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Nursing Research

NCM 95
What is the research? exclusion criteria and that are accessible as
subjects of the study.
 The word was derived from the old French word.
 Research setting - The study setting is the
“cerchier,” meaning to seek or search.
location in which the researcher is conducted, it
 The prefix “re” means again and signifies
could be natural, partially controlled and
replication of the search.
environment or laboratories.
 One seeks new knowledge or two directly utilize
 Reliability - the degree of consistency or
knowledge specific to life situations.
accuracy with which an instrument measures
Definition of research. the attributes it is designed to measure.
 Pilot study - study carried out at the end of the
 Research is a problem-solving process, a planning phase of research in order to explore
systematic intensive study directed towards full and test the research elements to make relevant
scientific knowledge of the subject studied modifications in research tools and
(French Ruth, 1968). methodology.
 Research is a process which systematically  Analysis - method of organizing, sorting and
searches for new facts and relationships. scrutinizing data in such a way that the research
Definition of nursing research. question can be answered or meaningful
inferences can be drawn.
 Polit and Beck (2004) - systematic inquiry  Literature review - A critical summary or
designed to develop knowledge about issues of research on a topic of interest, generally
importance to the nursing profession, including prepared to put a research problem in context
nursing practice, education, administration and or to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior
informatics studies so as to justify a new investigation.
 Burns and Grove (2005) - define nursing  Phenomenon - a fact, or situation that is
research as a scientific process that validates observed to exist or happen, especially one
and refines existing knowledge and generates whose cause or explanation is in question.
new knowledge that directly and indirectly  Concept refers to a mental idea of a
influences clinical nursing practice. phenomenon. Concepts are words or terms that
Terminologies related to research. symbolize some aspects of reality. E.g., love,
 Abstract - a clear, concise summary that  Construct - is a highly abstract and complex
communicates essential information about the phenomenon or concept which is denoted by a
study in research journals. It is usually located at made-up or constructed term.
the beginning of an article.  A constructed term is used to indicate a
 Assumption - basic principle that is being true on phenomenon that cannot be directly
the basis of logic or reason, without proof or observed, but must be inferred by certain
verification. concrete or less abstract indications of the
 Hypothesis - a statement of the predicted phenomenon. E.g., Self esteem.
relationship between two or more variables in a
research study; an educated or calculated guess Some myths about research.
by the researcher.  The purpose of research is to prove or confirm a
 Population - the entire set of individuals or theory.
objects having some common characteristics  Research findings are presented as complete
selected for research. Study is referred to as and conclusive answers.
population.  There is a hierarchy of research methodology
 Target population - The entire population in that places true experimental research at the
which the researchers are interested and to top.
which they would like to generalize the research
findings. Purposes of research.
 Accessible population - the aggregate of cases  To have a research-based practice.
that conform the designated inclusion or  To document contributions to nursing and
overall health care.
Nursing Research
NCM 95
 To generate knowledge research in nursing validation as a
 To improve image of nursing. profession scientific basis for practice
research in nursing nursing research.
Purpose of nursing research: what does research do?
Accountability. Improvement in nursing
 Research enables nurses to; care. Identifying the role of nurse in
 Describe the characteristics of a particular changing society. Discovering new measures
nursing situation about which little is known, for nursing practice. Helps to take prompt
E.g., nurses work stress. decisions. Improve standard of nursing care.
 Explain phenomenon that must be We’re finding existing theories and
considered in planning nursing care discovering new theories. Features of
E.g., Nurses working concept, NPR, research. With the numonics ROCES.
teamwork, nursing care/concepts of Reliability or generalization findings can be
psychiatric, pediatric and OBG clients, water applied to situation or population larger
birth. than one studied order. See control,
 Predict the probable outcome of certain minimize bias, and maximize the precision
nursing decisions made in relation to client and validity of data gathered. Empiricism,
care. E.g., - oral care, lemon salt or objective methods of seeking information,
Chlorhexidine. and as systematic. Systematic function from
 Control the occurrence of undesired client identifying a problem to conclusions and
outcomes. E.g., muscle dystrophy recommendations. Characteristics of good
prevented/controlled by active passive research. Orderly and systematic process
exercise. based on current professional issues begin
 Initiate with a fair degree of confidence with clearly defined purposes. Emphasis to
activities that will achieve desired client develop and refine and expand professional
behavior. EG good or better IPR makes good knowledge directed towards development
or better client behavior. or testing theories. Finding solution no
 Provide the scientific basis for nursing problem dedicated to developing empirical
profession evidence. Generate findings or refine and
 Develop and evaluate new techniques for improve professional practices. Use of
delivering patient care that is vital to appropriate methodology conducted on
patient’s health needs. representative sample conducted to
appropriate use of methods and tools of
 Develop tools for assessing effectiveness of
nursing interventions. data collection. Use a valid and reliable data
collection tools, carefully recorded and
 Provide solutions to problems concerning
reported adequately and appropriately
health maintenance, health delivery and
analyzed research. Patiently care dot activity
health care.
