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Presenting the Project of The Writing

An assignment
Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of Academic Writing 

Group 7

Lubna Assyifa                    11200260000018

Rifa Alya Amanda        11200260000028

Yulia Dwi Saphani                11200260000031





Within the scope of academic writing, we recognize the types of essays. One of them is a
descriptive essay. A descriptive essay aims to tell the reader how to explain places, animals,
items, and even people. This paper gives several parts about descriptive essays, such as
definition, types of explanatory, tips for writing descriptively, leading to writing an excellent
descriptive essay. This type of essay, like a narrative essay, is more creative than most
academic writing. Descriptive essays test your ability to use language initially and creatively
to convey to the reader a memorable picture of whatever you are describing. They are usually
assigned as writing exercises in high school and composition classes. Writing a descriptive
essay is not so easy because we are required to describe something in detail, and in it, some
rules can be said to be not easy, like using figurative language to write it. But still, even
though using figurative language to write it, a descriptive essay is not a work of fiction but a
work of non-fiction. 

Keyword: Descriptive Essay


Descriptive essay is one type of essay. It is important because the purpose of the descriptive
essay is to make the reader(s) more understand about something we write about, because in
the descriptive essay we tell the reader(s) how to write some topic such as person, place(s),
animal, things etc specifically. Descriptive essay are similar to Narrative essay, but
descriptive essay describe or explain one thing more, not to tell the reader(s) about life
experiences. Using figurative language in descriptive essay is necessary such as simile,
personification, metaphor, etc. In descriptive essay, there are several parts and tips to write it
perfectly. Descriptive essay also contains as same as other type of essay, it has introduction,
body paragraph and conclusion. The only difference is the topics discussed and the
descriptive essay has a touch of literary language and we call it metaphorical or figurative
I. What is a Descriptive Essay?

An essay that describes something such as an object or person, an event or place, an

experience or emotion, or an idea is called a descriptive essay. A descriptive essay aims to
provide a detailed description to the reader to imagine the chosen topic. This essay offers a
clear and precise description of something, generally a place or object, but it is also possible
to describe something more abstract such as an emotion.  The purpose of writing a descriptive
essay is not to tell, but to provide further description to the reader about the topic being
presented. Generally, in a descriptive essay, many senses will appear, helping to explain this
in detail to the reader. These include: hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and seeing.
Engaging multiple senses is the goal of writing descriptive essays.

II. Descriptive Type

There are two types of descriptive essays. The first type of description is used for concrete
topics, and the second is used when the paper describes an abstract issue.

a.  Concrete

The topic of something concrete is something you can see, touch or taste, hear, or smell – in
other words, something concrete can be described with your senses.

b. Abstract

In contrast to concrete topics, abstract topics can include ideas and emotions. In other words,
an abstract issue is something that cannot be touched. Therefore, it is difficult to describe
them with our senses. To write this type of descriptive essay, writers often turn to an
experience or situation that led the reader to understand the topic.

  III. Parts of A Descriptive Essay

1. Introduction

The introduction serves to introduce your subject to the reader and give them enough context
to fully understand your work—but keep it brief and interesting for the reader(s). When
learning how to write a descriptive essay introduction, remember – the first paragraph of your
paper is the part that can make your descriptive essay stand out from the others. Example of
introduction descriptive essay about describe person:

Meeting someone you love is the most pleasant thing. How not, when we meet people we
love, our hearts are very peaceful. But has it ever occurred to you to meet a foreigner who
looks like a mafia? What will you feel? Afraid? Worried? Or even fall in love? Maybe most
people will be afraid and anxious, and so am I. But why did I fall in love after that brief
encounter? Maybe something wrong with my mind, but believe me, if you see him, you will
probably feel what I feel. That brief meeting brought us to be friends, it turns out he is not a
bad person, I really admire his personality because he is very kind, unlike his appearance
which always looks messy.

As with any college paper, a descriptive essay introduction must contain the following

1. Hook Sentence: Although the entire paper should be full of exciting and vivid
descriptions, grabbing the reader's attention from the very beginning is ideal. Sometimes a
hook can be a question for the reader(s). Question sentence(s) can make reader(s) curious
about our paper. 

