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About this supplement. merchant caravans following the Ivory Road.

caught by the Owls are often strung up on the roofs
This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer Fan- of the hunts, a gourmet treat for our fellow avian
tasy Roleplay 4th edition which adds three new policemen, the screams of of these unfortunates
species (Ogres, Gnoblars and Humans from Pigbar- serving as a warning to others who might feel temp-
ter) as well as 32 new career paths themed for the ted to raid the dirty stilt-shacks.
Mountains of Mourn and their surroundings, four of
each category of careers. All careers are made by Playing a Pigbarter Human
Leo E Gunnemarsson as are new talents, skills,
Playing a Pigbarter human is simmilar to playing a
mounts, equipment and spells associated with them.
Reikland human with the difference that the species
New tables for randomizing character creation is
skills and talents is replaced to the following.
also part of this.
Humans (Pigbarter)
Skills: Animal Care, Sleight of hand, Gamble, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle,
"Pigbarter is without doubt the foulest sewer of a Language (Any one), Language (Grumbarath), Lore (Ogres), Melee
rotting excuse for a town I have ever stepped into in (Basic), Ranged (Throwing), Ride (Hog)
all my eight years as a traveler of the world. The
Talents: Pigbarter Scum, Criminal or Dealmaker, Etiquette (Criminals),
whole place is choked with a fug of yellow, acrid-
2 Random Talents
tasting smoke from the River Ruin, slouching its way
past buildings on silt-like legs." New Talents:

—Reuben Kyte, Explorer and eventual Firemaster Pigbarter scum

of the Angry Fist Tribe Max:1
Pigbarter is a large, lucrative trading settlement Tests: Endurance to resist foul smell
located at the mouth of the River Ruin, known in
You grew up in the squalid trade-town of Pigbarter and speak
those lands as the Scalded Delta and a prime desti- the strange tongue of the place, a mix of various languages
nation spot for those following the Ivory Road. Pig- given their own insulting touch from the place. You speak this
barter is named as such because of a popular sport fluently (if such a thing can be claimed) and need never test to
which captivates the citizens of the trading town. Pig speak it nor do you need the skill ”Language (Pigbarter)”. As
this does not change the base setting you are still considered
-jousting as it is called is the most popular event,
able to speak and understand Reikspeil well.
where merchants and gamblers gather from all
around the settlement for a mile around. Pigbarter Names
The settlement itself is built above the foul, toxic The names of Pigbarter are often highly informal but
chemical waters of the River Ruin, built upon mas- it’s also quite common for humans from such a
sive silts which raise the settlment high into the air. place to just have a name from a land where their
Each habitation is rimmed with sharp shards of ancestors came from or have a slave-name from
glass and sharpened nail that have been hammered Ogre or chaos dwarf masters long-since escaped.
into the wood of the foundation timbers and sup- The examples here will be more in the line of the
porting beams, presumably to prevent nocturnal informal Pigbarter specific names.
raids from the Gnoblars that infest this benighted
Example Male names: Dieb, Ladro, Zéio, Duàngō,
town at ground-level. These beams are almost wit-
Fälscher, Falsario, Truffator, Bauernfäng, Piàn,
hout exception riddled with woodworms, centipede
Mánlì, Rohlin, Bruto, Schweineficker, Zhūhúndàn
and louse, and as a result a good third of Pigbarter's
buldings have collapsed to form a ramshackle floor Example Female names: Diebin, Ladra, Zéin,
of shantytowns housing said to be infested with Duànga, Fälscha, Falsaria, Truffatrix, Bauernfänga,
Goblins below the settlement. Piànza, Mánlìx, Rohlin, Bruta, Schweinefickerix,
Quite how man and greenskin can coexist in this
manner is incomprehensible to many. Above the
buildings, large flocks of trained eagle-owls as large
as hounds are used by the town's inhabitants as a
way to deter any Gnoblar raiding parties from ste-
aling the goods and profits earned from traveling
Gnoblars Gnoblar, they are preyed upon by all and sundry.
They are often enslaved by Chaos Dwarf raiders,
""The sun took us to deep valley...below the sea of whom they are deathly afraid, and not without
of clouds... good reason. The most important step in Gnoblar
The world looked small...We would take it and ate evolution was the realisation that the Ogres dwel-
it all... ling in the Mountains of Mourn found them of more
use as slaves than sustenance. Before long, a
Little ones came from Hills, Green of Skin and
mass exodus of Gnoblars leaving their homelands
in the foothills saw the Ogre Kingdoms infested,
They were too stringy to eat, so we put them to with shanty towns springing up in every available
work..." nook and cranny. Since that day, the Gnoblars
—The Saga of the Ogres, as interpreted by Yohan have performed the menial tasks demanded of
the Honest (declared eaten) them by their Ogre masters, and in return, the
Ogres ensure that only a comparatively small per-
Gnoblars are a distinct subspecies of mountain or centage of Gnoblars meet a grisly and unfortunate
hill-dwelling Goblins that inhabit the mountains, death.
hills or shanty-towns of the Ogre Kingdoms and
the lowlands of Gnoblar Country to its southern Playing a Gnoblar
borders. They are similar to their Goblin cousins in Playing a Gnoblar follows the following special
many ways such as their cowardice, evil-minded rules
nature, cunning, and their familiar appearance.
Just like their Goblin cousins, they are also the Characteristics:
"slave" force of the Ogre race, acting as servants,
Weaponskill: 2d10+10
cannon fodder, ammunition or even food, ho-
wever, Ogres tend to not eat Gnoblars for they Ballisticskill: 2d10+10
think of them as too "stringy".
Strength: 2d5+10
These highly unpleasant creatures are possessed
of a malicious but limited cunning that entirely fails Toughness: 2d5+10
to make up for their lack of physical strength.
Their gnarled bodies are topped with large, bul- Initiative: 2d10+40
bous heads, and they have scrawny arms that end Agility: 2d10+20
in wide and dexterous hands. Despite their
slender frames, Gnoblars have a disproportionate Dexterity: 2d10+30
amount of strength in their legs and backs, having
been selectively bred for load-bearing by their Intelligence: 2d10+10
masters' tendency to tread on those who fail to Willpower: 2d10+10
prove themselves useful.
Fellowship: 2d10+10
The most remarkable feature of a Gnoblar is pro-
bably his nose, a massive protuberant lump that Wounds: (2xTB)+WPB
can smell an approaching predator before it has a
chance to pounce. This is complemented by an Fate: 3
acute pair of ears; large, triangular appendages
Resilience: 0
that swivel independently at the slightest sound. A
Gnoblar down on his luck will have them perked Extra Points: 3
up expectantly, perhaps to make himself larger
and more threatening. However, the Gnoblars Movement: 4
found out a long time ago that the best way to
make themselves look larger and more threa-
tening is simply to stand between the legs of a
well-fed Ogre.
Despite the fact there is very little meat on a
Gnoblar Traits Gnoblar Names
Gnoblars start with the following traits: The names of gnoblars are often short so they
and their ogre masters don’t forget them. Often
Size (Small)
with at least as many vowels as consonants (not
Gnoblar Talents that the gnoblars understand what that is) so that
they can easily be screamed in a high-pitched and
Gnoblars start with the following talents:
annoying manner.
Acute Sense (Hearing), Acute Sense (Smell),
Example names: Ma, Ni, Goo, Wi, Ju, Saa, Kii,
Beneath Notice, Combat Aware, Luck, Flee! or
Lulu, Hoohaa, Jipo, Ye, Food, Mee, You
Dirty Fighting, Strong Back, Sturdy, Wary,
New Talents:
Max: Initiative bonus
Tests: Perception to detect stealth or discover am-
You are ever cautious, looking for threats to your life. When
you have the surprised condition the bonus to attacks against
you is +10 rather than +20.

Dwarfs and Gnoblars
Tests: Language (Grumbarath) and Lore (Ogres)
You are a gnoblar, a slave-race to the Ogres. You can speak Dwarfs and Gnoblars do not get along gene-
Grumbarath fluently (but annoyingly high-pitched) and need rally. Hating greenskins and thieves it’s no
not test to do so. You also know the odd word in other ton-
surprise that dwarfs also hate the greenskin
gues and at the GMs discretion you can communicate in Re-
ikspeil well enough to talk to non-Grumbarath speaking PCs. thieves called gnoblars. The more traditional
In addition as long as you are with an allied ogre you ignore dwarfs will not suffer the presence of gnob-
the fear and terror trait of enemy ogres.
lars and will slay them given half a chance or
Gnoblar Skills at least drive them away if it’s impractical to
Skills: Sleight of hand, Perception, Intuition, Athletics, Climb, actually kill them (as dwarfs still recognize
Dodge, Endurance, Language (Pigbarter), Lore (Ogres), Melee they aren’t much of a threat). Some dwarfs,
(Brawling), Outdoor Survival, Perform (Beg for mercy), Stealth, espesially of younger holds, have however
Track, Ranged (Throwing)
needed to make deals with ogres and hire in
Greenskins with no goblin-tongue mercenary armies which bring gnoblars
along. Such dwarfs recognize that a gnoblar
You might notice that gnoblars in this game do not
with a master is usually kept under control
speak a language that lets them communicate with
and can be considered more like a pet than a
orcs and goblins. This is not a coincidence, once upon
foe meaning the grudges against greenskins
a time the gnoblars spoke such a tongue but that was
need not include them. After all orc boar
before they met the ogres. Within a few generations
boyz and goblin wolf riders have caused
of that meeting their old language was forgotten in
many grudges against the dwarfs but the
favour of the ogre tongue both because it was more
dwarfs have no grudges against boars and
useful and also because only the very brightest gnob-
wolfs, only their riders. If having PCs of both
lars have the mental capacity required to separate
type in the game it is good to discuss before-
between languages and understand the concept of
hand the dwarfs view of gnoblars to make
there being more than one (people speaking other
sure it works in-game.
tongues obviously just make weird noises as that is
Ogres symbol of status. A very poor Ogre would have a
simple hardwood bough for a club. A Tyrant on the
"The new mountains gave us shelter... We made fire other hand would wield a brutal looking bludgeon,
in their mouths... banded, studded and spiked with iron.
The tribes split the lands... The Tyrants roared and The Ogre Kingdoms are the rightful and sovereign
fought... domain of the large and brutish Ogre race. Wande-
There were many kingdoms... It was good for many ring tribes of Ogres can be found wrecking their way
winters... across the globe, erecting many strongholds and
plundering far off and exotic lands the likes of which
The tribes grew and grew too much. Now we follow
no man will ever see in their lifetime. Yet no matter
the sun once more..."
how far away they may be, all Ogres refer to the
—The Saga of the Ogres, as interpreted by scattered tribal kingdoms that dominate the slopes
Yohan the Honest (declared eaten). and river valleys of the Mountains of Mourn their
Ogres are monstrous humanoid creatures, with rightful, hard-earned homeland. It is here, amongst
large, powerful and corpulent bodies, and snarling, the frozen peaks and blistering blizzards that
brutish and seemingly neck-less heads. An average mighty Tyrants rule over their own brutal kingdoms,
adult male Ogre stands over ten feet tall, and is al- warring amongst each other, looting, extorting and
most half as wide at the gut. Ogres are often bald as ransacking all before them as a tribute to their own
a boulder, although are rarely without facial hair, gluttonous appetite and their ever-hungry God,
which are thought to be cultivated to capture the Great Maw.
morsels of food that escape the Ogre's mouth. Ogres have lived in tribes since their earliest days
Ogres worship a god they call The Great Maw, a on the plains. These bands allow Ogres to take
massive, seemingly bottomless pit of hunger in the what they want, whether in battle or on the hunt, as
world lined with rows of fangs. Ogres similarly are few can stand against a bulky wall of oncoming
voracious creatures which are never sated. Driven Ogres. A tribe can range in size from a few dozen
by hunger, they will eat anything they get their individuals to larger groups comprising many
hands on, including fellow Ogres. Cannibalism is a hundreds. Yet regardless of a tribe's size, it is orga-
natural part of the harsh and uncompromising Ogre nised according to a recognisable hierarchy and
society, and only adds to the Ogres' terrifying repu- follows proud Ogre traditions. To ensure their tribe
tation. stays strong, any weak or gangly offspring are wee-
ded out by throwing them into the caves as offerings
Ogre society is based upon one simple principle: to the Great Maw. It is a grim but practical outlook,
that might makes right. The strongest may take for Ogres require a lot of food and only those strong
whatever they like from the weaker, including life enough to hunt or fight can survive.
and limb. An Ogre who kills another Ogre in a fight
has, in the most effective way, shown himself the The Ogre Kingdoms are made up of hundreds of
stronger, and far from having committed any wrong- different tribes, each with their own ways and violent
doing, has merely demonstrated this principle and reputations. As Ogres are blunt and obvious, the
proven himself to be in the right. tribal name often reflects the most overt tribal traits.
For instance, the Skulltaker tribe have attained pro-
All forms of disputes, such as personal grudges, minence for their successful hunts, and the borders
land disputes and leadership challenges, are settled of their kingdom are well marked with the skulls of
by contests of physical strength - the most serious beasts so large they defy belief, while the Treeham-
questions being answered by contests in the form of mers tribe is known for carrying oversized clubs,
a lethal bout of pit-fighting. and the Bloody Fists are recognised by their
Ogres have strong nomadic tendencies, some ta- distinctive war-markings made from the blood of
king long journeys all around the Warhammer world, their enemies.
where they fight in mercenary armies or for any ge-
neral who will pay them in gold or sometimes even
All Ogres have a club of some sort. This club is not
only a valuable weapon and hunting tool, but also a
Playing an Ogre Ogres in Civilized Lands
Playing an Ogre follows the rules in Archives of the
Empire II but grants access to several new careers Ogres are not neccesarily foes to civilization but
found in this compendium. they clearly aren’t civilized. Their society is primi-
tive compared to those of men, elves and dwarfs.
Ogre Magic
Not all settlements turn ogres away, but many do.
My supplement, which came before the Archives of
Those in the know see ogres as monsters that can
the Empire II, treats ogre magic as divine as they
are described as priests while the official WFRP 4th be reasoned with, but that still makes them mons-
edition source choses to treat it as arcane but chan- ters. When someone wants to hire muscle ogres
neled with the help of their god(s). I maintain that I are welcomed with open arms but at other times
think divine magic is a better fit but both work. Thus few want anything to do with them.
this supplement, with its own butcher career, will
now accept both and make it possible to be either. Ogres do feel a strange connection to halflings ho-
This simply represents different methods of calling wever and the halflings in turn to them. It is a con-
upon the Maw. nection that goes beyond the ogres liking the hal-
Ogre Names flings food (though they indeed do like their food)
Ogre names are very varying in nature and most ogres have several. and is a kinship of some sort. Many times have a
Their first is the first sound their parents made upon seeing the newborn
and their second the name of their tribe of birth. After that more are wandering ogre come to the aid of a halfling being
added all the time and from all kinds of reasons. One or two childhood
names from their friends. A few from deeds they are proud of. A few
threatened and as many times have a halfling
adult names for what others call them. A few title names from their ca- stepped in to explain to an ogre that he is being
reers. And for some lucky ogres, a big name, one of the famous names
that bring renown to their bearers earned through great deeds.Ogre tricked into lower pay. It is almost as if the species
men and women have similar names but the mens names are louder.
This is not really noticeable in written form but few ogres can read.
were made to be together. Some claim they were,
Example first names: Arg, Hur, Hoh, Wa, Noh, Burp, Uhh, Hah that ’Old Ones’ created them when the world was
Example tribe names: Gooldtooth, Thunderguts, Crossed Clubs, Son young but that is a conspiracy theory as crazy as
of the Mountain, Feastmaster, Rock Skull, Blood Guzzler, Ironskin,
that of empires of ratmen dwelling below ci-
Lazargh, Mountaineater, Eyebiter

Example childhood names: Bos, Dudzok, Grook, Crulgbuk, Dir-

tee,Furdihurr, Vrekki, Prook, Nangogg

Example deed names: Gnoblarkicker, Rhinoxbreaker, Yheteefriend,

Stonebasher, Manmuncher, Dwarfboiler, Elffrier, Lizardluncher

Example adult names: Skrag, Bragg, Bolgfogg, Greasar,Skrath, Golth,

Bruto, Grut, Jaugrel, Mordikk

Big names: Big names are only earned through play by doing an im-
pressive enough deed (GMs discretion). They refer to that deed in a
style like deed names. An ogre player counts his status as one step
higher towards ogres and gnoblars for each big name he has (rarely
more than one).
Status in the Mountains of Mourn nely cares for him and will actively look out for the
gnoblar. The gnoblar gets actual meals rather than
Status works different in different societies and scraps and is proudly displayed as one of the mas-
while the rules at their base is simmilar there are ters more prized possessions.
some differences.
Pigbarterfolk and Status
Ogres and Status
Status modifiers to charm, entertain, intimidate,
Status modifiers to charm, entertain, intimidate, gossip and leadership
gossip and leadership
Pigbarter folk count their status as one step lower to
Ogres ignore the penalties and bonuses from status folk with the seasoned traveller talent representing
when talking to non-ogres. When talking to other the towns reputation.
ogres they follow them as normal.
The Costs of Living
The Costs of Living
The costs of living are generally considered very
Brass: Apart from a simple club the ogre keeps as similar to those of humans from other lands.
his own in thick and thin pretty much all other
possessions are come and go. The ogre is unlikely Corruption for Ogres and Gnoblars
to own things he does not carry on him at the mo-
Ogres and gnoblars get corruption just as any ot-
ment and it’s not certain he personally owns
hers. Ogres get a mental corruption on a roll of 01-
everything he does carry on him. The ogre may or
10 and a physical corruption on a roll of 11-00.
may not own a gnoblar.
Gnoblar minds are too small to be corrupted and
Silver: The ogre owns a proper club with metal- they only ever get physical corruptions.
parts and a gutplate that displays a tribal, religious
or personal mark. The ogre has a gnoblar slave (or
several) and some items of worth.
Gold: The ogre owns a club thats mostly or all metal
with ornaments on it. The ogre has a fine gutplate
showing who he is. The ogre has items of high va-
lue (preferably deadly ones) on constant display.
The ogre has plenty of gnoblar slaves and likely
some ogres following his orders.

Gnoblars and Status

Status modifiers to charm, entertain, intimidate,
gossip and leadership
The status bonus on leadership and intimidate only
applies against other gnoblars.
The Costs of Living
Brass: The gnoblar owns the items he grasps and
the clothes on his back as long as he can hold on to
them. The gnoblar gets to fight for foodscraps with
other ’unimportant’ gnoblars.
Silver: The gnoblar owns what he carries and if so-
meone tries to steal that he can run to his master
and actually expect protection. He gets first pickings
of scraps before the general brawl for them starts.
He is shown proudly on display by the master as a
valued pet.
Gold: The gnoblar owns what he carries and some
items safely placed in his home. His master genui-
Random Species Table Eye colour table

2d10 Pigbarter Human Ogre Gnoblar

1d100 Species
2 Free Choice Light Grey Yellow
01–86 Human (Reikland)
3 Jade Grey Bright Orange
87 Human (Pigbarter)
4 Milky white Pale Blue Orange
88–91 Halfling
5-7 Blue Blue Dark Orange
92–95 Dwarf
8-11 Pale Grey Green Bright Red
96 Ogre
12-14 Grey Hazel Red
97 Gnoblar
15-17 Brown Brown Dark Red
98 High Elf
18 Yellow-brown Copper Reddish Brown
99 Wood Elf
19 Bronze-tinted Dark Brown Reddish Grey
00 Gnome
20 Sickly yellow Black Grey

Height Table Hair colour table

Human Ogre Gnoblar 2d10 Pigbarter Human Ogre Gnoblar

2 Blond Blond Hairless

4’8+2d10 9’10+3d10 1’11+3d10
3 Dark Blond Mousy Hairless
Age Table
4 Mousy Silver Hairless
Human Ogre Gnoblar
5-7 Brown Grey Hairless

14+d10 15+5d10 2d10 8-11 Dark Brown Brown Hairless

12-14 Black Dark Brown Hairless

15-17 Dark Grey Black Hairless

18 Grey Black with stre- Hairless

aks of brown
19 Silver Black with stre- Hairless

20 Sickly green and Black with stre- Hairless

falling off in pat- aks of silver
The Goldtooth Tribe ing tribe, ruled by a Tyrant named Gut Badmouth,
was paid a visit during the spring Hoof and Horn
"We are rich for we are strong. feast. There Greasus challenged the old Tyrant to
Challenge wealth and challenge might. single combat. Badmouth, older and significantly
larger than Greasus, eagerly clambered into the
Many tried. Greasus beat them all.
maw-pit, awaiting his challenger.
Praise the overtyrant."
In an unexpected entrance, Greasus launched him-
—First caravan-threatener Borlag Goldtooth self into the maw-pit, and slammed his body gut-first
The Goldtooth Tribe is one of the important factions onto the old Tyrant's head, breaking his neck. Some
of the Ogre Kingdoms, known for their sheer num- felt that Greasus had defied pit-fighting traditions,
bers and having the best equipped fighting force. whilst others felt the rules might have been cleverly
Since the days of the infamous Tyrant Gofg, the bent. Unperturbed by the debate, Greasus con-
Goldtooth Ogres have gained notoriety as the sumed Gut Badmouth and, without wiping his chin,
wealthiest of all tribes. Now, under the rule he beckoned the next challenger. After beating and
of Overtyrant Greasus Goldtooth, the Goldtooth consuming three Bruisers in a row, all the tribe
tribe has grown yet richer. Ever eager to show off eventually swore allegiance to Greasus. As word of
their top status, the tribe is given to ostentatious dis- these prodigious deeds spread far and wide, many
plays -- from a vast mountaintop feast hall to their Tyrants decided to join the ruthless leader of the
solid gold Mawtooth. The Goldtooths boast legions Goldtooths. In due time, the Ogre Kingdoms had an
of Ironguts, who are renowned for the precious met- Overtyrant once again.
als and gemstones worked into their armour or gut- The tribe now takes much pride in their supremacy
plates and, naturally, have at least one of their teeth and often lord it over other tribes, letting others feel
replaced with a gold one. Most other tribes have they are arrogant bastards and while few dare ques-
learned (the hard way) that it is 'best not to mess tion Greasus many question Goldtooth ogres refus-
with them Goldtooths'. ing to accept their ‘greatness’.
It would be impossible to speak about the Goldtooth Tips to play a Goldtooth
tribe without speaking of their leader. Tradelord
To play a Goldtooth ogre make sure to take pride in
Greasus Tribestealer Drakecrush Gatecrasher
your tribe and tyrant. It marks you out from other
Hoardmaster Goldtooth the Shockingly Obese, is
ogres and has been an obvious reason for better
the fattest and most powerful Ogre Tyrant within the
food, status and wealth than others. It has also likely
entire Ogre Kingdoms and holds the current title
caused others to disagree with your tribe forcing you
of Overtyrant, the Tyrant of all Ogre Tyrants.
into a position of even fiercer defence of it. If you
Greasus was one of the many whelps sired by the
play a gnoblar you are likely to have lived with vast
infamous Gofg, Tyrant of the Goldtooth Tribe. Like
numbers of your kindred having fierce competition
his brothers, Greasus grew up to become strong
for good jobs.
and fat. However, unlike his brothers, he killed and
ate his own father. After assuming the Tyranthood Sayings of the Goldtooth Tribe
of his tribe, and feeling the need to prove himself,
Greasus demanded tithes from other kingdoms. All Born with a tooth of gold: Born into wealth and influence
refused the audacious request and began baying for rather than having to work for it. Simmilarly used to ”Born
Greasus' blood. Who was this upstart to demand with a Silver Spoon in Mouth”.
gold and food from them? They would soon learn. Gold gutplate: An item that is more fancy than actually
To rule the Ogre Kingdoms, he knew his deeds useful, named after the actual use of some solid gold gut-
must be legendary -- and so Greasus set out to con- plates which turned out far worse than iron ones. Example
quer the nearby tribes single-handedly. The first to of use; “Yeah those Cathayan swords forged for our size is
fall met their fate during a Midwinter Feast. Scaling fancy but they gold gutplates. Club better.”
the mountain above their valley, Greasus heaved
boulder after boulder into the hillside, roaring oaths A Greasus Portion: Sometimes ordered when someone
at the top of his voice until the vibration from the comes into lots of wealth. A greasus portion is two meals
boulders and his own voice caused an avalanche of of every food offered at the place. The saying has spread
such size that it swallowed the entire tribal encamp- to find limited use at Pigbarter especially offered visiting
ment, killing everyone within it. The second dissent- ogres.
The Feastmaster Tribe Feastmasters they all become part of one big family
that indeed does protect each other from outsiders
"Oh, sure short fings are good fer eatin but they the way a halfling family would. While few halflings
even gooderer fer cookin. get to leave the tribe some that do keep the name of
Wah ya mean that’s butcher werk? Feastmaster after they do, indeed there is a halfling
Feastmaster family owning an inn in Marienburg,
Come here an I’ll show yer some butchin werk!"
and they notice that it actually means something to
—Ugh Feastmaster the Drunk ogres they meet. A Feastmaster halfling in far-off
The well-fed lowlanders of the Feastmaster lands meeting a Feastmaster ogre will be treated as
Tribe are famous for two things: the quality of their family and in return treat the ogre as family. In fact
food and the Halflings that live amongst them. Their this protection remains so strong that when the
heavily jowled Tyrant, Blaut Feastmaster, captured aforementioned inn was threatened by the
a string of the small folk during his many travels townwatch three maneaters showed up to defend it
and, in a display of foresight and extreme self- free of charge and made a force of forty watchmen
control, brought them home for the lads instead of surrender and give the inn the licenses they lacked
eating them then and there. The Halflings, in perpet- for free.
ual fear of ending up 'in the trough', fulfill much of Tips to play a Feastmaster
the same role as Gnoblars, but in addition to fetch-
To play a Feastmaster play your hunger as caring
ing, they also help to prepare the food. As long as
about quality in addition to quantity. Pay extra for
they keep making top-notch meals, the Halflings
good food, talk about spices and meat qualities.
won't end up being a light snack themselves
Reference tasty food often and suggest ways to
cook. Another tip can be to talk first to halflings if
With their proximity to the Goldtooths they have little different non-ogres are present, showing a prefer-
choice but to recognize Greasus and pay him trib- ence for dealing with them. If playing a Feastmaster
ute, something that keeps them safe from other halfling try to play as something between a gnoblar
threats and provides a barrier to many of the warlike and a halfling, adding a wary and slightly paranoid
tribes of the northern mountains. With the spice feeling to your halfling. As a halfling also make sure
route near many of the tribes wanderers take the to use the Feastmaster name especially with ogres
path to Ind and when they return they often do so and halflings.
with massive amounts of exotic spices. Something
Rules to play a Feastmaster Halfling
greatly appreciated by the halfling captives of the
tribe. To play a Feastmaster Halfling simply generate a
halfling as per the normal rules up until you gener-
While many ogres care more for quantity than quali-
ate your career. At this point instead roll it from the
ty regarding food the Feastmasters have developed
gnoblar career table.
a much finer palette and enjoy the finer points, it’s a
bragging right for such ogres to have a great halfling
chef and they are fiercely protected with ogres kill- Sayings of the Feastmaster Tribe
ing to keep them safe and theirs. The finer palette
Uncurried stew: Bit of a waste. Could be better. Note that
has however given the Feastmasters a reputation of
this isn’t a grave insult or a saying that claims great waste,
not eating anything which is seen as a real bad trait
it’s a bit of a waste and not as good as it could be, not ac-
in the eyes of the Maw.
tually bad.
The halflings of the tribe are for the most part really
That’s a spicy pie: That’s cool/good/nice. Used as an an-
unhappy about their status as slaves but there are
swer to seeing or hearing about something you find ap-
those that find the upsides of it. Life in places like
the Empire and Bretonnia isn’t always that great ei-
ther and the safety of having an ogre looking after Like marinated Rhinox: Something good that’s made even
you just for your skill at cooking isn’t the worst deal. better. For example one could say “Adding spikes to that
Ogres view on tribe and family also suits the club was like marinated rhinox” to say those spikes made
halflings well. Where in the empire several families your favorite club even better or “Those spices made the
having different names and not defending each oth- meal like marinated rhinox” to say they improved an al-
er like families should (in the opinion of halflings) ready good dish.
can be a bit of a point of confusion amongst the
The Grabbers Tribe bought by visiting gnoblars but nonetheless the ru-
mour has spread and many ogres are suitably im-
"Is it really fair to call that ogre tribe as petty and pressed by it, sometimes forgetting the foul reputa-
greedy as the gnoblars of gnoblar county? tion of the Grabbers tribe temporarily when hearing
Can ogres really be as thieving and self-serving as it.
gnoblars? Tips to play a Grabber
After meeting the Grabbers you’ll know the answer To play a Grabber try to play as self-serving and
to both questions is yes." greedily as you can. Don’t care about others and
—Vasuda Shere, Ind merchant certainly don’t care about higher concepts like hon-
our or duty. Whatever career you play just try to play
The Grabbers tribe is a tribe that seems to have tak-
a little bit as a rogue and thief.
en a bit too much of an inspirations from the greedy
tribes of gnoblars in the foothills. Having a thieving Rules to play a Grabber
and greedy demeanour very similar to that of gno- To play a Grabber ogre replace Implacable with
blar scrappers and trying much the same tricks as Criminal. In addition you may enter the “Scrapper”
those. Selling “artefacts” and looting whatever isn’t career despite not being a gnoblar and you replace
sufficiently nailed down. Imperial ogre on the starting career table with it.
Other ogre tribes tend to hold a deep disdain for the
Grabbers considering them as nothing but thieves,
looters and conmen, a reputation that isn’t entirely
undeserved though the tribe holds other professions
too even if those are the most common ones.
Grabbers often make deals with the gnoblars in the
foothills, something most ogres are too proud to do.
The two groups constantly try to trick the other to
buy worthless things and thus most exchanges are
of worthless stuff for other worthless stuff, both lied
up to legendary status. Still these trades sometimes
brings more valuable goods and the tribe has more
thiefstones than most.
Had it not been for the protection money the tribe
pays to the Goldtooths it is likely they would have
been conquered and indeed they have many times
during their history been conquered but each time a
group of them has managed to flee and hide in the
foothills to later return and reclaim their lands Sayings of the Grabber Tribe
through dishonest tactics like killing the conquerors Swiper gotta swipe: If your given a chance to steal you
in their sleep. have to do it. Used often as an excuse if something was
It is not uncommon for wanderers from this tribe to too easy to steal but can also be used as an explanation to
take the name of another tribe when travelling the why something suddenly went missing.
world as while their reputation isn’t too widespread it …. of the Gods: An item that is clearly a fake. The blank in
is most foul and those that know of it are unlikely to the beginning is replaced with whatever item it is. If a
hire them. sword its “Sword of the Gods” for example. Calling some-
The tyrant of the tribe, Banet Grabber Silverswiper, thing that means you’re not buying it, neither the story
is less of a warrior than most tyrants and instead the nor the item.
greatest ogre burglar alive. Said to be able to break Grabber pride: A saying that reminds people that just
a door almost without sound and to be able to sniff cause you’re proud of something you don’t have to speak
his way to hidden valuables in no time. He is said to about it. Some things are better kept unsaid rather than
have broken into the imperial palace of Cathay and
bragged about, like how you stole the bruisers favorite
there having stolen the emperors crown which he
now wears. That’s not true and the crown was
The Treehammers Tribe The wyrm pass, which they hold somewhat is a
place haunted by the ghost of a mighty dragon
भरपाई whose lost bones where never burnt as they should
have and his sacred treasures stolen and spread.
"Club bigger than yours. Now the beast haunts the lands until he can be giv-
en rest. Elves from Caledor has at some times trav-
Club better than you.
elled there to try and help it but have been attacked
Me better than you.” and eaten by the Treehammer tribe each time. The
—Treehammer saying Treehammers have their own solution to the prob-
lem, trying to beat the ghost with their clubs. At
The Treehammer Tribe is an Ogre tribe known for times this has driven away the ghost but it has re-
carrying oversized clubs. Their territory lies to the far turned every time the next time Morrsleib waxed
south of the Ogre Kingdoms, on the outskirts of high and staying until the Treehammers manage to
the Mountains of Mourn and opposite the Haunted beat it again.
Forest, controlling a section of the Spice
Road to Ind and the Wyrm Pass to the northeast. Tips to play a Treehammer

