The Doorngeon - Created by Twitch Chat

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The Doorngeon - Created by Twitch Chat

Planar Gate: on the Material plane, Guarding portals to Limbo.

Area 1: Audience chamber for receiving visitors
Well entrance, reverse gravity, suspended water.
Starting Area: Circle, 40 ft. diameter; one passage in each cardinal direction; well in middle of
room (might lead down to lower level).
A door that asks three questions, if all are answered correctly, gain a reward.
Question 1: “How many doors are in this facility?” “9”
Question 2: "Does a portcullis count as a door?" “yes:
Question 3: "When is a door not a door?” “When it's ajar”
Reward: a doorknob that casts knock once per day.

Area 2: Conjuring room for summoning creatures used to investigate or defend the
Continue straight 20 ft., comes to a dead end; 10 percent chance of a secret door, 40 feet with
double row of pillars

Chamber: Octagon, 40 × 40 ft.2

Exits: 6 exits

1: Portcullis: Locked
2; Revolving secret door that moans, : Unlocked
3 Iron Door that is Locked
4 Wooden: Unlocked
5: Stone: Locked

If players open all doors they summon an Efreeti. Who asks them to return him to his home
plane via a duel. The efreeti wants to duel for his own honor. He leaves behind a flametougue
when defeated.

Area 3: Gallery for displaying trophies and objects related to the portal and those that
guard it
The gallery is a deck of many things, each card is framed but they are facing backwards. The
back of the cards are doors.
Continue straight 20 ft., side passage to the right, then an additional 10 ft. ahead (26), ending
in a chamber.
Secret Painting Door its Picasso Version of Player in the next room

Trapezoid Chamber
Area 4: Pen or prison for holding captives or creatures that emerge from the portal
Dopplegangers that are opposite versions of characters
Continue straight 20 ft.; passage ends in a portcullis

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