Example: we make an essay to describe person 

→ “But has it ever occurred to you to meet a foreigner who looks like a mafia? What will
you feel? Afraid? Worried? Or even fall in love? Maybe most people will be afraid and
anxious, and so am I.”

2. Context/Background Information: Tell the reader what you’re about to describe and
explain why it is crucial to you. Give them a brief context for your paper.

2. Thesis Statement: The descriptive essay thesis should be a short yet concise summary
of the work. It must include the subject of your description, and your purpose for
describing it.


 → “That brief meeting brought us to be friends, it turns out he is not a bad person, I really
admire his personality because he is very kind, unlike his appearance which always looks

2. Body Paragraph

There are usually three body paragraphs in a paper. They cover three different points or
arguments. How many body paragraphs to include in your descriptive essay is entirely up to
you—or your professor. Sometimes it only takes a paragraph to tell a story, while other times
it takes books.

How to write a body paragraph:

1. Start with a topic sentence. ex. The orange looks familiar; it is a round citrus fruit
whose colour matches its name.

2. Add sensory details. When describing the orange, appeal to relatable senses.

3. Include actual details. Always include descriptive information within your body
paragraphs. Finish a body paragraph by introducing the next. Transition sentences are
essential because they create immersion within your writing. Your writing will become better
and it won’t appear as if you are reading a list of facts.

3. Conclusion

According to the descriptive essay format, your conclusion should be a summary of all of the
main points in the body text. It is a good idea to write a final sentence that relates to the main
point of your paper. Once this is done, the paper is now complete. We advise that you
proofread your descriptive essay to correct any grammatical errors.

     Try to incorporate the following into your conclusion:

1. The first thing to do at the end is to reflect on the initial purpose of the work. Spill the
beans on why you decided to write about this subject, and how this subject has affected your

2. Signify the Importance of the Details: Go over some key moments of the paper. Give
a summary of what you have covered, and prepare the audience for the clincher statement.

3. Clincher Statement: The clincher is the final sentence that reinforces your paper’s
overall purpose or leaves your audience with an intriguing thought, question, or quote.
You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking of a hook to pull the audience in. Do not allow
the paper to escape your audience’s thoughts right after they have finish reading it.

IV. Tips for writing descriptively

The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find a way to bring your topic to life for
the readers. The writer is not limited to providing a literal explanation. The writer wants to be
more formal essay types for using figurative language, sensory details, and powerful wording
to create a memorable description.

1. Use Images or Figurative Language

Images/figurative language consists of metaphors and similes that use words in non-literal
ways to produce special effects. This is essential for a descriptive essay. It gives your writing
its creative edge and makes your description unique.


a. Figurative description

    →  Small groves are dotted across the face of the park like a patchy beard.

b. Literal description

→ There are patches of woodland in the park.

2. Use Sensory Details

Another important aspect of a descriptive essay is the use of sensory details. It means not
only what something looks like but also smell, sound, touch, and taste. Of course, not all
senses apply to every topic, but it's always a good idea to explore what's interesting about a
topic, not just how it looks. Even if your subject is more abstract, you may find a way to
incorporate sensations more figuratively, like this descriptive essay about fear.


a. Sensory details

→ I feel the bonfire’s heat on my face and smell the rich smoke filling the air.

b. Sensory details are used metaphorically

→ Fear is the smell of sweat and the feeling you can’t breathe.

3.   Choosing the Right Word

You need to choose the word carefully to make it easier to understand. As with adverbs,
verbs, and even noun selection, it is essential to use adequate adjectives. It's easy to use
cliches like "cold as ice" and "free as bird,” but think further and choose more accurate and
original words. Cliche provides a convenient way of explaining and describing things but
does not tell the reader about your unique perspective on what you are presenting. You can
look over your sentences to find where a different word would convey your impression more
precisely or vividly. And also, we can use a dictionary or even a critical application that can
help you find alternative word choices.

Example :

My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.