They got their current name from a passing Ind mer- To play a Treehammer carry a big club and put all
chant that upon seeing them mentioned Taahirame- your trust in it. If a problem arises you need not
har, the goddess of compensation. When asked solve it with your club in case you favour another
about it he lied and said she was the god of tree- solution but if you see no other solution then trust in
hammers, or clubs. The ogres of the tribe found this your club as the solution. Play with the false confi-
satisfactory and liked this new goddess they just dence that there is absolutely nothing your massive
learnt about, adapting her extremely wrong as their club can’t fix. Hold this belief with a bit of a religious
own alongside the great maw and the firemouth. reverence, believe it not only for your own skill but
Coming up with a story of how she must be the big- also because you believe the club holds a part of
gest club ever made. The size of this club-goddess Taahiramehar in it.
grows with each telling of the story and in the leg- Priests to Taahiramehar
ends she now far surpasses the largest of trees in
A Treehammer ogre could potentially play a priest to
Taahiramehar. I have not included rules for this but
The tribe is positioned in a very strategic position should you desire to include it replace the Firebelly
which it uses to offer protection or take toll from career with the warrior-priest career on the random
passers by. Granting them wealth quickly spent to career table and use the rules for the blessings and
appease the Goldtooths. miracles of Sigmar reflavoured to fit the worship of
The Treehammers often venture into the haunted Taahiramehar.
forest to try to beat up the ghosts of it and make For strictures use; Tend to your club daily, never go
clubs from the haunted wood in there. Thanks to without a club, never leave a problem unfinished,
this some of their clubs are magical, able to beat never back down from a fight, always use a club as
senseless the spectres of that forest. your weapon of choice
The worship of a local god is not uncommon for
ogres but their choice of one is unusual, having Sayings of the Treehammer Tribe
been inspired by Ind, the land of a thousand gods.
Taahiramehars solution: Hit it with a club until the prob-
Though the ogres have made her far more tangible
lem is fixed. Can be given as the answer to absolutely any-
a concept than originally the fact that she can’t be
thing and the advice is usually heeded.
found in the world confuses many of their neigh-
bours who fail to understand why you would worship You’ve got a small club: A vicious insult. Calling someone
something you can’t see. The Treehammers usually inferior, incompetent, weak, poor at fighting and bad in
try to explain this by the example of ghosts not al- the sack.
ways being visible but still worth beating up and just
Even a ghost can be clubbed to death: Basically means
like that Taahiramehar is worth worshipping even
“You didn’t try hard enough” and is frequently used as an
when you don’t see her. This tends to cause way
answer if someone talks of a failure of theirs.
more confusion.
The Deathtoll Tribe Their tyrant Lord Extorter Vurg Tragg Deathtoll is a
muscular ogre with a menacing way about him. Few
लालची कमीने can present threats with quite his presence. With
him he has a group of name gnoblars that unlike
"Now, with last head merchant eaten, you feel good most who are trained to mention titles are taught to
idea pay, yes?" mention toll rates in various languages, meaning
that his threats are accompanied by a cacophony of
—Burp Huglag Tollman
exorbitant rates for passage stressing them even
The Deathtoll tribe holds a place on the spice road further.
and makes as much use of it as they can, extorting
As far as his leadership style the Lord Extorter is
anyone passing their way with high tolls. This
quite conservative pushing for their traditional ap-
makes them rich but unpopular. Other tribes along
proach of taking tolls. Some want to take the tribe in
the spice road have at several times been known to
new directions however, to migrate to better lands
lower the price for hiring them as mercenaries if
where they can hunt for themselves, most popularly
they are hired to break through the tollstations of the
suggested the Ind highlands. Bruisers try to keep
Deathtoll tribe.
these ideas in check but newly returned maneaters
The Deathtoll tribe holds an uncommon placement. threaten to overturn Vurg and even some of his own
While many tribes set up near traderoutes few set bruisers start to see how the winds are changing.
up in non-mountainous terrain and even among
Tips to play a Deathtoll
these “flatlanders” the placement is usually in an
area rich in food which the Deathtoll tribe certainly Extortion, this is the way you have gotten paid in the
doesn’t hold. The haunted forest holds few living past and the one you are the most comfortable with.
animals and while a good deal of strangely eerie However having left your tribe to wander its likely
plants can be found and eaten there a plant-rich diet you want to try other ways, to hunt and fight for food
is hardly an ogres preference. And having to send instead. A good idea is to roleplay trying to make an
whole parties of bulls in to just gather is not cost effi- earnest living (according to you, this might very well
cient. Thus they come to rely on the taxes just to get be plundering or other illegal activities) but falling
decent food and the feasts other tribes hold when a back into extortion just cause you’re used to it. Also
beasthunter returns they instead hold when a eich play yourself as very used to and streetwise regard-
toll has been taken. Indeed few beasthunters ever ing official and unofficial tolls. Immediately under-
return with food to this tribe, the lands are poor standing what people are implying when asking for
hunting grounds and once the exile has made his money where other complex sentences take a mo-
home in the Mountain of Mourns he prefers not to ment to process. If adventuring in the empire have
return to these lowlands. an unusual respect for the roadwardens, treating
them as having higher status than they do.
With the dislike the ogres face from their western kin
they have little choice but to venture south to Ind
Sayings of the Deathtoll Tribe
when the wanderlust kicks in and many are those
that return to the tribe with symbols to one of the Gettalive fees: A catchall phrase to add an extra price to
many gods and goddesses of wealth, gold or similar something. Said fast as part of the price most often but slow
found in Ind. In fact so common is this that a grand with each word separate “Get. Ta. Live. Fee.” if you want to
tent called “The temple of various wealth” has been drive home the threat.
raised where countless icons to a wide variety of
By the gods o greed!: What a deal! Called out when you feel
wealth deities has been placed so that ogres can
something is very worth the price.
enter and pray to the general concept of wealth and
money. In this building no gnoblars are allowed and The meat extorted is the meat most sweet: Saying that
a small group of human mercenaries are kept as means hard work and toughening it out is worth it. Might
templeguards there. This temple was grander in the confuse others who feel extortion isn’t hard work but steal-
past for roughly two hundred years ago the Grabber ing. The Deathtolls however see extorting as hard work on
tribe executed an ambitious heist and emptied the account of the placement it forced upon their tribe and the
temple of every icon. The temple has been re- hard waits for good tolls to bring in.
stocked since then but the grudge against the Grab-
bers remain to this day and is unlikely to vanish until
all Grabbers have been killed and eaten.
The Boulderbelly Tribe them. A heedless charge that would overwhelm an-
yone by shear numbers and make hiding impossi-
"Sure we dwell in the hills. Sure we sometimes eat ble. But hiding was not the planned answer. The
stones when low on food. Sure we not have gold. ogres ran, marching tirelessly southwards pursued
That don mean we poor.” by the fast wolves and their endurance the only de-
—Ulg Boulderbelly fence. Those that failed to march days at end fell
behind and were ripped apart by wolves. After nine
The Boulderbellies live at the edges of Gnobar
days march the Haunted forest rose before them on
Country by the River Ruin where pickings aren’t too
the horizon. The goal soon achieved. Here they
good and gnoblars are unruly and uncooperative.
stopped, prayed to the Maw and let their Butcher
Near them lay the Black Fortress chaos dwarf settle-
bless them to make that which can not be eaten
ment and they make it clear to the Boulderbellies
leave them. Then they entered the woods. As did
that should they cause trouble they will no longer be
their pursuers. In answer the spectral forces of
tolerated there.
those lands responded to the invasion. Countless
The lands they live in mostly provide them with the ghosts and banshees swept over the invading hob-
food they need though pickings can get slim enough goblins ripping them asunder and giving the ogres a
but while the foothills are nowhere as filled with victory over their foes. These days a numerous pop-
beasts as the Mountains of Mourn themselves they ulation of steppe-wolves is the only thing that re-
are not as empty as lands closer to the Haunted mains of the Khans invasion.
Tips to play a Boulderbelly
The Boulderbellies often take mercenary work for
To play a Boulderbelly play a bit more humble than
the Black Fortress or sell gnoblar slaves to them,
your average ogre. You come from a poor tribe with
making them fairly used to the dawi-zharr. In fact
little deeds of legend or famed events which has
most of the wanderers from the tribe find their way
little chance to do pillaging against worthy foes, of-
to chaos dwarf lands where they get to fight for re-
ten fighting and catching gnoblars to sell to the cha-
wards of impressive weapons and dark artefacts. As
os dwarfs. Also play with a much more positive view
a result Boulderbelly maneaters are some of the
of the dawi-zharr than most people. Most would see
most fearsome and well-equipped contrasting to the
the chaos dwarfs as complete monsters even the
rest of their tribe and giving hostile tribes mistaking
most vicious of rogues would think twice about mak-
them for easy pickings a vicious surprise. This isn’t
ing deals with on moral grounds. A Boulderbelly on
purely out of generosity from the chaos dwarfs of
the other hand is likely to see them as good trading
course, nor is it purely because they are unpopular
partners with really powerful machines, even refer-
employees for most other tribes. This supply of cool
ring to their daemon engines as “God Machines”, a
weapons also create a dependency for it requires
linguistic tradition that comes from long chaos dwarf
ammunition and none but the dawi-zharr can create
conditioning. As a gnoblar of the tribe instead play
this special ammunition.
yourself as influenced by the free gnoblars nearby
The greatest battle of the Boulderbellies and one and be more rebellious than most of your kin.
that is remembered still to this day is when seven
hundred years ago a hobgoblin khan united a mas-
sive wolf-Waaagh! and launched it at various tribes. Sayings of the Boulderbelly Tribe
Countless numbers of wolfriders forded the River Belly filled with stone: Really poor, haven’t eaten well in
Ruin and faced the Boulderbellies, winning an early days. Often said about yourself or close family as general
victory by killing the tyrant and burning the Boulder- complaining. For example “It’s tough now Hugl. Got a Belly
belly camp down to the ground. Outnumbered more filled with stone I tell.”
than three hundred to one the survivors still refused
to give up. With the help of a returning beasthunter Well he ain’t no daemonsmith: He’s a really bad wizard or
a tactic was made up to fight a guerrilla warfare of priest (or similar, any kind of user of spells or miracles re-
sorts. A tactic not expected by ogres and one most ally). Often an answer to someone miscasting or failing to
would believe them to be bad at. But it worked, it cast a spell.
worked very well. With devastating hit and run at- A wolfpelt worth: A small value of something, comes from
tacks and hobgoblins disappearing in the night pan- the fact that a single wolfpelt doesn’t come close to being
ic started to spread. The khan became desperate a piece of clothing for an adult ogre.
and gathered his troops for a vicious assault on
The Skraggleguts Tribe Living near gnoblar country they sometimes trade
with the free gnoblars of that area, buying items and
"Wa did ya say? gnoblars from the scrappers and selling food and
I’ll skraggle yer guts ya dummy!" drugs in return.
—Skragz Skragglegut Tips to play a Skragglegut
The Skraggleguts is a poor tribe living by the River Skraggleguts are known as unambitious and poor
Ruin where and the Direbogs where they gather the and it wouldn’t be wrong to play them this way.
“Direbogweed”, a chewed narcotic that temporarily Channel a bit of ‘junkie’ into your role and combine it
alleviates their hunger and causes feelings of eu- with a bit of superstition and dislike of ghosts.
phoria before dropping away and causing an addic-
tion. This often causes a mental and physical toll on
the ogres making it even less likely that they im-
prove their lives.
They do still raid, extort and trade with passing cara-
vans to get some wealth and they are not complete-
ly destitute. To further expand their coffers they of-
ten deal with Pigbarter offering muscle and fighting
force for payment in pigs, an animal that alongside
rhinoxen is tended at the Skragglegut camps.
Most Skraggleguts struck by the wanderlust just tag
along a caravan passing by and see where they end
up, feeling its difficult to think about and chose this
The current tyrant of the Skraggleguts, King Fuh
Burga Skragglegut Ghosteater is unusually thin for a
tyrant but surprisingly strong despite this which sur-
prises anyone with a knowledge of ogres. He has
purchased the noble title of king in Pigbarter and
while the tribe isn’t rich he is still wealthy enough to
get people in Pigbarter to respect it. He is quite
practical minded when it comes to dealing with out-
siders, always considering the chances of trade,
plunder and extortion.
The history of the Skraggleguts is one poorly re-
membered by them but they are mentioned for a
long time in the annals of Pigbarters history and at
several times in the two places history there have
been official alliances between them. At other times
the Skraggleguts have however viciously raided any
outlaying settlements and brought Pigbarter to war
with them. Two such wars have been fought and
Pigbarter won both. Sayings of the Skraggleguts Tribe
Living close to the Haunted Forest the Skraggleguts
Skraggle: A catchall phrase to haggle, con, sell, trade or buy.
are superstitious even for ogres, often carrying
Of course a Skraggler is someone that does one or more of
charms and whispering about evil spirits and being
those things often.
extra careful in eating the dead with proper rever-
ence so they don’t reawaken. They even invited a Debowe: Short for Direbogweed.
priest of Morr to help once. They promptly ate him
Like a night in the woods: It’s really scary. The woods re-
for doing things wrong but still, they invited him with
ferred to are of course the Haunted Forest.
the intention to help with rites of passing.
The Swamp Eater Tribe hough they are poor the Boulderbellies have good
experience in warfare, fighting many battles on be-
"Water an ruin!” half of the chaos dwarfs and while the Skraggleguts
—Swamp Eater Warcry aren’t as experienced their ties to Pigbarter could
easily see their numbers boosted by mercenaries
In the distant past, during the reign of Thug the Fist,
from that town.
first overtyrant of the ogre kingdoms there was a
tribe that betrayed him. A group that refused his or- Tips to play a Swamp Eater
ders and allied with Cathayans against Thug. Their To play a Swamp Eater the two words “Mean” and
tyrant and their most powerful were eaten as is cus- “Tough” should perfectly describe your character.
tom but being late for a feast Thug decided that not There is basically nothing else you need to keep in
all needed to be killed then and the rest were exiled mind. You are mean and you are tough.
to the Scalded Delta, a land nigh-unlivable with pol-
luted waters and little living.
These exiles became the Swamp Eater tribe. Set-
tling on the edges of the Delta figuring it was “far
enough” they learnt to live in the polluted hellscape
of the swamps hunting in the flatlands of the almost
as polluted direbogs and gathering in the Haunted
Life for the Swamp Eaters is harsh with many dying
from drinking or bathing in the waters of the Scalded
Delta and further numbers killed by ghosts, sala-
manders or other vicious beasts. The Swamp Eat-
ers are proud to survive it boasting about being very
tough and enduring.
In the later centuries the fortune of the tribe has
started to change however, with growing trade going
their way they start to get real earnings allowing
them to invest in boats to sail to the sea and fish,
weapons to raid others and beasts to tame. The
long exile of the Swamp Eaters may be moving to
its end for it is said they are considering to move in
and conquer the Skraggleguts and maybe even
The current tyrant of the Swamp Eaters is Vad
Swamp Eater, an almost hairless ogre with tox- Sayings of the Swamp Eater Tribe
burns all over his scarred body and a vicious de- Water and Ruin!: A warcry of the tribe. Seen as horrible
meanour. He is the kind of ogre that can punch out things both and thus they swear to bring it to their foe.
a Rhinox just for being in a bad mood and that is
Some laugh at them threatening their foes with water but
something he has done quite some times. His group
people have had their skin burnt off by prolonged expo-
of Ironguts is small, for the tribe is not rich, but an
sure to the waters of the scalded delta so it is not as silly a
elite force. Choosing for endurance over family ties
threat as some would believe.
or friendship Vad actually has his Ironguts as the
most qualified for the job, or at least those most en- Salamander eater: Someone that does really stupid things
during for hardships. just to prove he is though. Just varyingly as insult or com-
pliment and has the same meaning in both cases.
Despite their toughness the Swamp Eaters are not
as used to war as one would expect, no-one ever When the exile’s over...: Followed by a promise you don’t
invades their lands as no-one actually wants to live intend to keep. Example, “When the exile’s over I’ll get
there and the raids they commit are rarely facing you as many mammoths as you’d ever want.”
proper military forces. This might come to be a prob-
lem if they attack their neighbouring tribes for alt-
The Eyebiters Tribe The game to hunt available to the Eyebiters is quite
different from that of the Mountain of Mourn. Large
"No, no friend. This, this is an offer you don’t want to wolves replace the sabretusks, massive boars roam
refuse. So I ask again, between friends, do you in place of rhinoxen, chimeras fly over the howling
maybe want to purchase some protection on the wastes and stranger creatures still dwell under the
way?" plains. Tales speak of worms large enough to kill
—Zunkzudd Eyebiter Mammoths and of unholy flying bulls with magical
powers. What is truth and what is but stories is hard
This vicious tribe is one of the many terrors of
to know in these lands but the Eyebiters hold many
the Dark Lands. The Eyebiter Tribe dominates the
strange trophies that could seemingly only come
region around the Sentinels, the great rocks that
from massive chaos beasts of legend.
tower over the crossroads where the Silver
Road, Spice Route and Ivory Road meet in As with most that travel or dwell within the Howling
the Howling Wastes. There, in addition to heavily Wastes the Eyebiters have fought the Hobgoblin
tithing the waypost traders set up in shanties and tribes roaming those lands but the defensible posi-
burrowed into the great rocks, they range out to tion of the sentinels and the good equipment of the
capture slaves, smash any settlements they can tribe has ensured the fights have been generally
find, and to hunt the dreary plains for the many foul one-sided. It is said however that the Khans of the
monsters that live there. The Eyebiters are a close- hobgoblins see this placement as a challenge on
knit tribe ruled by Grandfather Malron Eyebiter, a them and a large wolf-Waaagh! is planned to bring it
long-lived Tyrant who has sired more strong sons down, such a force it is doubtful even the Eyebiters
and grandsons than any other Ogre alive. could weather alone and Greasus, some belive ,
won’t come to their aid until it is too late so that the
The tribe holds a stranglehold on the trade passing
Goldtooths can take the sentinels as theirs.
near the sentinels and grow rich on it. Something
achieved not only by their position but also their Tips to play an Eyebiter
ruthless methods. Tales abound are told of double- Channel a bit of gangster into your ogre. Think ma-
crossing caravan masters who disappear in the fia family, think ruthless crime, think merciless tac-
night to later have their heads turn up in their horses tics. The eyebiters really act like a mafia family
feedbags. through and through and it is not a bad idea to
In the last sixty years the tribe has grown incredibly “ogreify” as many elements of those stereotypes as
wealthy and acquired great weapons. With such you can.
power comes the risk of arrogance and while Malron
Eyebiter knows that they lack the numbers to chal-
lenge larger tribes or Pigbarter that is not how all his
sired young think. Many of them feel that they could
get a chance to expand the Eyebiter power further.
While the tyrant urges caution plans are forged to
get more power, plans that might be enacted with-
out the knowledge of Malron and which may change
For now however the Eyebiters pay tribute to the Sayings of the Eyebiter Tribe
Goldtooths ensuring the safety of their position and
takes care to keep their raiding low enough that Offer they not refuse: To tell someone to give an “offer they
their foes won’t mobilize full forces against them. not refuse” is to tell them to threaten someone into doing
what you want.
As closeknit as the group is their wanderers rarely
travel very far giving them less of the experienced Eyebiter hanging: A vile execution method where the guts
maneaters of other groups, a gap filled by better of the victim are pulled out and tied to a noose in which the
equipped troops in general with various expensive victim is hung. Used as an intimidation tactic.
weapons bought or taken from passing caravans. Fugeddaboutit: Forget about it. If this is said twice it is NOT
With ironguts being quite common with both people a suggestion and your health is very dependant on you drop-
Malron trusts and good equipment being available in ping it.
large numbers.
The Thunderguts Tribe In their lands is found Mount Thug. The infa-
mous Mount Thug is enormous in scale, a huge and
"Crush! Smash! Crunch! Crush! Smash! Crunch! forbidding peak that stretches far above the clouds.
Crush! Smash! Crunch! Crush! Smash! Crunch!” It is widely regarded by the Ogres as a living thing,
—Common Thundergut chant because those foolish or brave enough to attempt to
scale its glacial sides are usually buried under hun-
All Ogres cut a brutal path of devastation when they
dreds of tonnes of boulders and wet snow before
cross the land, but none have earned a greater rep-
they leave the lower slopes. To the denizens of
utation for smashing and grabbing than
the Ogre Kingdoms, this is how the mountain feeds
the Thunderguts Tribe. Occasionally the Thunder-
on its victims - jaws of jagged rock closing on those
guts try to hold an enemy town or stronghold for
that dare to rouse it from its sleep. Even the sounds
ransom, extorting them so that they might hand over
of a pick impacting on the vertical face of a glacier is
long strings of livestock to the Ogres. However,
enough to send an aspiring climber to an icy tomb,
such plans continually fail; the over-greedy tribe
so any Ogre who dares challenge the mountain is
proves either too impatient to wait for their ransom,
forced to do so with his bare hands. It is seen as a
or they simply eat their payment and then renege on
feat of great prowess to reach the upper slopes of
their pledge not to attack. Many are
Thug, and any who do so inevitably go on to be-
the Empire towns and Orc forts that were leveled
come Tyrant of their tribe.
soon after they thought their freedom bought. Hav-
ing recently returned to the Mountains of A more learned observer might comment upon how
Mourn from a long journey into the Badlands and the usual shape of Thug could lead to a greater
beyond, it can only be a matter of time before the number of avelanches than usual, and how this
tribe moves off again. could lead to its daunting reputation in a primitive
society. But the Ogres know the truth - Mount Thug
The Thunderguts naturally threaten the status quo
is as malevolent as it is vast.
of their surroundings with war with the Treeham-
mers, Deathtolls, Lazarghs, Red Fist and more all Tips to play a Thundergut
being possible and a mobilization is seen in the area To play a Thundergut play as dumb and violent as
in response to this. To quell this somewhat and bet- you can. These are really simple-minded ogres.
ter use the tribes for other plans Greasus has sent
envoys to the Thunderguts telling of greater wars to
come as long as they pledge him their service. Their
answers are not yet decided but if its not to the
overyrants satisfaction a secondary plan is ready, a
war launched with allies of other nearby tribes. One
way or another the thunderguts will submit or leave
the mountains.
The current tyrant Sguag Thundergut Giantbreaker
is a massive and slightly braindamaged tyrant who
has never been quite the same after taking a giants
club to the head (before breaking the giants neck in
return). What he lacks in intelligence he makes up
for in strength however and few tyrants in the Moun-
tains of Mourn would stand a chance against him in
a fight.
The gnoblars of the tribe are also more boisterous Sayings of the Thunderguts Tribe
and larger than their kin. Producing many gnoblar
Smash it like thunder: Kill it. It’s not a saying that makes
fighters willing to follow their large masters into the
fray and stab at whoever looks the other way for a much sense but you should be more worried about it kill-
moment. Though they are not what the tribe is ing you than making sense.
famed for. The deadly and strong ogres are. A Crunch the bones: Kill it.
horde with a charge said to be able to level moun-
Crush like crusher: Kill it.
tains. This is an obvious exaggeration but few dare
stand against it regardless.
The Lazargh Tribe Along the roads you find fighting pits. Round with
spikes as is the ogre tradition, a way to show rever-
"The great maw tests but we must be tested. Seek. ence to the Maw. The pits see fights in honour to
Seek the maw!" the Maw fought at all great feasts and it is said the
—Murragh Lazargh blood never dries on them.
The Lazarghs, known in ancient times as Most ogres of other tribes see the Lazargh as over-
the Lazzars are one of the oldest and most feared zealous fanatics and it is hard to disagree but their
and terrifying of all Ogre tribes, being descended way is not one of weakness. At any time a larger
from the first prophet of the Great Maw, Groth tribe has dared move against them the power of the
Onefinger himself. Living on the south-eastern edge Maw has sided with the Lazargh as miracles have
of the Ancient Giant Lands, the Lazarghs are now strengthened the Lazarghs beyond what should be
twisted and malformed creatures, choosing to wrap possible.
themselves in filthy sackcloth to avoid the unhealthy Tips to play a Lazargh
winds that still sweep off the desolate wastes that
used to be the Ogre homeland. Many tribe members Follow the strictures of the Maw and care greatly
begin to lose their teeth to the debilitating energies that others do so too. How much of a religious fanat-
of that strange land, but the Lazarghs simply ham- ic you want to play is up to you but generally any
mer black rock directly into their ravaged gums, Lazargh tends to be quite far on the scale.
lending them a distinctly horrifying appearance.
Theirs is the last valley on the road leading to the
Maw itself, and the tolling bells that hang from the
totems marking their territory haunt all the Ogres
that pass through the fetid site on pilgrimages to vis-
it their unforgiving god.
The Lazargh tribe holds a larger amount of Maw pil-
grims than any other tribe and as a result a larger
part of blessed members given powers from the
Maw. Rockeyes and Mawseekers are not unusual
here despite the bignames they are. Few ogres dare
attack the Lazarghs and it is not purely due to their
hideous looks but more due to their reputation as
blessed by the Maw. They are known to stand clos-
er to the ogres foremost deity than any other and to
hold a connection to their god few others can match.
To walk through the lands of the Lazargh tribe is not
like walking through the lands of other tribes. Self-
proclaimed prophets of the Great Maw bellow
preaches to any passing by while icons of their
everhungry god hang all around clattering in the
howling, cursed winds. Butchers stand out amongst
the crowds looking at their followers and telling Sayings of the Lazargh Tribe
grand tales of ogre history while mixing blessed pots The Maw Tests: Said when something is tough. Means it’s
to serve their tribe as is their sacred duty. good it is tough and that it should be embraced as a test by
Even the gnoblars of the tribe seem to share this the Great Maw.
reverence, semi-mutated gnoblars scurry around He has more teeth than he needs: An insult about some-
the iconsites carrying devotional sacrifices to the one. Means they are coddled and weak. Putting luxury over
god which they eagerly devour in front of the icons devotion.
and should they feel the sacrifice insufficient they
slay some of their own numbers to eat in the Maws You can’t hide from a rockeye: First used as a warning that
glory. Bringing his blessings upon devouring and a rockeye will find out your secrets. Later come to be used
devoured alike. Pleased with their devotion they for non-Rockeyes too as a “You can’t hide from me” kind of
give wicked giggles before running off. thing.
The Red Fist Tribe To their north lies the ancient giant lands and it is
not uncommon for expeditions to venture there. It is
"Fists of red, enemy dead! Fist common, enemy go travels that take long time but the treasures that can
on!” be found in those ancient places makes it all worth
—Red Fist Motto it. Many Red Fists have been lost on such expidi-
tions and many others have brought home riches
The Red Fist tribe is most famous for going to war
strengthening their tribe. Some of these tresures
with their left hands dipped in blood. A red fist. Quite
have been stolen by the neighbouring Grabber tribe
often its an ironfist that gets this treatment but re-
and their robbers and thieves but most remain with
gardless of armament the tradition is upheld. There
the Red Fist.
is no memory of how this came to be or why they do
it but it is still done quite eagerly. Their tyrant, Rudgh Red Fist Wallcrusher is a large
and quick ogre who always is the first into the fray
The location of the tribe is a good one, next to a
when his tribe goes to battle. He is in charge of the
large lake they have plenty of game in the area
stubborn resistance policy towards the Goldtooths
making sure they are well-fed and can hold the
saying that if they bow fully then its over.
feasts they should hold.
Tips to play a Red Fist
The red fists are good warriors with a reputation for
savage violence that makes sure they have an easy Playing a Red Fist you should be proud of your tribe
enough time finding employ. All in all it is good to be and its lands. Saying how it has the best ogres and
a Red Fist. the best game. Feel free to also be curious of other
lands but a love of your home still remains in the
However being a strong tribe near the Goldtooths
back of your mind. The Red Fists ancestral home is
marks you as a rival and that is not as good. The
quite grand and there isn’t an ogre who wouldn’t ap-
Red Fists have many times argued with the
preciate that.
Goldtooths over their tithes and while they have al-
ways come to terms eventually it is not a solid rela-
tions and the risk of the groups coming to blows is
constant. The Red Fists, while certainly able to give
a good fight, does not have the numbers or wealth
to take on Greasus so if a war starts they are mov-
ing towards an inevitable defeat that may nonethe-
less come to cost the Goldtooths more than it’s
worth. Both tribes know this and while neither wants
to admit their position fully they don’t actually desire
a war.
Wanderers of the Red Fist tribe travel all over the
world and can be seen in all its corners. Famously
Skakk Red Fist Maneater travelled all the way to
Naggaroth and learnt from the Druchi not only lan-
guage and customs but how to fight with whip and
ironfist in a manner like their gladiatorial sisters of Sayings of the Red Fists Tribe
slaughter. While that hasn’t caught on it’s but one
Fist Red: Ready for battle. For example you could say “My
example of a wide variety of strange fighting styles
Fist Red” = I’m ready for battle. “He gets his Fist Red” = He
and cultures the tribe has adopted.
prepares for battle. Or “His Fist isn’t Red” = He’s not ready
Amongst the gnoblars some too follow the tribes for battle.
tradition of dipping a fist in blood before a battle, es-
No Game Like Home: The beasts are biggest at home and
pecially the sword gnoblars of the tribe. For them its
the meat the best. A reminder that their lands are good
not always the left fist however, few gnoblars learn
and plentiful.
the difference between left and right so just dipping
a fist seems good enough. The gnoblars of the tribe, Lost his Red: Lost his will to fight. Is ready to give up. Has
much like the ogres, tend to be better fed than the become a worthless coward.
average. Lots of beasts being killed means lots of
food for everyone.
The Red Maw Tribe Most of the Red Maw wanderers leave to go into the
wastes, working with the Kurgan tribes. Most but not
"The red maw comes from the depths of the aether. all, some seek out a mysterious tribe of beastmen in
Swallows all. We become the Red Maw so it no the dark lands which shares symbols and markings
longer swallows us." very similar to those of the Red Maw. Maneaters
—Excerpt from “Tale of the Red Maw” that return from that tribe often do so with mystical
powers of blood magic.
The Red Maw once upon a time referred to a beast
or daemon of bygone eras. It’s looks are no-longer The tyrant of the tribe is simply called the Red Maw
known having changed with descriptions over mille- and seen as the voice of their mystical deity. He
nia of oral traditions. It happened during the daemon speaks with a strange voice that echoes unnaturally
wars however. It’s coming heralding great destruc- and marks of corruption streak across his body. His
tion upon the tribe that is now known as the Red commands are not always easy to understand the
Maw. According to their legends they first fought it purpose of but they are obeyed for he speaks for
and lost and then turned to mimic its patterns on the Red Maw and none can refuse that.
their bodies in blood to become like it and were then Tips to play a Red Maw
granted respite.
Try to play unsettling and strange. Don’t let it be
The Red Maw thus kept developing their culture and clear what your master is and what it wants. It is fine
traditions in new paths unlike those of ogrekind. if you yourself do not know, it will be revealed when
Creating weirder and stranger rituals of the Red the time is right. Whatever you do, don’t play your
Maw the more time went on. By the time the Dae- ogre as too mundane or reasonable. This should be
mon’s stump nearby was colonized by chaos dwarfs weird and unsettling.
the Red Maw was barely recognizable as of the
same culture and faith as their kin. With intricate Priests to the Red Maw
patterns painted across their bodies in blood and A Red Maw ogre could potentially play a priest to
strange rituals performed under the sickly light of the Red Maw. I have not included rules for this but
Morrsleib they were, something else. should you desire to include it replace the Firebelly
Believing them ideal subjects the chaos dwarfs and Butcher careers with the warrior-priest career
amassed an army to conquer them. Ready to break on the random career table and use the rules for the
them to their will with daemonic machines and slave blessings and miracles of Taal reflavoured to fit the
hordes. The armies lined up and battle began with feeling of strange bloodmagic.
the ogres vastly outnumbered and outgunned. For strictures give the character ones to follow from
Hashut, the wicked god of the Dawi-Zharr, was not time to time rather than have them set in stone.
with the dwarfs that day. The Red Maw, whatever it Make any time Morrsleib waxes full a holy time with
is, was however with the ogres. Blood on their skin an important task for the character to complete.
started to glow and deflect magic. The soil they Note that most of the way this worship is will make
walked upon turned blood red and started to burn witch-hunters find you dangerous and carrying the
the skin of the hobgoblin slaves sent against them. taint of corruption. I would not say they are wrong.
The daemonic fires lit by daemonsmiths and indus-
trial nightmares flickered out and died as the ogres Sayings of the Red Maw Tribe
moved near them.
We are the Red Maw, the Red Maw is us: Saying stating we
It was a slaughter. Rarely do Chaos Dwarfs doubt are all as one but carrying the sinister undertones of being
the power of Hashut but that day, that day they did. bound in soul to a monster of a bygone era.
One of the few survivors, a daemonsmith, is said to
The Blood Speaks: The meaning is unclear but it is often said
have drowned himself as a result of losing his faith
during discussions when someone of the Red Maw suddenly
and the fort atop the Daemon’s Stump is said to
seems to come upon new information (often from an un-
have gone silent for three decades in shock.
known source)
The chaos dwarfs still did not know what had hap-
pened or how but a new respect for the Red Maw Moon and Maw, Maw and Moon, All are one, One is all:
tribe was developed and a truce achieved. They Chant stated everytime Morrsleib waxes full, usually spoken
would never again try to conquer them. in several voices simultaneously and echoing sinisterly in
dimensions not seen.
The Crossed Club Tribe The lands of the Crossed Clubs are good but not
great. Had the tribe desired they could surely have
"This? Well I think they called it a Helstorm Rockin conquered better lands but it seems they are not too
Batterin cause it causes one hell of a storm of Rock- interested in this. The wanderlust is strong with the
in Batterin. Anymeans I got some engineer to fix me Crossed Clubs and few want to plan conquests
one I can carry. Stick around for battle next week when they instead can plan travels to far-off lands.
and I show in action.”
Internal conflicts sometimes blossom from cultural
—Golgbegg Crossed Club Maneater clashes. Arguments over if chaos should be purged
The Crossed Clubs are a tribe within the Ogre King- as with imperial traditions or skirmishes as two Tile-
doms, known for its large contingent of mercenaries an maneaters reckon they should honour some ran-
and their outlandish fibbery. Every tribe produc- dom vendetta their old employers had against each
es Maneaters, those far-ranging Ogres who have other. Still such occasional troubles are a small
fought in many lands. The Crossed Clubs tribe, price to pay for the wealth and greatness this cultur-
however, is infamous not only for the sheer number al influx brings.
of its Ogres who have fought as mercenaries, but The Tyrant is Bradgrok Crossed Club. An old
also for the prodigious lies the veteran can shovel maneater veteran who spent most of his time
out (making much of their renown dubious at best). abroad in the empire. Losing a hand to a doombull
While many Ogres bear battle scars, the presence when he worked in a Drakwald patrol the ogre de-
of so many hard-fighting veterans in the Crossed veloped a hatred for beastmen and holds a low tol-
Clubs ensure the tribe is full of Ogres with hook erance for chaos, making sure returning maneaters
hands, eye patches, peg legs and the like. Add to or chaos ogres stay in line and having them beaten
this the outlandish wargear collected from the four into place by the bruisers regularly. Something that
corners of the world, such as turbans from Araby, isn’t too popular but as long as he can beat any
shell-tipped clubs from the coasts, or enormous liz- challenger he’ll remain the boss.
ard skull helmets from the Southlands, and the
Crossed Clubs are unsurprisingly one of the most Tips to play a Crossed Club
disparate and unusual looking of all Ogre tribes. Playing a Crossed Club fully play out the wanderlust
As comes from a tribe with numerous maneaters the of ogres. Be curious about new lands (and new
Crossed Clubs is quite a wealthy tribe with strange food) you come across and be restless if there is
artefacts found all across their camps. One thing nothing new for a while. Always seek new experi-
more impressive however is a permanent tower built ences and you’ll represent a Crossed Club great.
fifty years ago by a maneater returning from Tilea Also make sure to pick up and use local terms a lot.
where he had learnt siege engineering and architec-
ture at some high difficulty and for an ogre unchar-
acteristic patience. This fortified leaning tower is
made in ogre proportions and lean out of a moun-
tain. Beneath and around it a shanty-town has
grown where gnoblars enjoy the massive tower as a
focus point and object of pride.
The tribe pays tribute to the Goldtooths, they are far Sayings of the Crossed Club Tribe
to close to dare refuse. Still their tithes are not as Mountainstuck: Someone who hasn’t left the mountains
high as they could have been and it seems Greasus of Mourn. An insult.
wants a ready supply of experienced Maneaters to
bolster his forces when needed, for if it’s one thing Hearin the call: Wants to move away, wants to wander,
he knows it is that nobody can outbid him. wants to see the world. Often used as the lone explanation
when someone leaves home.
The gnoblars of the tribe are also more well-
travelled, or at least some of them. The maneaters Hornfond: After the Horn, the most impressive mountain
often take with them some and the ones that return in their territory. The phenomenon of being overly fond of
have learnt as much as their ogre masters, or at your old home after returning to your tribe after wander-
least part of what their masters learnt. Becoming ing.
crude mockeries of the cultures they visited.
The Sons of the Mountain Tribe Some individuals of the tribe take this kinship even
further, taking on yhetee like traits and becoming
"The worst thing about a snowstorm is that Yhetees something between yhetee and ogre. Becoming a
can be upon you before you know it - its like the Tuskborn. These are seen as chosen by the Tusk,
storm itself grows claws!..." the mountain the tribe values the most and their lo-
—Gunrek Thorson, Dwarf Ranger cal deity. The tusk is a god of ice, cold and yhetees
worshipped by the Sons of the Mountain alone. It is
The Sons of the Mountain tribe is one of the major
said that it was the Tusk that made the yhetees and
groups found within the Ogre Kingdoms, famous for
gave the Thundertusks their powers.
hunting alongside Yhetees.
Tips to play a Son of the Mountain
While most tribes prefer to stake their camps in the
valleys of the Mountains of Mourn, the Sons of the The sons of the mountains are wild and uncivilized
Mountain take great pride in residing near the top of even by ogre standards. Play as not caring for the
the Tusk -- a particular high peak on the borders of trappings of civilization very much. As if cooking,
the Ancient Giant Lands. There, the tribe has grown shelter, fire, clothing and language are all optional
famous for hunting the many beasts that live in the details you need not care too much about. Don’t
mountains, and their trade in ivory has made them make smalltalk, grunt when you can get away with
rich indeed. The Sons of the Mountain wear distinc- not speaking, see anyone needing shelter, cooked
tive white warpaint, as they claim it better camou- food or clothes as weak.
flages them in the eternal snow of their mountaintop Tuskborn
home. Usually, many Yhetees and other mountain-
dwelling monsters reside with the Sons of the Moun- A Son of the Mountain ogre could potentially play a
tain, and the Ogres themselves seem to share an Tuskborn. I have not included rules for this but
affinity with these creatures, even going so far as to should you desire to include it replace the chaos
hunt with the Yhetees in the wilds. ogre career with the Wolf kin career on the random
career table and reflavour for any theme regarding
Despite their proximity to the Goldtooths the Sons of wolves to be about yhetees instead.
the Mountain do not pay the overtyrant tribute. Re-
sisting his claim so far. Doing so puts the tribe at For strictures eschewing all civilization and living like
risk but they are willing to take that risk to not be a wild beast fits well.
ruled, valuing freedom higher than safety. This may Note that playing a Tuskborn brings you close to
come to cause a war in the future but Greasus playing as a pure animal, although one with great
knows that war would be hard fought and his powers, and thus may not fit in a campaign, discuss
Goldtooths are spread over too large an area to this with the GM before playing one. It is not neces-
spare the bulls needed. sarily recommended to have one in the group.
While many tribes use Yhetees for war none other
than the Sons of the Mountain share their camps
with them. The frosty bestial aura of the yhetees ev-
er present on the tops near the tusk where ogre and
yhetee alike dwell. The yhetees accompany the
ogres on hunts, in war and even in peaceful matters Sayings of the Sons of the Mountain Tribe
may travel at their side. Something that greatly un-
Avalanche attack: A sudden unexpected attack the attacked
nerves other ogres. It is believed that the yhetees
party could not have foreseen. Similar to a sucker punch
are an offshoot of the ogre specie deviated from
though not limited to actual punches.
them in an age past and while the ogre tales speak
of this it is not something most ogres want to think Yhetee’s breath!: Common exclamation used before a state-
about. Fearing the possibility they could become like ment. Examples “Yhetee’s breath! It’s cold!”, Yhetee’s
the bestial yhetees and lose the love for food, wan- breath! That was a good one!” or Yhetee’s Breath! It’s hot
dering and warmth that they feel makes them ogres. today!.
The sons of the Mountains, perhaps unintentionally,
Like wrestling the Tusk: Impossible. Can be stated about
reminds the ogres of this connection and they don’t
any task that can not be done.
like it one bit. Still neither the yhetees nor the Sons
of the Mountain care. They are kin and they don’t
mind who knows it.
The Blood Guzzler Tribe The look of the Blood Guzzlers tends to be quite
different from other ogres. Where most wear beast
"You call that a giant spider? Why it’s smaller than pelts they wear strange armoured clothing made of
me. Far from the size of a giant. Human, you need spider exo-skeletons and where most show trophies
to think before you speak.” of bone and skull they have fangs and spider legs.
—Gug Blood Guzzler This coupled with the environment of the vale
makes it seem as if you stepped into another world
Led by burly Tyrant Bul Mallet-hands Blood Guzzler,
when you go from the freezing mountains into the
the Blood Guzzlers tribe rules the Vale of Webs in
forested vale of webs.
the middle of the northern region of the Mountains
of Mourn. Their tyrant is a large individual whose The gnoblars of the tribe too are different from oth-
face is frozen into a permanent snarl after a giants ers of the kind. Visually at least. With spiderfangs
dose of arachnarok poison got into his system by the favoured weapon and living in shanty towns
way of massive fangs. Still this doesn’t affect his made of hollow exoskeletons they decide to call
fighting ability and he remains able to deal with any their huts. In the warm waters of the river boglars
upstarts trying to dethrone him. swim around hunting the strange fish of the vale
while fishing “waterwalk” spiders in their turn hunt
The vale of the Blood Guzzlers is one of massive
trees. Conifers stretching hundreds of metres tall
making even the megafauna of the Mountains of With the spiders making their homes amongst the
Mourn seem small. A wide and surprisingly warm branches of the trees the ogres make home in the
river flows through the vale, warmed up by lavaflows many caves and caverns that line the mountain-
in a volcano some miles distant and flowing out of a sides of the vale. Usually keeping out of the spiders
massive cave into the vale, creating a warmer and ways and treating any stragglers stumbling into their
more humid environment than the surrounding caves as free food.
mountains. An environment ideal for large spiders. Tips to play a Blood Guzzler
And you know what they say, the larger the trees
the bigger the spiders... Playing a Blood Guzzler has much of your tribal
identity surrounding spiders. Eating and hunting
Having settled in a valley notoriously haunted by them. As a Blood Guzzler make sure you seem
enormous spiders, the Ogres have become expert knowledgeable in spiders and scoff or ridicule any-
arachnid hunters. Blood Guzzler Butchers brag that one for being scared of them.
they can roast, de-leg and devour even the largest
of Spiders in mere moments and the huge piles of
many-segmented legs and empty exoskeletons that
are left after a typical Blood Guzzlers feast attests to
that skill.
The butchers of the tribe too have gotten a bit of
fame for the way they deal with arachnids though in
a different way than the hunters of the tribe. The
Butchers of the Blood Guzzlers have learnt how to
create holy antidotes against the venoms of the
vales denizens. In fact so famed for this are they
that ogres travel far to get these antidotes, tales Sayings of the Blood Guzzler Tribe
even speaking of one that travelled all the way from
When a spider bites, bite back: Don’t let people walk all
the Drakwald in the empire to the Vale of Webs just
for a sip of antidote (the following part of the tale, over you. Don’t be a pushover. Fight back.
where he lacked the ability to pay and died is usual- Webbed: Synonym for trapped more commonly used than
ly gleefully told with an overly mocking voice beg- trapped in the Blood Guzzler tribe. Can be followed by
ging for antidote to save his life). Still the idea to “...and bitten.” to signify that the one that got trapped is
travel so far for these antidotes is not a bad one for dead or as good as.
these brews are better antidotes against spider ven-
Even a Mammoth can get webbed: Reminder to be care-
om than the empires best physicians and finest
ful and that anyone could be tricked or trapped.
priestesses of Shallaya can make.
The Mountaineater Tribe gone ages. Be it the Ironblaster cannons or even
stranger artefacts. And of course plenty of slave gi-
"He fought a giant singlehandedly? ants too are brought into their hordes. Showing any-
Bah, our tyrant Bauldig has beaten dozens of them one that meet them that the Mountaineaters are the
by himself. And then again as many after dinner. new lords of these lands.
Now I’m sure you’re all very proud of that Sir Whats- The wanderers of the tribe usually travel to the
his-face but I’m tellin ya. Beatin a giant isn’t that im- lands of dwarfs, the lairs of nightgoblins or even to
pressive.” hell-pit and the skaven. As experienced under-
ground fighters such work suit them well and many
—Rog Mountaineater
are interested in seeing the caverns of far distant
The Mountaineaters Tribe, previously the Cav- lands. This in turn leads returning ogres to bring
ers, are known amongst the tribes for their stubborn back tactics and cultural cues from such lands such
ways, in imitation of their great leader who the tribe as mushroom cultivation of night-goblins, brewing
named themselves after. The hulking Tyrant Bauldig methods of dwarfs and the vicious wolf-rats of clan
Mountaineater is the kind of Ogre of which legends moulder.
are made. Bauldig has sought out and conquered
They are a tribe fond of feasts and celebrations and
many of the most menacing peaks found in
while Bauldig never did it for that reason his ego has
the Mountains of Mourn, including the much-
been fanned by the tribe suggesting new celebra-
dreaded Mount Thug. He has defeated them all and
tions to all his great deeds time after time.
even, it is said, toppled Bigstride Peak when he bur-
rowed under it and ate the heart of the mountain. Tips to play a Mountaineater
Naturally drawn to such a tough and charismatic The Mountaineaters are very proud of their legend-
leader, the growing Mountaineater Tribe imitates ary tyrant and brag about him often, try to emulate
Bauldig by eating rocks with every meal so they can this. Always be ready with a story of your tyrants
become as tough and stubborn as their Tyrant. With heroism and ‘fanboy’ a bit over him.
a history of dwelling much underground, the Moun-
taineaters have developed a taste for the races they
habitually find there, actually prefer-
ring Dwarf, Skaven, or Night Goblin meat to all oth-
The Mountaineaters have long lived in the deeper
caves of their homelands, dwelling further in than
most ogres and hunting subterranean prey. While
they are not by any means afraid of venturing out
into the wider mountains and scaling the tallest
peaks or hunting the biggest beasts there is just
something with the beasts found in the caves that
the Mountaineaters find so very succulent and tasty.
During the Great War Against Chaos large Kurgan
hordes streamed into the Mountains of Mourn much
Sayings of the Mountaineater Tribe
as they did against Kislev and the Empire. In re- Bauldig worthy: Great or at least very good. Can be used
sponse to this the Mountaineaters and Bloody Fists about pretty much anything you consider good.
joined forces in a great alliance and together the two
Cave-roasted: Means what it sounds like, it was roasted in a
tribes defended their lands. Winning a grand victory
cave. It is however seen as being a very good thing by the
they still celebrate to this day with annual Spawn-
Mountaineaters and food stated to be cave-roasted is more
roast festivals where deadly beasts of the wastes
expensive and a worthier gift.
are consumed as a sign of defiance against the dark
gods and the forces of chaos. And also because the Titanic: Valuable, expensive. Comes from the items of the
ogres like the taste. old sky titans being very expensive and can confuse people
Living at the edges of the ancient giant lands it is that think it would mean big instead.
not uncommon for Mountaineaters to travel into
these ancient peaks and seek for treaures of by-
The Bloody Fist Tribe The cave of their tyrant is a large one in which the
skeleton of a monstrous chaos dragon hangs from
"By Maw and tribe I call ya! the roof showing the tribes greatest achievement.
I call ya ta bash in the chaos worshipping skulls of The two headed skeleton is truly awe-inspiring and
those marauders and eat the flesh from their Kurgan no matter how often the Butchers tell the tale of how
bones! their first tyrant, Veclakk Bloody Fist Drakeslayer,
defeated this beast beyond beasts the tribe never
tires of the tale. In the skulls of the beasts gnoblars
—Bruiser Bruadgragg Bloody Fist have made their lairs, not any gnoblars of course
The Bloody Fists are an Ogre tribe recognised by but the tooth gnoblars of the tribes slaughtermasters
their distinctive war-markings made from the blood and butchers. Only those are allowed to dwell there,
of their enemies. Their territory lies to the southwest looking down onto the feasts below.
of the Mountaineaters' lands, north of the Ancient The gnoblars of the tribe as a whole don’t really
Giant Lands and south of the Chaos Wastes, and share the ogres hatred for chaos. Don’t get me
covers a section of the Bone Road across the east- wrong, they certainly don’t like the worshippers of
ern Mountains of Mourn. the dark gods or befriend marauders. They just
During the Great War Against Chaos large Kurgan don’t really understand the whole thing. The Kur-
hordes streamed into the Mountains of Mourn much gans are their foes and worship the wrong gods,
as they did against Kislev and the Empire. In re- that is basically what they get about the whole thing
sponse to this the Mountaineaters and Bloody Fists and they rarely need to know more. The intricacies
joined forces in a great alliance and together the two of a history of war and the foul ways of the Kurgan
tribes defended their lands. Winning a grand victory just tend to give them a headache.
they still celebrate to this day with annual Spawn- Many of the tribes wanderers travel to other lands
roast festivals where deadly beasts of the wastes and take up arms against chaos there. Feeling that
are consumed as a sign of defiance against the dark is always good work and reckoning there is a
gods and the forces of chaos. And also because the chance they’ll learn new ways to fight the Kurgan
ogres like the taste. scum
But this was not their first big clash with the Kur- Tips to play a Bloody Fist
gans. Wars with these marauders mark most of the
Playing a Bloody Fist has you as pretty much a tra-
tribes history and they have developed a great ha-
ditional ogre with the exception that you have an
tred for these men due to it. Beating the violent ma-
enmity with the Chaos Forces in general and the
rauders and eating the deadly beasts of the wastes.
Kurgans in particular.
At first this was but a way to defend their lands and
sometimes steal back food and valuables. As time Rules to play a Bloody Fist
went on the enmity grew and the Bloody Fists start- Replace Chaos Ogre on the career table with out-
ed to counterattack. Travelling into the wastes to law.
topple chaos monuments and hold rituals to the
Maw there or to slay Kurgan champions and steal
their chaos artefacts to break into pieces and return
to their owners from the barrel of an ironblaster.
Seeing them few would guess that the bloodcov- Sayings of the Bloody Fist Tribe
ered, brutal and savage Bloody Fists were staunch
enemies of chaos. In their wars they seem no less Khorne is fer eatin: Don’t listen to the followers of chaos.
savage or malicious than their Kurgan foes. Yet for They claim strong powers but they are just for you to eat.
one that has studied the history of the ogres the Kurgan-lover: An insult that can mean coward, traitor, evil
truth becomes clear. The truth that the Bloody Fists, bastard or one who ’just isn’t right’.
though their methods are very different, are as
much foes of chaos as valiant warrior-priests of Sig- Templecrusher: Compliment meaning you have a real tal-
mar, holy Bretonnian grail knights or splendorous ent for hitting the enemy where it really hurts. Someone
Ulthuan Silverhelms. Though their tradition of eating thinking to not just face the enemy army but also have
creatures of chaos certainly wouldn’t be approved of some troops ransack their treasury during the fight could
in more civilized lands. for example be thusly complimented.
The Skulltaker Tribe The wanderers of the Skulltaker tribe often journey
across the ocean´s to Lustria or Naggaroth in
"Weak? Weak?! search for more impressive prey. At times they ven-
I’d ought ta bash yer skull right in I tell. ture to the Old World but they tend to be disappoint-
ed by the game offered there. Constantly complain-
Would a weak ogre carry a skull this big huh? Ya
ing about how the local fauna is meek and has too
fink that’s decoratin do ya? I’ve killed beasts twice
little muscles on them.
yer size on bad days.”
One group so wandering to Naggaroth came to
—Brukk Skulltaker
work long with the shades of that land, practically
The Skulltaker Tribe is an Ogre tribe famous for becoming part of such a company for fifty whole
their successful hunts. The borders of their kingdom years. When they returned not only did they bring
(located to the northeast of the Mountains of new ways to fight but also a worship of wicked
Mourn and to the south of the Chaos Wastes, close Anath Raema, the elven god of the savage hunt.
to the Mountaineaters' territory) are well marked This has created a small-scale worship of her in the
with the skulls of beasts so large they defy belief. Skulltaker lands though she holds nowhere near the
Their lands are filled with great beasts, both the fau- status of the Maw or the Firemouth.
na of the Mountains of Mourn and a large number of The Skulltakers has generally good relations with
creatures from the chaos wastes that wander into their neighbours. Their trophies are impressive and
their mountains. Chimeras, Mutalith Vortexbeasts, hunting is seen as a most worthy trade for any ogre
Slaughterbrutes, Toad Dragons and stranger beasts and with the added benefit of skins and food to
still now share these mountains with animals and trade they become quite popular as trading partners
ogres alike. Given opportunity for grander and more too.
deadly hunts than perhaps any other tribes lands
Tips to play a Skulltaker
can offer. As a result the hunting parties of the
Skulltakers are much larger than other tribes, often Be interested in hunting and eating new beasts,
being akin to a warband. The beasthunters lack this talking about it a lot and treating people who hunt as
luxury of numbers however, being forced to learn to far more interesting than those that don’t.
survive in these deadly mountains as exiles, like all
In awe of the prowess of these beasthunters a high
number of trappers take up the mantle of trappers in
these lands but perhaps the hunters are not the only
reason. Many bands of blood gnoblars call these
peaks their homes, a larger number than in any oth-
er tribal lands it is believed. This leads the tribe to
have not only the most but also the best gnoblar
trappers. The Blood Gnoblar Mii Spawntrapper has
even achieved some renown amongst the ogres for
the many chaos spawns he singlehandedly has
trapped and brought back to the tribe.
Sayings of the Skulltaker Tribe
The tyrant of the tribe is Vraokrugg Skulltaker who Lizardhunter: One that has travelled very far to hunt. Com-
rules with an ironfist from the back of his mighty ing from the wanderers journeying to Lustria to hunt large
stonehorn “Stone”. Vraokrugg and Stone has to- beasts.
gether brought down more legendary beasts than Wrestle a Vortexbeast and get mutated: If you do some-
they can count (a lot more given that Vraokrugg can thing stupid you’ll have to deal with the consequences.
only count to ten) and the trophies from those kills Often used as an answer to state something was his own
hang on tyrant and stonehorn alike making the fault.
beast seem more like a loaded pack-beast than a
warbeast, though confusing it for one may be the Chimerameat: A poor reward for a great task. Comes from
last mistake a person would make for even this the fact that Chimera meat tastes kinda bad (and sometimes
massive amount of skulls, pelts and bones do noth- kills the eater due to being extremely poisonous).
ing to slow down the charge of mighty “Stone”.
The Bloodmaw Tribe yards, is coated in a disgusting layer of poisonous
slime and any warrior brave enough to assault them
"So you killed a bunch of Mammoths heh? Well will have their weapons fouled and limbs caught in
good fer ya but hunting what walks across the land the vile substance, which is almost impossible to
is easy. Huntin what burrows beneath, that takes hack through. Due to its unnatural nature, most
skill. Dread Maws never look exactly alike, such is the
Huntin the Dread Maw of the wastes, that’s what price of mutation.
separates pretenders from true hunters.” To combat them special weapons and tracking
—Crusher Rudd Bloodmaw methods have been developed and the hunters pur-
suing them are armed with strange specialized wea-
The Bloodmaw is a tribe located along the Path to
ponry, from marksmans crossbows made to target
the East as the last tribe of the mountains to be
the beasts eyes to ironforged pronged pikes to
found before leaving for the wastes. A location that
lunge into its gaping maw where the slimy skin does
sets them in conflict with the Kurgans more often
not protect it and even more cunning traps such as
than not though it only occasionally escalates to an-
strapping a rhinox with bags of poison to weaken
ything more than skirmishes.
the beast when it devours it.
Their location is not what gives them their name or
Skinning and preparing a Dread Maw as a meal is
their reputation however. It is their favoured prey.
something that takes several butchers days of hard
The chaos beast known as Dread Maw. The Dread
work but something that the tribe agrees is worth it
Maw is a terrifyingly powerful subterranean creature
for although highly poisonous normally when pre-
which has haunted the mires of tainted sludge and
pared just right the poisons can be neutralized and
ooze that stretch across the vast expanse of
the tasty meat be offered.
the Chaos Wastes.
In honour of this their greatest of preys they drab
The first sign of these loathsome beasts is an omi-
crude paintings of it in blood across gutplates and
nous rumbling from beneath the ground as the
banners, giving the tribe their name.
Dread Maw grind and chew their way through the
earth, swiftly followed by an eruption of mud and the Tips to play a Bloodmaw
stench of putrid slime as their gaping maws burst Playing a Bloodmaw is fairly similar to playing any
forth. other ogre. The knowledge of your tribes favoured
With their circular mouths, studded with rows of sick prey may well come into play at some point but
-shaped teeth and glistering tendrils, Dread Maws apart from that their demeanour and experiences
can seize and devour a fully armored man in sec- does not differ too much from the norm.
onds. Often smaller prey is swallowed whole, to be
slowly digested within their grossly distended bel-
lies, the Dread Maw's flesh being translucent
enough that their victims struggle can be seen by
their comrades. Even the largest creatures will fall
prey to Dread Maws. Bursting forth from beneath Sayings of the Bloodmaw Tribe
the ground and latching on with their hooked teeth,
they can tear their way inside the greatest beast, Fear the Maw not seen: Just because you don’t see an
eviscerating them form within and quickly hollowing enemy doesn’t mean an enemy isn’t there. Be wary.
out their ruptured carcass. Like a strike from below: Something unexpected. Despite
Few can forget the sight of a what many assumes it holds no negative connotations.
mighty mammoth or Chimerae bellowing in object Examples; “Bunch a meat for me? Tanks, comes like a
pain as it is eating alive, the wriggling tail of a Dread strike from below.” or “That ambush came like a strike
Maw protruding from the wounds made in its own from below, I’d kill that lookout gnoblar if the Kurgans
torso. There are few creatures as horrific as the hadn’t already.
Dread Maw, their malted grey flesh shot through by
Mawflesh: Something that’s worth hard work and waiting
pulsing veins of unhealthy hue and choked with cor-
for. Examples; “Yeah, that passin gunsmith says it’ll take a
ruption and rot, and stigmatised with open wounds
moonpass an plenty o suns to get that gun I want. Not a
and severed limbs and mutations. The entire length
fan o the wait but it’s Mawflesh so I’ll do it.”
of a Dread Maw, their bodies stretching for many
The Rock Skulls Tribe the Mountains of Mourn to chose new leadership
and start regrowing their tribe.
"No fink. Just Bash.”
Still, even with such losses the tribe holds a decent
—Gramps Fuhld Rock Skull the wise number of ogres and can defend themselves fine.
The Rock Skulls are amongst the toughest of Slowly growing their numbers back.
all Ogre tribes. Each year at the Great Feast, it is Wanderers from the Rock Skulls rarely plan where
inevitably a Rock Skull who wins the boulder-butting to go rather just wandering off in a direction to see
contests -- where Ogres try to split the most enor- what happens. Then once they wish to return many
mous of rocks using only their heads. Coincidental- of them get lost, some settling down as a way to
ly, the Rock Skulls are also amongst the most dim- give up, some travelling for far longer than intended
witted of Ogres and they have been tricked or swin- and some few returning when they meant.
dled many times over by a great many oppo-
nents. Skarsnik, the Night Goblin Warlord of The gnoblars of the tribe, as many gnoblars do, try
the Eight Peaks, notoriously hired a large contingent to emulate their masters and mimic the ‘boulder-
of Rock Skull mercenaries to fight in his battles butting’ contests with ‘pebble-butting’ contest where
against the Dwarfs. After being thoroughly bewil- they try a similar thing but with very small stones.
dered during the contract talks, the Rock Skull lead- Inevitably they fail to break them and start a brawl
er ended up paying Skarsnik for the honour of aid- over who won. Still just as with the ogres this pro-
ing the Greenskins. duces gnoblars that are more tough than they are
smart. Not that gnoblars are particularly tough or
Despite their stupidity they still manage to hold good intelligent either way.
lands with their territory bordering both the Lake of
Eyes and the Fire Mouth. Giving them proximity to Tips to play a Rock Skull
one of the great gods of the ogres and a land filled Use only simple words and make yourself dumb.
with large beasts. Their dominion there has been Really dumb. Make sure to not quite follow conver-
challenged at times but there are things that make sations and to act like thinking things through is very
them able to hold on to it. difficult.
The first is their resilience and battle-prowess. They
might not be smart but that’s not needed to hold on
to territory in the Mountains of Mourn if you can fight
well enough. The other is a bit more political. The
stupidity of the Rock Skulls suits the Firebellies.
With their charisma it is easy enough for these fire-
priests to win over Rock Skull ogres and get them to
aid them with whatever goal they have. This is not
something the Firebellies would want to lose and
thus they help influence others to let them remain
and keep their lands. Sometimes going as far as
saying that it is the wish of the Firemouth they re-
main. Sayings of the Rock Skull Tribe
The tyrant of the tribe is called simply ‘Big Rockskull’
Dense as granite: A ‘compliment’ introduced by a passing
after forgetting his name cleaving an espsially large
merchant and then fully embraced. Means that the person
boulder with his head. He is a large, tough and ex-
complimented is really tough and holds no secondary mean-
tremely dumb ogre who fortunately takes much of
ings that could be poorly interpreted.
his advice from the Firebelly Skoc. This arrange-
ment is good but what wasn’t was roughly two dec- Rock Skull!: Basically the equivalent of “Hell yeah!”. Sup-
ades ago when a strange individual clad in dark posed to be shouted and people will think you are weird and
came all the way from the isle of Albion and con- perhaps beat you up if you say it at normal tones.
vinced the previous tyrant to travel to Albion to cap-
There are many ways to beat a stonehorn: Old saying the
ture giants and conquer lands. The campaign they
tribe forgot the story and meaning behind. Sometimes said
partook in went badly and the whole contignent that
to seem smart and full of old wisdom. This rarely works.
travelled there perished, leaving those left behind in
The Suneater Tribe everyone happy and make that gnoblar honcho of
the world. The oral tales of the ogres make no such
"In day when ogres new in lands sun got eaten. mentions so it is safe to say this is purely something
Darkness came and nothing brought light. Ogres the gnoblars made up because they want it to be
despaired but some ogres know sun not some indif- true.
ferent flame far off. Sun is god and gods can be
spoken to. The Firebelly dressed up the biggest The current tyrant of the tribe, Vok Suneater, is
ogre of the tribe as the sun and played the tale of starting to feel the problems of old age given he is
what had happened and could happen. The sun nearly a hundred years old. Long-lived as ogres are
was lit on fire. Obviously, I mean look at the sun, it’s he is still reaching an age where it’s noticeable he’s
on fire. Then as he started to burn to death the tribe not as young and strong as he used to be. Beating
was told to devour the tyrant. He was eaten alive as the last challenger for his title he broke his hip and
representation of what haqppen to sun. its not likely he’ll win another challenge. What new
leadership might bring to the tribe it’s still too early
Then came the magic. He had the ogres vomit and to say but there are talks of trying to expand their
as they did he lit their puke on fire, creating a sun territory and influence. Talk that may yet come to
anew. bring war to the lands.
This worked, a few days later whatever ate the sun Tips to play a Suneater
puked it out and the world was bright again.”
Playing a Suneater is to play an ogre with a proud
—Firebelly Zoksauc history. Be sure to tell people it was your tribe that
The Suneaters are attributed as having saved the saved the world from eternal darkness when the sun
sun from being eaten, taking the suneaters name in was eaten and expect people to acknowledge this
memory of that event. They are an old and influen- great service from your tribe, preferably getting an-
tial tribe as all ogres are seen as owing them for gry if they don’t. As a gnoblar from the tribe have an
having saved the sun and by extension probably the even greater love for shiny objects and give this
world in ages past. Celebrating this their Butchers love an almost religious reverence sometimes ram-
and Firebellies have sun motifs proudly displayed bling about how the sun wants you to seek for shin-
and the worship of the sun that tends to take a small ies.
part next to the Firemouth and the Great Maw is
here given a lot of room, worshipped almost as
much as their more commonly worshipped deities.
The tribe dwells in the suncaves, a cavern system at
the peak of a large mountain, here they find them-
selves above the clouds able to always gaze to-
wards the sun. Golden icons of the sun hang in the
cave openings making the tribe appear incredibly
wealthy though in truth that is where most of their
gold is found.
The tribes lands are not as great as one would per-
haps expect from a tribe so well regarded and it is
likely they were richer in game and food when they Sayings of the Suneater Tribe
were first settled. These days the pride of the tribe
Suns: Slang for gold coins, originated here but is now uni-
simply stops them from packing up and moving on
versal slang amongst ogres.
to new lands.
Sunny: Shiny or good. Can be used about practically any-
The worship of the sun is not just found amongst the
thing but weather (where it instead has its normal mean-
ogres, the gnoblars too worship it and with great en-
thusiasm at that, calling it the shiniest of shinies.
Even going so far as to hold their own rituals to it Sun Saviour Son: Another name for an ogre of the
where they hold up their shiniest objects to proudly suneater tribe, usually used to remind others of how their
show to the sun. They say that if someone ever ancestors supposedly saved the world.
shows the sun the shiniest object in the world the
sun will come down and make everything shiny and
The Angry Fist Tribe been eaten for calling Grandather Reik a minor
god). There they also try to learn, knowing how
"Teachings of firemaster tells us how melt metal and much they have learnt from the empire in the past
you do wrong. Now melt metal right or I beat you up and hoping they can learn as much again.
Angry Fist Tribe is also the tribe that assaulted
—Crusher Nak Angry Fist the Dwarf Hold of Karak Azorn. The Tyrant of the
When two Empire explorers stumbled across the Angry Fist tribe, Thogub Smashclub, had learned
Angry Fist tribe, they made history. Having dis- first hand of the riches stored within such strong-
played a hitherto unseen mastery of fire, considera- holds and had a fondness for roast Dwarf meat from
ble culinary prowess and strange flat stones that his adventuring days in the Worlds Edge Moun-
showed perfect reflections - all before dinnertime - tains and thus lead a succesfull assault on the
they managed to convince their captors they were of stronghold. A great bonfire was made amidst the
more use alive than spitted and eaten (although gutted great-hall and there the Ogres roasted
the Ogres reasoned they only needed one, and Dwarfs and swilled ale by the barrelful. The assault
roasted the other). The survivor, Reuben Kyte, went on Karak Azorn is a bloody testament to Ogre de-
on to make highly valuable tinderboxes for the structiveness and the driving power of their gluttony.
Ogres of the Angry Fist and eventually became their Tips to play an Angry Fist
Firemaster - the closest a human could ever get
to Tyrant. Kyte's memoirs make for illuminating Seem a bit more knowledgeable and civilized than
reading, and the once-barbaric Angry Fist tribe is the average ogre. Don’t overdo it and be extremely
now one of the most culturally and technologically smart but try to put yourself as a slightly dumb impe-
advanced of the Ogre Kingdoms, with everything rial citizen. Not an idiot but one a bit below average.
from working kilns to modern toilet rooms (and the Respect the gods of the empire more than most
appropriate Gnoblars) at their disposal. ogres as well, especially Grandfather Reik.

