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Our lord and saviour

Jdjd Christ.

7 deadly Jdjd sins

-Liking Saismee
-Liking Bk
-Saying Jdjd not smart
-Challenging Jdjd
-Not like Jdjd

Story of Jdjd and Sais


Jdjd was big happy. Ugly saismee (satan) appear he say jdjd so ugly and bad. Jdjd
then send Saismee to birdkeepers (hell) for infinite pain. This is why you should
love Jdjd.

Story of Jdjds coming


Jdjd appear in server. People see Jdjd and instantly like Jdjd. This make Jdjd
happy. People make Jdjd religion and worship Jdjd. Satan (saismee) tries to stop
but he fail. Religion of Jdjd spread further and further.

Story of Jdjd dies


Jdjd becomes big popular. This make saismee (ugly and fat) mad. Saismee try to kill
Jdjd to stop people believe in Jdjd. This make so many people angery and they start
revolution. Everyone hate saismee :sunglasses:. Then he gives everyone power to
make new Jdjd holy land. So much peace and love <3. Everyone now hate saismee and
love Jdjd. But so sad still because Jdjd gone and he dead :(. But Jdjd forever
alive in our Jdjd hearts.

Jdjds sister

Jdjds unknown parents has secret child called Paul lamiata. She grew up with Jdjd
and have happy life. Paul lamiata huge strong woman. She never defeated by Saismee.

All idiot.
Jdjd and the worms

Worms worship and pray to Jdjd in Jdjd church. Jdjd listens and blesses worms with
happy. But soon an evil worm (train) sinned and said Jdjd bad. This make Jdjd so
mad and he made 10 covid diseases to kill so many worm.

The story of Uan.


Uan is horse that come from Jdjd paradise, Uan was made by Jdjd to test people
faith in Jdjd. People follow Uan and respect Uan. This make Jdjd happy so Jdjd make
everyone else Happy. But soon idiot creeper foudn out who caused creeper to exist
and caused them pain. He found out i was evil saismee so Jdjd make hell so inactive
:sunglass:. Then Jdjd ressurect Uan and so everyone worships miracle sent by Jdjd.
Stay Happy stay Uan.

Nugget Story

Jdjd make a person who is evil but disguised as good to see if supporters see. They
go under false id as beaver. They be so idiot and everyone knew they spy so
everyone hate hahah bevaer bad. :subglass:.

Jdjd and the egg


One day Jdjd saw sus egg in heaven so he look at it. The egg was impostor sent by
Saismee omg. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. du du du. dun dun. du du du du du.

Fake Jdjd ressurection


Unknown person knows as gogogoggagaga come to Jdjd holy land. THey rumor of they
being the second coming of Jdjd but it turn out they fake. They are imposter omg
dun dun dun dun dun dun. du du du. dun

Leko and Belephant


Jdjd makes the first people on Jdjd planet. Jdjd promises eternal happy as long as
they listen to Jdjd. Jdjd tells Leko and Belephant not to eat pineapple in tree.
They not know why but they listen to Jdjd because he powerful. happy lives. That
was until evil dog come and say omg that pineapple look yum. Leko say no no Jdjd
say bad. Evil dog say omg you should eat I bet it so yum yum yum. Leko go ok and
takes bite of Pineapple. Evil dog say yes good. Leko likes pineapple so she give to
Belephant. Jdjd find out that Belephant ate pineapple and Jdjd so mad. He ask why
he ate sacred pineapple and Belephant say Leko told him to eat. Leko say that evil
dog told her to eat. Jdjd so mad at everyone so he kills everyone xd. Then Jdjd
make new first people who were Peko and Bworm.
Jdjd and tree

Jdjd saw this tree one day. Jdjd did not make this tree so he so confuse.
Jdjd not like tree so he burn it down. But Jdjd accidentally burnt down all of
California but you cant say bad about Jdjd so good job Jdjd.

Wing movies


Story of Ora

Ora was pro person he did good. Jdjd reward ora with big happy. Evil saismee say
ora only good because he want happy. So Jdjd hurt ora to see if Ora still pro
person. Ora lose wife so sad. But ora still love Jdjd so

Cwos ark

Cwo was very good person but lot of people big bad. Jdjd wanted to kill all but Cwo
not deserve. So Jdjd tells cwo in dream to make big boat for all animal because
Jdjd going to flood everything. So Cwo make huge boat it. So cwo made huge boat and
Jdjd was happy. Jdjd tell Cwo to get many animal so Cwo get so many animal. Cwo get
basic bee rad bee and even Jay bee bee. So then Jdjd told cwo to get all animal on
boat so cwo did that. THen Jdjd told cwo to get onboat and be prepare. Jdjd make
big flood everywhere so many die xd. Cwo say thankyou Jdjd and Jdjd say thankyou
Cwo. The end

Jdjd and Blasmy


Blasmy is when you not like Jdjd!!! Jdjd not like those who not like Jdjd. Blasmy
was person who hate Jdjd. He bully people who like Jdjd because he hate Jdjd. Jdjd
was Blasmy was being bad. Jdjd teleport to prison and gives followers then Jdjd
wouldnt kill. But Blasmy say no I hate Jdjd I love saismee. So Jdjd saw that Blasmy
not learn anything when on mount Jay. So Jdjd punish Blasmy forever. Jdjd send
Blasmy to moon where no oxygen and in pain but cant die because Jdjd make immortal.
Jdjd then made the 7th deadly Jdjd sins called Blasmy (not liking Jdjd)

Story of tarin and Jdjd


Tarin was big dumb person. He think that he best person every but he not, he also
think he big brain but he small brain.