↑ This is the original, and we can try to change some words to be correct. Like this,

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

V. Tips to Write a Good Descriptive Essay

 Writing a descriptive essay is neither difficult nor easy. and to write an excellent descriptive
essay, we have listed some tips to make it simpler and easier

1. Choose a topic

Choosing an issue is the first step to writing an essay. We have to list some problems that we
will write and select the one we like or are good at.

2. Preplanning

Before starting to write a descriptive description, we must plan what we will write in our
paper. Write the most important part of the essay that we will make. This step is essential
because we cannot immediately cause a descriptive essay without making a plan first.

3. Create an Outline
Writing an outline before writing a descriptive essay aims to make the writer focus on the
topic for the paper that will be chosen. Split it into the introductory paragraph, thesis
statement, body paragraph, and conclusion.

4. Edit and revise

 Indeed, when we write something, there is some problem with grammatically or even the
spelling of the words. So this part is essential too because it makes our essay suitable and
makes readers think that our paper is perfect.

VI.       Descriptive Essay Topics and Ideas

Finding descriptive topics is easy. You can find inspiration from small things and things
around you. For example, the house you live in, the car you use, the groceries you eat, even
the weather today. If these topics are taken for granted and too simplistic, you can also
describe a novel, a character in a film, or the lyrics in a song or poem.

a. Describe a Person

You can start your descriptive essay by describing someone. It is free, you can describe
figures, celebrities, religious leaders, family, or people who inspire your life. Fiction
characters like spiderman, batman, or cinderella can also be a good topic to talk about


My Father and His Awesome Experience

How Cinderella Changed My Life

b. Describe an Object or Place

You can also describe a place or object that is related to you in a descriptive essay, such as
your high school, the house you live in, or the places you have visited.


London: The Most Beautiful City

Trip to My Hometown

c. Describe and Emotion

Remember the emotions you have felt or experienced, then pour all your feelings into a
descriptive essay. You can put all emotions in the essay, such as anger, disappointment,
happiness, sadness, restlessness, loneliness, loss, and so on.


How love changed me

Hatred and love; how they are similar

VII. Difference Between Description and Descriptive Essays

Before practicing directly making descriptive essays, we must first know the difference
between the description and descriptive essay. A general description is a sentence that
explains something in detail. The description is limited to one sentence and does not have a
clear structure, while a descriptive essay is a written work that has a clear structure and
consists of five paragraphs or more. A descriptive paragraph is usually written coherently,
has a thesis statement in the introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion at the end
of the paragraph. The purpose of the description is simply to explain the object entirely,
without any other academic purpose.

VI. Conclusion

     Descriptive essays are essays that describe something such as an object, event, place, or
emotion. Descriptive essay aims to provide a detailed picture for the reader to imagine the
chosen topic. The purpose of writing a descriptive essay is not to tell, but to provide further
description to the reader about the topic being presented. Generally, in a descriptive essay,
many senses will appear, helping to explain this in detail to the reader. There are three parts
of a descriptive essay, there is an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion. The key
to writing an effective descriptive essay is finding ways to bring your topic to life for the
reader by using figurative language, sensory detail, and strong words to create a memorable
description. To write a good essay, it takes some tips To make the essay enjoyable to read,
such as choosing a topic, preplanning, creating an outline, edit and revising.
VI. The Project of Descriptive Essay

1. Descriptive Essay by Lubna Assyifa

The Dangers of Fast Food TITLE

When you ignore the prohibitions about the dangers of fast food and food seasoning,

have you ever thought that the dangers are actually real? Indeed, the taste of fast food is very

delicious, especially the food sold on the roadside is no less delicious than fast food. Fast

food is sold at cheap prices and tastes delicious, but behind it all, there are many negative

impacts caused by fast food. Something that had a huge impact on my life, when I was

diagnosed with Mamae's Tumor. However, it made me realize so many things and be more
careful about what I eat.