This advancement in culture and technology long Playing an Angry Fist priest
ago also brought with it new faiths, the faith of Reu- Priests to imperial gods are not common in the tribe,
ben Kyte, the faith of the empire. While many of the less than a dozen in total exist. But exist they do
gods spoken about where dismissed as silly by the and if you want to play one you can. Replace
ogres four resonated well with them. Ulric, Taal, ‘Chaos Ogre’ on the career table with priest and up-
Rhya and Grandfather Reik. Ulric for his violent dis- on becoming one chose between Taal, Rhya, Ulric
position with as cruel a view on weakness as the or Grandfather Reik.
ogres, Rhya and Taal for bringing food which really
was enough to win the ogres over. Most of all they
accepted Grandfather Reik. The other three were
vague gods they didn’t quite understand where they
could find and talk of metaphors made the ogres
angry. Grandfather Reik was however a mighty river
giving life to vast lands and flooding them if dis-
pleased. That was easy to understand and well
worth reverence. He is now accepted as a deity
alongside the Great Maw and the Firemouth, said to
be almost as strong but with his power hailing from
another land. There is even a shrine to him con-
structed in their camp following the style of those Sayings of the Angry Fist Tribe
along the Reik but much bigger.
Firemaster Brain: A compliment akin to calling someone a
Wanderers from the tribe often journey to the em-
pire both because it is the birthplace of the firemas-
ter that brought their tribe greatness and so that When by the Reik worship the Reik: A saying meaning you
they can swim in Grandfather Reik and receive his should respect and pick up local traditions and faiths when
blessing. Many men of the empire get very sur- travelling.
prised hearing that they make pilgrimages to a god Un-taught: Savage, primitive or dumb. Used as an insult.
that by their account is quite minor (and some have
The Slavetaker Tribe In their lands lay the mountain known as the Black
Fang. This mountain is a cursed place from ages
"In chains wi them. The short and bearded ones pay past, said to have become doomed when a group of
well for slaves these days.” dwarfs refusing to make a deal with Hashut when
—Bruiser Sgrugrakk Slavetaker their chaos-dwarf kin did held their last stand there.
They were destroyed and their souls bound into the
The Slavetaker tribes holds their lands right at the
black stone. Now climbing it is done as a show both
‘Path to the East’ frequented by Chaos forces and
of great strength and being blessed as anyone not
Dawi-zharr in their trades with each other. As a re-
blessed enough it is believed would not withstand
sult the Slavetakers have grown to trade much with
the curse of the mountain and plummet to his death.
them selling both their services and more commonly
slaves which is why they get their names. The The gnoblars of the Slavetaker tribe is a very fearful
Slavetakers capture and sell gnoblar and giant bunch. Knowing they could be sold into slavery by
slaves to the dawi-zharr in return for various infernal their masters at any time. Many escape their tribe
devices and to the chaos warriors and marauders because of this and to stop it the ogres erect pali-
they demand toll or sell mercenary services in return sades around their camps and get lookout gnoblars
for armours and weapons forged in dark steel. to watch over them in return for a mostly kept prom-
ise not to sell them as slaves or eat them.
This trade with the chaos forces and chaos dwarfs
makes them wealthy but not particularly popular. Tips to play a Slavetaker
Many are the tribes that see the Kurgan marauders Playing a Slavetaker has you caring even less about
as their enemies and those tend to carry a bit of that gnoblars than most ogres, willing to sell them to the
bitter hatred over to the Slavetakers as well. Still horrid chaos dwarfs for some quick cash. As a gno-
their trade with these factions sees them well- blar you should play far less trust for your master
equipped and with strong allies making sure they than normal. And less adoration of him as well.
are not easily destroyed should a rivalling tribe get
any ideas.
At several times in the tribes history they have trav-
elled en-masse out into the darklands to capture
hobgoblins, enslaving them for the chaos dwarfs
and turning their wolves into fur clothing for their
bulls. Most of the time it is however from their plenti-
ful gnoblars they find slaves to sell.
Most of the tribes wanderers chose to travel to the
wastes or the lands of the chaos dwarfs, working
there as they see the world and those worshippers
of dark gods they have supplied with slaves. Some
of the returning ogres come bearing tales of Hashut,
Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh or Nurgle. Spreading
their worship in the slavetaker camp and according
to some putting them before the Maw and the Fire-
mouth. If true this would mean they would speak
heresy in the eyes of Butchers and Firebellies,
something that could potentially have them be at
war with all other tribes. Sayings of the Slavetaker Tribe
Their current tyrant, Dragred Slavetaker is a large Hobgoblin Attitude: Loser attitude. Defeatist demeanour.
ogre clad in a magical armour made by the chaos Like you want to be enslaved.
dwarfs. Dark fire flickers from the gaps in it and
By gods dark and bright: Absolutely let’s do it. References
when he speaks he does so with a daemonic voice.
both the gods of the ogres and the dark gods of chaos.
The tribe no longer has a slaughtermaster for in an
Common answer to questions regarding if you would like
argument the tyrant slew their former. The butchers
to do something.
are now fearful they could follow the same fate.
Daemon-engine deal: A big trade, a serious deal.
The Loose Tooth Tribe The gnoblars of the tribe are quite careful not to
stray too far from the ogres for they all know of gno-
"There's things down there in the lower caves... blars that have been grabbed and eaten by the
'Ungry, blind things. Things that weren't right when gorgers below. As a result their shantytowns have
they was born. They sniff you out, and then... well, become far less sprawling and instead press togeth-
there aint much to eat down there that's all I'm say- er very tight clinging to ogretents and the towers.
in'...” Indeed on the towers the shanties hang like an out-
—Unknown Ogre er layer that constantly has parts falling apart and
being attached back on again. Seeing these gno-
The Loose Tooth tribe lays right by gorger path, the
blars dwelling high up a large amount of blood vul-
perilous road that leads from Gorger rock to the
tures have come to dwell nearby, constantly circling
Path to the East. This is a dangerous position but
the tower to grab an unwary gnoblar as it climbs be-
also one of strategic importance for their lands sep-
tween places of relative safety.
arates the northernmost stretches of the Mountains
of Mourn from the rest. It is not nearly as well- Their current tyrant, Grolkfagg Loose Tooth, is vio-
trafficked as the Ivory or Spice Roads but Gorger lent and cruel even for an ogre. Constantly in a bad
Path still sees enough traffic to make extortion and mood and with a desire to beat someone up. This
tolls valuable, even if they almost exclusively get to likely comes from an old wound on his right leg from
extort other ogres. The name of the path is not a when a Stonehorn nearly ripped it off. He limps now
pointless moniker however. Trailing from Gorger and the leg causes constant agony not even the
Rock where many of the strange mutated creatures butchers could relieve for him.
known as Gorgers dwell the path naturally finds it- The Wanderers of the Loose Tooth often take the
self beset by these monsters from time to time as path east to Kurgan lands and fight alongside chaos
the creatures move about in caves under the path for a while before returning home though travels to
listening for footsteps above that they then follow to the Chaos Dwarfs or further away is not uncommon
cave openings from which to launch their assaults. either.
In fact it may be good that the Loose Tooth tribes
guards the road, though no other tribe would admit Tips to play a Loose Tooth
that, for had they not patrolled it the monsters would Tone down the wanderlusts of the ogres a bit as a
likely be even more numerous than they already Loose Tooth, play more fine with staying in place
are. than others of your kin. As a gnoblar on the other
The Loose Tooths are less nomadic than many of hand try to really emphasise the paranoia they al-
their kin and as a result hold a relatively small terri- ready have.
tory which even has permanent buildings. At two
places along the Gorger path massive towers
stretch to the sky, both commissioned by the chaos
dwarfs to be made with ogres in mind. They were Sayings of the Loose Tooth Tribe
made hundreds of years apart and the costs where
Loner, Loner, Gorger-feed: A tease the calves often use
extreme requiring decades of mercenary work from
when they exclude someone from their games. Implies that
the entire tribe each time. These watchtowers now
if you walk around alone you’ll get eaten by a gorger. Used
guard the path imposingly making the Loose Tooths
to be part of a longer taunt but the rest is forgotten.
more likely to get their asked toll.
What they are most famous for is however that it is There is always a Loose Tooth: There is always something
with this tribe the leadbelchers originate. In wrong. Used when something seems suspiciously good to
2420 IC - after defeating an artillery train out remind people that there probably is something wrong with
of Nuln, they captured six Empire Great Cannons. it.
They found they could carry a cannon into battle, Shanty-kicker: An ogre that is hilariously annoyed by the
and although many Ogres were killed in the learning gnoblars being so close. Often used as part of a call like
process, soon the first Leadbelchers were born. Lat- “Here! Shanty-kicker at it!” so that people can gather and
er, in deals with the Chaos Dwarfs the Ogres pur- laugh at the inevitably violent outburst against the gnoblars.
chased Leadbelcher cannons of their own. Soon As gnoblars too find other gnoblars demise kinda hilarious
coming to use them as a mainstay armament of they also tend to point and giggle at these outbursts which
their armies and toll keeping patrols. further annoys the ‘Shanty-kicker’.
The Boulderclub Tribe Something the war-eager youngsters fail to under-
stand might lead to the end of the tribe.
"Only ten suns a skin? The Bloodmaws pay twenty.
Now you are closer and I like you so I can go down Tips to play a Boulderclub
to fifteen suns. Playing a Boulderclub it fits to play yourself as a bit
But you’ll owe me one for that.” restless, getting few chances to go to war at your
home tribe you’ve got a bit to catch-up now that
—Tyrant Skaukbudh Boulderclub you’re off wandering the world.
The Boulderclub tribe is a smaller tribe located be-
tween the Loose Tooths and the Bulgers that is
named for their heavy stone clubs. The tribe has
decent lands and their bulls are good warriors but
this alone would not have allowed them to survive
unconquered. Their numbers could not hold of any
of the neighbouring tribes these days. Not since the
attack from Ymirdrak fifty years ago.
It was a cold midwinter eve when the icedragon flew
from its lair and attacked the tribe, gobbling up the
tyrant and slaying more than a hundred ogres be-
fore feeling sated and returning to its lair to rest
once more.
Following that battle a new tyrant stepped up.
Skaukbudh Boulderclub. He was not as large or
strong as most tyrants but then again with the ones
lost they could not expect that and he was still
strong enough to win the title. The new tyrant had a
keen mind for an ogre however and a penchant for
politics. Sending delegations to his neighbours he
hurried to set up deals that would ensure they’d act
if another neighbour felt like attacking them. These
deals have only gotten more intricate and advanced
with time now so multi-layered that most ogres
couldn’t even try to untangle them. As time moves
on he plans the next step again which could grant
his tribe far more power. His plan is to swear his
tribe to Greasus despite the distance and get the
Goldtooths moving up to the northern lands and
take them with his help. Making him an honoured
vassal in the new order Greasus would create.
The wanderers of the Boulderclubs are encouraged
by their tyrant to visit the Goldtooths, often indirectly
by telling of how great their lands are and the im-
Sayings of the Boulderclub Tribe
pressiveness of the overtyrant. This, Skaukbudh
hopes, will create a familiarity and kinship between Ymirdraks wrath!: A swearword used by the Boulderclubs
their two tribes. as a general exclamation. Sometimes shortened to just
The scheming nature of their tyrant contrasts with Ymirdrak.
the tribes general demeanour however and most of Woodclub: Insult used against someone poor. Comes from
them prefer to achieve their goals in the traditional the fact most of the tribe use fine stone clubs.
way. By beating people up with large clubs. So far
Tradework: Boring work. A saying that has spread through
Skaukbudh has managed to keep control but once
the tribe despite the tyrants attempts to stop it.
his reign ends, likely at the hands of a challenger, all
his carefully laid out plans will crumble to nothing.
The Bulgers Tribe travelled beyond their lands.