One day Tarin did huge dumb. Train say that he would be Jdjd decided that Tarin
need to learn lesson that he not the best person. Tarin say decline. So Jdjd brough
Tarin to boxing match where they fight.

Tarin fought against Jdjds mysterious lost brother known as buff Jdjd. Jdjd beat
Tarin so hard, Jdjd thought this would tell Tarin that he worse God but Tarin still
think he better so Jdjd decided to teleport Tarin to North Korea. Tarin got sent to
concentration camp and he pain.

So Jdjd makes 6th sin called Tarin which is Challenging Jdjd.

Demig egg

Demig egg was big noob. But he think he not big noob. Demig call Jdjd big noob
because demig noob. Jdjd saw and hate. Jdjd make Demig into omelete. So Jdjd make
5th sin called Demig. Punishment is turning into omelete.


Jams (child) say Jdjd not real he fake. Jdjd instantly super mad. Jdjd put Jams on
island to show Jams he idiot.

Jdjd still say that Jdjd not real. This make Jdjd big map so Jdjd did one last
attempt at make Jams believe in Jdjd. Jdjd teleport Jams to the core of the sun to
rot forever.

But Jams still not believe in Jdjd so Jdjd make Jmas immortal so Jams infinite
pain. Then Jdjd make 4th sin called Jams (not believing Jdjd)


Pop big egotistical and say they GIGA brain. They say smarter than Jdjd!!! Jdjd
know obviously fake because Jdjd 100000iq points.

Jdjd challenge Pop to math test and gets 200% and Pop get 0%. But Pop say it fluke
so Pop still think they smarter. This make Jdjd HUGE mad because Pop not learn
Jdjd teleport Pop to another galaxy with sus amogus aliens. Pop infinite suffer
with amogus aliens. Jdjd then make 3rd sin (saying Jdjd not smart)


At a very young age Beaver was diagnosed with a rare diseased calling liking bk.
Beaver liked bk throughout entire life.

Jdjd saw this and got big mad mad mad!!! Jdjd make Beaver play bk. He somehow like
BK even after 100 year. There was no knows cure for this exremely rare disease. SO
jdjd set him on fire. Beaver died very quickly.

Then Jdjd make 2nd sin called Beaver (liking bk) punishment is burn alive.

This story very scary so be scared. When Zlato was 6 we witnessed mother being
murder by father. And then father left for milk. Zlato traumatized and became
homeless orphan. Zlato then found big gang where Zlato descended into an even
worser life. He threaten people for money. Over time he Mental health crashed like
bks activeness and he satrted to get insane thoughts. Zlato started to like the
dark side. He started go like Satan himself. He started to like Saismee. (bruh
imagine liking Saismee gay ass bitch)
Wrong. Zlato started to spread hsi extremist belief of Saismee being good. But it
was soon seen by Jdjd. This make Jdjd Shaggy 100% power level angry. Jdjd was
planning on doing the worst possible thing Jdjd thought for many day on what to
do... After many time go pass, Jdjd finally know what to do with Zlato. Jdjd first
take all of Zlato skin away so only muscle and bleed left.
Then he pour salt on Zalto so all nerves big pain and it make him dry. Then he put
zlato in blast furnace so extreme pain. Jdjd left Zlato there for 1000 years..
But after 1000 years Zlato escaped and stole someones skin idk how dont ask me.
Then Zlato tell story and everyone started to hate Jdjd. The more poeple who hate
Jdjd the less power Jdjd gets and the more power Saismee gets. Saismee kept getting
more and more and more power and it was getting so close on who more ppowerful. So
Jdjd took one last action. Jdjd split the universe into 2. One universe has the
evil Saismee rule. Where fire everywhere and everyone hate Jdjd. And then there was
another universe. In this universe everyone love Jdjd and saismee nowhere to be
see. But Jdjd couldnt go to the other universe and Saismee couldnt come to this
universe so they trapped in their own universe. Only way to go to Saismee universe
is to be bad. Jdjd then made the first and worst sin. Liking saismee. This in
punishment by blast furnace forever.

A Jdjd Poem

Omg Why Jdjd so hot

Jdjd destory parkinglot

Jdjd was behind 9/11

Jdjd send you to heaven

Jdjd started the

Jdjd and grass block


Jdjd look at grass block. Jdjd love grass block so much. jdjd make entire game call
Minecraft. Minecraft so famous people love Jdjd because Jdjd famous game developer.
Jdjd then make Jdjd update and rename

Step by step Jdjd love


Here is a step by step guide to loving Jdjd.

-Say Jdjd every hour.

-Pray to Jdjd 10 times per day and say how much you love Jdjd.
-Live in Jdjd land and never leave Jdjd land.

-Be sexually attarcted to Jdjd.

-Jdjd is the only and most important thing in the ire universe.


Thankyou for reading Jdjd bible. Jdjd Bible very important book so please dont

If Jdjd book get stolen the world ends and thats not very good.



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