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1.1 Need for the project 1

1.2 Objective 2

1.2.1 Classification 3

1.General Objective

1.Specific Objective

1.2.2 Classification 3

1.3 Introduction to Embedded System 4

1.3.1 Characteristics of Embedded System 4

1.3.2 Types of Embedded Systems 5

1.4 Problem Statement 6

1.5 Justification of Project 7

1.6Applications of Embedded System

1.1 GPS Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System 10

1.2 Real -Time GPS Vehicle Tracking System 11


3.1 Block Diagram12

3.1.1 Power Supply 12

3.1.2 LCD 18

3.13 GPS

3.1.4 Global System for Mobile Communications 22

3.1.5 LED 23

3.2 Arduino 24

3.2.1 Specification of Arduino 25

CHAPTER 4 Page no


4.1Arduino Software 30

4.2Download and Installation of Arduino Software 30-38





1. Embedded Development Life Cycle 8

2. Regulated Power supply 13

3. step-Down Transformer 14

4. Bridge rectifier 16

5. Construction of a capacitor17

6. Electrolytic Capacitor 17

7. voltage regulator 18

8. pin diagram of LCD 19

9. Vibration 20

10. The GPS satellite system 21

11.GPS Receiver 22

12.Global system for mobile communications 23

13.Inside a LED 24 of LED 24

15.Arduino nano board 24

16.Pin configuration of ATMega328 26

17.Arduino Uno 40


















Chapter 1



The vehicle theft activity which causes social real time problem like accidents and many more

hazards condition. We daily see or read such type of activities which are raising the question of our

safety and security in both public and private sectors. So, there is a need of real time monitoring

and tracking the vehicle also storing and updating its database of certain situations. In the urban

areas, human help is somewhat difficult in providing the database of tracked vehicle.

In the proposed system, the system provides a fully automated tracking and monitoring of the

vehicle which helpful for school bus, their owners, children’s safety and also it provides accurate

arrival time of the vehicle at particular location or stop. And hence using accuracy in time, children

can spend more time in studying, sleeping, or relaxing rather than waiting for a delayed bus.

Spending less time waiting for a bus improves comfortable and effective time management of the

student as well.

In order to reduce man power and saving of money, here the system provides easy tracking

solution using Embedded Linux Board. The proposed system gets tracking information of the vehicle

like vehicle number (Unique ID), location, speed, Date, Time and store into the database of Raspberry

Pi. The system also provides students safety mechanism with the help of temperature sensor and gas

leakage sensor. Hence in the case of raising the temperature inside the vehicle due to some reason or

leakage of the LPG gas inside the vehicle, the alert message gets send to the driver as well as vehicle


For tracking the vehicle using GPS and maintain its database, MySQL database system is

use which advanced feature of Raspberry-Pi. In the database base monitoring and updating

mechanism, the GSM/GPRS module is used which transmit the updated vehicle database to the

server and user access the database using web page in Smartphone [3]. That shows the real time

vehicle location in the Smartphone. Thus, users will be able to continuously monitor a moving

vehicle on demand using the Smartphone and determine the estimated distance and time for the

vehicle to arrive at a given destination.


The main aim of this project is to Track the Vehicle location. Vehicle tracking system is

designed to know the position of the vehicle. A system is designed to note the location of the vehicle

and to identify the theft by passing the information to the automobile owner. Such system includes

GPS and

GSM modules to determine the position of the vehicle and to deliver the information to the owner.

This system is designed for continuous monitoring of the vehicle and to describe the status of the

vehicle on request. Face recognition system is used to identify theft. This face recognition system

will be placed inside the vehicle. When a person switches ON the vehicle, it captures the image and

compares the new image with the stored image and verifies whether the image is already there in the

list or not. If the image is not found in the list, the message will be sent to the automobile owner.

Now the owner is allowed to see the image of the thief and location of the vehicle Security systems

and navigators have always been a necessity of human’s life. The developments of advanced

electronics have brought revolutionary changes in these fields. In this paper, we will present a

vehicle tracking system that employs a GPS module and a GSM modem to find the location of a

vehicle and offers a range of control features.

1.2.1 Types of Objectives

i. General Objective:

• To reduce the vehicle thefts. Tracking the position of vehicle.

• To provide security to vehicle.

• To avoid this kind of stealing of vehicles.

ii. Specific Objective:

• The vehicle tracking system consists of a GPS receiver which provides real

time position of the automobile.

• The use of GSM & GPS technologies allows the system to track the object

and provides the most up to date information.