"So you’re a thief sneakin through our lands? Speaking of wanderers many from their tribe travel
to the Border Princes for the feeling of freedom they
Well why didn’t ya just say that. Carry on an good find such lands give them. Lands where some even
luck.” conquer principalities, holding them for a while until
—Durgh Bulger, Ogre Guard the small game, poor earnings and too much re-
sponsibility makes them get tired of ruling and wan-
Led by Tyrant Writ Bulger Goldtaker the Bulgers are
der back home, leaving a leaderless realm usually
an enterprising tribe with a talent for banditry and
descending into civil war.
Larceny. Originally the tribe living in these lands
were called the Semrogs but Writ Bulger led his Amongst the gnoblars of the tribe an unusual
tribe of Bulgers up to the northern reaches of the amount of thiefstone makers can be found. This is
mountains and conquered the Semrogs, making no coincidence but a result of Writ Bulger specifical-
them part of his clan. The location seems strange, ly looking for them, buying or kidnapping such gno-
there were far closer tribes to conquer and the lands blars so that he can grow an ever bigger hoard of
were not vast, in fact after the conquest the Bulgers thiefstones in hope of it helping him to find the leg-
got a smaller dominion rather than a bigger one. endary treasure he seeks.
There is however method to this seeming madness. Writ Bulger also has some unusual people in his
Following clues and ancient maps Writ is seeking court. Breward Thorne and his family, perhaps the
the hidden hoard of Hrak Opaleye which is ru- only gnome family in the Mountains of Mourne. Writ
moured to be in this area. Thus the lands of the first met the family as they travelled undercover as
Semrogs were less a prize in themselves and more halflings toward Cathay, hoping to start a new life
a location to set out the search from. This also ex- there after finding themselves wanted in large parts
plains the unusually kind treatment of the con- of the empire. Writ immediately smelled that they
quered, most being spared and getting to keep their weren’t halflings and threatened to eat them if they
belongings in return for helping with the search and didn’t tell him what and who they were. After the ty-
acting as guides to their new kin. This is not the only rant bit of the wife's hand Breward spoke, telling him
mercy shown by the tribe however for they also be- their true names and that they were gnomes wanted
lieve in the concept of ‘thieves honour’ treating crim- for grand larceny having broken into the Imperial
inals far better than most would. treasury and made it off with a magic sword Writ felt
The Bulgers thus move around quite a lot, some- he couldn’t eat them due to thieves honour and also
times getting into skirmishes with their neighbours that they might be useful. He hired them to scout out
for trespassing but never escalating it to proper magical artefacts for him, a job they have held ever
wars. The strain on relations is there but Writ is will- since.
ing to spend his hard earned gold and the tribes sur- Tips to play a Bulger
plus food to bribe away any conflicts. Reasoning
that once they find the treasure they’ll be rewarded Play with a bit of ‘thieves honour’ but don’t let the
a thousandfold. This may be true but the tribe holds concept get too much in the way. They honour other
some worries, for if the treasure is not found what criminals but few of them would be willing to sacri-
then? Should their tribe never gain the hoard of fice much for a criminal they don’t know.
Hrak Opaleye then that wealth spent would be wast-
ed and their power would wane.
The old lands of the Bulgers were found by the Riv-
Sayings of the Bulger Tribe
er Ruin and thus many of their bulls worked as Thievin!: A slang term used to say good. Often used alone as
wreckers, bringing down boats daring to traverse answer to something.
the river. As they moved out some of them felt they
Hoardseeking: Seeking for the treasure the tyrant looks for.
had too much love and passion for their job to go
Usually on his orders. Used as a single word to quickly de-
with them and instead ventured out into the world,
ending up setting up camp by the River Grismerie in scribe what you do and sometimes as an excuse as it is a
Bretonnia. While they did not follow their tyrant north believable and hard to check excuse.
they still see themselves as Bulgers and the tribe as Doorbreaker: Burglar. The word started being used when
a whole recognizes them as a part of the tribe, one of the tribe forgot the right word. It then quickly spread.
much like they would any wanderers or others who
The Fulg Tribe Another approach would have to be tried he figured.
Sending scouts he started to learn of the tribe and
"This ratmyth but Gulgdugg chasing rats now.” captured gnoblars were flesh-moulded with clanrat
—Brug Fulg brains to act as strange infiltrators that would have
been obviously no longer gnoblar had ogres actually
The tribes tyrant, Shrewd Fulg, is a hunchbacked
paid any mind to the gnoblars of their camp. Most
and grizzled Tyrant who, although far from the
ogres don’t but one did, Shrewd Fulg. This ogre cu-
strongest of his peers, is as cunning and evil as a
riously approached them and learning of the
serpent. He rules the lands to the northwest of
skavens infiltration demanded to meet them or re-
the Mountains of Mourn with an iron fist, ensuring
veal it. A meeting was made and an alliance pro-
those who annoy him eat poisoned meat or fall foul
posed. Shrewd offered to help in return for com-
of the monstrosities he keeps in his menagerie.
mand of the tribe. After some preparation Shrewd
The Ogres under his rule dare not even break wind
then challenged the much larger tyrant. All laughed
in his presence, for Shrewd Fulg cannot abide any
at the foolishness until the battle began. Having had
kind of challenge to his authority and will have any-
his meal laced with skaven poisons the tyrant found
one that crosses him turned into a Rat Ogre at the
his strength drained and Shrewd managed to beat
first opportunity. As he has strong ties to
him. Grumbles were heard of trickery used for the
the Beastmasters of Clan Moulder, even
win and a bruiser challenged him. Shrewd managed
his Irongut bodyguards live in fear of waking to find
to set the next challenge a few days later and before
themselves transformed into something horrible by
it could begin the bruiser had disappeared mysteri-
the Skaven master mutators.
ously. After a few other challenges had been dealt
The tribe has not always held such close ties to clan with in similar ways he was recognized as the lead-
Moulder however. Before Shrewd Fulg quite the op- er of the tribe and not far after rat-ogres started be-
posite was true actually as a war between them was ing part of it. Ratogres clearly made from those pro-
waged. The clan holdings near the Fulgs were one testing his rule.
day found by a large pack of gorgers. These vicious
Beneath their lands Clan Moulder again rules and
beasts started to rip asunder the monstrosities of
their undercamp has grown large under Statch
the skaven as well as the skaven themselves. See-
Swarmslash. Gnoblar slaves provided by Shrewd
ing their defenses decimated the outpost sent word
Fulg slave in the warpstone mines while master mu-
to Hellpit for aid and retreated ever deeper pursued
tators scurry between the rulers above and below
by the gorgers. The following nights where night-
working tirelessly to ensure their fine supply of
marish for the survivors who found the dark tunnels
beasts is kept moving to Hellpit.
they used to master be their own dooms as they fled
aimlessly through dark caverns tracked by beasts Tips to play a Fulg
needing naught but their keen smell to track even Playing a Fulg it is likely you are more miserable
the sneakiest of skaven. Each day more skaven than most ogres, living in fear and feeling little pride
were ripped asunder by their pursuers and when in your tribe. Try to tone down the common bravado
relief finally came less than fifty skaven remained. of ogres.
But relief did come, a large army from Hellpit
reached them and the various abominations and vile
creations of Clan Moulder retaliated against the
gorgers, killing most and capturing some to turn into
new horrid monsters under their command. While Sayings of the Fulg Tribe
the Fulg tribe above was oblivious to the war under
Up as a Ratogre: When used about an ogre says he’s going to
their feet the ogres were nonetheless the source of
disappear soon. It’s implied to be due to Shrewd but can and
the gorgers and in the mind of the sent general,
sometimes is used for other kinds of disappearances too.
Statch Swarmslash, there was no question they
were to blame and something had to be done. First Ratmyth: Something you shouldn’t speak of or acknowledge
he assaulted their tribal camps and in a massive even though everyone knows its true Example; “Rasduggs cow
battle threw the most vicious of beasts against not faithful, that Ratmyth though, no tell Rasdugg.’.
them. This did not work, the ogres proved too strong
Chasin Rats: Dead. Used to speak about someone that is dead
and the battle was lost. The skaven retreated as the
without actually saying they are dead.
ogres fed on ratflesh.
The Fleshgreeders Tribe cries on their behalf.

