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Evergreen Cherry Trees

Evergreen cherry trees (Prunus ilicifolia) are native to the coastline of California in
U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 10. These trees
withstand clipping to control their size and shape. Hollyleaf cherry (Prunus ilicifolia
ilicifolia) produces an edible dark red cherry with a large pit. It reaches 10 to 25 feet
tall in the wild but is grown to 10 feet tall in landscapes. This tree variety grows glossy
leaves with spines like holly leaves but not as prickly. Another evergreen cherry is the
Catalina cherry (Prunus ilicifolia lyonii), which does grow to 45 feet tall in the wild, but
is usually found in landscapes as a small tree around 15 feet tall. The nearly black
cherries are edible, and the leaves are smoother than the hollyleaf cherry.

English Laurel
English laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) grows quickly to 12 feet tall with leathery 7-inch-
long leaves. These evergreen trees bloom in spring with spikes of white flowers in
USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 9. "Etna" reaches 8 feet tall and wide with
copper-colored leaves. "Nana" is the dwarf variety growing to 8 feet tall. Schipka laurel
(Prunus laurocerasus "Schipkaensis") reaches 6 feet tall and spreads to 8 feet wide.

Japanese Flowering Apricot

Japanese flowering apricot trees (Prunus mume) bloom from midwinter through
spring before the trees bear leaves. Several varieties produce purplish leaves. This tree
grows white to dark red flowers with a spicy fragrance. Yellowish-green fruit only 1
inch across develop, but they are only suitable for pickling. “Beni-chidori” reaches 8
feet tall. Other ornamental flowering apricot trees include “Bonita,” “Dawn,”
“Matsubara Red” and “Pendula.”

Flowering Almond Trees

Flowering almond trees (Prunus triloba) grow to 10 feet tall and wide very slowly.
Two-toned leaves with dark green tops cover the tree after the 1 1/2-inch-wide flowers
are finished in the spring. The variety "Multiplex" produces pink double flowers.
Prunus glandulosa is the dwarf form of the flowering almond.

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