Embedded systems are divided into autonomous, Realtime, networked & mobile


I. Autonomous system:

They function in standalone mode. Many embedded systems used for process control in manufacturing

units’ automobiles fall under this category.

ii. Real-time embedded systems: These are required to carry out specific tasks in a specified

amount of time. These systems are extensively used to carry out time critical tasks process

iii. Networked embedded systems: They monitor plant parameters such as temperature,

pressure and humidity and send the the data over the network to a centralized system for on

line monitoring.

iv. Mobile gadgets: Mobile gadgets need to store databases locally in their memory. These gadgets

imbibe gadgets imbibe powerful computing & communication capabilities to perform Realtime as

well as nonrealtime tasks and handle multimedia applications. The embedded system combination of

computer hardware, software, firmware and perhaps additional mechanical parts, designed to

perform a specific function.

V. Hardware: Good software design in embedded systems stems from a good understanding

of the hardware behind it. All embedded systems need a microprocessor, and the kinds of

microprocessors used in them are quite varied. A list of some of the common

microprocessor’s families are: ARM family, The Zi log Z8 family, Intel 8051/X86 family,

Motorola 68K family and the power PC family. For processing of information and

execution of programs, embedded system incorporates microprocessor or micro-

controller. In an embedded system the microprocessor is a part of final product and is not

available for reprogramming to the end user. An embedded system also needs memory for

two purposes, to store its program and to store its data. Unlike normal desktops in which

data and programs are stored at the same place, embedded systems store data and programs

in different memories. This is simply because the embedded system does not have a hard

drive and the program must be stored in memory even when the power is turned off. This

type of memory is called ROM. Embedded applications commonly employ a special type

of ROM that can be programmed or reprogrammed with the help of special devices.

Many embedded systems have substantially different design constraints than desktop

computing applications. No single characterization applies to the diverse spectrum of embedded

systems. However, some combination of cost pressure, long life-cycle, real-time requirements,

reliability requirements, and design culture dysfunction can make it difficult to be successful

applying traditional computer design methodologies and tools to embedded applications. Embedded

systems in many cases must be optimized for life-cycle and business-driven factors rather than for

maximum computing throughput.

There is currently little tool support for expanding embedded computer design to the scope

of holistic embedded system design. However, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of current

approaches can set expectations appropriately, identify risk areas to tool adopters, and suggest

ways in which tool builders can meet industrial needs. If we look around us, today we see

numerous appliances which we use daily, be it our refrigerator, the microwave oven, cars, PDAs

etc. Most appliances today are

powered by something beneath the sheath that makes them do what they do. These are tiny

microprocessors, which respond to various keystrokes or inputs. These tiny microprocessors,

working on basic assembly languages, are the heart of the appliances. We call them embedded

systems. Of all the semiconductor industries, the embedded systems market place is the most

conservative, and engineering decisions here usually lean towards established, low risk solutions.

Welcome to the world of embedded systems, of computers that will not look like computers and

won’t function like anything we are familiar with.

1.3.1 Characteristics of Embedded Systems

i. All Embedded System are single function. i.e., have single objective.

ii. Real Time performance i.e., if input given at any unpredictable time, the system can perform

action without any delay.

iii. Embedded systems are Multi rate for example Camera. It can be colour, Black & white or

motion. Here all these supported for a particular camera action. So, an Embedded system

have Multiple rate operation.

iv. All Embedded Systems are task specific. They do the same task repeatedly continuously

over their lifetime. An mp3 player will function only as an mp3 player.

v. Embedded systems are created to perform the task within a certain time frame. It must

therefore perform fast enough. A car’s brake system, if exceeds the time limit, may cause


vi. They have minimal or no user interface (UI). A fully automatic washing machine works on

own after the program is set and stops once the task is over.

vii. Some embedded systems are designed to react to external stimuli and react accordingly. A

thermometer, a GPS tracking device. viii. Embedded systems are built to achieve certain

efficiency levels. They are small sized, can work with less power and are not too expensive.

ix. Embedded systems cannot be changed or upgraded by the users. Hence, they must rank high

reliability and stability. They are expected to function for long durations without the user
experiencing any difficulties.

x. Microcontroller or microprocessors are used to design embedded systems.

xi. Embedded systems need connected peripherals to attach input & output devices.

xii. The hardware of an embedded-system is used for security and performance. The Software

used for features.

1.3.2 Types of Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems can be classified into four types based on the performance and functional


➢ Real Time Embedded Systems: - One subclass of embedded is worthy of an introduction

at this point. As commonly defined, a real-time system is a computer system that has

timing constraints. In other words, a real-time system is partly specified in terms of its ability
to make certain calculations or decisions in a timely manner. These important calculations

are said to have deadlines for completion and for all practical purposes, a missed deadline

is just as bad as a wrong answer. The issue of what if a deadline is missed is a crucial one.

