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Salsabila Rezky Ramadhania


Impacts of the Tik Tok

Everyone must know the application that is popular right now. Tik Tok is the name of
one application that provides special effects for short videos so it looks interesting and can be
watched by anyone as long as we have an internet network. The more unique the video is
shared, the more people want to see the video. This tends to cause Tik Tok users to do
anything to gain popularity.
Tik Tok is an application made from the Bamboo Curtain country, more precisely
China, an application whose platform is specifically video, music and photos, specific to the
company Byte Dance. The popularity of Tik Tok itself has been proven by joining Rich
Chigga in the Official Warm Up Party event held in the context of the Djakarta Warehouse
Project (DWP) the previous year, with an extraordinary number of viewers.
This application was previously named From the era of, there
are already many users, from young children to adults, using this application. Over time, the
application has disappeared and reappeared with the name Tik-tok. Users are
encouraged to imagine freely and express their expressions freely and can later be shared
with friends or to the whole world.
This application presents special effects that are interesting and easy to use so that
everyone can create a cool video easily. These special effects include shaking and shivering
effects on videos with electronic music, changing hair color, 3D stickers, and other
properties. In addition, creators can further develop their talents and open a world without
limits just by entering Tik Tok's complete music library.
By empowering creative thoughts as a form of content revolution, making this
application as a new container in creating for online content creators around the world.
The purpose of this tiktok is the place for the community of short video creators, who are
equipped with various music. The application is recognized as a forum for its users to display
a variety of interesting things that can be poured out of their imagination.
Thus, the imagination of its users in creating dances or unique performance can be
poured into the Tik Tok application, in a way that is considered faster and easier. And, the
application can be shared with their friends or even other users around the world. So, the
initial purpose of the application is to be a place for users to express themselves according to
their imagination to create a creative work.
The impact of the Tiktok application for the community must have positive and
negative impacts. On the positive side, making society more creative and Tiktok application
can be used as a place for channeling talent or self-development.
The impact of the Tiktok application for the community must have positive and
negative impacts. On the plus side:
 Make the community more creative and Tiktok application can be used as a place for
channeling talent or self-development.
 Perform confidence in public
 Be an inspiration to everyone. Why is that? Because if you create content with
intention and sincerity, a Tik Tok user can be an inspiration for many people. The
positive side of using the Tik Tok application is in fact very influential on the content
that you will create next.
In 2018, the Tik Tok application was blocked by the Ministry of Communication and
Information because many people have reported that the Tik Tok application has a negative
impact, and soon it was reopened.
The negative impacts of the Tik Tok application on the community are:
 Age restrictions, because Tik Tok users are not only teenagers or adults, the
application is also used by young children, sometimes it is often seen that
inappropriate content is displayed in the timeline
 Obsession wants to be viral. The desire to viral makes some people willing to make
videos that are not suitable to be displayed such as rocking in overly vulgar clothes or
in scenes that are inappropriate to watch
 Spend time. Seeing videos uploaded by other users is fun, but it can be a waste of
time. Teenagers become less productive in doing something more useful.
In these circumstances, when the covid-19 outbreak was sped up and the
implementation of social distancing, the Tik Tok application was enjoyed by all people. This
makes the Tik Tok application very high in popularity.
The biggest negative impact of Tiktok is life threatening. Why threaten lives?
Because in the application timeline there are dangerous challenges. One of them is the
Skullbreaker Challenge that I've seen, a challenge done by three people where people who are
on the left and right will step on the feet of people who are in the middle, then the person
whose foot is stepped will fall backward. This falling scene can damage the cranium, spinal
cord injury and other bone damage.
Tiktok application is indeed very popular with the public and is in great demand by all
ages. Of course this makes opium. Many people think that Tiktok is a silly application and
has no benefits. However, if we use it well, the Tiktok application can be a container for
pouring one's creativity and education. Because not a few people use Tiktok to share
knowledge such as learning English, Korean and other languages. There are also those who
make drawing tutorials, cooking tutorials and so on.

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