"Toast! Toast to Nogflag the Gouted!” The lands of the Fleshgreeders are quite poor but
this suits them well. With few other tribes wanting
—Durr Fleshgreeder them they need not guard them well when going out
The Fleshgreeders, led by their immense Ty- to plunder and that is something they do often. From
rant Nogflag the Gouted, pile everything in a con- these paths of plunder they also gain most of their
quered territory that can't be carried off or immedi- food and wealth. Having recently returned from a
ately eaten into a single immense mound before campaign in Cathay they are however in their lands
erecting a crude throne atop it. Nogflag then climbs at the moment.
the pile to sit imperiously atop the throne during the With the many victory feasts the tribe holds bellow-
victory feast. Following the festivities, the Ogres ers and name gnoblars are popular and numerous
stomp off, leaving their enormous monument of de- amongst the Fleshgreeders. Sometimes enemy en-
struction behind, clearly marked with their tribal tertainers are even forced to perform for the tyrant
symbols. When the Fleshgreeders leave the Moun- given a chance to win their freedom and survival.
tains of Mourn, it is possible to follow their trail - for
Amazing performances have been showed at these
they leave behind them mounds of the various vil- feasts and inevitably been booed out and had their
lages, fortresses, lairs and strongholds they disman- performers eaten. One person alone has managed
tle. This is not the tyrants only sign of majesty how- to succeed. Okri Thulmarrsson, a Barak Varr Engi-
ever. A huge gold cleaver hangs by his side in- neer working in a Borderprince city at the time was
scribed with intricate marks by some of the finest captured and when entertainers were offered this
smiths of Ind and enchanted in the name of their chance he claimed to be one and stepped up. He
gods to inspire those that see it slay. This alongside was no performer but he was skilled at his trade and
the great feasts are a reason that Nogflag is so pop- that trade was gunpowder. Using some of the devic-
ular amongst his tribe and that the morale is so es prepared for Keg end he launched a grand fire-
high. work display colouring the sky and wowing the
By Nogflag the Gouted in these conquest stands his ogres. Earning his right to live and once he travelled
confused and furious herald Florian. Florian is a bat- back to Barak-Varr add the ogres to his clans book
tle pilgrim of bretonnia who when the grailknight he of grudges.
followed was killed by the Fleshgreeders bravely Tips to play a Fleshgreeder
and insanely foolishly approached the pile (believing
himself blessed by the lady to be uneatable) and Play a happy ogre. Revel in feasts and festivities.
took from it the knights magic horn and his now bro- Show bravado and keep morale up with boasts and
ken helmet. The ogres looked a bit confused as the banter.
human started rooting in their pile in the midst of
their festivities and Nogflag roared at him to shoo
him away in the same manner as one would shoo a
rat or stray dog. Florian responded by blowing the
horn loudly, drawing his sword and charging up the
pile at Nogflag. Swipe after swipe the brave pilgrim
made at the ogre. By all right this should have been
the end of Florians tale but rather than eat the man
the quite drunk Nogflag burst out laughing at the
Sayings of the Fleshgreeder Tribe
weird human and his tickling swordswipes. The tribe
followed suit and merriment spread. As the laughter Pileworthy: An item that isn’t good for anything other than
stopped and Florian tired himself out Nogflag throwing on the pile after conquest.
grabbed the man, shook him a bit and threw him in
Piled: Destroyed. Can be used about everything. Fortresses,
a cage that he added to the battle standard of the
arguments, chances and meals can all be ’Piled’.
tribe. Florian now sits in his cage blowing his magic
horn and screaming furiously in Breton about how Fleshgreeded: Being utterly defeated and having had your
the lady will punish them all and how they are unho- foes hold a great feast celebrating your defeat. Used more
ly monsters. None of the ogres understand Breton commonly than one would assume for a specific scenario
however and so they just assume he makes battle like that.
The Ironskin Tribe much of the gold that passes through his realm.
This alliance proved invaluable when, after slaugh-
"Gold? Why you insult an offer gold? tering his way through the majority of an army of
Give Iron! Iron is Iron! Iron good!” Bretonnian Knights Errant, Ghark's Rhinox,
Bladehorn, was spitted upon the lances of a unit
—Zredd Ironskin
of Grail Knights . Ghark never forgave them, even
The Ironskin Ogres are a fierce lot, known for their after he had them for dinner later that day, and frag-
hard--hitting charges and their penchant for black ments of their armour still adorn Ghark's own plate
iron gut-plates. The tribe's specialty is to launch mail.
massive avalanche-like attacks onto their foes,
But it was the Chaos Dwarfs who are really respon-
smashing into them in a single sweeping crush. Dur-
sible for Ghark's current infamy. They replaced their
ing such assaults, they always seek to grab as
ally's Rhinox with a mechanical monstrosity of hiss-
many prisoners as they can, and then march them
ing pistons and rune-etched chains, a daemon-
quickly home into their deep valley in the north-
fuelled engine of destruction that obeys Ghark's
western range of the Mountains of Mourn. So prodi-
every command (though he still bashes it over the
gious and successful are these attacks that the Iron-
head now and again, for old time's sake). None can
skin tribe has thus established strong ties to the cit-
doubt that Ghark Ironskin is amongst the mightiest
adel of Zharr Naggrund, whom they trade with to
of Tyrants, riding his unstoppable steed at the head
obtain their armour and, as rumours have it, the
of an iron-clad army of Bulls and Rhinox riders, the
great mechanical beast ridden by their tyrant Ghark
ground shaking at their tread.
Most of the wanderers of the Ironskin ogres travel to
Ghark Ironskin is very unusual. He was smashed
the chaos dwarfs and work for them. Some of the
over the head by his father for eating too slowly
greatest even aspiring to own their own metal dae-
whilst still a whelp, and one of the nails of his fa-
mon like the one their tyrant rides.
ther's iron-bound club broke off in Ghark's head
where it rusts to this day. The longest serving of his Tips to play an Ironskin
irongut bodyguard claim that this may be the reason Playing an Ironskin has you as brutal, simple mind-
for Ghark's obsession for metal, a passion that has ed and practical. Value practicality over luxury and
spread throughout his tribe. violence over trade.
It is a mark of status for an Ironskin Ogre to cover
himself with iron rather than mere trinkets such as
gold. After all, gold is soft and beautiful, a woman's
metal, whereas iron is tough, strong and ugly, like a
Bull. The Ironskin tribe believes that where an Ogre
can gain much in trade from gold, a stout iron club
can cut out all that confusing haggling and get
straight to the good stuff.
Ghark is famous in the Ogre kingdoms for another
good reason - his tribe boasts a great number of
Rhinox riders. The very first Ogre to batter a bull
Rhinox into submission, Ghark tamed his one-time
steed, Bladehorn, with an iron stanchion. To this
day, Ironskin Bulls take pride in repeating the com- Sayings of the Ironskin Tribe
ing-of-age feat of their Tyrant, though it is a closely
guarded secret of the Ironskin clan that it is much Gold: Something useless. Tends to confuse visitors to the
easier to tame a wild Rhinox with iron than with tribe. Can also of course be used about the actual metal.
wood. Iron: Something good. Can also of course be used about the
Ghark's obsession with metal is undoubtedly the actual metal.
foundation of his long-standing alliance with his Bladehorn failed: Someone who tried the rhinox taming feat
neighbours, the Chaos Dwarfs of Zharr-Naggrund. of their tyrant but failed.
Ghark has provided the Chaos Dwarfs with many
hundreds of Gnoblar slaves over the years, and
The Sabreskin Tribe lead perhaps the opposite is true of Kruk. Under his
leadership little has been done. Kruk seems to com-
"Maneater? Never liked that name. Gives the wrong placent with how things are, never leading his tribe
impression. I’m not that picky bout what I eat.” away on great raids and plunders or to expand their
—Mercenary Captain Golgfag Maneater Sabre- lands. Just guarding their territory and holding their
skin regular feasts. The fact that many of the tribe are
displeased with this may be another reason that it
The Sabreskin hold the lands where the skull road
sends so many maneaters to far-off lands but it is
pass through the mountains of Mourn. Holding do-
unlikely to change anytime soon. While challengers
minion over a large stretch of land, from Sabre
have appeared none has come close to beating
Mountain in the east to Uzkulak in the west. The
Kruk Sabreskin and take command.
tribe is named after the sabretusks that are common
in these lands. Massive packs of them sometimes Sabre Mountain which lays in their territory is an im-
journey out of the mountains to hunt the great mam- pressive feature. Stretching much higher than the
moths of the chaos wastes, rushing over them as a surrounding peaks Sabre Mountains ever icy
frenzied swarm that overpower even such formida- heights offer a challenge to any ogre of the Sabre-
ble beasts. This is something the ogres of the tribe skin tribe and ascending to its peak is a feat that
has learnt to use, gathering massive hordes of earns much respect. But that is not what gives it its
these creatures and utilizing them to overpower name. Rather it is the mythic beast said to stalk its
their enemies in war. slopes. An albino sabretusk twice the size of its
brethren deemed “the king of sabretusks” by the
It is from this tribe that the famous Golgfag
tribe. Many beasthunters have tried to track it and
Maneater hails and that is a great point of pride for
none has succeeded. It has only ever been seen by
them even having raised a great monument to him.
those strong in faith when lost in the mountains.
Golgfags wanderlust is too great for him to become
Sometimes guiding those that pray to the Maw
a leader of the tribe however and he himself has not
home before disappearing into the snows once
returned there though several of his Maneaters
again as suddenly as it appeared.
have. In fact one of them did so with an army of Bor-
derprince mercenaries in tow who once they got Tips to play a Sabreskin
there through endless perils decided a journey back Play an ogre with lots of wanderlust and pride in the
was not worth the risk and simply started a new life mercenary fame of your tribe.
under the rule of the Sabreskins winning the ogres
approval by their secret and extremely simple recipe Rules to play a human of Sugarbeet Cave
of sugared beets. The settlement, now Play a human using the base rules for any nation or
‘imaginatively’ named “Sugarbeet Cave”, has come promise you wish (representing your family history
to be a sustainable village where the human popu- before moving to the Border Princes and later
lace live lives that can at least compare to those of Mountains of Mourn) but when randomizing career
their previous lands. Many of them have even come replace wizard and hedge-wizard (if available) with
to accept the ogres better than their old rulers point- witch and all religious careers with “Maw Pilgrim”.
ing out that it’s far easier to see why someone
should be the leader if he’s three times your size
and rides a stonehorn.
The wanderers of the tribe are many, trying to follow
in great Golgfags footsteps and hoping to become Sayings of the Saberskin Tribe
as famous as him one day. As a result they also
By Golgfag!: An exclamation pretty much the equivalent of
travel all over the world in search of infamy and ad-
venture. From Lustria, to Cathay to Ancient Nehe-
kara there is always a Sabreskin somewhere in the Sugar-beater: Human that’s not half-bad.
land trying to sell his services as mercenary.
Sabreskinner: Someone that goes after the wrong prey.
The tyrant of the Sabreskins, Kruk Sabreskin, is a Comes from the fact that hunting sabretusks is far more dan-
wealthy and strong individual. He fights with a brace gerous and less rewarding than other animals. Can be used
of well-forged handguns from the halls of Karaz-a- for someone picking the wrong life-goals or targets in war as
Karak and rides to battle atop a mighty stonehorn. well.
But where Golgfag is too much of a wanderer to
The Spawnchomper Tribe find places as councellors to Ghuth, growing both
the tribes influence and the dark gods influence over
"Hur, hur. That’s the dark gods fer ya. Khorne, the tribe. Something that could play a part in the fate
Slanshes, Nurleg and...that fourth one, forgot the of the whole world.
name. Anyways, see dem deamons tearin up our
foes. That’s them doin that.” Tips to play a Spawnchomper

—Vroc Spawnchomper Much like playing a Norscan play as having

knowledge of and respect for the dark gods regard-
In the far northern wastes of the world, under the less if you want to be one of the more zealous fol-
watchful eyes of the Chaos Gods, the lowers or just one that pays them lipservice. Far
Spawnchomper Tribe resides. Or to use the name from all Spawnchompers worship the dark gods, a
they themselves tend to introduce themselves by. majority don’t. But all Spawnchompers know of the
The Great Tribe of Ghuth Spawnchomper. They at- dark gods and their servants and see them as gods.
tack and devour anything that they can find since To most the Great Maw is still the most powerful
food in the wastes can be scarce. Many of the Great god even if these can grant help but to some few
Tribe's members have come to bear the mark the dark gods are worshipped in full, their devotion
of Chaos in some way, but this is not a stigma as strong as that of any chaos warrior.
in Ogre society - an extra arm is regarded as ex-
tremely useful, whereas an extra head is a distinct
advantage in an eating contest.
The Great Ghuth himself long ago developed a pre- Plot Hook: Missionaries of the Maw
dilection for fried Chaos Spawn tentacles, and his
The Dark gods are taking hold over the
unusual diet has begun to take its toll; not only has
Spawnchomper tribe and working towards the
he sprouted a crown-like frill of gesticulating fingers
goal of having this tribe aid the Everchosen in
across his forehead, but he has also begun to bring
the coming war. They seem set to succeed but
the legendary Dragon Ogres, much maligned by
there may yet be time to change their minds
Ogrekind in general, into the ranks of his tribe.
and get them to stand on the side of order in
Unlike most ogre tribes which may recognize the what may otherwise be the final war. If the
dark gods but see their own gods as undeniably su- tribe could be convinced that the Maw and the
perior chaos is actually worshipped amongst the Firemouth has as their will to oppose the dark
Spawnchompers, not by each and every ogre, not gods then perhaps the tribe could be brought
by a long shot. But by enough ogres in the tribe for back to the Mountains of Mourn and set up
the Maws superiority to be challenged and for other their forces to oppose rather than aid the Ever-
chaos elements to occasionally be invited into the chosen. With such a mighty ally turned perhaps
tribe, be they marauder, warrior, sorcerer or even the fate of the world could change drastically...
The tribe is large with many warbands of it having
split off and joined various chaos warbands. No one
can know exactly how large and how many such
warbands exist but they must be numerous for it
seems a majority of the worlds chaos ogres hail
from the Great Tribe of Ghuth Spawnchomper.
In the last few years something has changed with Sayings of the Spawnchomper Tribe
Ghuth, the gesticulations of his finger-crown has
grown ever more intricate and he has started talking Fleshchange: Mutation, especially one with a clear chaos
about a coming war of the gods where they must source.
serve the Everchosen. Most ogres of his tribe stand Mindrot: Mental corruption, especially one with a clear chaos
confused by this with no idea who is talking to but source. Someone with mindrot is often eaten by the tribe.
amongst the sorcerers of the wastes answers are
found for they too see the coming of a great champi- Exalted Bruiser: The bruiser in command of a warband, a title
on and see the importance of serving him in what between bruiser and tyrant necessary due to the shear size
may be the final war to come. Such sorcerers now and spread of the tribe.
Class Career Human Human Halfling Gnoblar Ogre Gnome
(Reiklander) (Pigbarter)

ACADEMICS Apothecary 01 01 01 - - 01

Butcher (Archives - - - - 01 -
of the Empire)
Butcher - - - - 02

Engineer 02 02 02 - - -

Firebelly - - - - 03-04 -

Lawyer 03 03 03-04 - - 02

Nun 04-05 04 - - - -

Physician 06 05 05-06 - - 03-04

Priest 07-11 06-07 - - - 05

Scholar 12-13 08-09 07-08 - - 06-07

Thiefstone Maker - - - 01-03 - 08-09

Tooth Gnoblar - - - 04-07 - -

Wizard 14 - - - - 10-14

BURGHER Agitator 15 10-11 09-10 08 - 15

Artisan 16-17 12-13 11-15 - - 16-17

Beggar 18-19 14-16 16-19 09 - 18

Eagle-Owl Trai- - 17-18 - - - -

Imperial Ogre - - - - 05 -

Investigator 20 19 20-21 - - 19

Merchant 21 20 22-24 - 06 20-21

Pig-Jouster - 21-22 25 - - -

Rat Catcher 22-23 23-24 26-28 10 - 22

Shanty Fixer - - - 11-15 - -

Townsman 24-26 25-27 29-31 - - 23-28

Watchman 27 28 32-33 - 07 29
Class Career Human Human Halfling Gnoblar Ogre Gnome
(Reiklander) (Pigbarter)

COURTIERS Advisor 28 29 34 - - 30

Artist 29 30 35-36 - - 31

Bellower - - - - 08-12 -

Duellist 30 - - - 13 -

Envoy 31 31 37 - - 32

Luck Gnoblar - - - 16-21 - -

Name Gnoblar - - - 22-26 - -

Noble 32 - - - - 33

Noble (Self Ap- - 32 - 27 - -

Servant 33-35 33-35 38-43 - - 34-35

Spy 36 36 44 - - 36-40

Warden 37 37 45-46 - 14 41-42

PEASANT Bailiff 38 38 47 - 15 43

Bull - - - - 16-30 -

Hedge Witch 39 - - - - -

Herbalist 40 39 48-49 - - 44

Hunter 41-42 40-41 50-51 - 31-35 45-46

Miner 43 42 52 - 36 47-54

Mystic 44 43 - - - -

Pack Gnoblar - - - 28-40 - -

Rhinox Tender - 44 53 41-48 37 -

Rhinox Herder - - - - 38

Scout 45 45 54 49 39 55-58

Torch-Gnoblar - - - 50-52 - -

Villager 46-50 46-50 55-57 - - 59-62

Class Career Human Human Halfling Gnoblar Ogre Gnome
(Reiklander) (Pigbarter)

RANGER Beasthunter - - - - 41-42 -

Bounty Hunter 51 51 58 - 43 63

Coachman 52 52 59-60 - - -

Entertainer 53-54 53-54 61-63 - - 64-68

Flaggelant 55-56 55 - - - -

Maneater - - - - 44-47

Maw Pilgrim - - - - 48-50 -

Messenger 57 56 64-65 53 51 69

Pedlar 58 57-58 66-67 - - 70-75

Road Warden 59 59 68 - 52 -

Trapper - - - 54-60 - -

Wanderer - - - - 53-55 -

Witchhunter 60 - - - - -

RIVERFOLK/ Boatman 61-62 60-61 69 - 56 76

Boglar - - - 61-65 - -

Huffer 63 62 70 - - -

Riverwarden 64-65 63 71 - 57 -

Riverwoman 66-68 64-65 72-74 - - 77-80

Ruin Algea Col- - 66-68 - - - -

Ruin Trader - 69 - - - -

Salamander - 70 - 66 - -

Seaman 69-70 - 75 - 58 -

Smuggler 71 71-72 76-79 - - 81-83

Stevedore 72-73 73 80-82 - 59 -

Wrecker 74 74 - 67-68 60-64 -

Class Career Human Human Halfling Gnoblar Ogre Gnome
(Reiklander) (Pigbarter)

ROGUE Bawd 75-76 75-76 83-85 - - 84-85

Chaos Ogre - - - - 65-66 -

Charlatan 77 77 86 69 - 86-90

Fence 78 78 87 70-73 - 91

Gnoblarrouser - - - 74-76 - -

Grave Robber 79 79 88 77-78 67-70 -

Outlaw 80-82 80-81 89 79 71-74 92

Scrapper - - - 80-85 - -

Slaver 83 82-83 - - 75-76 -

Racketeer 84 84 90 86 77-80 93-94

Thief 85-87 85-87 91-94 87-90 81 95-97

Witch 88 88 - - - -

WARRIOR Cavalryman 89-90 89-90 - - - -

Fighter - - - 91-94 - -

Guard 91-92 91-92 95-96 - 82 98

Irongut - - - - 83-84 -

Knight 93 - - - - -

Leadbelcher - - - - - -

Pit Fighter 94 93-94 97 95 85-97 -

Protagonist 95 95 - 96 98-99 -

Soldier 96-99 96-99 98-100 - 100 99

Slayer - - - - - -

Sword Gnoblar - - - 97-00 - -

Warrior Priest 100 100 - - - 100

Academic Career

Butcher tribe's feasts, celebrations in which all Ogres take

Ogre great pride. Around camp a Butcher is given a
wide berth, for it is best not to get too close in
Ogre Butchers are second only to Tyrants in terms case he is looking for extra ingredients, as fingers
of power and influence, for they not only the spiri- or whole limbs have been known to go missing. In
tual and magical representative of their tribe battle, however, Butchers are most often found
and god, but they are also the tribe's foremost right in the thick of the fighting, where they use
cooks. Through the gory ritual preparation and their cleavers and magic to great effect.
consumption of meat, Butchers channel a portion
New Talent:
of their fearsome deity's eternal hunger into feats
of magic. Invoking the single-minded strength of Gastromantic Power
their god, Butchers can instill unnatural vitality to Max: TB-1
their comrades, swelling the Ogres muscles and
toughening their skin. They can even turn their Tests: Endurance to consume food
wrath upon the enemy, causing bones to break or You can by eating the right things enhance your devotion in
the ground to open up and swallow their foes. magical ways. By consuming a blessings or miracles ingredi-
ent as part of casting it you can get +1 SLs to the test to cast
Although not as mighty as a Tyrant, a Butcher is per rank in this talent. If a blessing or miracle does not have a
an emissary of the Great Maw and is held in both listed ingredient count the ingredient as ’a fistfull of raw meat’.
awe and fear by his tribe. Butchers prepare all of a Note that some ingredients may be dangerous to consume
and you will then face the consequences of consuming them.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Skull Crossed Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Shield
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Meathacker — Brass 3
Skills: Cool, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Intimidate, Lore (Ogres), Me-
lee (Basic), Pray, Trade (Butcher),
Butcher or Butcher
Talents: Bless (The Great Maw), Gastromantic Power, Resistance Since I made this supplement official rules for But-
(Poison), Craftsman (Butcher)
chers have been released. So should you use those
Trappings: Meat cleaver (counts as handweapon), Knife with the
Practical quality, Trade tools (Butcher), Bloody apron instead? Maybe. It’s about how your butcher calls
Butcher — Silver 1 upon the Maws power. If he leans more into the
Skills: Entertain (Storyteller), Haggle, Intuition, Melee (Brawling), Melee arcane through the Gastromantic arts then use the
(Two-handed), Trade (Cook) official one from Archives of the Empire II. If he le-
Talents: Invoke (The Great Maw), Craftsman (Cook), Hardy, Iron Jaw
ans more towards ritual and prayer, then use this
Trappings: A practical larder of strange meats
one. Neither is wrong and both will recognize each
Big Butcher — Silver 3
other as butchers. If randomizing career you will
Skills: Athletics, Bribery, Climb, Lore (History)
note that both have their own separate place on the
Talents: Savant (Meat), Holy Hatred, Master Tradesman (Cook), Master
Tradesman (Butcher)
Trappings: The biggest meat cleaver in the area
Slaughtermaster— Silver 4
Skills: Leadership, Navigation
Talents: Resistance (Mutation), Robust, Tenacious, Holy Visions
Trappings: A massive cooking pot engraved with symbols of the Great

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Firebelly As will all other religious occasions in the Ogre Kingdoms,

this trial by fire begins and end with the act of ingesting so-
Ogre mething. First, the hopeful Ogre must gobble down an entire
cauldron full of flametoad and devilpepper curry; a repugnant
Firebellies are the roaring, blazing priests of the Ogre deity mixture also useful for ending protracted sieges. Even as his
known as the Fire Mouth. Quick to mirth and anger alike, gut burns, he must then catch one of the carthorse-sized fire
Firebellies are garrulous and vital individuals who are readily beetles that burrow through the lava streams and devour the
welcomed into any Ogre tribe. Fire burns within these larger- critter in a single sitting. It is the final task, however, that is
than-life prophets in a literal as well as metaphorical sense. deadliest of all.
Bald and broad, their ruddy skin glows from within, and their
Before being accepted and becoming a Firebelly, the aspirant
bare chests are tattooed extensively with symbols of destruct-
must drink the blood of the Fire Mouth. The supplement first
ion. When a Firebelly's wrath is roused, he can breathe out a
climbs atop the caldera of the titanic volcano. The sight of the
cloud of billowing flame so fierce that it can melt through
lake of bubbling, hissing magma below is impressive enough
chainmail in seconds.
to take the breath away, even before the sulpherous stench
Every year, dozens of Ogre pilgrims flock to the sides of the assails the nostrils. Many contenders flee at this point, but
Fire Mouth and announce their presence to the small but those with the courage to continue are slowly lowered on
influential tribe that makes its home in caves nestled into the thick chains inside the mouth of the volcano. The heat is such
volcano slopes. As magma courses down the sides of the that their hair is burnt from their bodies and their eyes boil in
Fire Mouth like drool from a Butcher's gob, the aspirants dare their sockets, but the truly faithful will persevere, scooping up
to undergo the gruelling Flame Trial -- a mysterious ritual held a skull-full of roiling lava. After being hauled back up to the
by the Firebelly tribe as their volcano god rumbles in his edge of the Fire Mouth, the Ogre must gulp the molten rock
sleep. down in a single draught. This last act is lethal even for the
most gastronomically inviolable Ogre; only those with the
blessing of the volcano god can survive.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Skull Teutonic Shield Teutonic Teutonic Crossed New Talent:
Cross Cross Cross
Blessing of the Volcano God

Career Path Max: WPB

Volcano Worshipper— Brass 5

Tests: Endurance to resist fire

Skills: Cool, Climb, Endurance, Gossip, Outdoor Survival, Perform

You are blessed by the Fire Mouth to resist fire. W den you
(Firebreathing), Pray, Intuition
would take damage from or die of fire or lava you can test an
endurance test to ignore the attack or (or threat if it is not an
Talents: Blessing of the Volcano God, Fire Breath, Fearless (Fire), Re- attack) and instead get the ablaze condition once. If the en-
sistance (Heat) durance test fails you suffer the attack as normal and also
Trappings: Half a dozen torches
gets one ablaze condition. In addition you suffer one less
wound from being ablaze per rank in this talent (still to a mini-
Firebelly— Silver 1 mum of 1)
Skills: Art (Tattoo), Charm, Consume Alcohol, Intimidate, Perception Fire Breath
Talents: Bless (Fire Mouth), Distract, Resistance (Fire), Gregarious
Max: AB
Trappings: Flame-tattoos
Tests: Perform (Firebreathing) used to attack
Lava-chugger — Silver 3
You have trained to use your skills as a performer to kill those
Skills: Athletics, Entertain (Storyteller), Language (Any), Leadership that attack you. When using Perform (Firebreathing) to attack
Talents: Etiquette (Entertainers), Resistance (Lava and Magma), Public someone add your ranks in this talent to the damage caused.
Speaking, Invoke (Fire Mouth)
Blazing charisma
Trappings: Various jugs of flammable liquids
Max: FB
Legendary Firebelly— Gold 1
Tests: Perform (Firebreathing)
Skills: Evaluate, Play (Drums)
Most people would assume that being currently on fire would
Talents: Attractive, Frightening, Master Orator, Blazing Charisma
negatively impair a persons ability to talk to people but Fire-
Trappings: An earned ogre ’Big Name’ bellies somehow make it work. You add +10 to all social tests
for each Ablaze condition you are suffering while taking the

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Tooth-Gnoblar in a constant state of abject terror to maintain this

Gnoblar order. Those that survive often become sullen and
miserable, and many would have simply faded
The Tooth-Gnoblars are possibly the least envied away into the darker corners of the shanty town if
of the Gnoblars that serve a master. Butchers are it wasn't for the Butchers' uncanny ability to track
often served by slaves from many races, and em- them down and inflict horrific punishments that
ploy violence and torture as much for the simple last many days. In practice this has more to do
joy of cruelty as to maintain order. Despite this, with treacherous relatives than mystic powers.
many Gnoblars are keen to serve the Butcher, The last and most compelling reason not to
keenly aware that this status grants them free ac- become a Tooth-Gnoblar is that in the heat of
cess to the best food and opportunities to watch battle, a Butcher may decide an extra bit of crunch
the practice of Gut Magic. This optimism rapidly is necessary to spice up his Gut Magic, and he
disappears however. Although Gnoblars are not generally looks no further than his Tooth-Gnoblars
really slaves, most Butchers will not tolerate the for gastronomic assistance..
incompetence, anarchy and petty theft that most
New Talent:
other Ogres are too lazy to care about.
Bloody Good Ingredient
Gnoblars are a race hardened to brutality and de-
ath, cursed with a short attention span and chronic Max: Willpower Bonus
ineptitude, so a Butcher must keep their Gnoblars Tests: Channeling (Gastromantic Power)
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel You have by working for an Ogre butcher come to be imbued
Skull Shield Teutonic
by power of the Great Maw. You can be used as an ingredi-
ent for the purposes of the ’Gastromantic Power’ talent for
any blessing or miracle. If you are used in such a way you
Career Path add a number of extra SLs equal to twice your ranks in this
talent (in addition to the normal bonus for using an ingredi-
Backup Ingredient— Brass 2 ent).