For example, if the realtime system is part of an airplane's flight control system, it is possible

for the lives of the passengers and crew to be endangered by a single missed deadline.

However, if instead the system is involved in satellite communication, the damage could be

limited to a single corrupt data packet. The more severe the consequences, the more likely

it will be said that the deadline is "hard" and thus the system is a hard real- time system.

Real-time systems at the other end of this discussion are said to have soft deadlines.

➢ Stand-Alone Embedded Systems: - Stand-Alone Embedded Systems are those that can

work by themselves i.e., they are self- sufficient and do not depend on a host system. Stand-

alone embedded systems are made in a way such that an input is received, processed and

thereafter the desired output is produces. Input can be received via sensors, keyword or push


➢ Networked Embedded Systems: - Networked Embedded Systems depend on connected

network to perform its assigned tasks. These systems consist of components like sensors,

controllers etc. which are interconnected. Many of these systems are built on
general purpose processors. ➢

Mobile Embedded Systems: - Mobile Embedded Systems are those that are
small sized and can be used in smaller devices. They are used in mobile phones
and digital cameras because of the small size. They often have memory
constraints and lacks good user interface.


The vehicle is being stolen; owner cannot track their vehicle. They do not know where to find the

vehicle and the chances to get their vehicle back is very low. It makes so hard to track the vehicle

when there is no evidence. So, this system will track and monitor the vehicle’s location. For this

time being, vehicle tracking system for the losses of vehicle. Generally, GPS tracking uses a system

of satellites orbiting earth to find the actual location. So, by improving this system, it uses GPS.


This can be explored how to avoid this kind of stealing and provides more security to the

vehicles. The implemented system contains single-board embedded system which is equipped with

global system for mobile (GSM) and global positioning system (GPS) along with a microcontroller installed in

the vehicle. The use of

GSM and GPS technologies allows the system to track the object and provides the most up-to date


Embedded systems are finding their way into robotic toys and electronic pets, intelligent cars

and remote controllable home appliances. All the major toy makers across the world have been

coming out with advanced interactive toys that can become our friends for life. ‘Firby’ and ‘AIBO’

are good examples at this kind. Furies have a distinct life cycle just like human beings, starting from

being a baby and growing to an adult one. In AIBO first two letters stands for Artificial Intelligence.

Next two letters represent robot. The AIBO is robotic dog. Embedded systems in cars also known

as Telematic Systems are used to provide navigational security communication &entertainment

services using GPS, satellite. Home appliances are going the embedded way. LG electronics digital

DIOS refrigerator can be used for surfing the net, checking e-mail, making video phone calls and

watching TV.IBM is developing an air conditioner that we can control over the net. Embedded

systems cover such a broad range of products that generalization is difficult. Here are some broad






H/w design S/w design

H/w S/w
implementation implementation

H/w testing S/w testing

System integration

System validation


Fig 1.1: Embedded Development Life Cycle

• Aerospace and defence electronics: Fire control, radar, robotics/sensors, sonar.

• Automotive: Autobody electronics, auto power train, auto safety, car information systems.

• Broadcast & entertainment: Analog and digital sound products, camaras, DVDs, Set top

virtual reality systems, graphic products.

• Consumer/internet appliances: Business handheld computers, business
network computers/terminals, electronic books, internet smart handheld devices,

• Data certain calculations modems, ATM switches, cable modems, XDSL modems,

Ethernet switches, concentrators.

• Digital imaging: Copiers, digital still cameras, Fax machines, printers, scanners.

• Industrial measurement and control: Hydro electric utility research & management traffic

management systems, train marine vessel management systems.

• Medical electronics: Diagnostic devices, real time medical imaging systems, surgical

devices, critical care systems.

• Server I/O: Embedded servers, enterprise PC servers, PCI LAN/NIC controllers, RAID

devices, SCSI devices.

• Telecommunications: ATM communication products, base stations, networking switches,

SONET/SDH cross connect, multiplexer.

• Mobile data infrastructures: Mobile data terminals, pagers, VSATs, Wireless LANs,

Wireless phones.



2.1 GPS Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System

Many different technologies were used to control the vehicle when it is lost. Previously it

was very difficult to determine the position of the automobile but now by using GPS technology it

became very easy to track the position of the vehicle. A system is designed to note the location of

the vehicle and to identify the theft by passing the information to the automobile owner. Such system

includes GPS and GSM modules to determine the position of the vehicle and to deliver the

information to the owner. This system is designed for continuous monitoring of the vehicle and to

describe the status of the vehicle on request. Face recognition system is used to identify theft. This

face recognition system will be placed inside the vehicle. When a person switches ON the vehicle,

it captures the image and compares the new image with the stored image and verifies whether the

image is already there in the list or not. If the image is not found in the list, the message will be sent