Firstly, I used to really not care about the food I ate. I eat anything without regard for BOD
the side effects. Even though fast food can have serious implications for health. When I was
17 years old, I was in 11th grade. Being busy with the organization made me not pay AGR
attention to my diet. I have a lot of busyness at school making me move around like a cat on

the run. That makes me prefer to buy food when I get home from school with my friends who
are in the same organization as me. Usually we buy chicken at one of the fast food restaurants Y
near our school, the chicken covered in red spicy sauce is very appetizing. Do not miss the
drink which is also a fizzy fast food drink. we are all fast food lovers, we sometimes also buy APH
meatballs. Almost every day we do the same thing: eat fast food.

Day after day I passed as usual, ignoring the advice of my parents who often said that
fast food was not good for my body and health. By eating unhealthy foods almost every day, Y
my body also produces bad substances. I noticed a lump on my right and left chest. I touched

them, one lump like a big marble and the other the size of a pea. At first I didn't think it was a

tumor, and didn't really care. But the longer I bother because it seems to be getting bigger.

Dare to tell my parents is not an easy thing. I struggled with my own mind. When I told my

parents, they immediately scheduled to see a doctor at the health clinic. Surprisingly, I was

immediately referred to the hospital.

In the hospital I saw a lot of young patients my age having the same disease. I was BOD
diagnosed with a tumor that needs to be further checked whether it has the potential to
become cancer or not. A few days later the lab results came out and the tumor I had was a AGR
benign one. I had surgery, the doctor told me that the cause was the substances contained in 3

fast food. Even though they smell delicious and are tempting in color, they are not healthy.

Lastly, the operation went smoothly and I am more careful in choosing food. Since CON
then, I often eat fruits and other healthy foods such as vegetables, eating protein-rich foods,
and drinking lots of water. It turns out that fast food has many negative effects on health. I N

never thought that it could have such a big impact on my body.

 Parts of A Descriptive Essay

1. Introduction

a. Hook (questions) : “have you ever thought that the dangers are actually


b. Context/Background Information : “Fast food is sold at cheap prices

and tastes delicious, but behind it all, there are many negative impacts

caused by fast food.”

c. Thesis Statement : “Something that had a huge impact on my life,

when I was diagnosed with Mamae's Tumor.”

2. Body Paragraph

a. Start with a topic sentence: “Firstly, I used to really not care about the

food I ate. I eat anything without regard for the side effects. Even

though fast food can have serious implications for health.” (Body

Paragraph 1). “Day after day I passed as usual, ignoring the advice of

my parents who often said that fast food was not good for my body and

health. By eating unhealthy foods almost every day, my body also

produces bad substances.” (Body Paragraph 2). “In the hospital I saw a

lot of young patients my age having the same disease. I was diagnosed

with a tumor that needs to be further checked whether it has the

potential to become cancer or not.” (Body Paragraph 3)

b. Add sensory details: “The chicken covered in red spicy sauce is very

appetizing” (Color). “I touched them, one lump like a big marble and

the other the size of a pea.” (Touch). “Even though they smell

delicious and are tempting in color.” (Smell

3. Conclusion: “Lastly, the operation went smoothly and I am more careful in

choosing food. Since then, I often eat fruits and other healthy foods such as

vegetables, eating protein-rich foods, and drinking lots of water.

4. Figurative Language: “I touched them, one lump like a big marble and the

other the size of a pea.” (simile).

2. Descriptive Essay by Rifa Alya Amanda

3. Descriptive Essay by Yulia Dwi Saphani

The Most Important Person In My Life TITLE

If we talk about someone who is very important in our lives, I'm sure everyone has it,
whether it's family, father, mother, girlfriend, wife, husband, children, friends, or pets. Of
course, if we don't have someone important in our life, our life will not be fine. Yes, although
we all know, if we have met someone very important, inevitably there will be separation. The
most important person in my life is my mother. How can we exist in the world if mother did
not give birth to us? How can we live in solitude without a mother figure who always
accompanies us? Maybe some people are born without a mother, but I think the mother figure
is the most important part of the family. My mother is very important in my life because she
loves her children with all her heart without asking for anything in return. And I really admire
my mother because she is very good at making delicious food, always there when I need her,
always telling me something interesting which can sometimes light up my day.