Skills: Intuition, Trade (Cook), Lore (Ogres), Dodge, Pray, Endurance, Me worship Maw too!
Trade (Butcher), Evaluate
Max: Willpower Bonus
Talents: Resistance (Poison), Resistance (Heat), Craftsman (Butcher),
Doomed Tests: Channeling (Gastromantic Power)
Trappings: Some spices hanged as necklaces You can use Channelling (Gastromantic Power) to help an
allied butcher (or any rank of its career) cast a blessing or
Tooth-Gnoblar— Brass 3
miracle. If your test succeeds they add one SL per rank in
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Perception, Melee (Basic), Swim, Chan- this talent to their next miracle or blessing. If the bonus isn´t
neling (Gastromantic Power) used within five minutes it is lost. Only one use of this talent
can boost each miracle or blessing.
Talents: Bloody good ingredient, Implacable, Hatred (Rodents), Strider

Trappings: Knife

Toothier-Gnoblar — Brass 4

Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Haggle, Sleight of Hand, Climb

Talents: Hardy, Resistance (Mutation), Me worship Maw too!, Supportive

Trappings: Knife with the Practical quality

Toothiest Gnoblar— Silver 1

Skills: Intimidate, Haggle

Talents: Well-prepared, Pure Soul, Nimble Fingered, Resistance (Any


Trappings: Knife with the fine quality

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Academic Career

Thiefstone Maker those abilities seem to come naturally and in-

Gnoblar, Gnome stinctively for a few chosen individuals rather than
be something that can be trained.
The creation of the enchanted items known as
New Talent:
thiefstones is shrouded in mystery, much because
gnoblars has neither a written nor oral history and Thiefstone
just kind of go along with whatever the ogres do. Max: None
Still there are some tales of the gifted Thiefstone
Makers of them. These stonecutters are claimed Tests: N/a
to have stolen the trade of thiefstone enchant- You have created a gnoblar (or gnome) thiefstone. This is a
ments from the gnomes. magical item giving the following special rules;

The gnomes in turn claim that their thiefstone en- • The stone grants the one that carries it Warding 7
against spells, blessings and miracles that would
chanters stole the trade from the gnoblars.
cause damage to it.
Whichever side first possessed the knowledge is
shrouded in mystery and both are believed to • The stone works as a magnet that magically pulls any-
thing of a vlaue of 1gc or higher towards it if held
have had this ability for thousands of years.
above it (it does not have the strength to wrest things
In both societies these individuals are appreciated from others grips or break chains but if the item is lay-
and respected for their abilities and in both cases ing there by itself it will surely detect it and pull it to-
wards it if held above.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Note that the thiefstone you made is an item and thus can be
Crossed Skull Teutonic Teutonic Shield Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Mystic Stonecutter— Brass 5

Skills: Trade (Stonecutter), Intuition, Channeling (Ulgu), Language

(Magick), Stealth (Underground), Perception, Outdoor Survival, Climb

Talents: Detect Artefact, Craftsman (Stonecutter), Criminal, Coolheaded

Trappings: An ordinary but very pretty stone

Thiefstone Maker— Silver 2

Skills: Melee (Brawling), Stealth (Rural), Art (Engraving), Secret Signs

(Thief), Bribery, Dodge

Talents: Thiefstone, Magic Resistance, Well-prepared, Nimble Fingered

Trappings: A Thiefstone

Thiefstone Master — Silver 5

Skills: Language (Grumbarath), Language (Ghassaly), Ranged (Throwing),

Stealth (Urban)

Talents: Disarm, Magical Sense, Thiefstone, Fearless (Wizards),

Trappings: Items worth at least 20gc not counting any thiefstones you

Thiefstone Grandmaster— Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Ogres), Lore (Gnomes)

Talents: Etiquette (Gnomes), Etquette (Gnoblars), Wealthy, Thiefstone

Trappings: Items worth at least 40gc not counting any thiefstones you

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Pig-Jouster least or bet against.

Pig-jousters consider themselves both actors
Human, Halfling and athletes and there is truth in this. Despite
the form of the contests being different there is
The greatest events in the city of Pigbarter are still skill required and the ’mockery of knight’
the Pig-jousts. These parodies of proper knight personas many take up in their acts make the
jousting offer both humour, violence and so- events highly popular as people laugh at the
mething to bet on making them highly popular poorly mimicked Bretonnian or Imperial ac-
with pretty much everyone in the city. cents and ’better than you’ attitude those silly
One should not confuse these events for the jousters show.
martial afairs that true knightly tournaments
and jousts are even though the tradition fri-
vously parodies and mocks them. These con-
tests includes games of chance, contests the
contestants don’t know about beforehand
(called ’Surprises’ in the sport and launched
when the crowd starts chanting ’surprise’) and
audience participation in the form of a nigh
endless stream of rotten food flung into the
arena as people try to hit the one they like the

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Crossed Skull Teutonic Teutonic Shield Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Squiré de Hog — Brass 2

Skills: Ride (Hog), Perform (Clowning), Animal Care, Dodge, Entertain (Comedy),
Gamble, Lore (Pigbarter), Ranged (Throwing)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Distract, Mimic, Step Aside

Trappings: A mock squire-suit, a bucket of rotten food (to throw)

Pig-Jouster — Brass 5

Skills: Charm Animal, Language (Bretonnian), Consume Alcohol, Endurance,

Entertain (Acting), Melee (Cavalry)

Talents: Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighting, Jump up, Trick Riding

Trappings: A large pig, A mock knightly ”armour”

Super-Ultra Knightly Grandmaster Supreme of the Pigs — Silver 1

Skills: Perform (Any one), Melee (Any one), Play (Any one), Language (Any One)

Talents: Carouser, Iron Jaw, Roughrider, Savant (Accents)

Trappings: Plate helmet with a stuffed or taxidermied animal spiked on top

Pig-Joust Director — Silver 5

Skills: Animal Training, Leadership

Talents: Embezzle, Etiquette (Merchants), Numismatics, Read/Write

Trappings: One set of fine clothing, official looking documents

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Eagle-Owl Trainer sing of the citizens use the city as their hun-
ting ground and their trainers are as urban
Human as the beasts they train.

Eagle-Owls large as hounds are an important

part of Pigbarters defence against gnoblars
and invaders alike and as it is with deadly ani-
mals someone has to train them and hunt
gnoblars thieves and criminals through Pigbar-
ters stilted shanties using them.
These individuals have a fair bit of respect in
Pigbarter for the service they provide society
and the demand for Eagle-Owls never runs dry
for there are always more gnoblars to hunt.
What in other lands would be the job of rang-
ers in the wilderness is here the work of city-
folk for the Eagle-Owls are not, like most crea-
tures that dangerous, delegated to life on the
outskirts of society but instead, with the bles-

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Shield Crossed Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Skull
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Eagle-Owl aide — Brass 3

Skills: Lore (Pigbarter), Climb, Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Ani-
mal, Cool, Gossip, Perception

Talents: Strider (Rooftops), Catfall, Coolheaded, Lightning Reflexes

Trappings: Feather-brush, Leather Jack with the Durable Quality

Eagle-Owl Trainer — Silver 1

Skills: Stealth (Urban), Language (Grumbarath), Language (Cathayan),

Language (Bretonnian), Intimidate, Intuition

Talents: Animal Affinity, Fearless (Eagle-Owls), Implacable, Night Vision

Trappings: Eagle-Owl

Eagle-Owl Breeder — Silver 3

Skills: Haggle, Language (Any One), Evaluate, Gamble

Talents: Dealmaker, Nose for Trouble, Savant (Pigbarter), Well-prepared

Trappings: Four or more Eagle-Owls, One or more Eagle-Owl aides

Eagle-Owl Master — Silver 5

Skills: Bribery, Ranged (Any one)

Talents: Etiquette (Rangers), Hardy, Iron Will, Menacing

Trappings: An exceptionally well trained Eagle-Owl, Plate Bracers

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

shanty) and move it to the one hiring them to

Shanty-fixer install it. A similar view is held to pest control
Gnoblar where rather than try to fight the rats (an often
dangerous prospect) they lure them away with
In the ramschakle shanties hidden behind or food and throw that food into another building
under ogre-societies live many gnoblars. With to make the pests understand that there are
the lack of skill, talent, planning and quality better places to feed.
materials of the gnoblars it is no surprise fixing This lax view of duty and complete lack of
these shanties is a constant job in high de- work ethics has its sides however. While it
mand. This is where the shanty-fixers come in. usually works sometimes they get caught as
Gnoblars that specialize in fixing the many pro- they ruin for someone else and get beaten to
blems of such towns, or well, move them death and eaten. For this reason many Shanty
around at least. -fixers make sure to get themselves a patsy to
These shanty-fixers aren’t really interested in keep themselves safe.
fixing things permanently and build things to
last for not only is that hard work it also gives
them less jobs later on. Instead when they are
hired by a gnoblar to fix his shanty they simply
sneak away to another better holding shanty,
steal a wall (or whatever is broken in the
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Skull Shield Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Crossed
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Shanty-Patsy — Brass 1

Skills: Stealth (Urban), Climb, Dodge, Intuition, Perception, Lore (Local),

Pick Lock, Gamble

Talents: Alley cat, Flee, Combat Aware, Distract

Trappings: Rags

Shanty-Fixer — Brass 2

Skills: Charm, Evaluate, Haggle, Trade (Carpenter), Charm Animal, Sleight

of Hand

Talents: Animal Affinity, Break and Enter, Dealmaker, Contortonist

Trappings: Craftsmans hammer, Craftsmans crowbar

Top Fixa — Brass 3

Skills: Art (Plagiarize), Athletics, Entertain (Demonize Patsy), Secret Sign


Talents: Blather, Cat tongued, Craftsman (Any), Night Vision

Trappings: Brush

Proppa Top Fixa — Brass 5

Skills: Bribery, Consume Alcohol

Talents: Diceman, Luck, Nose for Trouble, Panhandle

Trappings: Bag of borrowed or stolen tools

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Burgher Career

Imperial Ogre Still some find it strangely worth it. Most-

because they find Imperial cousine and beer
Ogre really good, some because they like the way
Imperial weapons go boom when you fire
Most ogres are born in the distant Ogre King- them, some for even stranger reasons.
doms and while it is common for them to be It is difficult for an Ogre to become fully ac-
away in other lands large parts of their lives cepted as an imperial citizen but it does hap-
few would abandon these homelands com- pen.
pletely, feeling compelled to return at some
point. New Talent:
Official Citizen of the Empire
Most but not all. There are Ogres that try to
settle down in the empire and learn the custom Max: 1
of the small little humans. It’s a gruelling task Tests: Any social tests to Imperial citizens
having to remember being the boss isn´t about
Despite being an ogre you have managed to become an offi-
strength. That laws aren´t just what the boss cial citizen of the empire and seen as more than just a visiting
makes up. That you can’t (despite it being monster allowed because it would be impractical to kill you.
true) state that the Ogre gods are better than You count as an Imperial citizen in all respects and have
documents to prove it. This means that stealing from you or
the human ones. That ’Because I could’ isn’t a hurting you carries the same legal consequences as doing so
valid reason for eating someone. It is enough against a human and that you get all advantages and re-
sponsibilities of citizenship in the Empire.
to give any ogre a headache.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Free Company
Max: 1
Skull Crossed Teutonic Teutonic Shield Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

You have taken up a contract in the Free Companies of the

Career Path Empire to attone for your crimes. When you take this talent
remove all ranks in the Criminal talent (without paying to re-
Empire enthusiast — Brass 1*
move them) and gain 2d10 Silver Schillings.
Skills: Lore (The Empire), Athletics, Haggle, Melee (Basic), Consume Alcohol, Cool,
Row, Language (Reikspeil)**

Talents: Free Company, Carouser, Etiquette (Halflings), Savvy

Trappings: Hat with feather, codpiece

Imperial Ogre — Brass 5*

Skills: Gossip, Intuition, Lore (Local), Ranged (Blackpowder), Ranged (Explosives),

Melee (Any), Trade (Cook)

Talents: Doomed, Etiquette (Common citizens of the Empire), Resistance (Taunts),


Trappings: Full set of clothing in Imperial middle-class style or official looking state
troop uniform

Ogre Citizen — Silver 1

Skills: Charm, Evaluate, Ranged (Engineering), Secret Sign (Mercenary Guild)

Talents: Official Citizen of the Empire, Drilled, Etiquette (Soldiers), Suave

Trappings: A feeling of truly belonging in the Empire

Ogre des Reiches — Silver 3

Skills: Language (Any), Lore (Law)

Talents: Etiquette (Guilders), Gunner, Read/Write, Savant (Food of the Empire),

Rapid Reload

Trappings: Several Imperial friends

*Representing what’s left after food and fines.

**If the game is set in the empire replace this with Language (Local Slang)
for the city or village where the ogre lives.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

they are ”lucky” enough to survive longer than

Luck Gnoblar most and seem a bit healthier overall as if they
had a better diet and less hardships than other
Gnoblar gnoblars.
Since their job is to be lucky charms the gnob-
Ogres often come to the point where they lars don’t really work, they just kinda hang
believe certain long-lived pet Gnoblars are around.
lucky charms. Occasionally, this proves to be
true; after all, it can be considered lucky when New Talent:
a foe's blade opens up a pet Gnoblar's skull Lucky Patient
rather than the Ogre's throat. But it doesn’t Max: WPB
seem to be pure superstition, owners of such
Tests: Special, people using the heal skill on you
gnoblars truly seem to be luckier than other
get the skilltest benefit rather than you
Somehow you always get the best doctors when someone tries
As a result ogres take far better care of such to fix you up. You can use your fortune to allow people using
gnoblars than most of their kin. Making sure heal on you to reroll or add +1SL to a test after it is rolled just
as if you yourself was using the skill.
they get better food and aren’t accidentally kill-
led, further fuelling their reputation as lucky as Lucky Seat
Max: 1
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Tests: Dodge while on a mount or vehicle
Somehow you always get the best seat on vehicles. Your seat
Shield Skull Teutonic Crossed Teutonic Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross
in a vehicle is always more comfortable than the rest and you
suffer half damage from being part of a crash.
Career Path
Maw take the map
Fortunate Pet — Silver 1
Max: IB
Skills: Charm, Charm Animal, Dodge, Evaluate, Intuition, Lore (Ogres),
Sleight of Hand, Gamble Tests: Navigation
Talents: Animal Affinity, Luck, Sixth Sense, Supportive Looking at maps and remembering ways is kinda hard work
and often completely unneccesary. Just trod off in a random
Trappings: Rags with the fine quality or a cape with the ugly quality
direction and you usually end up right. As an additional use for
Luck Gnoblar — Silver 2 fortune points you can use them to automatically succeed a
Navigation test, this must be decided before rolling.
Skills: Bribery, Consume Alcohol, Cool, Perception, Ranged (Throwing),
Stealth (Any) Lucky break in
Talents: Cardsharp, Diceman, Resistance (Disease), Orientation**
Max: DexB
Trappings: A reputation for being lucky
Tests: Pick Lock when lacking proper tools
Lucky Git — Silver 3
Picking a lock is difficult work so it’s fortunate so many people
Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Navigation, Play (Horn), Secret Signs (Any) forget to lock their doors. As an additional use for fortune
Talents: Lucky Seat, Lucky Patient, Blather, Savant (Important inform- points you can before picking a non-magical lock spend one to
ation overheard through shear luck) decide that the door isn’t locked as the person that was sup-
posed to lock it forgot.
Trappings: Something real shiny
Lucky Ricochet
Real Lucky Git— Silver 4

Skills: Perform (Luck Displays)*, Pick Lock

Max: BSB
Talents: Maw take the map, Lucky break in, Lucky Ricochet, Briber Tests: Ranged (Any) when outnumbered
Trappings: A reputation for exceptional luck The fun thing with ranged attacks is that sometimes the shots
bounce around a bit. As an additional use for fortune points
*Luck displays are acts like flipping a coin twenty times and calling it every time,
having a crowd throw rotten fruit at you while standing still and have every throw
you can spend one after using a ”Ranged” test you did not re-
miss or playing a round of cards without looking at them and still winning. If this is roll to have it ricochet and hit a target of your choice (if the
through true luck or cheating is left unsaid. original attack hit the new target must be another one) dealing
the weapons base damage but no SL bonus.
**By pure guessing rather than signs, still confers the same bonus.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

Name Gnoblar ogre easily gets annoyed at them and eat a few and
replace them with new recruits. Some are however
Gnoblar skilled at remembering titles and learn to rabble the
whole line by themselves. These title rabblers often
Some Ogres have almost comically long and over- find themselves in far smaller companies with far
complicated names, but these mighty individuals more status. Something that inevitably goes to their
invariably have enough status to keep Name Gnob- head making them think of themselves as far more
lars around to remember the Ogre's title. Gnoblars charismatic and intelligent than they really are. So-
are not too bright and also forget these titles at mething that naturally tend to lead to their demise in
time, even when it’s their only job. Thus many hillariously over-confident ways.
ogres add ever bigger entourages of name gnob-
New Talent:
lars to keep check on their ever growing list of titles.
My boss can beat your boss!
While the idea behind them would be that of a he-
rald speaking a title it’s in practice often more of a Max: 1
gaggle of gnoblars fighting over what the titles Tests: -
where and screaming over each other as they
You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, a creature able to wrsetle gi-
remember yet another of the many titles. Thus the ants, hunt down mammoths, scale the highest peaks unaided
and much more before dinner. As long as you are near an ally
which causes fear you ignore the fear rule of everything with an
equal or lower fear rating than your fear causing ally.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Skull Teutonic
Shield Teutonic
Shantytown Bully
Max: Fellowship Bonus
Career Path Tests: Intimidate to people with lower status
New Name Gnoblar— Brass 1 You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, the best boss in the whole
tribe, this automatically makes you superior to all other ogre
Skills: Charm, Gossip, Lore (Ogres), Melee (Brawling), Sleight of Hand,
slaves, something you love rubbing in their faces. When de-
Dodge, Language (Tilean), Trade (Shiv-making)
aling with others you may count the status of your ogre master
Talents: Blather, Dirty Fighting, Distract, Resistance (Strangling) as your own status as long as those you deal with have heard
of your master.
Trappings: Piece of cloth with ogre masters marking

Name Gnoblar — Brass 4

Skills: Intimidate, Language (Reikspeil), Language (Cathayan), Language

(Battle Tongue), Language (Khazalid), Play (Horn)

Talents: Argumentative, Hardy, Hatred (Other Name Gnoblars), Iron Jaw

Trappings: Horn or scary looking shiv (or a combination of the two)

Title Rabbler — Silver 2

Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Evaluate, Haggle, Secret Signs (Any)

Talents: Linguistics, Mimic, Savant (The deeds of your ogre master),

Shantytown bully

Trappings: Hat with the ugly quality

Entitled Title Rabbler— Silver 2

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool

Talents: Fearless (People you haven’t heard of), Carouser, Unshakable,

My boss can beat your boss!

Trappings: An absurd sense of self-worth

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

New Talent:
Bellower Boss wants it done ya maggots!

Ogre Max: SB
Tests: Any entertain (Bellowing) to pass on orders
The Many Ogre units don't have musicians that
You are not a leader in your own right but that doesn’t mean
carry an instrument, such as a drum. Although people don’t listen, heck with the volume you use not actively
crude instruments are used, some Ogre 'musicians' listening doesn’t really stop your orders from getting through.
belong to a special caste known as Bellowers. As You can use Entertain (Bellowing) instead of Leadership to
their name implies, a Bellower's instrument is his give (or pass on) orders. This requires you to bellow them at
the top of your lungs so obviously can’t be used to whisper
voice and lungs, with which he can make an incre-
instructions or simmilar.
dible noise, even if only another Ogre would find it
Some of these are little more than ”musicians” for
feasts and warfare but some become far more,
becoming a bit akin to the first mates of ships,
shouting out the orders of their leader, reminding
people what they are supposed to do and helping
their boss to keep check.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Teutonic Teutonic Crossed Shield Skull Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Loud One — Brass 2

Skills: Entertain (Bellower), Athletics, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Melee

(Basic), Melee (Parrying), Entertain (Belching), Charm

Talents: Carouser, Iron Jaw, Public Speaker, Suave

Trappings: An impressive voice

Bellower — Brass 5

Skills: Cool, Intimidate, Language (Battle Tongue), Lore (Ogres), Melee (Two-
handed), Climb

Talents: Attractive, Menacing, Hardy, Tenacious

Trappings: A mighty bellow

Crushers Second — Silver 2

Skills: -Navigation, Perception, Intuition, Language (Any)

Talents: Boss wants it done ya maggots!, Inspiring, Supportive, Well-


Trappings: The trust of an ogre unit leader or a mercenary captain

Bruisers Second— Silver 4

Skills: Leadership, Secret Signs (Mercenary Guild)

Talents: Drilled, Etiquette (Ogre leaders), Frightening, Iron Will

Trappings: The trust of an ogre bruiser or a mercenary commander

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Courtier Career

Noble (Self appointed) itself whatever it feels like. Often treating that rich
bastard with respect when it’s around (and with
Human (Pigbarter), Gnoblar mockery when it isn’t).
In the town of Pigbarter too is self-appointed nobility
There are places and peoples in the world that do
allowed though it’s not truly self appointed as it
not recognize nobility or a need to pay people for
actually comes with a fee and a document here. In
being born better than them. This in itself is all good
Pigbarter anyone can buy a noble title from the
but there are people in those places that still want to
state and the titles themselves are meaningless
deem themselves of finer birth and better bearing
(though people that do not know of Pigbarter may
than others and get all the benefits (though rarely
be impressed by the noble title). This started as a
the responsibilites) of nobility. Claiming noble blood
get-rich scheme by a mayor about century ago but
where there is none. In most places such people get
has since then grown as people have learnt some
viciously ridiculed and beaten. But there are except-
creative uses for it mainly concerned with tricking
ions where this faux aristocracy is allowed.
visitors to think they are important.
In the shanty towns of the gnoblars most titles are
self-appointed or possibly ogre-associated so some-
one stating nobility is tolerated and if the gnoblar in New Talent:
question has been able to acquire wealth to go with Dubious Noble titles
it most gnoblars even find it natural it gets to call
Max: FelB
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Shield Crossed Skull Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic
Tests: Bribery to convince someone you are a noble
Cross Cross Cross
You have noble titles that can be difficult to prove the actual
Career Path uselessness of. When talking with someone without ”Lore
(Heraldry)” you may count your status as ”Gold X” where X is
Aristocrat (Self Appointed) — Brass 3 your ranks in this talent.

Skills: Charm, Bribery, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Entertain (Acting), Shantytown Bully
Haggle, Evaluate, Gamble
Max: Fellowship Bonus
Talents: Suave, Briber, Cat-tongued, Etiquette (Nobility)
Tests: Intimidate to people with lower status
Trappings: Two sets of fine clothing
You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, the best boss in the whole
Noble (Self Appointed)— Brass 5
tribe, this automatically makes you superior to all other ogre
Skills: Lore (Ogres), Lore (Pigbarter), Language (Grumbarath), Language slaves, something you love rubbing in their faces. When dealing
(Pigbarter), Cool, Melee (Fencing) with others you may count the status of your ogre master as
your own status as long as those you deal with have heard of
Talents: Dubious Noble Titles, Read/Write, Carouser, Schemer
your master.
Trappings: Three sets of fine clothing, Two pieces of jewellery

Count (Self Appointed) — Silver 1

Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Perform (Dancing), Lore (Heraldry),

Ranged (Blackpowder)

Talents: Artistic, Etiquette (Military Officers), Feint, Blather

Trappings: A servant

King (Self appointed)— Silver 2

Skills: Entertain (Sing), Leadership

Talents: Fast Shot, Wealthy, Riposte, Etiquette (Diplomats)

Trappings: A gold crown, a herald

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

Bulls have a bully mentality that pushes them to take as

Bull much as possible. The only way to stop their aggression
is a show of superior force even greater than them.
Ogre But even though an ogre bull tends to be excited to get to
use their strength to take what they need from weaker
species not everything is fighting and just because that is
For Ogre Bulls is a term used to describe all the fighting-
what other nations know best about ogre bulls its usually
age, adult male Ogres within a tribal kingdom or society
not what they spend most of their time doing. A lot of the
without better ranked jobs, an unwashed mass of muscle
day to day is about gathering food, be it by picking
and fat that can flatten landscapes as well as towns and
whatever edible stuff they can track or by aiding an ogre
villages when they gather in horrificly large numbers. Big,
hunter in his hunts. In addition to that the bulls are ex-
brutish and extremely violent, Ogre Bulls are simple and
pected to raise tents when the tribe moves, deal with un-
straightforward creatures; they know what they want and
ruly gnoblars and do whatever menial tasks more im-
use their brawn to take it.
portant ogres want them to do.
Most Bulls don't do contemplative head scratching, pre-
As ogre focus tends to be lacking overseers are badly
ferring to smash things they don't understand. The
needed, these are known as Crushers for their ability to
straightforward bull-charge is their favored way to smash
crush any ideas of slacking off. Half foreman, half military
any opposition and greedily grab what they like. And what
sergeant these individuals are the strongest of a group of
Ogres want is power, respect, wealth and, perhaps most
bulls. This is a pure fact as that is how they are chosen.
of all, an endless supply of meat to feast upon. It is the
The strongest of these crushers are often chosen by the
Ogre way to take more than their share, in fact, most
tyrant as his bruisers.
Ogre Bruisers usually act as enforcers or under-
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
chieftains within their tribal kingdom, and they spend a
great deal of their time smashing and pummeling in the
Crossed Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Skull Shield
Cross Cross Cross
name of their Tyrant. As a payment for using their figh-
ting skills and brawn, Bruisers have many privileges in
the tribe. Not least of these is the license to smack se-
Career Path ven shades of dung out of any Ogre not toeing the line,
not eating messily enough, or spending too much time
Calf — Brass 1
playing with his Gnoblars.
Skills: Lore (Ogres), Athletics, Outdoor survival, Climb, Consume Alcohol,
Dodge, Gossip, Entertain (Belching) This bullying behaviour doesn't make them popular with
the rest of the tribe, though most Ogres have learnt that
Talents: Carouser, Distract, Flee!, Resistance (Cold)
it's better to keep their mouths shut -- at least while the
Trappings: Gutplate Bruiser is within hearing distance, anyway. Occasionally
Bull— Brass 5 an Ogre will fight back, and in the unlikely event that he
wins the resulting brawl, he will be allowed to take the
Skills: Endurance, Melee (Basic), Melee (Parrying), Melee (Brawling),
Bruiser's place. This right of challenge serves to keep
Trade (Cook)
the Bruisers in line, and ensures that they don't take too
Talents: Berserk Charge, Implacable, Iron Jaw, Sturdy much advantage of their privileged position.
Trappings: Handweapon (Club), Handweapon (Club) or Ironfist

Crusher — Silver 2
Female Bulls?
Skills: Cool, Intimidate, Leadership, Language (Battle Tongue) Female ogres are known as cows rather than bulls
Talents: Disarm, Furious Assault, Inspiring, Iron Will and given completely different responsibility, mainly
Trappings: Group of Ogre bulls to stand by their bull. If you wish to play a classic
Bruiser— Gold 1
ogre cow use this career and never leave the first
rank. However there is nothing wrong with playing a
Skills: Melee (Any), Ranged (Any)
female ogre through this career in full and the rules
Talents: Combat Master, Commanding Presence, Fearless (Smaller foes),
Frightening allow any career to be played by any gender. It’s
Trappings: Gutplate with the fine quality or banner
very rare for female ogres to manage such a career
but as long as the tyrant allows it no-one else can
forbid you.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

protects the Rhinox from the elements and all but

Rhinox Tender the most horrendous of damage. Doubtless, some
of their fearlessness also stems from the creature's
Gnoblar, Ogre, Human obstinate ways. However, the notoriously bad
eyesight of the Rhinox certainly factors into its pen-
chant for walking blindly into precarious situations.
One of the most famous animals of the ogre king-
These highly dangerous and aggressive creatures
doms is the rhinoxen. Large and dangerous horned
are the by far most common beasts of burden used
beast that will lower its head and ram anything in
by ogres and gnoblars alike. Used to drive their
its way, even the most massive of creatures,
carts as well as being farmed to be slaughtered
Rhinoxen can be found living in the Mountains of
and even used for warfare. Groups of gnoblars and
Mourn, where they roam the snowy slopes and
ogres in each tribe takes care of these beasts, a
thunder through the passes in small, but formi-
job far more glamorous for gnoblars than for ogres
dable, herds that are given a wide berth by all but
who often grumble about it being too menial and
the most ferocious or desperate of predators.
beneath them.
A herd of Rhinoxen will never willingly alter its path
for anything— be it rockfall, weather, or monstrous
predator. Some of this has to do with their own
tough nature, as thick skin and shaggy, coarse hair

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Shield Crossed Teutonic Skull Teutonic Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Rhinox Feeder — Brass 3

Skills: Animal Care, Charm Animal, Climb, Cool, Dodge, Intuition, Out-
door Survival, Lore (Rhinoxen)