to the automobile owner. Now the owner is allowed to see the image of the thief and location of the

vehicle Security systems and navigators have always been a necessity of human’s life. The

developments of advanced electronics have brought revolutionary changes in these fields. In this

paper, we will present a vehicle tracking system that employs a GPS module and a GSM modem to

find the location of a vehicle and offers a range of control features. To complete the design

successfully, a GPS unit, two relays, a GSM Modem and two MCU units are used. There are five

features introduced in the project. The aim of this project is to remotely track a vehicle’s location,

remotely switch ON and OFF the vehicle’s ignition system and remotely lock and unlock the doors

of the vehicle. An SMS message is sent to the tracking system and the system responds to the users

request by performing appropriate actions. Short text messages are assigned to each of these

features. A webpage is specifically designed to view the vehicle’s location on Google maps. By

using relay-based control concept introduced in this paper, number of control features such as

turning heater on/off, radio on/off etc. can be implemented in the same fashion. The vehicle tracking

system is an electronic device that tracks the vehicle’s location. Most of the tracking systems use

GPS module to locate the vehicle’s position. Many systems also combine communication

components such as satellite transmitters to communicate the vehicle’s location to a remote user.

Google maps are used to view the vehicle’s location. The design of the tracking system is divided

into three parts; basic design, intermediate design and an advance Design. The basic design of the

vehicle tracking system consists of a GSM module, a GPS module, a MCU (ATMEL), a Relay

circuit and an LCD. The user sends SMS and the system responds to the user’s request by providing

the coordinates of a location in accordance to the requirements of mobile phone users through the

GPRS network. The intermediate and advance design is an improvement of the basic design. There

are five features introduced in the project. SMS codes are specifically assigned to each of these


2.2 Real-time GPS Vehicle Tracking System

For example, if the user sends „555‟ to the tracking system. The GSM modem will receive the

SMS and transmit to the MCU unit, where the SMS code will be compared against the codes stored in

the library.

In this project, the code ‟555‟ is assigned to find the location of a vehicle. So, the MCU will get the

location from the GPS module and reply back to the user with the location coordinates (i.e.

Longitude and Latitude). These coordinates can be used to view the location of a vehicle on Google

maps. The vehicle tracking system presented in this paper comprises of a cost effective and special

tracking technology. It offers an advanced tracking and a variety of control features that facilitate the

monitoring and clever control of the vehicle. The tracking systems are not only bounded to shipping

industry and fleet tracking but also used in cars as a theft prevention tool. This paper provides an

overview of the background research related to vehicle tracking and control systems, components

choice and full development process of the tracking system. The paper is divided in five main

sections: related research, choice of components, design of a system, simulation of designs and

implementation process. In the related research section, we will outline the research carried out so

far. Then, we will discuss the components used. The design section will focus the software and

hardware design process. The assembly of components will be discussed in the implementation

section. Finally, the implementation process section will include the software simulations and images

of the hardware in working condition. Number of papers has been published on the development of
vehicle tracking system using GPS and GSM Modem. In differential GPS algorithm that is capable

of providing real-time near PPP service is presented. Error sources in GPS measurement are

calculated. The vehicular navigation application is presented. A web application and a mobile

application related to vehicle tracking are presented. The safety challenges related to tracking system

and GPS are discussed in great detail. A novel method of vehicle tracking is presented using wireless

sensor technology, passive sensors, android based tracking, self-power tracking system and tracking

system based on cloud computing infrastructure. A vehicle tracking system based on colour histogram

distance and binary information is implemented. The development of real-time visual tracking system

for vehicle safety applications is discussed and the concept of focus of expansion (FOE) is introduced.

A low-cost real-time tracking system that provides accurate localizations of the tracked vehicle is

presented. Vehicle tracking coupled with vehicle registration number recognition is introduced.

Following huge demand of accurate vehicle tracking systems, researchers proposed number of novel

methods to improve the accuracy of tracking systems.


3.1 Block Diagram

Fig 3.1.1 Block diagram

3.1.1 Power supply:

Power supply of electrical power. A device or system that supplies electrical or other type of energy

to an output load or group of loads is called a power supply unit or Spathe term is most commonly

applied to electrical energy supplies, less often to mechanical ones, and rarely to others.

Fig 3.1.1 Regulated Power Supply

The basic circuit diagram of a regulated power supply (DC O/P) with led connected as load is shown


Fig 3.1.3 Circuit diagram of Regulated Power Supply with Led connection

the components mainly used in above figure are








The detailed explanation of each and every component mentioned above is as follows:

• Transformation: The process of transforming energy from one device to another is called

transformation. For transforming energy, we use transformers.

