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Lesson Plan

Level of School : MA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Furqan

Class : X IPA 1
Topic : What are You Going to Do Today?
(Expression Intention - Speaking)
Time Allotments : 2 X 45 Minutes

In the end of the lesson students be able to:
1. understand expressions to express intentions.
2. using expressions to express intentions.
3. make the dialogue about expressing intention.
4. practice the dialogue about expressing intention in front of the class.

Time : (20 Minutes)
1. The teacher greets, checks students attendance list and pray together.
2. The teacher gives warming up about the lesson today by showing some pictures.
- Do you know these places?
- Why do you think people visit these places?
- What can they do there?
- Which one do you prefer to visit? why?
3. The teacher ask students to complete the vocabulary builder’s table related to the pictures
in the warmer section.

While Activity
Time : (60 Minutes)
1. The teacher explains about expressing intention.
2. The teacher asks students to follow the teacher’s pronunciation regarding asking and
expressing intention sentences.
3. The teacher gives examples of how to use expressing intention.
4. The teacher asks students to play ‘Hot Marker’ game (play a song and stop it suddenly, for
those who hold the marker when the song stops, they will make a sentence related to
expressing intention)
5. The teacher divides students into four groups and asks students to name their groups.
6. The teacher asks students to make a dialogue about expressing intention.
7. The teacher asks students to practice the dialogue they have made in front of the class and
asks other groups to give marks.
8. The group with the highest score will be the winner.

Post Activity
Time : (10 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to conclude what they have learnt today.
2. The teacher closing the class and pray together.

No. Attitude and value Knowledge Skills

1. Discipline in planning Make a dialogue related to Practice the dialogue
something. expressing intention. related to expressing
intention in front of the
Teaching Media : Marker, some english music.

Tutor Teacher Banjarmasin, Sept 23, 2021


Rismawati, S. Pd Rizky Septiani

Reference :
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. 2017. Buku Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum 2013 SMA/SMK/MA/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan. (Chapter 3 – What are You Going to Do Today?)


      5 □ Easy to understand and has a native speaker accent  
4 □ Easy to understand even with a certain accent   
  3 □ There are pronunciation problems that make listeners
have to concentrate fully and sometimes there are  
Pronunciation misunderstandings
2 □ Difficult to understand because there are pronunciation
problems, often asked to repeat 
1 □ Serious pronunciation problem so incomprehensible  


      5 □ No or few grammatical errors 
4 □ Sometimes make grammatical errors but it doesn’t affect
  the meaning
3 □ Often make grammatical errors that affect meaning
Grammar 2 □ Many grammatical errors that hinder meaning and often
rearrange sentences
1 □ The grammatical error is so severe that it is difficult to


      5 □ Use vocabulary and expressions like a native speaker 
4 □ Sometimes uses inappropriate vocabulary 
  3 □ Sometimes uses inappropriate vocabulary, conversation
becomes limited due to limited vocabulary
Vocabulary 2 □ Use vocabulary incorrectly and vocabulary is limited so it
is difficult to understand
1 □ Vocabulary is so limited that conversation is impossible
      5 □ Fluent like a native speaker 
4 □ Fluency seems a little disturbed by the language problem
Fluency 3 □ Fluency is a bit disturbed by language problems
2 □ Often hesitate and stop because of language limitations
1 □ Speech falters and stops so conversation is impossible
      5 □ Understand all without experiencing difficulties 
4 □ Understand almost everything, even though there is
  repetition in certain parts
3 □ Understand most of what is being said when speech is
Comprehension slowed down a bit despite repetition
2 □ Hard to follow what is said 
1 □ Can’t understand even simple conversation 

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