Talents: Animal Affinity, Beneath Notice, Combat Aware, Coolheaded

Trappings: Bucket filled with moss

Rhinox Tender — Brass 5

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Lore (Ogres), Melee (Basic), Per-

ception, Track

Talents: Distract, Fearless (Rhinoxen), Flee!, Lightning Reflexes

Trappings: Rhinox brush

Rhinox Driver — Silver 2 Rhinox Tender or Rhinox Herder

Skills: Animal Training, Drive, Haggle, Navigation
When I made this supplement Rhinox Herder rules
Talents: Crack the whip, Iron Jaw, Jump up, Orientation
(found in Archives of the Empire II) where not yet
Trappings: Rhinox cart, rhinox
released, had they been I would likely have made a
Rhinox Rider— Silver 5
different career instead. However, the two careers
Skills: Melee (Cavalry), Ride (Rhinoxen) do not represent the same. A Rhinox herder as per
Talents: Hardy, Iron Will, Resolute, Warrior Born the Archives of the Empire II, owns a pack of
Trappings: Rhinox with saddle and harness Rhinoxen. A Rhinox tender cares for the tribes
Rhinoxen. Thus I feel confident to allow both ca-
reers to stand side by side.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

and just keep their heads down to not draw unwan-

Pack Gnoblar ted attention and get eaten. In fact so good at this
are many pack gnoblars that ogres often forget
Gnoblar about feeding them or bringing them inside when
they arrive to their destination, causing a fair few to
starve, freeze to death or get eaten by predators.
As ogres are vastly stronger than gnoblars one The fact that they tend to be under heavy packs, not
would assume that the ogres would be the ones uncommonly of furs or other things comfortable to
carrying heavy loads and lug around the tribes sup- sit on, cause a fiar few ogres to accidentally sit on
plies but then you forget one very important detail. them as well.
They can force someone else to. Thus came to be
the pack gnoblar, one of the more common jobs
among gnoblar kind they are used basically as pack
animals forced to carry heavy loads and do little
With no mental capacity really required for the job
pack gnoblars are very easy to replace. Something
both ogres and gnoblars know so the pack gnoblars
learn to be disciplined enough to make few mistakes

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Teutonic Teutonic Shield Teutonic Crossed Skull
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Luggin Gnob — Brass 1

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Cool, Endurance, Evaluate, Stealth (Rural), Swim,


Talents: Beneath Notice, Strong Back, Sturdy, Very Strong

Trappings: Large Backpack

Pack Gnoblar— Brass 2

Skills: Charm Animal, Intuition, Navigation, Ranged (Throwing), Trade

(Rope twinning), Sleight of hand

Talents: Etiquette (Pack Animals), Relentless, Resistance (Cold), Stone


Trappings: 4 encumberance worth of pack

Pack Lugger— Brass 3

Skills: Animal Care, Perception, Language (Battle Tongue), Perform


Talents: Strider (Any), Fleet Footed, Iron Jaw, Seasoned Traveller

Trappings: 8 Encumberance worth of pack

Cart loader— Brass 4

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Drive

Talents: Hardy, Resistance (Being sat upon), Robust, Strider (Any)

Trappings: Wagon, 12 Encumberance worth of pack

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Peasant Career

smouldering limbs.
Torch-Gnoblar These initiation rituals eventually led to the game
of 'Bang'. 'Bang' involves a small pitch and
between six and ten Gnoblars (any more is waste
of black powder unless it's a special occasion).
Torch-Gnoblars are the servants and igniters of
Each Gnoblar has a small box of black powder
many Ogre Leadbelchers. These unfortunates are
with a fuse tied to their backs; they are then all
carried into battle on the shoulders of their mas-
given a burning torch and the fun begins. The less
ters, lighting the black powder of the Leadbelcher
intelligent Gnoblars set to in a flurry of kicking and
cannon when the master commands so he can
biting, with predictable and devastatingly loud re-
concentrate on holding it the right way round.
sults. Eventually, all the surviving Gnoblars will
Most bear the scars of at least one explosion and
learn that black powder goes 'bang' when in con-
what clothes and possessions they have
tact with flames. Those that learnt this by making
scavenged are often burned and blackened.
someone else go 'bang' will be accepted by the
A Gnoblar's unique blend of curiosity and stupidity
Leadbelchers as pet Gnoblars. Those that learn a
does not mix well with black powder. The Leadbel-
fraction of a second after going 'bang' get to take
chers find this highly amusing and often have ac-
part in the victory feast in a different way.
ceptance rituals for new Gnoblars involving black
power that leave all but the luckiest as a heap of Some few gnoblars survive long in this role and
become somewhat skilled with making other
things go bang, learning to use crude blackpowder
devices by themselves. Normally a leadbelcher
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
wouldn’t waste such weapons by letting a gnoblar
Skull Teutonic
Shield Teutonic Teutonic Crossed
Cross Cross
use them but the hillarity of a proud enemy hero

getting his face blown off by a crude gnoblar

Career ath P thrown explosive makes up for the somewhat
wasteful use.
Torch lugger — Bronze 2
New Talent:
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Trade
(Torch-maker), Gamble Powder-packer
Talents: Doomed (You’re gonna explode), Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Finge- Max: DexB
red, Unshakable

Trappings: Half a dozen torches

Tests: Extended tests to reload a blackpowder
Torch-Gnoblar — Bronze 4
You can take a special action to help reload a blackpowder
Skills: Climb, Intuition, Language (Battle Tongue), Lore (Blackpowder), Per- weapon of you or an ally. This contributes a number of SLs to
form (Juggler), Entertain (Mimic explosion sounds) the extended test equal to twice your rank in this talent.
Talents: Powder-packer, Step Aside, Tinker, Iron Jaw

Trappings: Small container filled with blackpowder

Grand Igniter — Bronze 5

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Evaluate, Trade (Pyrotechnics), Ranged (Throwing)

Talents: Catfall, Hardy, Well-prepared, Sturdy

Trappings: Torch with the fine quality

Gnoblar Bang-maker — Silver 1

Skills: Ranged (Explosives), Perform (Pyrotechnics)

Talents: Fearless (Bows and Crossbows), Sure Shot, Craftsman (Pyrotechnics),


Trappings: 3 Incendiary explosives

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

drag in his impressive kills back to an Ogre camp for a special

Beasthunter feast day. Some Hunters return to the tribe of their origins,
while others wander throughout the Ogre Kingdoms. Hunters
are popular visitors, for not only do they drag down some of
Ogre the largest carcasses, but they liven up any feast with their rich
wealth of stories about life on the mountaintops. The profusion
of horrible scars and displays of beast skulls and impressive
Even Hunters are among the most massive and independent tusks also go a long way towards earning the respect of a local
of their kind, and think nothing of climbing to the top of a tribe. Before long, a Hunter's solitary ways will take over and
mountain whilst tracking a wounded Mammoth or bull Rhinox. he will amble back up the slopes.
An Ogre becomes a Hunter either by temporarily severing his
In honour of the first of the Ogre Hunter. Jhared the Red — it
ties to his tribe to sate his wanderlust, or by being exiled to the
is common for a Hunter to keep a Sabretusk or two to help
harsh white wilderness of the mountain for some slight to his
sniff out his cave-beast prey. These giant, agile feline preda-
fellow Ogres. Either way these ties are not completely severed
tors often have tusks jutting from their lower jaws, used for
and a Hunter that excels at his solitary lifestyle drag an impres-
ripping out the guts of beast larger than they are. Those that
sive kill or two back to the caves on important feast days. A
prove too difficult to domesticate instead provide both a good
Hunter is generally covered in a network of scars and tattoos,
fight and good meal for their would-be keeper — it is a rare
overlaid by the thick pelts of his prey protection from the arctic
Hunter indeed that cannot boast a set of claw-scars so-
conditions of Mountains of Mourn. He decorates himself with,
mewhere about his person.
tusks, claws, fangs and skulls of the cavebeast that he has
single-handedly killed and eaten. A Hunter will typically have a New Talent:
great beast's skull to his gut to illustrate his prowess.
Although most no longer belong to a tribe, Hunters periodically
Max: Initiative bonus
Tests: Perception to detect stealth or discover am-
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Teutonic Crossed Teutonic Teutonic
Skull Shield
Cross Cross Cross
Halberds You are ever cautious, looking for threats to your life. When
you have the surprised condition the bonus to attacks against
Career Path you is +10 rather than +20.

Loner — Brass 1

Skills: Track, Outdoor Survival, Athletics, Climb, Cool, Dodge, Endurance,

Lore (Beasts)

Talents: Craftsman (Tanner), Catfall, Wary, Hunter’s Eye

Trappings: Hide clothing, Gutplate

Beasthunter— Silver 1

Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training, Intuition, Navigation, Ranged

(Crossbow), Melee (Polearm)
Ogre Hunters and Ogre Beasthunters
Talents: Accurate Shot, Scale Sheer Surface, Fleet Footed, Implacable As you might notice this career is available to Ogres
Trappings: Spear, Crossbow or set of three javelins
alongside the hunter career and you might also think
about the iconic ogre hunters of the tabletop game. With
Great Hunter — Silver 4
such many types of hunters it’s easy to understand that
Skills: Perception, Ranged (Any), Melee (Any), Stealth (Rural) there might be a bit of confusion so I will try to further
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Deadeye shot, Fearless (Beasts), Hardy clarify that.
Trappings: Beast trophy This career is meant to represent the mighty ogre hunters
Hunter of Legend— Gold 1 of the tabletop, mighty loners who singlehandedly hunt
Skills: Secret Signs (Ranger), Swim down mighty mammoths and other beasts bringing them
home to the tribe.
Talents: Iron Will, Jump Up, Night Vision, Slayer

Trappings: Several impressive beast trophies The hunter career of the base book does clearly not repre-
sent that, instead an ogre taking that career will be a
more mundande individual hunting closer to the tribe and
with others as help. Often going after smaller prey as well.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

barbed nooses of all sizes. On the battlefield, Trap-

Gnoblar Trapper pers will crawl forward unnoticed into areas of
brush and woodland, lying in wait for any that seek
Gnoblar to use the cover to flank their Ogre masters. Oc-
casionally, a small bunch of Gnoblar Trappers will
Gnoblar Trappers are intrepid Gnoblars that delight form a self-appointed gaggle of followers for one of
in catching and torturing small animals and the hardy Ogre Hunters, pelting those that charge
follow Ogre Hunters to battle. These outgoing but their role model with sticks, stones and mantraps
vindictive Gnoblars are the largest and most in- without actually ever putting themselves in harm's
trepid of their kind, and delight in catching and tor- way.
turing the small ferocious mammals that populate
Best of the trappers are the legendary Blood Gnob-
the foothills of the Mountains of Mourn. Once they
lars. Blood Gnoblars look like ordi-
have finished 'playing' with these animals (usually
nary Gnoblars except their warty hides range from
jabbing them with sharp sticks), they either devour
different hues of browns to dark reds. They also
them there and then or take them back as an offe-
have a heightened sense of hearing, perhaps due
ring to their Ogre masters as a light snack.
to the high altitude of their mountain top lairs, ma-
They will attempt to capture and kill anything up to king them exceptional Trappers. Many Blood-
the size of a mountain goat. Gnoblar Trappers Gnoblars spend all of their time fortifying their lairs
decorate themselves with the pelts of their prey, and setting traps for any curious interlopers. In
and are adept at laying mantraps, stake pits and Gnoblar society it is the Blood-Gnoblars who were
first responsible for teaching other Gnoblars the
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
best techniques of trapping and scouting. As a re-
Shield Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Skull Crossed
Cross Cross Cross
sult, many Gnoblar Trappers will go to great

lengths to look like a Blood-Gnoblar, achieved

through a blood ritual in which a captive is drained
C areer ath P of blood and once exsanguinated, the Gnoblars
douse themselves in it. In fact suspiciously few
Aspiring Trapper— Brass 2 blood gnoblars seem to not have become such
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Dodge, , Outdoor Survival, Navigation, Perception, through that ritual and it might in fact be the case
Set trap, Stealth (Rural) that they as a separate race of gnoblar isentirely a
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Trapper, Dirty Fighting, Nimble Fingered myth and all blood gnoblars are just exceptional
Trappings: d5 simple traps trappers that have undergone the rite.
Trapper— Brass 4 New Talent:
Skills: Cool, Intuition, , Melee (Brawling), Ranged (Entangling), Ranged Blood Gnoblar
(Throwing) Track
Max: Initiative bonus
Talents: Fleet Footed, Hunter’s Eye, Night Vision, Resistance (Cold)

Trappings: Five simple traps, a throwing weapon of choice or a net

Tests: Set trap

Snarefinger — Silver 1
You are one of the famed blood gnoblars be it through birth or
a ritual. Your traps cause an extra bleeding condition per rank
Skills: Endurance, Intimidate, Leadership, Melee (Basic) in this talent to anyone caught in them.
Talents: Orientation, Rover, Scale Sheer Surface, Sharpshooter

Trappings: One advanced trap

Blood Gnoblar— Silver 2

Skills: Art (Blood Painting), Lore (Beasts)

Talents: Blood Gnoblar, Acute Sense (Hearing), Implacable, Strider


Trappings: Two or more advanced traps

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

mes also in the form of superstitions, sayings

Wanderer and traditions. Then when they return they
bring this culture to their home tribe.
For some a visit in a far-off land for a few ye-
Most ogres feel a wanderlust in their heart ars isn’t enough and the wanderlust keeps
calling them to travel and seek new sights. burning strong in their hearts. With the call not
For many this leads to just a few travels in or waning they continue their travels. For some
near the Mountains of Mourn. For some it’s this continues for decades and they earn
seen as a holy call and they take the pil- great reputations. Becoming the famed Mane-
grimage to the Maw. For some it leads them aters. Legendary ogre mercenaries more well-
to far off lands where they take employ as travelled than almost any people of the world
mercenaries to pay for their travels. Such and trained in the fighting styles of far-off
ogres are by their own kin known as wande- lands. As a maneater returns to his tribe he
rers (while others usually call them mercena- gets much respect for his wargear, skill and
ries, a name the ogres rarely mind, it’s after great tales. Ogres agree his life is one to envy
all how they earn their pay during their tra- and the great skill and gear he has makes him
vels). These wanderers pick up the culture of amazing. When a maneater inevitably
the places where they travel, mostly in the mentions that the other ogres can have that
form of cuisine and fighting styles but someti- same life by hard work and dedication most of
his tribesmen mumble excuses and shuffle
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Crossed
Shield Skull
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Walkabout — Bronze 4

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Endurance, Haggle, Language (Any), Lore (Any), Me-
lee (Any), Navigation

Talents: Coolheaded, Implacable, Berserk Charge, Seasoned Traveller

Trappings: Handweapon, Sack or backpack

Wanderer — Silver 1

Skills: Cool, Evaluate, Gossip, Language (Any), Lore (Any), Melee (Any)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Careful Strike, Frightening, Hardy

Trappings: One Souvenir

Backpacker — Silver 3

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Entertain (Storyteller), Intimidate, Ranged (Any)

Talents: Acute Sense (Taste), Combat Master, Disarm, Dual Wielder

Trappings: Souvenirs from six places you have visited

Great Wanderer — Silver 5

Skills: Language (Any), Lore (Any)

Talents: Drilled, Etiquette (Any), Iron Will, Linguistics

Trappings: Souvenirs from twelve places you have visited, foreign weapon
made for an ogre

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Ranger Career

Maw Pilgrim
travel it but no proof of this exist. Perhaps they do,
Ogre killing those they find or perhaps the environment
cause such hallucinations getting people to kill
A pilgrimage to the Maw is the greatest religious themselves in imaginary battles where they fight
journey an ogre can do and there are many that their own and end up eating sand believing it to be
take the deadly journey. While the location might the vanquished arachnoids. Whatever the truth it
seem comparatively close to the Mountains of does not make the journey safer.
Mourn given that ogres travel all over the world
As the ogres draw nearer their madness increase
the journey is by no means easy. The desert
and not content with the trials of the environment
which ogres travel through lack food and water
some start to tear at their flesh in devotion to the
and warpstone residue and acidic sandstorms buf-
Maw leaving a trail of blood and torn flesh soon
fet the travelers. The climate varies between ex-
covered up by the shifting sands. Some ogres turn
tremes of heat and cold with little rime of reason.
back here, setting camp at the edge and gathering
The lands themselves are poisonous and this poi-
strength to try again. Some perish, their flesh and
son seeps into the flesh of even the hardiest of
bone quickly getting ground down by the razors-
ogres, deforming flesh and making hair fall off as
harp sandstorms being added to the morbid poiso-
the toxins weaken them.
nous sands.
Legends tell that under the sands massive armies
Some few however actually succeed, reaching the
of huge scorpions burrow to rip asunder those that
gaping hole of the Maw. Here they must resist the
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel pull of the Maw for some little part of their brains
Skull Teutonic
call to them the depths of razor sharp teeth before
them and some simply throw themselves into their
gods carnivorous embrace. For those that resist
C areer athP remain the last trial, to gouge out their own eye
and throw it into the Great Maw and then take a
Desertwalk Aspirant — Brass 1
stone from the ground and jam into their now
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Intuition, Lore empty socket to replace their eye. For those truly
(Ogres), Melee (Basic), Pray
blessed this eye starts to function through holy
Talents: Very Resilient, Resistance (Any), Stone Soup, Tenacious power. For most it is but a stone and for some it is
Trappings: Heavy Rags their doom as it poisons their flesh and leave them
Maw Pilgrim — Brass 4 dying in torturous agony.
Skills: Climb, Heal, Intimidate, Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception Then, if they survived, starts the long and ardrous
Talents: Hardy, Strong-Minded, Robust, Iron Will
journey back.

Trappings: Ritual scars

Maw Fanatic — Silver 1

Skills: Art (Ritual Scarification), Melee (Parrying), Trade (Cook), Entertain


Talents: Fearless (Priests of other gods), Flagellant, Frightening, Bless

(The Great Maw)

Trappings: Strange looking scars you barely remember getting

Rockeye— Silver 2

Skills: Evaluate, Track

Talents: Second Sight, Holy Visions, Night Vision, Invoke (The Great Maw)

Trappings: An eye of stone taken from the ground by the great maw
replacing one of your own eyes

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Riverfolk/Seafolk Career

Salamander Smacker One can impossibly know how many such sala-
manders there are for most of their lives they lay
Pigbarter Human, Gnoblar
resting at the bottom feeding on the sulphur swept
along the current but they are plentiful enough that
Very little fauna live in the extremely polluted
bringing the fight to them is not an option as Pig-
waters of the river ruin and what exists there is
barter learnt during the ”Salamander Wars” eighty
mostly heavily mutated and extremely aggressive.
years ago where an attempt to sweep the bottom
One animal seems to be thriving in this hellish
clear and slay them led to a massive battle where
waterscape however. The Ruin Mega-
large parts of the city was demolated by frenzied
salamander, a beast thriving in sulphur and fire
hordes of mega-salamanders. Still they are plenty-
which can grow up to three metres in length (with
ful enough to be a problem, at times they waken
some uncommon mutated species reaching far
to hunt by the riverside and then someone must
further). The skin, bite and blood of these sala-
keep them at bay. It is here the salamander
manders is highly poisonous and touching it is
smackers come in. Bravely smacking these sala-
enough to get poisoned. Should one be prepared
manders with Pigbarter Pole-hammers or Gaffs
to fend that threat of the strength of the beast is
they try to get them to give up and swim back into
also deadly as it can latch onto someone and
the river.
simply drag them into the waters of the River Ruin
to let that sludge of pollution kill the target instead. New Talent:
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Max: Initiative bonus
Tests: Perception to detect stealth or discover am-
Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Skull Shield Crossed
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path You are ever cautious, looking for threats to your life. When
you have the surprised condition the bonus to attacks against
Salamander Shooer — Brass 5 you is +10 rather than +20.

Skills: Charm Animal, Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Melee (Pole-arm), Per- Brutas Spicy Serving
ception, Ranged (Throwing), Stealth (Urban)
Max: SB
Talents: Combat Aware, Wary, Hatred (Salamanders), Reaction Strike
Tests: Melee (Brawling) against salamanders
Trappings: Gaff or Pigbarter Pole-hammer
You have learnt the famous Salamander Wrestler Brutas
Salamander Smacker — Silver 1
most infamous technique called ”Brutas Spicy Serving”. The
Skills: Intuition, Lore (Pigbarter), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Entangling), Set principle is simple but the execution extremely difficult. When
Trap, Language (Pigbarter) attacking a bestial foe at least as large as you while you are
holding an explosive you can attempt ”Brutas Spicy Serving”.
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Furious Assault, Resistance (Poison), Strike
It is done as a Melee (Brawling) attack with a –40 penalty but
Mighty Blow)
if you win you throw the explosive into the mouth of the foe
Trappings: Full leather armour causing damage as with a hit of that explosive weapon but
with the blast quality halved and the foe being able to deduct
Salamander Slayer — Silver 2
damage from TB and Armour (if the enemy has the Robust
Skills: Heal, Ranged (Crossbow), Row, Sail (Dinghy) talent that still lowers damage like normal).

Talents: Fearless (Salamanders), Reversal, Savant (Salamanders), Slayer

Trappings: Crossbow or Rowboat

Salamander Wrestler— Silver 4

Skills: Melee (Brawling), Ranged (Explosives)

Talents: Implacable, Iron Will, Robust, Brutas Spicy Serving

Trappings: A salamanderskin cape

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Riverfolk/Seafolk Career

cheaper no-one would purchase ruin algea. So-

Ruin Algea Collector metimes desperate gnoblars mistake dried algea
for food and taste it. This is a welcome change for
Human, Gnoblar Ruin Algea Collectors as gnoblar flesh is worth
more than the algea they would otherwise sell and
The River Ruin is filled with three things. Pollution, dried up gnoblar bones can also be used as sub-
salamanders and some strange of toxic algea. par firefuel.
The last of them is the least deadly property of the
river as while it is highly toxic to touch and release
various airborne diseases it usually takes time be-
fore it kills you. In addition this yellow-brown algea
has some uses for once dried up it can be burnt.
Sure the smoke from it is highly toxic and the
smell almost unberable but it’s not as if firewood is
plentyful in pigbarter so having something you can
actually afford to burn to keep your shanty warm is
fairly valuable. Thus people have started col-
lecting these algea and dry them. It is not a job
that gives much income but it gives a steady one
for the demand is high, still prices can’t be raised
for as soon as other things to burn become

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Teutonic Crossed Teutonic Teutonic Shield Skull
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Ruin Algea Assistant — Brass 1

Skills: Endurance, Haggle, Intuition, Lore (Pigbarter), Row, Sail (Dinghy)

Secret Signs (Algea Collectors Guild of Pigbarter), Trade (Algea Drying)

Talents: Beneath Notice, Combat Aware, Craftsman (Algea Drying), Re-

sistance (Poison)

Trappings: Algea gathering stick

Ruin Algea Collector — Brass 2

Skills: Dodge, Gossip, Language (Grumbarath), Language (Pigbarter),

Outdoor Survival, Perception

Talents: Resistance (Disease), Stone Soup, Tenacious, Very Resilient

Trappings: Rowboat or Dinghy

Ruin Algea Team Leader — Brass 4

Skills: Cool, Leadership, Melee (Basic), Entertain (Sing)

Talents: Master Tradesman (Algea Drying), River Guide, Waterman, Well-


Trappings: Team of Algea Collectors

Ruin Algea Merchant— Silver 1

Skills: Gamble, Charm

Talents: Dealmaker, Embezzle, Etiquette (Guilder), Suave

Trappings: Two or more teams of Algea Collectors

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Riverfolk/Seafolk Career

Few keep that view for long however. Just seeing

Ruin Trader the infernal industries of the chaos dwarfs give
pause to even the most ruthless and money-
Human hungry man, giving an overwhelming feeling that
helping these daemonforges in any way is an act
Few people travel up along the River of Ruin past of evil. But by then it is too late, refusing to sell
Pigbarter. That path leads up towards the lands of when he has arrived would leave the merchant
Zorn Uzkul and the land of the chaos dwarfs. To enslaved along his cargo. As the gnoblars are
travel there is to risk enslavement or worse and handed over to the cruel chaos dwarfs the feeling
even if it didn’t few would want anything to do with of wrongdoing grows further and the dreams of
the dawi-zharr and their infernal industries. wealth that followed the man as he sailed up dis-
sapear and leave a feeling of shame and regret.
Some do travel the river there however. With cap-
tured gnoblars from the shanties of Pigbarter Many Ruin Traders never make a second journey,
some men drive barges up the river to sell these choosing to drown themselves in the river rather
greenskins as slaves. Many are drawn to it as the than live with the guilt. Some others accept their
pay is good and and they hold the common atti- new role and somberly travel up and down the
tude of ”It’s just gnoblars so who cares?”. Selling River Ruin awaiting what they deem an inevitable
these slaves for hard to identify devices of the karmic retribution for their sins.
dawi-zharr that must be carefully evaluated to see
that Pigbarter does not get tricked.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Teutonic Skull Shield Teutonic Crossed Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Ruin Recruit — Brass 5

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Gamble, Evaluate, Lore (Chaos

Dwarfs), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Entangling), Sail (Barge)

Talents: Dealmaker, Etiquette (Slavers), Strike to Stun, Unshakable

Trappings: Baton (Handweapon), Net

Ruin Trader — Silver 1

Skills: Bribery, Cool, Haggle, Language (Khazalid), Language (Grumbarath),

Ranged (Blackpowder)

Talents: Briber, Carouser, Coolheaded, Pilot

Trappings: Blunderbuss

Ruin Mate — Silver 3

Skills: Intimidate, Intuition, Lore (Daemons), Play (Drum)

Talents: Gunner, Iron Will, Tenacious, Tinker

Trappings: Chaos Dwarf item

Ruin Captain— Gold 1

Skills: Leadership, Ranged (Engineering)

Talents: Detect Artefact, Fearless (Greenskins), Rapid Reload, Savant

(Chaos Dwarfs)

Trappings: Three or more chaos dwarf made items

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Riverfolk/Seafolk Career

the Marshes of Madness have been rumoured to

Boglar be in alliance with strange, cyclopean creatures.
Years ago there was much debate among scho-
lars about the mythical Toad-Gnoblars, creatures
said to multiply in number at the mere touch of
Boglars, also known as Marsh- water. Such bizarre theories have, of course, ne-
Gnoblars or Swamp Goblins, are a breed ver been proven, nor has a Toad-Gnoblar ever
of Gnoblars that live in marshes, bogs and been actually seen (or at least correctly identified).
swamps. Yet several breeds of Gnoblars have been
described with similar wondrous and mythical abi-
Boglars look like any other Gnoblar though their
lities to that of the Toad-Gnoblar.
skin is a greenish-grey and they have beady yel-
low eyes. They spend much of their time catching While Boglars seem to be their own sub-specie
frogs, fish and other amphibious or reptilian crit- that might not be completely true for at times it
ters, dissecting them with broken sticks and eating seems other gnoblars join Boglars and start to de-
them alive. velop the characteristics associated with these
creatures. Suggesting that all gnoblars might have
Boglars are extremely sensitive to sunlight and
the ability or maybe that there is something in the
bright light in general only emerging from their
swampy lairs at dusk. Although Boglars normally
seem to affiliate only with other Boglars, Gnoblars New Talent:
and Goblins, a large tribe of Boglars in
Boglar Breath
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel Max: WPB
Teutonic Crossed Skull Teutonic Teutonic Shield
Cross Cross
Tests: Swim in Marshes or swamps
You are one of the amphibious Boglars able to live most
of your life in the water. You can hold your breath one
Career Path additional minute per rank in this talent..