• Transformers: A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to

another through inductively coupled conductors without changing its frequency. A varying

current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's

core, and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying

magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or "voltage" in the secondary

winding. This effect is called mutual induction. If a load is connected to the secondary, an

electric current will flow in the secondary winding and electrical energy will be transferred

from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. This field is made up from lines

of force and has the same shape as a bar magnet. If the current is increased, the lines of force

move outwards from the coil. If the current is reduced, the lines of force move inwards. If

another coil

is placed adjacent to the first coil, then, as the field moves out or in, the moving lines of

force will "cut" the turns of the

second coil. As it does this, a voltage is induced in the second coil. With the 50 Hz AC

mains supply, this will happen 50 times a second. This is called MUTUAL INDUCTION

and forms the basis of the transformer. The input coil is called the PRIMARY WINDING;

the output coil is the SECONDARY WINDING. Fig: shows step-down transformer.

Fig 3.1.4: Step-Down Transformer

The voltage induced in the secondary is determined by the TURNS RATIO.

To aid magnetic coupling between primary and secondary, the coils are wound on a

metal CORE. Since the primary would induce power, called EDDY CURRENTS, into this

core, the core is LAMINATED. This means that it is made up from metal sheets insulated

from each other.

Transformers to work at higher frequencies have an iron dust core or no core at all.

Note that the transformer only works on AC, which has a constantly changing current

and moving field. DC has a steady current and therefore a steady field and there would be

no induction. Some transformers have an electrostatic screen between primary and

secondary. This is to prevent some types of interference being fed from the equipment down

into the mains supply, or in the other direction. Transformers are sometimes used for

IMPEDANCE MATCHING. We can use the transformers as step up or step down.

• Step Up transformer: In case of step-up transformer, primary windings are every less

compared to secondary winding. Because of having more turns secondary winding

accepts more energy, and it releases more voltage at the output side.

• Step down step-up of step-down transformer, Primary winding induces more flux than

the secondary winding, and secondary winding is having a smaller number of turns

because of that it accepts a smaller number of fluxes, and releases less amount of voltage.

• Battery power supply: A battery is a type of linear power supply that offers benefits

that traditional line-operated power supplies lack: mobility, portability and reliability.

A battery consists of multiple electrochemical cells connected to provide the voltage


Fig 3.1.5: Hi-Watt 9V Battery Fig 3.1.6: Pencil Battery of 1.5V

• Rectification: The process of converting an alternating current to a pulsating direct

current is

called as rectification. For rectification purpose we use rectifiers.

• Rectifiers: A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to

direct current (DC), a process known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses

including as components of power supplies and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers

may be made of solidstate diodes, vacuum tube diodes, mercury arc valves, and other


• Bridge full wave rectifier: The Bridge rectifier circuit is shown in figure, which

converts an ac voltage to dc voltage using both half cycles of the input ac voltage. The

Bridge rectifier circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit has four diodes connected to

form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the diagonally opposite ends of the

bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the bridge.

o For the positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D1 and D3 conduct,

whereas diodes D2 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will

be in series with the load resistance RL and hence the load current flows through


o For the negative half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D2 and D4 conduct

whereas, D1 and D3 remain OFF. The conducting diodes D2 and D4 will be in

series with the load resistance RL and hence the current flows through R L in the

same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus, a bi-directional wave is

converted into a unidirectional wave.

Fig 3.1.7: Bridge rectifier: a full-wave rectifier using 4 diodes

• Filtration: The process of converting a pulsating direct current to a pure direct current

filters is called as filtration.

• Filters: Electronic filters are electronic circuits, which perform signal-processing

functions, specifically to remove unwanted frequency components from the signal, to

enhance wanted ones.

• Capacitors: The Capacitor or sometimes referred to as a Condenser is a passive device,

and one which stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field which produces a

potential (static voltage) across its plates. In its basic form a capacitor consists of two

parallel conductive plates that are not connected but are electrically separated either by

air or by an insulating material called the Dielectric.

Fig 3.1.8: Construction of a Capacitor Fig 3.1.9: Electrolytic Capacitor

Units of Capacitance:

Microfarad (off) 1μF = 1/1,000,000 = 0.000001 = 10-6 F

Nano-farad (mph) 1nF = 1/1,000,000,000 = 0.000000001 = 10-9 F

Pico farad (pF) 1pF = 1/1,000,000,000,000 = 0.000000000001 = 10-12 F

• Regulation: The process of converting a varying voltage to a constant regulated voltage


called as regulation. For the process of regulation, we use voltage regulators.

• Voltage Regulator: A voltage regulator (also called a ‘regulator’) with only three

terminals appears to be a simple device, but it is in fact a very complex integrated circuit.

