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SNED 1 – Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education

First Semester, 2021-2022
Professor: Ditas I. Tiamzon, Ph.D.

Looking at how our schools, classes, programs, and courses are designed so that all
students may participate and learn is what inclusive education is all about. Inclusion
generally entails experimenting with different teaching methods to ensure that all
students are actively involved in the classroom. It also entails figuring out how to foster
friendships, relationships, and mutual respect among all students, as well as between
students and teachers at the school. Thus, inclusive education is not reserved for a
select group of youngsters. A child does not need to be prepared to be involved. At all
times, all children are prepared to attend conventional schools and classes. It is not
necessary for them to earn their participation. Inclusive education is a way of thinking
about how to be inventive to make our schools a welcoming environment for all
students. Teachers can be creative by learning new ways to educate or developing
classes so that all children can participate. As a value, inclusive education expresses
our desire for all our students to be valued and accepted throughout their lives.

However, to make things feasible government must act as the bridge to eliminate the
gap and bring inclusion as a potential for the sake of killing discrimination and spreading
the equality among others. In addition, there is ample evidence on the action and
commitments governments need to make, not just at the summit, but also beyond to
make quality education a reality. The global community needs to:

Focus on the right to be counted, as children with disabilities remain invisible in

most data collection efforts. It is right to account these children for the sake of
fairness and equality.

Go beyond “access” to talk about “quality” education as well. The right of children
to get an education is widely discussed, but little attention is paid to their educational
rights. It means that we must protect their right to participate in relevant and powerful
learning activities.

Develop a workforce that can address the needs of all learners, including those
with disabilities. Teachers should be trained to be more inclusive, and the creation of
accessible and alternative teaching and learning tools should be supported.

Education is a powerful tool, and now is the moment to invest in this vision of a world
where everyone has access to high-quality education. As communities, governments,
civil society, the commercial sector, and multilateral organizations, we can all do
something. If we use our combined strength, we can make this happen for children with
disabilities across the world.
Spread PEACE to everyone.
Give LOVE to everyone.
Share you HUG to everyone.

“I commit to be the ambassador of PEACE and give light to those who felt
different from others. To spread the love and let them feel that they deserve to be
loved and importantly share at least a hug to everyone for them not to feel alone
and sad.”

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