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Nama : Suci Ananda

Npm : 191424001

Matkul : Bhs. Inggris


My name is suci ananda, I will tell you about my daily activities and activities at home or
studying during the covid virus, in my opinion, in this situation, there are no obstacles to
learning while learning online, but in addition we must maintain the health of our body, so
that the immune system in our body remains strong. However, besides that we do not
forget our daily activities or work in this house, such as sweeping, washing dishes, washing
clothes, do not forget our worship, we must keep doing it because it is indeed our duty and
Do not forget to eat nutritious foods, eat fruit and drink enough water, so that our body's
immune remains strong. If after cleaning the dishes, you should wash your hands again, and
make it a habit before eating and also wash your hands, and if after cleaning the house,
don't forget to take a bath. so that germs do not stick to our bodies, while we maintain
cleanliness, but don't forget to help parents to clean the house,
To do our duty after listening to the call to prayer, we should pray, and don't forget to
pray, so that the plague of the virus passes quickly, because we must believe in God. and
keep carrying out his orders, Never to stop praying, And may the plague of this virus quickly
disappear from the face of this earth, And we can carry out activities as usual when there
are no disturbances like in the present, Because in the present economy some people
decline due to the plague this virus
Therefore we help to prevent it, by staying indoors, maintaining hygiene, diligently
washing hands, diligently bathing so that if we learn even calm, by learning online this must
be done, even in circumstances hit by this virus outbreak, no prevent them from learning to
seek knowledge even though they do not look directly in the face, but must keep the spirit
of learning, all learn at all to maintain health, help each other to stay indoors, so that the
virus quickly disappears
Although sad in these circumstances but must remain strong and do positive things that
can help medical people, continue to carry out activities as usual, and study well, and still
maintain a healthy body, do not forget to always pray, this is enough to just a story of the
activities of the day and my learning is carried out during this virus outbreak, hopefully we
will always be healthy and all will return to normal. Thank you

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