researchers expertise, interest, motivation,
 Help determine the areas of need relative to
and courage. Adequately communicated.
nursing practices, such as patient teaching
Qualities of good researcher. With the
and nursing patient relationships.
numonics researcher. Research oriented.
 Develop and evaluate alternative
Efficient scientific. Effective. Active.
approaches to nursing education that would
Resourceful. Creative. Honest, economical,
enable that student to gain broad
religious. Characteristics of researchers
knowledge and specialized skills for safe
according to Kristoff 1991. Intellectual
curiosity. Creative thinking. Critical thinking.
 To prepare oneself to be a diligent
Ability to relate, to study to unknown
practitioner of research. Need for nursing
theory, patience and discipline to push this
research? For the continuous growth of
study through. Intellectual honesty. Sense of
nursing profession. Helps nursing to achieve
humor. Sources of knowledge. With the
its own professional identity. Helps to
Numonics castle. See customs and tradition.
identify the boundaries of nursing to define
We’ve always done it that way. A assembled
the parameters of nursing. For cost
information example, quality improvement
containment practices. Importance of
data. Scientific research. The most objective
Nursing Research
NCM 95
in the source of nursing knowledge, trial and Scope in area of nursing, research, nursing
error. If it works, we’ll use it. L logical education, nursing administration, nursing
reasoning, inductive and deductive experts service, nursing informatics. So based on
or authorities. So what are the roles of purpose, number one, basic pure research, it
nurses in research? Preparing trial protocols is done for the intellectual pleasure of
and other trial related documentation. learning, to search for knowledge for its own
Submitting study proposals for a regulatory sake and eventually filter down the result
approval. Coordinating the initiation, into real life situation. Number two, applied
management, completion of the research, research. It results from present problems or
collecting and recording pertinent data. from socially disorganized situation. It
Advocate of client or respondents during frequently raises theoretical questions that
study. Evaluator over research findings. must be answered by basic pure research.
Research problem identifier in four months #3 action research the process involves the
respondents, subjects, participants, or study of certain problem and from that
sample population. Consumer research experience, decisions, actions and
findings. Associate or member of the conclusions are not. Findings are limited to
research team. Research and nursing settings actually studied. So based on
process. The nursing process is an orderly approach quantitative research, quantitative
and systematic manner of determining the research is a formal, objective and
client’s problems, making plans to solve systematic process in which the numerical
them, initiating plans or assigning others to data are used to obtain information. It is
implement them, and evaluating the used to describe variables, examine
effectiveness of these plans. So the research relationships among variables. Qualitative
and nursing process. Nursing research. 1. research qualitative research is a systematic
Problem identification conceptualized topic, and interactive subjective approach used to
curiosity about the topic, brainstorm with describe life experiences and give them
peers, review related literature, developed meaning. According to Marshall and
conceptual framework, state specific Rossman 2006 and Manhal, 2001, it is
problem. Nursing process one assessment conducted to describe and promote.
phase. Collect data from various sources Understanding of human experience such as
using appropriate techniques. Nursing pain, caring, and comfort.
research, too. Methodological development.
Identify your variables, formulate
hypothesis, develop something size, develop
instruments needed and validate balance
validity with reliability. Nursing process two
diagnosis face. Validate, organize data.
Analyze and interpret actual and potential
health problems. Formulate nursing
diagnosis. Nursing research 3. Data
management. Collect and organize data.
Analyze data, interpret results of study.
Nursing process three planning phase
prioritize health problems. Identify
components of care resources needed. Set
goals formulate plan of care select nursing
actions set evaluation parameters update.
Modify as needed. Nursing research for
disseminate findings. Publish findings.
Review findings. Critique findings. Nursing
process for implementation phase.
Implement plan of care, collaborate with
other members, modify plan as needed.

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