It converts a varying input voltage into a constant ‘regulated’ output voltage. Voltage

Regulators are available in a variety of outputs like 5V, 6V, 9V, 12V and 15V. The

LM78XX series of voltage regulators are designed for positive input. For

applications requiring negative input, the LM79XX series is used. Using a pair of

‘voltage-divider’ resistors can increase the output voltage of a regulator circuit.

Fig 3.1.10: Voltage Regulator

•Resistors: A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component that produces a

voltage across its terminals that is proportional to the electric current passing

through it in accordance with Ohm's law:

V = IR

Resistors are elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are

ubiquitous in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various

compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity

alloy, such as nickel/chrome).

3.1.2 LCD (Liquid Cristal Display): A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat display

device made up of any number of colour or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or

reflector. Each pixel consists of a column of liquid crystal molecules suspended between two

transparent electrodes, and two polarizing filters, the axes of polarity of which are perpendicular to

each other. Without the liquid crystals between them, light passing through one would be blocked

by the other. The liquid crystal twists the polarization of light entering one filter to allow it to pass

through the other.

Fig 3.1.11: Pin Diagram of 1x16 Lines

LCD PIN Description of LCD

3.1.3 Vibration Sensor: A Vibration Sensor is a device that measures the amount and

frequency of vibration in a given Sensor: A piece of equipment. The measurements can be used to

detect imbalances or other issues in the assets and predict future breakdowns. It is either directly

connects to asset or monitors it wirelessly.

Fig 3.1.12: Vibration Sensor

3.1.3 Global Positioning System (GPS):

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based radio navigation system that

reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to civilian users on a continuous worldwide

basis -- freely available to all. For anyone with a GPS receiver, the system will provide location and

time. GPS provides accurate location and time information for an unlimited number of people in all

weather, day and night, anywhere in the world.

The GPS is made up of three parts:

• Satellites orbiting the Earth

• Control and monitoring stations on Earth

• The GPS receivers owned by users.

GPS satellites broadcast signals from space that are picked up and identified by GPS receivers. Each
GPS receiver then provides three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the


• 24+ satellites
• 20,200 km altitude
• 55 degrees inclination
• 12-hour orbital period
• 5 ground control stations
• Each satellite passes over a ground monitoring station every 12 hours

Fig 3.1.13: The GPS satellite system

The space segment is composed of the orbiting GPS satellites or Space Vehicles (SV) in GPS

The GPS design originally called for 24 SVs; this was modified to six planes with four satellites

each. The orbital planes are cantered on the Earth, not rotating with respect to the distant stars. The

six planes have approximately 55° inclination (tilt relative to Earth’s equator) and are separated by

60° right ascension of the ascending node (angle along the equator from a reference point to the

orbit's intersection). The orbits are arranged so that at least six satellites are always within line of

sight from almost everywhere on Earth's surface.

2. Control and monitoring stations on Earth: Ground Stations (also known as the “Control

Segment"). These stations monitor the GPS satellites, checking both their operational health

and their exact position in space. The master ground station transmits corrections for the
satellite’s ephemeris constants and clock offsets back to the satellites themselves. The satellites

can then incorporate these updates in the signals they send to GPS receivers. There are five

monitor stations: Hawaii, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein, and Colorado Springs.

3. The GPS receivers:

• Receiver determines location, speed, direction, and time

• satellite signals are necessary to locate the receiver in 3D space
• 4th satellite is used for time accuracy
• Position calculated within sub-centimetre scale

Fig 3.1.14 GPS Receiver

Applications of GPS

• GPS has become a mainstay of transportation systems worldwide,

• Providing navigation for aviation, ground, and maritime operations.

• Disaster relief and emergency services depend upon GPS for location and timing capabilities

in their life-saving missions.

• Everyday activities such as banking,

• Mobile phone operations, and even

• The control of power grids, are facilitated by the accurate timing provided by GPS.

• Farmers, surveyors, geologists and countless others perform their work more efficiently,

safely, economically, and accurately using the free and open GPS signals.

3.1.4 Global System for Mobile Communication

Global system for mobiles (GSM) is a globally accepted standard for digital cellular communication.

Any GSM phone will have GSM modem inside. Like any other mobile phone, we are also interfacing GSM

modem with our Microcontroller. The GSM modem used in the project is SIM-300 (SIMCOM). Global

system for mobile communication (GSM) is a globally accepted standard for digital cellular communication.

• GSM – Architecture: A GSM network consists of several functional entities whose functions

and interfaces are defined. The GSM network can be divided into following broad parts.

