ overall understanding of the language and its
appropriate use in context.
23 + 24  Telephonic Conversation on different topics
 Appearing for an appointment

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to make telephonic and face-to-
face conversations.

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
25 + 26 Arriving at a restaurant - Reserving a table, ordering and making payment
 Asking information and ordering food
 Paying the bill.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will learn the required grammar and ways to communicate in order to
reserve a table in a restaurant, request for a specific location, order food and pay the

 Input and discussion
 Tasks based activities
 Role-plays
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27 + 28 Revision/ Presentation

 Discussion
 Question / Answers
 Presentations
29 + 30 Final Exam (Written + Oral)

The written exam will be a two-hour exam, which will assess the students'
understanding of the language and their ability to effectively use it in everyday
situations based on the grammar and vocabulary taught throughout the semester.

The oral exam will be a two-hour exam, which will assess the students' ability to
communicate in French language in diverse contexts.


Assessment methods Objectives to assess.. Week Weight age

1 Quizzes (Oral) Knowledge, understanding an 3, 7 & 10 10%
intellectual skills
2 Assignments (Written) Intellectual , practical and 2, 4, & 8 10%
transferable skills

3 Class Presentations Intellectual, analytical, and 14 10%

(dialogue, role-plays etc.) professional skills
Note: Can be Oral

4 1st Hourly Exam (Written) Knowledge and understanding 6 15%

5 2nd Hourly Exam (Oral) Professional skills 11 15%
6 Final Exam (Written + Oral) Professional, practical and 15 20% + 20%
transferrable skills
Total: 100%

Essential Reading
 Le NouveauTaxi! Méthode de Français
 Cahier D’exercices Le Nouveau Taxi Méthode De Français

Recommended Material
 Course notes, Hand out provided by the faculty
 French TV5, France24
 Youtube ( available videos on relevant topics)

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Levels of Achievement Score

Nouns Very good Understands the Has developed Does not have a good X4=16
grasp and rules some idea of understanding of
clear concepts and usage but rules and usage. rules of French
minimum or still needs to nouns and
no practice to gender of nouns
mistakes minimize errors
Pronouns Clear concepts Shows better Shows some Does not have a good X5=20
regarding the understanding of all degree of understanding of
usage and the types, rules and understanding of types of pronouns
rules of usage but still needs rules and usage of the rules of their
pronouns and to improve. pronouns but still usage according to
there are non makes many gender, person,
or very few mistakes number, distance.
mistakes. Makes many
Prepositions, Has Makes less There are still Does not have a good X4=16
subject understood the mistakes many mistakes understanding of
predicate, rules clearly but still needs to which shows the rules and usage
noun therefore practice the usage student’s lack of and
of place and makes very to understanding makes many mistakes
noun of time few mistakes minimize errors
in usage.
Counting Clear Has some Makes lesser Does not show proper X4=16
understanding understanding mistakes but understanding of
of the rules, and there are needs to counting in French
makes some understand the according to gender
minimum mistakes rules more and singular dual and
mistakes thoroughly plural
Time Clear concepts Some mistakes in Lacks in Does not show good X4=16
about the rules asking and understanding understanding of
of telling and telling time and make how to tell time in
asking time. frequent errors French or how to
Makes no ask time.
Vocabulary Has learned all Vocabulary is very Has not made Has not learned and X4=16
the minimum has not much effort to practiced various
vocabulary made much effort improve vocabulary
given in to vocabulary exercises
class and learn new words given in class. Does
knows the not know much
meaning Arabic words and
of all the their
words. meaning
Total = 100
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Oral Presentation Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Score
Grammar No errors of Less errors of Errors of grammar Many errors of X5=20
grammar grammar and mostly fairly frequent grammar making
no need of efforts of comprehension
interpretation interpretation virtually impossible
sometimes required
Pronunciation No Minimum Pronunciation Very poor X4=16
pronunciation pronunciation mistakes still pronunciation causing
mistakes and mistakes and better present but less loss of meaning
very good small vowel usage frequent and usage because of
usage of small of small vowels inappropriate usage of
vowels needs practice small vowels
Sentence Consistent Occasional lack of Lacks in proper Inappropriate or x4=16
formation choices in consistency in sentence formation misused sentence
cohesive choice of cohesive but not entirely structures, making no
structures structures unable to sense
but communication understand
not impaired
Content Fully complete For the most part Haphazard content Almost no relation to x4=16
and thoroughly relevant to the topic making little sense the chosen topic
in accordance but some gaps or on most part
with the useless information
Organization Well organized Some lack of Lack of Individual ideas may x4=16
and organization but organization be clear but very
connected communication not still evident difficult to make
impaired connection between
Vocabulary Good command Occasionally uses Repetition of words Limited vocabulary X4=16
of inappropriate words and many errors. and frequent errors
vocabulary but expression of
ideas not impaired
Total = 100

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Written Assignment Rubric
Levels of Achievement Score

Idea Exceptionally Clear main idea with Main idea may be Lacks central idea x4=16
clear, focused, some support which cloudy because No supporting detail
engaging with may be general or supporting detail is
relevant, strong limited too general
Organization Effectively Organization is Attempts at Confusing x4=16
organized appropriate, but organization; organization
-Creative and conventional Beginning and No identifiable
engaging intro Attempt at ending not clear beginning or ending
and conclusion introduction and
Voice Expressive, Evident commitment Voice may be Writing is lifeless x4=16
Personality engaging, to topic inappropriate or non- No hint of the writer
Sense of sincere existent
audience Shows emotion:
suspense or life
Word Choice Precise, Language is Words may be Limited range of x4=16
carefully functional and correct but ordinary words
chosen appropriate Some vocabulary
Sentence High degree of Generally in control Some awkward Difficult to follow or x4=16
Fluency craftsmanship Lacks variety in constructions read aloud
Effective length and structure Common simple Disjointed, confusing
variation in pattern used
Conventions Exceptionally Control of most Some errors in Numerous errors x5=20
age appropriate strong control writing conventions common patterns or distract the reader and
for spelling, of standard structures do not make the text difficult
caps, conventions of interfere with to read
punctuation, writing understanding
Total = 100

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