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Maternal and Child Health

Birth Clinics

Health care services and such face numerous

challenges. This is especially true here in the
Philippines due to underpaid or underserved nurses
that lead to staff shortage. A lot of nurses and
midwives are affected by this and some are even
challenged to go overseas. Despite this, it is
assuring that there are institutions here in the
Philippines that are steadily working on solving this
problem and even some more. Sustainable business
models of these institutions are being employed to
improve maternal and reproductive health care
quality in order to reduce the risks of maternal and
infant mortality.

As I read the article, it has given me an insight on

several private-sectors who have emerged and
focused on solving the said problems and employing
more various business models. Namely, they are,
Well-Family Midwife Franchise Clinics, Mother Bles
Birthing Clinics, Blue Star Pilipinas Clinics, and
EntrepreNurse Cooperatives. These innovations are
significant especially in health care. Although they
are different institutions, they have one goal, it is to
improve employment and equal treatment to nurses
and midwives since this is one of the main issues
that needs to be resolved in order to move on with
other issues that are also concerning in this area.
Institutions like these should be given significance
and support as these institutions seek to aid nurses
and midwives thus, improving the current status of
health care in the Philippines.

Christian Allen Kyle Morales- BSN2C

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