➢ The Mobile Station (MS)

➢ The Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

➢ The Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

➢ The Operation Support Subsystem (OSS)

The added components of the GSM architecture include the functions of the databases and


➢ Home Location Register (HLR)

➢ Visitor Location Register (VLR)

➢ Equipment Identity Register (EIR)

➢ Authentication Centre (Auch)

➢ SMS Serving Centre (SMS SC)

➢ Gateway MSC (GMSC)

➢ Charge back Centre (CBC)

Fig 3.1.15: Global System for Mobile Communication

3.1.5 Light-Emitting Diode (LED): A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source.

LEDs are used as indicator lamps in many devices, and are increasingly used for lighting. Introduced

as a practical electronic component in 1962, early LEDs emitted low-intensity red light, but modern

versions are available across the visible, ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, with very high

brightness. The internal structure and parts of a led are shown below.

Fig 3.1.16: Inside a LED Fig 3.1.17: Parts of a LED

3.2 Arduino:

The Arduino Nano, as the name suggests is a compact, complete and bread-board friendly

microcontroller board. The Nano board weighs around 7 grams with dimensions of 4.5 CMS to 1.8

CMS (L to B). This article discusses about the technical specs most importantly the pinout and

functions of each and every pin in the Arduino Nano board. Arduino Nano has similar

functionalities as Arduino Demilune but with a different package. The Nano is inbuilt with the

ATmega328P microcontroller, same

as the Arduino UNO.

Fig 3.2.1 Arduino Nano Board

The main difference between them is that the UNO board is presented in PDIP

(Plastic Dual-In-line Package) form with 30 pins and Nano is available in TQFP (plastic

quad flat pack) with 32 pins. The extra 2 pins of Arduino Nano serve for the ADC

functionalities, while UNO has 6 ADC ports but Nano has 8 ADC ports. The Nano board

doesn’t have a DC power jack as other Arduino boards, but instead has a mini-USB port.

This port is used for both programming and serial monitoring. The fascinating feature in

Nano is that it will choose the strongest power source with its potential difference, and the

power source selecting jumper is invalid.

3.2.1 Specifications of Arduino: -

Arduino Nano Specifications

Analog I/O Pins


Architecture AVR

Clock Speed
16 MHz

DC Current per I/O Pins 40

Digital I/O Pins


Flash Memory
32 KB of which 2 KB used by Bootloader

Input Voltage

Operating 5 Volts

PCB Size
18 x 45 mm

PWM Output 6

2 KB

Weight 7 gems

3.2.2. ATMega328 Pinout Configuration
ATMEGA328P is high performance, low power controller from Microchip.

ATMEGA328P is an 8-bit microcontroller based on AVR RISC architecture. It is the

most popular of all AVR controllers as it is used in ARDUINO boards.

Fig 3.2.2 Pin Configuration of ATMega328

Pin Description of ATMega328

Arduino Nano Pin Pin Name Type Function

1 D1/TX I/O Digital I/O Pin

Serial TX Pin

2 D0/RX I/O Digital I/O Pin

Serial RX Pin

3 RESET Input Reset (Active Low)

4 GND Power Supply Ground

5 D2 I/O Digital I/O Pin

6 D3 I/O Digital I/O Pin

7 D4 I/O Digital I/O Pin

8 D5 I/O Digital I/O Pin

9 D6 I/O Digital I/O Pin

10 D7 I/O Digital I/O Pin

11 D8 I/O Digital I/O Pin

Type Function

Arduino Nano Pin Pin Name

I/O Digital I/O Pin

12 D9

13 D10 I/O Digital I/O Pin

14 D11 I/O Digital I/O Pin

15 D12 I/O Digital I/O Pin

16 D13 I/O Digital I/O Pin

17 3V3 Output +3.3V Output (from FTDI)

18 AREF Input ADC reference

19 A0 Input Analog Input Channel 0

20 A1 Input Analog Input Channel 1

21 A2 Input Analog Input Channel 2

22 A3 Input Analog Input Channel 3

23 A4 Input Analog Input Channel 4

Pin Name Type Function

Arduino Nano Pin

Input Analog Input Channel 5

24 A5

25 A6 Input Analog Input Channel 6

26 A7 Input Analog Input Channel 7

27 +5V Output or Input +5V Output (From On- board Regulator) or

+5V (Input from External

Power Supply

28 RESET Input Reset (Active Low)

29 GND Power Supply Ground

30 VIN Power Supply voltage


Arduino Nano ICSP Pin Name Type Function

MISO Input or Output Master In Slave Out

Vic Output Supply Voltage

Arduino Nano ICSP Pin Name Type Function

SCK Output Clock from Master to Slave

MOSI Output or Input Master Out Slave In

RST Input Reset (Active Low)

