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PAPER - I - 2004
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are
compulsory and any: three of· the remaining quesf
selecting at least one question from each Sectio
Assume suitable data if considered necessary
.cate the same clearly. .
SEcnON A イセ@
1. Answer any three of the follow· : セ@ x 3 =60
(a) A particle moves in space with lgrangian
L = l/2 m (x2 + y2 + z2 ) • + By + Cz
where A, B, C are given fun · · x, y, z. Find the
corresponding Hamiltonian 1:1 · of coordinates and
momerna. セ@ . .
(b) A meson of rest comes to rest and disin-
tegrates to a muon セ@ and a neutrino of zero
rest mass. Show energy of motion of the
muon is
2x •
· (c) セィ@ w ratio of the focal lengths of the two
lenses · セィイッュ。エゥ」@ doublet is given by .
. fl . w. . .
here w 1 and w 2 are the dispersive powers of the
ses of focal lengths f 1 and f 2 respectively.
(d) A siren of frequency 900 Hz is going towards a
wall away froin an observer at a speed 10m/sec. Deter-
(i) Frequency of sound clirectly heard from the siren.
(ii) Frequency of sound reflected from the wall.
(iii) Number of beats per second heard by the observer.
(Velocity of sound ·= 330m/sec ) . ·
2. (a) What do you mean by the moments and ーイッ、セ@
ucts of inertia ? Show that the angular momentum
vector is related to the angular velocity compon ts by
linear transform.ation relations.. 20
(b) For a freely falling body from the h e i ; ' the
surface of the earth in the northern ィ・セ@ e e with a
latitude e' show that the deviation of エィセ@ y エッセ。イ、ウ@
. . . • ( 8h3 )112
east at the final stage is given b cos e g ,

where ro is the angular veloci earth and 'g' is the

accelerati on due to ァイ。カゥエケセN@ · 20
(c) If a single stager セイ・、@ vertically from rest at
the earth's surface bu el in a time of 30 sec and
· their. relative 3 km sec- 1, what must be the
mass ratio velocity u of 8 krn sec- 1 ? 20
3. (a) the expression for the relativistic
mass of a moving with a velocity u in terms of
its· rest セ@ Establish from the above expressio n
eゥイャsエセAィF。ウZMョァ Q NMュ Q@ relation E = mc 2 • 20
convergin g lens and a thin diverging lens
............. ed coaxially at a distance of 5 em. If the · focal
of each lens is 10 em, find for the combinati on
(i) the focal length, (ii) the power, (iii) the positions of
the principal points. . .
(c) Write down the equation of motion for p. damped
harmonic oscillator assuming the damping force propor-
tional to the velocity of the particle. Obtain the general
solution for its displacem ent as a function of time.
Dis cus s the cas es of 'ove rda mpi ng'; Gセョ、・イM。ューゥァ@ and
'cri tica l dam pin g'. 20
4. (a) ·A qua rtz qua rter wav e plat e is to be use d wit h
the sod ium ligh t (A. = . 5896 A). Wh at sho uld be its thic k-
nes s? 20
(b) Tw o mic rosc ope slid es of len gth 10 em eac h form
a wed ge. At one end the y are in con tact and at the r
end they are sep ara ted by a thin wir e of dia m e see
the dia gra m belo w). Inte rfer enc e frin ges tain ed ·
wh en illu min ated vert ical ly by ·a mo noc h c ligh t of
1.. = 500 nan om eter s. The frin ge spa cin · oun d to be
1.25 em.· Est ima te. the dia met er of セイ・N@ 20

(c) A nar row slit by mon och rom atic ligh t

of /... = 640 0 A is at a dist anc e of 3 met res from
セ@ stra igh t edg e. セN」[オLM@ bet wee n the stra igh t edg e
and the 6 met res, calc ulat e the dist anc e
bet wee n and the fou rth dar k ban ds. 20
5. . any thre e of the foll owi ng : 20 x 3 = 60
is the vol ume den sity of the cha rge in · a
of spa ce, whe re the elec tros tati c pot ent ial is giv en

V = a - b (x 2 + y 2 ) - .c In (x 2 + y 2),
. re a, b, c are con stan ts .?
(b) A net wor k · PQRS is con nec ted as sho wn in the
figu re below. App ly Kir chh off' s law and sho w tha t the
cur ren t flowing thro ugh the 20 n resi stor PR is 0.029 ·A
200 n
S ....------"1 1\r-----,. R

5V 60 0

p Q
(c) Show thatthe entropy of one gram o
ideal gas is given by
S = C, In V + Cv In p + S 0 f'>tt. +
(d) Given the temperature ッヲG|セオョ@ • s surface
T = 5755 K, radius of the sオョセ@ 105 lmi, distance·
between the Earth and the S x 108 km. Estimate
the solar constant (i.e. t セ@ . received per sec per
unit area of the Eath's セINaウオュ・@ cr = 5.7 x 10·8
W/m2 -K4 •
6. .(a) A point 」セ@ is held at a distanced in front
of an infinite 1'1 tnt.ilf conducting plane. What is the
electric pote · ront of the plane ? 20
(b) Find magnetic field inside a long solenoid
」セイ@ i and having n turns per unit length.
• . 20
(c ·ne the strength of a magnetic shell and calcu-
a e magnetic potential at any neighbouring point
o this shell. Does the potential 、セー・ョ@ on the shape
the shell ? 20
7.. (a) What are the vector and scalar potentials ?
Derive Maxwell's wave equations in terms of these
potentials. 20
(b) What do you under stand by a petfec t black body?
Can it be realise d in practi ce ? Show that the ratio of the
. emissi ve powe r to the absorp tive powe r for all bodic:::. at
a given tempe rature is equal to the emiss ive powe r of a
perfec tly black body. 20
(c) .Show that the Poynt ing vector S = H)
represents the .energ y··.flow per unit area per ·
both in magni tude and direct ion in case of elec-
..{ troma gnetic wave. . イセ@ .
8 . . (a) A gas expan ds isothe rmally ヲイッセ・@ pressu re
p 1 and volum e V 1 to the pressu re p qセ、|・@ volum e V 2 •
Calcu late '0
(i) the chang e in intern al
(ii) the chang e in ・ョエイッーケNセ@ "'
(iii) the chang e in enth セ@
What will be the cor ding quant ities when the
gas expan ds adiaba t· 30
(h) ·· Show that fo-.ILgJ!ftribution of electro ns, the num-
. ber of ·elect ronse i the energ y state ei are given by

