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Geneststraße 5 · 10829 Berlin 11507 Berlin

Mail über Kontaktformular


Kanika Arora
House No -18, Indra Vihar
110009 Delhi

Berlin, den 02.07.2021

Your application number 2475539

Dear Kanika Arora,

With your application you chose one - or more than one - university that requires all its
international applicants to have their applications pre-checked by uni-assist. We now completed
our evaluation and would like to inform you accordingly:

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Master - International Business Management
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

Unfortunately your application is incomplete.

The following documents were either not submitted, or were not sufficiently certified:

Letter of motivation
Evidence of proficiency in another foreign language (in addition to German and/or English)
Please enquire at the university about the required language(s) and level of proficiency.

It is possible to submit new documents until the end of the universitys application deadline.
Please check whether there is still time before the deadline expires.

Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Master (FH) - International Business Management
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

You have not achieved the minimum grade required by the Fachhochschule Bielefeld for
admission to this degree programme.
The following documents were either not submitted, or were not sufficiently certified:

Evidence of the required level of German language proficiency

It is possible to submit new documents until the end of the universitys application deadline.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz · Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Bankverbindung: HypoVereinsbank · IBAN DE62 1002 0890 0019 0552 72 · BIC: HYVEDEMM488
Please check whether there is still time before the deadline expires.

Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Master (FH) - Controlling Finance Accounting
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

You have not achieved the minimum grade required by the Fachhochschule Bielefeld for
admission to this degree programme.

Universität zu Köln
Master an Unis Abschlussprfg.vorausgesetzt - Business Administration Corporate
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

You have not achieved the minimum grade required by the Universität zu Köln for admission to
this degree programme.

Universität zu Köln
Master an Unis Abschlussprfg.vorausgesetzt - Business Administration Finance
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

You have not achieved the minimum grade required by the Universität zu Köln for admission to
this degree programme.

HS Rhein-Waal
Master of Science - Economics and Finance
We regret to inform you that your application could not yet be forwarded to the university you
applied to.

You have not achieved the minimum grade required by the HS Rhein-Waal for admission to this
degree programme.
The following documents were either not submitted, or were not sufficiently certified:

GMAT or GRE (an online upload is sufficient)

Please enquire at the university about which test is required.

It is possible to submit new documents until the end of the universitys application deadline.
Please check whether there is still time before the deadline expires.

uni-assist has carried out the pre-check of your documents with the greatest care and accuracy.
Should you however feel that we have made a mistake in our pre-check, please write to us.
State the reasons for your complaint and please include your application number. uni-assist's
management will look into your complaint and get back to you in writing. If you still disagree with
this response, we will forward your application to the respective university. The university will
then issue you a decision vested with legal capacity.


VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz · Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
Bankverbindung: HypoVereinsbank · IBAN: DE62 1002 0890 0019 0552 72 · BIC: HYVEDEMM488
Your uni-assist-team

Please Note: This letter was processed automatically and is valid without personal signature.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz · Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
Bankverbindung: HypoVereinsbank · IBAN: DE62 1002 0890 0019 0552 72 · BIC: HYVEDEMM488

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