Firstly, I think that my mother is very good at making delicious food. Food is the most BODY
important part of our body. If we don't eat, then we will die. If we eat food that we like and PARAGRAPH
moreover it is made from the hands of the most beautiful woman in the world, namely our
mother, then the food that enters our body will taste very healthy and also delicious. My
mother loves to cook, that's why her cooking is always delicious. And she also often teaches
me to cook my favorite food. And i love to smell of her food, it is very smells good. With her
skills and dexterous hands, mothers can always meet the needs of their children. Although
sometimes she is always angry because taking care of the household is not easy in my
opinion and it is very tiring, but she never once let her children starve. No matter how angry
she is, he always cooks very delicious and nutritious meals. Although we are not from a well-
to-do family, my father and mother always fulfill all the needs of their children. As a child, I
have never felt any lack. I am always grateful because God gave me parents who love me and
I have never felt the slightest lack of parental love.
When I'm in a very tiring phase and want to give up, I always find my mother always
asking if I'm okay or just offering me iced coffee because she knows I really like coffee. BODY
Sometimes if I feel really tired because of too many burdens I carry during college, I really
want to give up. But I can't do that because I know my parents struggle. I know how they
fight for me by continuing to send me to college, even though I know it is very burdensome
for them but they never complain at all. Especially my mother. My mother always asked me
if I finished my semester test "can you do it or not?" I replied with a tired face "yes a little
tiring" but she never scolded me and always supported me no matter what.

Lastly, I'm a little different from my mother, I don't like to talk much. My mother is
very chatty, she really likes to talk about anything, sad, happy, funny stories and what I like
the most is her childhood story. Although sometimes she has often told me her childhood, butPARAGRAPH 3
I never get tired of listening to her. When she spoke, her face was like the moon when it
shone brightly. Looks very beautiful and also cheerful, sometimes she cries while telling
stories, yes that's my mother. Her heart is as soft as cotton candy, but also tough as a rock in
the ocean.

In the end, my mother is the one that always be there when I need her, she’s my
bestfriend. I can’t imagine how bad my life without her. She is the one who always supports
me when I am in bad condition, she always made my day, she is my perfect chef, she is the
one who can listen to my problem, and maybe when i grow up i will miss her chatty and her
stories of her childhood and also i will miss when she always gets angry to me because i
spent more time in my room and didn’t talk to her. And when I hear her advice for me. I feel
so comfortable around her and she is definitely the one person that really important to my

 Parts of A Descriptive Essay

5. Introduction

d. Hook (questions) : “How can we exist in the world if mother did not
give birth to us? How can we live in solitude without a mother figure
who always accompanie
Presenting the Project of The Writing

An assignment
Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of Academic Wri

Group 7

Lubna Assyifa                    112002600

Rifa Alya Amanda        112002600

Yulia Dwi Saphani                112002600




s us?”

e. Context/Background Information : “My mother is very important in

my life because she loves her children with all her heart without asking
for anything in return.”

f. Thesis Statement : “And I really admire my mother because she is very

good at making delicious food, always there when I need her, always
telling me something interesting which can sometimes light up my

6. Body Paragraph

c. Start with a topic sentence: “Firstly, I think that my mother is very

good at making delicious food.” (Body Paragraph 1). “When I'm in a
very tiring phase and want to give up, I always find my mother always
asking if I'm okay or just offering me iced coffee because she knows I
really like coffee.” (Body Paragraph 2). “My mother is very chatty, she
really likes to talk about anything, sad, happy, funny stories and what I
like the most is her childhood story.” (Body Paragraph 3)

d. Add sensory details: “. And i love to smell of her food, it is very smells
good.” (smell). “ Although sometimes she has often told me her
childhood, but I never get tired of listening to her.” (sound)

e. Include actual details:

7. Conclusion:

8. Figurative Language: “When she spoke, her face was like the moon when it
shone brightly.” (simile). “Her heart is as soft as cotton candy, but also tough
as a rock in the ocean.” (simile)

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