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As I watched the Documentary about the 11 th hour it is a film in which the message
represents on or the present where it tackles the current situation on our planet and how
can we overcome in the near future. I was actually amazed by the images or evidence
that I’ve seen, the data or the facts that they presented and the information they gather
with their ideas can be able to spread awareness and understand that it is exist and it is
a challenge to all of us that every day we are not making right choices that it should be.
Like using some reusable bags instead of using plastics which can pollutes oceans. The
film has a lot of insights. I realized that Human’s actions impact the planet earth “we
could affect the future by what we do today.”

It focuses on possible solutions to environmental issues and we people should start by

ourselves and realize that our lives depend on the environment which we use in a
negative way. The film progresses the issues on global warming, extinction of species,
deforestation as a result of illegal logging had played its part for making it worse which
can cause floods and had devastated lives as well as the slowly disappearing ocean
habitats is depicted. As a student I will try my best to conserve our resources by using
electricity and water and I will keep in mind that everything that I do must have a
positive impact to the planet earth.

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