• gi
) . +. 1 .
the numb er of quant um states in
t level E I.• Furthe r state under
. .
lUL.lLt.u n law goes over to _Maxw ell-Bo ltzman n
statist ics.
sィッセ@ by drawi ng curves how the I<ermi;.Dirac 、ゥセエイ ゥ 「オM N@
tion functi on varies with the energ y ·at T = 0 and· also at
the other finite tempe rature s. 30
PAPER - II - 200 4
Cand idate s shou ld atterript Ques tions 1 and 5 whic h are
comp ulsor y and any 3 of th:e rema ining ques tions selec t-
ing at least one ques tion from each Secti on. Assu me suit-
able data if cons idere d nece ssary and indic ate the same
clearly. Soin e cons tants are given at the end of ques tion


(a) A hydr ogen · atom is in the. ヲッャキゥセ@ · :

y nlm (r, 0) = Hセ@ 1/14) 2\f/loo (r) - 3 'l' 200
r <v \v 322 (r)]
(i) What is the prob abili ty of ヲゥョセ@ セ・@ syste m ゥセ@ ·
the state (200) ? .
(ii) Wha t are (l:l) and <Lz) ? セ@
@セ 10
· . 1.0
(b) (i) Calc ulate the Zee OO itt obse rved in the
norm al Zeem an effect whe セエイ。ャゥョ・@ of wave leng th
5000 A is subj ected to t · netic. field of 0.4 Wb m ··2 •
(ii) ·. Show that f roun d state of hydr ogen atom
the mea n valu e 2 a0 , whe re a0 bein g Bohr radiu s
· cons tant. · I0

1595 em- 3t52 cm- 1 and at37 56 cm- 1• If the Raman

spec tru obserVed with the Argo n Ion Lase r 514.5
at wave leng ths wou ld you expe ct to find the
toke s lines ? · 20
(i) Calc ulate the wave leng th of neut rons at a tem-
peratUre of 20 oc. 12
(ii) Wha t are the term symbols for atom s with the .
. . . (
following S (total spin) and L (tota l orbit al) quan tum
num bers , S = 1/2, L = 3 ? 8
2. (a) If x and Px are two conj ugat e varia bles, show
duce 4 watts and the amount of energy that is released
in the complete fissioning of 1 kg of 235 U.
(Assume energy released per fission of 235 U is 200 MeV.)
(b) (i) Which of the following reactions are allowed
and forbidden under the consE:rvation of strangeness,
conservation of baryon number and conservation of
charge? 10
n:+ + n Mセ@ J\ 0 + K+
n:+ + n セ@M Ko + K•
n- + p セ@ Ao + K+
n:- + p セ@ rro + Ao
(ii) By . drawing E vs. k curve, 、ゥウエョァオセ・@
metal. insulator and semiconductor. 10
(c) A transistor with 13 = 50, V セ@ V cc =
22.5 V and Rc = 5.6 kO.. is used circuit as
shown in the figure. lt is the qui-
escent potential at V cr. = 12 V, inA and stability
factor Ss;3. Find the values RE, R 1 and R 2 • •
where symbols have their 20
+22.5 v ..__..0

. .-

(i) The following information is includJd on the

セ。QN@ sheet for· an N·channel JFET :
(b) (i) State the quantum numbers It., Y and S for the uds.
quarks and antiquarks. What combination of these .
leads to the formation of (a) proton and (b)
neutron? · ·
10 55 · 20 rnA, ·vP = ·-8V
. .
. = . 5000 p s
g mo
Determ ine the value ·of drain current · and trans-
conduc tance at V Gc = -4 V 10
(ii) · Calcula te the binding ・セイァケ@ per nucleon for セh・@
and 1;0. . · · 10
6. (a) Write down the Bethe-Weizsack er ュセッイM
mula. Explain various tenns of the. formula . 0
(b) Explain how energy is release d in sta . 20
·7. ·(a) Describ e iri det ail. one exper· or the
detectio n of neutrino . 20
(b) What is the differen ce betwee n t:ttino and anti-
neutrin o ? How is helicity of neut Nエ・イュゥョセ@ ? 20
(c) Show that the conditio n ッセゥ」エケ@ of lattice
leads to the Bloch.theorem . W Bloch functio n? 20
8. (a) D_raw a circuit di . of an R-C phase shift .
.oscillat or. Explain its wo · . Derive a n express ion for
its· frequen cy. . HGINL⦅セ@ . 30
(b) Give the tw;£1- e De Morgan 's theorem .
. . . 10
(c) What is ·
the truth セ@
t0 tnciple u.s ed in . 'half-ad der' ? Give
ftir It. ·· · 20

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