GND Power Supply Ground

Fig 3.2.3 Arduino



4.1 Arduino Software

The Arduino is a family of microcontroller boards to simplify electronic design, prototyping

and experimenting for artists, hackers, hobbyists, but also many professionals. People use it as

brains for their robots, to build new digital music instruments, or to build a system that lets your

house plants tweet you when they’re dry. Arduinos (we use the standard Arduino Uno) are built

around an AT mega microcontroller essentially a complete computer with CPU, RAM, Flash

memory, and input/output

4.2 Download and Installation of Arduino Software


• Installing the Drivers for the Arduino Uno (from

• Plug in your board and wait for Windows to begin its driver installation process

After a few moments, the process will fail, despite its best efforts

• Click on the Start Menu, and open up the Control Panel

• While in the Control Panel, navigate to System and Security. Next, click on

Once the System window is up, open the Device Manager

• Look under Ports (COM & LPT). You should see an open port named “Arduino

(Coax)”. If there is no COM & LPT section, look under ‘Other Devices’ for

‘Unknown Device’

Fig 4.1.1


• Right click on the “Arduino UNO (Coax)” or “Unknown Device” port and choose

the “Update Driver Software” Opti Next, choose the “Browse my computer for

Driver software” option

Fig 4.1.2

• Finally, navigate to and select the Uno’s driver file, named “ArduinoUNO.inf”,

located in the “Drivers” folder of the Arduino Software download (not the “FTDI

USB Drivers” sub-directory). If you cannot see the .inf file, it is

probably just hidden. You can select the ‘drivers’ folder with the

‘search sub-folders’ option selected instead.

• Windows will finish up the driver installation from there Launch Blink!

• After following the appropriate steps for your software install, we are now ready

to test your first program with your Arduino board!

• Launch the Arduino application

• If you disconnected your board, plug it back in.

• Open the Blink example sketch by going to: File > Examples >1. Basics> Blink

Fig 4.1.3


•Select the type of Arduino board you’re using: Tools > Board > your board type


Step:5 •Select the serial/COM port that your Arduino is attached to: Tools>Port>Coax board

Fig 4.1.5

Fig 4.1.6

• If you’re not sure which serial device is your Arduino, take a look at the available

ports, then unplug your Arduino and look again. The one that disappeared is your


• With your Arduino board connected, and the Blink sketch open, press the ‘Upload’


• After a second, you should see some LEDs flashing on your Arduino, followed by

the message ‘Done Uploading’ in the status bar of the Blink sketch.

• If everything worked, the onboard LED on your Arduino should now be blinking!

You just programmed your first Arduino!

• Launch and Blink!


• After following the appropriate steps for your software install, we are now ready to

test your first program with your Arduino board!

• Launch the Arduino application

• If you disconnected your board, plug it back in

• Open the Blink example sketch by going to: File > Examples >1. Basics> Blink

Fig 4.1.7

Fig 4.1.8

•Select the type of Arduino board you’re using: Tools > Board > your board type


•Select the serial port that your Arduino is attached to: Tools > Port >1.

Basics (it’ll probably look something like “/dev/tty.

usbmodemfd131” or “/dev/tty. usbserial131” but probably with a

different number)

Fig 4.1.9

• If you’re not sure which serial device is your Arduino, take a look at the available

ports, then unplug your Arduino and look again. The one that disappeared is your


• With your Arduino board connected and the Blink sketch open, press the

‘Upload’ button

Fig 4.2.0

• After a second, you should see some LEDs flashing on your Arduino, followed

by the message ‘Done Uploading’ in the status bar of the Blink sketch.

• If everything worked, the onboard LED on your Arduino should now be blinking!

You just programmed your first Arduino!




1.Low power consumption

2.Easy to operate
3.Fast response efficient and low-cost design

4.Efficient and low-cost design.


1.This system will be an efficient solution for real time

applications to track location of vehicle.


According to this project we tested the system on the latest technology available in

smartphone which gives a proper result. This system is easy to use and very simple. The

model can be installed with an economical cost. The technology gives a good response

after received a message of particular action from microcontroller. SMS received time to

house owner is basically depend on the signal strength range that you have got through

mobile tower. We have developed and tested the model using C language further the

same model can be enhanced with the help of some high-end language and which would

be more portable.


The most essential thing in today’s world is providing security to the public and private

vehicles. So, vehicle tracking system is proposed to locate the exact position of the

vehicle when it is lost or hidden somewhere. GPS technology is used to track the location

and that data is transmitted to the user using GSM. Along with the tracking system anti-

theft system is also developed to provide security. It is mostly applicable in fleet

management, transportation system, military applications, school buses, public vehicles



Further this system can be enhanced into the advanced system which uses IOT concept

vehicle remotely by anyone from anywhere in the world. It can be arranged in such a way that

it can connect a call to the owner or it can send the information to the multiple persons.



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