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Christian Allen Kyle Morales BSN-3A, Group 4 09/29/2022

Maila Joy Cantoja

3 Topics for Research
Cultural background and its effect on coping mechanism of students
- Explores the connection of the diversity of the cultural background of students
and the impact on the coping mechanism in students who migrated from their
hometown to a different school.
Vaccination for older adults: benefits and challenges
- Older adults need to prioritize vaccinations for many important reasons. As we
age, our immune systems don’t respond as well so it is important that we stay up
to date with recommended vaccines, including boosters for enhanced protection.
This study explores the reason behind the hesitancy of older adult vaccination
and the benefits of those who had the vaccination.
Canine connection
- Studying the relationship between humans and dogs and how it influences our
physical, mental, and vocational well-being

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