Toad myths
Frogbiter — Brass 1

Skills: Charm Animal, Dodge, Intuition, Language (Bog Tongue)*, Melee Max: FelB
(Brawling), Outdoor Survival, Stealth (Rural), Swim
Tests: Any social tests to Boglars
Talents: Fisherman, Strong Swimmer , Resistance (Drowning), Strider
Perhaps there is something to the myths of Toad Gnob-
lars for boglars seem to turn up around you, or perhaps its
Trappings: Various remains of frogs and fish just your reputation that draws them near. Each week
where you have spent a lot of time in water (GMs discret-
Boglar — Brass 2
ion) a number of boglars equal to your ranks in this talent
Skills: Endurance, Lore (Amphibians), Navigation, Perception, Ranged turn up. They have a friendly attitude to you and are likely
(Throwing), Track to see you as their leader for the time being. Note that
they have wills of their own and may wander off if you
Talents: Orientation, Night Vision, Boglar Breath, Very Resilient
don´t give them reasons to keep you as their leader.
Trappings: A raw fish (alive or dead)

Sludgesucker — Brass 5

Skills: Athletics, Cool, Intimidate, Leadership

Talents: Resistance (Poison), Tenacious, Stone Soup, Very Strong

Trappings: A suspiciously slimy stone

Great Toad — Silver 1

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Ride (Giant Toad)

Talents: Animal Affinity, Toad Myths, Menacing, Rough Rider

Trappings: Pet toad

*The language of Boglars and particularly intelligent frogs

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

or steal.
Scrapper The richest move between the tribes in Rhinox-drawn
caravans with a band of guards, trading with anyone
Gnoblar they meet. Most travellers would be hard pressed to find
anything more valuable than a rusted axe, a cracked
helm or a broken belt buckle in these 'treasure' wagons,
Most Gnoblar Scrappers or Magpies as they are also
however, occasionally the Gnoblars will have something
known are the merchants and inventors of Gnoblar-kind.
of genuine value. It is very rare for them to have so-
Perhaps due to the extreme poverty they live in, most
mething of obvious utility, however, as an Ogre will
Gnoblars have a miserly approach to possessions and
simply take anything they want from them. The Magpies
carefully horde away anything shiny or crafted. The
also sell many 'artefacts' taken from the corpses of great
scrap and broken items other races throw away are the
heroes or looted from fabulous ruins. Most of these
basis of the Gnoblar economy. As Ogres tend to loot
items are obviously faked and replaced after each sale,
many of their possessions from other races, Gnoblar
but the far-fetched stories behind them have normally
tribes are the proud owners of detritus from across the
been in the merchant's family for generations.
Some Scrappers, whilst pawing over broken items from
The splintered remains of an Elven bow might rest
across the world, become inspired to emulate the
against a wagon spoke taken from the Ivory Road, both
craftspeople of other races. Unfortunately, gross incom-
supporting the tattered remains of an Imperial banner
petence, theft and constant bickering are just some of
and all suffering the indignity of ending their days as a
the factors stacked against budding Gnoblar inventors.
Gnoblar tent. The Scrappers take this obsession to the
However, Gnoblars make up for some of these defici-
extremes, hoarding everything they can scavenge, trade
encies with blind enthusiasm and a light-hearted appro-
ach to safety, and although their designs are without
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel exception inefficient and dangerous, some are actually
fairly effective. It was just such a design, 'inspired' by

the wreckage of a Dwarf stonethrower, that led the fa-


mous Scrapper Bik the Nail to infamy with his creation

of the Scraplauncher.
Career Path
Often the most valuable thing in a Scrap Caravan is the
Scrappy Git — Brass 1 Rhinox that pull it. Gnoblar-trained Rhinox are a rare,
Skills: Dodge, Haggle, Language (Any one), Perception, Pick Lock, Ranged
bad tempered and valuable commodity. In some shanty
(Throwing), Secret Signs (Scrappers), Sleight of Hand towns, individual Gnoblars will specialise in variety of
diverse beast-handling skills, ranging from safe but
Talents: Criminal, Marksman, Nimble Fingered, Tinker
grubby jobs like dung-beetle farming all the way up to
Trappings: Dozens of somewhat shiny bits of scraps Rhinox training. Most Rhinox are so bad-tempered and
Scrapper— Brass 4
aggressive they are almost impossible to train to the
level of domestication a human would consider safe
Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Entertain (Storytelling) Evaluate, Ranged and acceptable. However, the odd trampling or goring
(Sling), Ranged (Catapult)
is considered a bonus to most Gnoblars, as it makes
Talents: Accurate Shot, Cat-tongued, Strider (Scrapheap), Well prepared fine entertainment. New-born Rhinox are stolen or
Trappings: A once impressive but now broken item
caught by Trappers, handed over to beast-trainers or
Scrappers of the same tribe, and trained. Most of this
Scrap Caravaneer— Silver 1 training consists of groups of Gnoblars standing along
Skills: Animal Training, Art (Artefact Fabrication), Drive, Navigation the back and flanks of the poor Rhinox with sharp
sticks, however it has proven to be remarkably ef-
Talents: Blather, Crack the whip, Sharpshooter, Sure Shot
fective. Master beast-handlers often have rights of initi-
Trappings: Rhinox-cart or Scraplauncher ation where apprentices must sneak under a Rhinox
Inventir Git— Silver 2 and cut off a piece from its shaggy pelt with a sharp
knife. Delicately put, sometimes the pieces they slice
Skills: Lore (Mechanics), Trade (Mechanic)
off greatly aid in the beast's domestication.
Talents: Artistic, Rapid Reload, Super Numerate, Magnum Opus

Trappings: Some weird machine of your own making.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

able to rebel. These gnoblarrousers then work in

Gnoblarrouser secret to build up rebellions until they get enough
gnoblars to overpower the few unexpecting ogre
Gnoblar guards and make a run for freedom. Since ogres
don’t expect gnoblars to rebel or flee this is rarely
Most of the time gnoblars are fairly content with that difficult a task.
their lot as an ogre slaverace. The specie entered
Having fled the gnoblarrouser then sets up a free
that role willingly and like having people strong
camp with himself as honcho or travels to another
enough to protect them from predators. Some ho-
such camp and swear his services as honcho to
wever refuse to accept this place in life and start
the head honcho of that place.
raising trouble. Shouting calls of revolution and
rebellion. The majority of such troublemakers get
eaten by ogres or killed by their own kinsmen
grown tired of them. Some espesially charismatic
gnoblars however manage to get others to listen
and garner followings.
For once the frightful nature of gnoblars comes to
their advantage for those that have gathered
groups of rebels do not act right away, beliving
rightly that they need huge numbers to actually be
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel
Skull Shield Teutonic Crossed Teutonic Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Troublemaker — Brass 1

Skills: Charm, Dodge, Gossip, Perception, Play (Horn), Stealth (Urban),

Stealth (Rural), Melee (Brawling)

Talents: Blather, Criminal, Public Speaker, Suave

Trappings: A rebellious attitude

Gnoblarrouser — Brass 5

Skills: Cool, Gamble, Haggle, Intuition, Lore (Ogres), Secret Signs


Talents: Alley Cat, Flee!, Impassioned Zeal, Master Orator

Trappings: A group of followers

Honcho — Silver 1

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Leadership, Stealth (Underground), Ranged


Talents: Etiquette (Scrappers), Hatred (Ogres), Savant (Gnoblars), Strong


Trappings: A gnoblar warband

Head Honcho— Silver 2

Skills: Heal, Intimidate

Talents: Dealmaker, Inspiring, Iron Will, Kingpin

Trappings: Two or more Honchos serving you

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

Slaver do not mind other species as slaves when they ma-

nage to get ahold of them. The Druchi instead cap-
Human, Ogre, Dawi-Zharr, Dark Elf, Skaven ture all but their own kin to use as slaves running
raids to catch them.
In most lands of the world slavery is outlawed. Most
In the Mountains of Mourn the ogre tribes use sla-
but not all. Among the tribes of chaos be they
ves but these are mainly gnoblars. A specie better
Norscan, Kurgan or Hung, slavery is commonplace
at working than being eaten. Some ogres become
for it is seen as natural that a good and god-blessed
slavers for profit and kidnapping other species to
warrior should have slaves for menial tasks so he
use or sell but this is largely seen as slightly odd.
can devout his time in ways more pleasing to the
The ’normal’ response to capturing someone is to
dark gods. Slaves also come in most handy when
either eat them, ransom them for food and money or
sacrifices need to be made. The few number of
ransom them and pull a bluff to eat them anyway.
dwarfs dwelling amongst the men of Norsca also
Keeping check over prisoners for a long time so that
accept slavery as part of life though they tend to
you can sell them to completely other guys seem
grumble about how it takes jobs from honest hard-
too much work for most ogres. It’s not seen as
working folk.
wrong for any moral reasons, just because of being
In the lands of the Chaos Dwarfs and Dark Elves odd in the same way that someone making their
slavery stands as a backbone of their entire eco- clothes only from ratskin wouldn’t be seen as a bad
nomies. The Dawi-Zharr use mostly greenskins but person in human lands, just an odd one.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Shield Teutonic Teutonic Skull Crossed Teutonic
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Slavehandler — Brass 4

Skills: Haggle, Intimidate, Intuition, Melee (Brawling), Navigation, Per-

ception, Ranged (Entangling), Trade (Branding)

Talents: Disarm, Etiquette (Slavers), Marksman, Strike to Stun

Trappings: Chains, Manacles, A branding iron

Slaver — Silver 1

Skills: Drive, Evaluate, Language (Any one), Lore (Chaos), Lore

(Greenskins), Trade (Cook)

Talents: Crack the Whip, Dealmaker, Menacing, Sharpshooter

Trappings: Two or more slaves

Slavemaster — Silver 3

Skills: Cool, Endurance, Heal, Play (Drums)

Talents: Fearless (Slaves), Iron Jaw, Linguistics, Well prepared

Trappings: Ten or more slaves

Slavelord— Gold 1

Skills: Language (Any One), Leadership

Talents: Frightening, Wealthy, Tenacious, Very Strong

Trappings: Twenty or more slaves

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Rogue Career

Chaos Ogre all creatures that dwell in the Wastes. Ogres do not see
this as a bad thing - far from it in fact, for the mutations
Ogre usually increase their prowess on the battlefield or in the
feast hall. In fact, although these Chaos Ogres are seen
Ogres have their own society, language and customs, as a bit odd by their brethren in the Mountains of Mourn,
stemming from the Mountains of Mourn in the east. They they aren't feared or despised. If anything, the other
have a natural wanderlust, and whole tribes frequently Ogres are perhaps a bit jealous - for an extra mouth or
migrate and roam the Chaos Wastes. There they fight set of arms would greatly aid one's ability to eat more
against the northern tribes and the more fantastical deni- food at an even faster rate!
zens of that realm, testing their mettle and expanding
Promises of eternal conflict are a sore temptation to the
their diet to include some truly unusual meals. If a group
Ogre race. Though the Dark Gods prefer the race of men
of Ogres is impressed by the savagery and skill of a nort-
as their playthings, some Ogres earn their favour with
hern tribe, they may join them for a time, or even become
their prowess in battle, for a group of these towering bru-
a permanent part of their army. The alliance between an
tes charging into the enemy like living battering rams and
Ogre and his Chaos masters is one of mutual conveni-
lashing out with gigantic great-axes, clubs and cleavers is
ence, for both factions revel in mayhem and destruction.
an impressive sight. Khorne is the patron of many of
Although Ogres are naturally resistant to mutation, the these monstrous warriors, for their constant offerings of
baleful energies that spill out of the rift at the top of the skulls - generally picked very clean indeed - are pleasing
world are strong indeed. As a result, the Ogres that stray to the Blood God. Some Ogres even go to battle clad in
into the far north are warped and twisted in the manner of gigantic suits of Chaos armour, forged by their Chaos
Dwarf allies specifically to fit the Ogres' overly muscled
frames. A heavily armoured Ogre berserker is a terrifying
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel foe indeed; a whole unit of them is a nigh unstoppable
Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic
Skull CrossedShield force.
Cross Cross Cross

Chaos Ogres in Reikland?

Career Path Call for the State Troops!
Ogre Marauder— Brass 4
This career works fine if the setting is in the Mountains of
Skills: Athletics, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Language (Kurgan), Lan-
Mourn, Pigbarter or amongst the chaos tribes themselves. In
guage (Hung), Language (Norse), Melee (Basic), Melee (Two-handed)
the case you play in the base setting of Reikland or another
Talents: Ambidextrous, Furious Assault, Menacing, Strike to Injure
civilized place it however doesn’t. If you do so either play the
Trappings: Two Handweapons or One Greatweapon ogre as hiding it’s alignment having learnt that it’s not al-
Chaos Ogre — Silver 1 lowed much like you would play a witch as hiding her talents.
Skills: Dodge, Language (Dark Tongue), Lore (Chaos), Melee (Flail), Out-
Alternatively the player getting this career (if randomized)
door Survival, Swim replaces it with Outlaw.
Talents: Berserk Charge, Dirty Fighting, Frenzy, Strider (Snow)
Not all Norscans!
Trappings: Full chain armour
Norsca is uncivilized and their worship of dark gods rightly
Chaos Ogre Champion — Silver 2
hated but not all Norscans follow the dark gods out of de-
Skills: Intimidate, Leadership, Navigation, Track
votion. Many simply pray for them to not kill them. If the ogre
Talents: Battle Rage, Combat Master, Etiquette (Chaos Followers), Hat- worked with such Norscans he need not be approving of
red (Humans of the Southern Realms*) chaos but this career could still work for a warrior that fights
Trappings: Full plate armour, One mutation alongside Norscans.
Exalted Chaos Ogre— Silver 5

Skills: Ride (Chaos War Mammoth), Ride (Toad Dragon)

Talents: Combat Reflexes, Frightening, Resolute, Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Two mutations

*Counting all realms further south than Norsca as southern.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

made up of Ironguts. This is especially true amongst rich

Irongut or powerful Ogre tribes, who can afford the expensive
equipment and weaponry needed to equip a unit of
Ogre Ironguts.
Very little can stand before a full-blooded Ironguts
charge. Any enemy troops that aren't hurled to the
Ironguts are the Ogres of any given tribe that have the
ground by the impact of the collision are subsequently
most status and the best armour and weapons, acting
smashed, pulped or hacked apart by the massive
as the rock-hard fighting elite of their tribe's Tyrant. They
weapons the Ironguts carry. Any who survive that bar-
go into battle armed with massive two-handed weapons,
rage of brutality risk being stomped into the dirt under by
be they enormous scimitars, rocks bolted to tree boughs
the Ironguts metal-shod feet.
with iron bands, or simply gigantic versions of the tradit-
ional Ogre club. Ironguts wear large, ornamental gut- Ironguts are often used to spearhead an important at-
plates to show off their elite standing, and cover their tack, or are held in reserve by some Tyrants and used to
meaty arms and boulder-like heads in heavy armour bolster the battle line. A common Ogre saying when
plating cobbled together from various conquests over things are going badly is that it's "down to the Ironguts".
the years. Regardless of when or where they are deployed or how
badly they are outnumbered, there is always a chance
Although not markedly superior in strength to their fel-
such a rock-hard formation can batter their way to
lows, Ironguts are afforded great respect, as they are
usually hand-picked by the Tyrant himself. For this rea-
son, a unit of Ironguts may well include the Tyrant's im- Ironguts are also typified by an unshakable belief in their
mediate family, where another might be comprised of his own power and superiority. This stems from the exten-
favourite drinking cronies. That said, it's not unheard of sive eating contest that Ironguts go through to prove
for the bulk of some especially formidable Ogre tribes to their worth and themselves both in a crude type of initiat-
be ion ritual and occasionally just to show off. The Ironguts
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel will dispatch their intestinal prowess by eating a range of
Crossed Teutonic TeutonicSkull Teutonic
Shield unpalatable items ranging from rusty nails, hard gravel,
Cross Cross Cross
Halberds iron-banded cartwheels and even chains and armor,
which is particularly hard to chew. It was one of these
C areer ath P contest which gave the rise to the myth of "When Bolgut
Stonegut — Silver 1 Fell Ill", a favourite amongst Ogre whelps due to its
fanciful nature. After all, everyone knows there is little an
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Endurance, Intimidate, Language (Battle
Irongut cannot digest.
Tongue), Melee (Two-handed), Perform (Metal Eating), Gossip

Talents: Berserk Charge, Etiquette (Tyrants friends and family), Impla-

cable, Iron Jaw

Trappings: Greatweapon, Gutplate, Open Plate helmet

Irongut — Silver 3

Skills: Athletics, Entertain (Outlandish Bragging), Gamble, Lore (Ogres),

Secret Signs (Tyrants friends), Climb

Talents: Gregarious, Iron Will, Resolute, Hardy

Trappings: Full chain armour, Greatweapon with the fine quality

Steelgut — Silver 5

Skills: Bribery, Charm, Haggle, Dodge

Talents: Combat Reflexes, Fleet Footed, Robust, Strike Mighty Blow

Trappings: Plate Leggings

Gutlord — Gold 1

Skills: Leadership, Evaluate

Talents: Combat Master, Fearless (Anything smaller than you), Stout-

hearted, War Leader

Trappings: Command over a unit of Ironguts

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

al to cause destruction and the sheer joyful noise of their

Leadbelcher blasts is simply too great for most Ogre tribes to pass up.
It is easy enough to spot Ogres from a Leadbelcher unit, for
Ogre their faces are scorched, they bare severe powder burns, re-
gularly feature eye patches and often resort to protective metal
plates hammered into their faces. This is the legacy of point-
Leadbelchers, the Ogre term for both the weapon and the unit
blank detonations and an imperfect, if not downright clumsy,
that carries them, are the heavy artillery of the Ogre Kingdoms.
understanding of black powder. Regardless, these hardy and
Ogres have long been on the receiving end of artillery fire, and
noticeably deaf Ogres feel it is well worth sacrificing eyebrows,
they have grown to respect and admire its tremendous killing
an eye or even a few fingers for the chance to level such de-
power. Indeed such weapons are everything an Ogre admires;
vastating weapons at a foe. In fact, Leadbelchers without
they are big, loud and have a tremendous ability to smash
some scorching or disfigurement are looked down upon as
things aside if close quarter combat is prevalent. However,
novices by the rest of the unit until they manage to blast off a
forging any kind of cannon is beyond the ken of Ogres and for
few chunks of themselves.
years they had to make do with the salvaged remnants from
battlefields, ripped off their carriages and carried by the mas- To fire their weighty guns, Leadbelchers fill the barrel with sho-
sive brutes like handguns. vel-like fistfuls of crude black powder, metal shot, rusty nails,
an assortment of wickedly bladed weaponry and occasionally
There are many Ogre legends about these early pioneers in
an actual cannonball or similar sized boulder. The Leadbel-
the art of gunnery, like the tales of the Loose Tooth tribe and
chers go to battle with smouldering tapers pushed through the
the army of Nuln, or the Ironstompers and the attack on Karak
flesh of their scalps or held between their teeth. When a
Unfirth are often the first to be told. Units baring such looted
prospective target comes into range, they touch the taper to
weaponry were unreliable, but produced enough spectacular
the spark-holes and let loose thunderous blasts of hot metal
results that Ogre Tyrants were always greedily seeking to get
and pure concussive force. If all goes well, these shots will
their hands on more artillery pieces. It wasn't until the Ogre
blast apart the target or shred it with a salvo of rusted blades.
Kingdoms began to regularly trade with the Chaos Dwarfs that
Entire ranks have been blown to smithereens before the hel-
specially forged barrels became readily available. Now it is
lish firepower of the Leadbelchers, but if it goes poorly, a volley
rare to see a tribe without a unit of Leadbelchers. Their potenti-
will merely inconvenience the foe with hot wind, smoke and a
pinging sound as small metal fragments fly out of the thick
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel coils of smoke that momentarily hide the Ogres.
Skull Shield Teutonic
The Ironblaster is an Ogre war-machine consisting of a giant
cannon pulled by a Rhinox as well as the name of its opera-
tor. The cobbled-together wagon that is used to mount the
enormous gun barrel is also used to haul the vast quantities
Career Path of gunpowder needed. Such is the weight of the vast
contraption that the Rhinox which pulls it grunts and strains
Leadbelcher Recruit — Brass 5
under the pressure and even the stone wheels that hold it up
Skills: Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Entertain (mimick explosion sounds), Intimi- can only last for a few battles before cracking under the im-
date, Lore (Blackpowder), Trade (Pyrotechnics), Ranged (Blackpowder) mense weight.

Talents: Fast Shot, Iron Jaw, Marksman, Unshakable Ogres use few things that require maintenance, however, the
destructive force of an Ironblaster has persuaded
Trappings: Leadbelcher (Cannon)
many Tyrants to order a search for extra wheels or support-
Leadbelcher— Silver 1 horns when the device breaks down, as it is prone to do on
the many nomadic moves of the tribe. Between battles, it
Skills: Athletics, Consume Alcohol, Haggle, Language (Battle Tongue), Lore
requires a virtual army of Torch-gnoblars to maintain the war
(Ogres), Perform (Pyrotechnics)
machine and its carriage, the little runts often needing to
Talents: Accurate Shot, Gunner, Relentless, Fire team patch the rotting planks together or use gut-rope to bind the
vast horns back into place so the cannon can once again
Trappings: Torch-gnoblar
Thunderfist — Silver 3
New Talent:
Skills: Evaluate, Heal, Language (Khazalid), Leadership
Fire Team
Talents: Hardy, Rapid Reload, Sure Shot, Tinker
Max: 1
Trappings: Command of two or more leadbelchers

Ironblaster — Silver 5 Tests: Ranged Blackpowder when working with a

torch gnoblar
Skills: Animal Care, Drive
You have come to work well with a torch gnoblar and now
Talents: Implacable, Robust, Savant (Cannons), Sniper
rely on the little git. If you fight together with a torch-gnoblar
Trappings: Ironblaster (cannon and cart) you both start each battle with one advantage.

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

ving. Every now and then, their sheer numbers enable

Fighter them to pull down their foes in a tide of snapping maws,
stabbing blades and pure malice. When things do not
Gnoblar quite so well and they start to die in their droves, well,
they're only Gnoblars...
The larger members of Gnoblar society have a ten-
No matter how many Gnoblars meet the endless variety
dency towards independence. These Gnoblars forsake
of violent deaths promised by the hostile lands of the
their baggage-carrying brethren and band together into
Ogres, there always seem to be more to take their
loose but numerous groups that take to the battlefield in
place, which means when Ogres go to war, so do Gnob-
the hope of stealing some particularly choice shiny
lars. It's rare for an Ogre Tyrant to trust Gnoblars to do
things before the Corpse-Harvest.
anything important, especially in battle. Nonetheless,
Gnoblar Fighters arm themselves with an assortment of Gnoblars have their uses; a common tactic is to send
broken bottles, swords, spear tips, false legs, fangwea- them ahead of the army, so they can attack with missile
sel teeth, pointy sticks and rusted daggers - basically fire, and perhaps even in close combat before they
anything they can get their grubby, grasping hands inevitably run away. Some Tyrants even use them in
upon. Most of the time the Gnoblars will loiter behind hopes of exhausting an enemy's arrows, though this fact
the Ogres, making threatening yelps and menacingly is never mentioned to them as part of their duties.
shuffling forward. They can unleash a hail of sharp stuff,
Some of the gnoblar fighters with great effort to their
ranging from bristlehogs or sharpened horshesoes to
small little brains learn how to use slings. These flingers
jagged rocks - while short-ranged, such pointy rubbish
can keep a bit of distance from the foe balancing out the
can occasionally cause some real damage. In extreme
risks of one of their kin killing them to steal their slings.
circumstances (i.e., actual conflict) Gnoblar Fighters will
frenziedly jab their enemies in the nether regions with
their 'weapons' until either they or the enemy stops mo-

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Teutonic Teutonic Teutonic Skull Crossed Shield
Cross Cross Cross

Career Path
Bully — Brass 1

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Dodge, Intimidate, Melee (Brawling), Perception,

Ranged (Throwing), Sleight of Hand

Talents: Ambidextrous, Deadeye Shot, Dirty Fighting, In-fighter

Trappings: Various pieces of sharp-looking scraps

Fighter — Brass 2

Skills: Charm Animal, Endurance, Intuition, Lore (Ogres), Ranged (Sling), Ride

Talents: Careful Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dual Wielder, Jump up

Trappings: Sling or sharpened stick

Groinbiter — Brass 4

Skills: Language (Battle Tongue), Leadership, Melee (Basic), Ranged


Talents: Berserk Charge, Enclosed Fighter, Reaction Strike, Step Aside

Trappings: Handweapon or net

Grand Groinbiter — Brass 5

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool

Talents: Furious Assault, Hardy, Resolute, Strike to Injure

Trappings: Leather skullcap

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

use of course, a sword gnoblar gets better op-

Sword Gnoblar portunities to train than any other of their kin.
Becoming more skilled and the closest gnoblars
Gnoblar come to actual weapon masters. Inevitably a foe
will eventually get annoyed at the runts and strike
The most influential Ogres of each tribe, such them down instead of swinging at the the ogre, en-
as Bruisers, often manage to secure themselves a ding the sword gnoblars career.
Gnoblar or two worth more than the dung on their
New Talent:
oversized boots. The best warriors of these green-
skin slaves are known as Sword Gnoblars. My boss can beat your boss!

Sword Gnoblars are the biggest and meanest of Max: 1

their kind. These scrappy little guys will weave Tests: -
between his ogre master’s legs, jabbing at their
You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, a creature able to wrestle
opponent’s lower torso with makeshift weapons. giants, hunt down mammoths, scale the highest peaks
Often the distraction that these little warriors pro- unaided and much more before dinner. As long as you are
vide is enough for an ogre to land a crushingly near an ally which causes fear you ignore the fear rule of
accurate blow and occassionally the gnoblars everything with an equal or lower fear rating than your fear
causing ally.
themselves strike down their foes.
Shantytown Bully
Given actually good weapons from the fallen, pro-
vided these weapons are too small for an ogre to Max: Fellowship Bonus
Tests: Intimidate to people with lower status

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel You serve a mighty Ogre tyrant, the best boss in the whole
tribe, this automatically makes you superior to all other ogre
Teutonic Teutonic Skull Shield Teutonic Crossed
Cross Cross Cross slaves, something you love rubbing in their faces. When
dealing with others you may count the status of your ogre
master as your own status as long as those you deal with
Career Path have heard of your master.

Sword git — Brass 3

Skills: Climb, Cool, Dodge, Intuition, Lore (Ogres), Melee (Basic), Melee
(Brawling), Trade (Knife-grinder)

Talents: My Boss can Beat your boss!, Careful Strike, Reaction Strike, Warrior

Trappings: Large dagger

Sword Gnoblar— Brass 5

Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Melee (Parrying), Melee

(Fencing), Perception

Talents: Ambidextrous, Beat Blade, Relentless, Step Aside

Trappings: Sword

Sword Swinger— Silver 1

Skills: Language (Battle Tongue), Melee (Two-handed), Melee (Pole-arm),

Ranged (Any)

Talents: Shantytown Bully, Disarm, Riposte, Strike to Injure

Trappings: Two weapons of any kind

Grand Stabéer — Silver 2

Skills: Evaluate, Melee (Any)

Talents: Combat Master, Dual Wielder, Feint, Reversal

Trappings: One weapon with the fine quality

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Armoury Expanded
The rules in this supplement reference many different weapons, armours and items not part of the base rules, equipment that need
rules. This part of the book offers rules for them.

Pigbarter Pole-Hammer
Basically just a hammerhead at the end of a long stick this weapon has proved useful for hitting salamanders over the head and scare
them off. They are weapons of the pole-arms weapon group and use two hands to wield.

Cost Enc Availability Reach Damage Qualities and Flaws

1GC 2 Scarce Long +SB+4 Pummel

Ranged Weapons Expanded


Weapon Cost Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Ironblaster 250GC 45 Exotic 60 +30 Dangerous, Reload 8, Black Powder,

The Cult of the Great Maw, Ever-Hungry god of the Ogres
Seat of Power: Crater of the Great Maw Strictures
Head of the Cult: Skrag the Slaughterer -Never turn down food.
Primary Orders: No formal orders -Never shy away from danger.
Major Festivals: All Ogre Feasts are festivals
-Eat at least five meals a day.
holy to the cult of the great maw
-Don’t leave a bellow unanswered.
Popular ”Holy Books”: Cave-markings in the
ogre lands depicting their history, the oral his- -Fear the Great Maw above all other gods.
tory ”Saga of the Ogres”
Common Holy Symbols: A circle of jagged
The vicious and Violent Great Maw is what seems
to be a living comet laying in a desolate desert east
of the Mountains of Mourn. It is of an immense size
and neverending hunger. It’s arrival to the world kill-
led a majority of the ogres then living which gave
them a deep respect for it and got them to worship
it. A worship that has grown ever stronger with time
and which seems to bring an endless hunger.
Alternate Rule:
Worshippers Humans and Ogre gods
The Great Maw is worshipped almost exclusively by The gods of the ogres are normally only worship-
ogres (and sometimes gnoblars in an attempt to mi- ped by ogres but there is nothing in the creed
mick and appease their ogre masters). There are forbidding others to worship them, on the
few ogres that do not worship this deity and it is contrary most ogres would find such a choice na-
with fearful reverence it is done. But also with drun- tural and logical as they see their own gods as the
ken revelry and violent contests. Ogres celebrate strongest.
the hunger of the maw with great feasts of fighting,
If the GM wishes he can allow humans in religious
drinking and most importantly eating.
careers to worship these two gods and cast bles-
Holy Sites sings from them. There is however one extra
The one holy site of the great maw is the great maw requirement for humans to do so. A human must
itself. This giant teethed comet is a pilgrimage site have finished a pilgrimage to meet the deity in
for ogres to which many travel. Some espesially order to fully gain the reverence for it required to
fanatic ogres even rip out one of their eyes and channel its power. A human doing this for the
throw into the maw in celebration of their first Great Maw gains the ’Hungry’ trait when the
prophet and the maw, putting in its place a stone. Great Maw accepts him or her. One doing it for
Legends say some ogres have been granted visions the Firemouth gets the ablaze condition twice
by these stones but for most they are nothing more right before the Firemouth accepts him.
than ordinary stones.
Pilgrimages to the Great Maw, winning contests of
strength or eating against other Ogres where the
stakes are high.
Miracles of the Maw
The Blessings available to followers of the Maw are; Courage, Har-
diness, Healing, Might, Savagery, Tenacity.
Range: 5 yards
Spinemarrow Target: One enemy within range
Range: 10 yards Duration: Instant
Target: Two allies in range (one of them may be you should you wish) Ingredient: A severed head
Duration: One minute Selecting a severed head attatched to one of the meat hooks secured about
Ingredient: Gory spinal column his person, the Butcher chomps through the skull and gobbles up the grey
dainty within, projecting his victim’s worst nightmares into the minds of his
The butcher holds up a gory spinal corumn and sucks out all the blood and enemies. Each target gets the Broken condition twice. You can spend 2SL to
marrow to empower his companions. The targets get ”Fearless (All)” for give all targets two more Broken conditions.
the duration of the spell.
Range: 10 yards
Range: TB yards
Target: One ally in range (which may be you should you wish)
Target: One enemy
Duration: Four turns
Duration: Instant
Ingredient: Guts from a troll
Ingredient: A handfull of ribs, skulls and femurs.
Downing the toxic and utterly repulsive innards of a Troll isn’t easy but by
Shovelling a handfull of ribs, skulls and femurs into his mouth the butcher doing so a Butcher can magically transfer the beast’s supernatural healing
crunches them up even while he curses his foes who immediately find their ability unto himself and nearby companions, The Ogres wounds seem to
own bones with loud snapping sounds. The target(s) get a Minor broken stich together before the eyes of their dumbfounded enemies. All targets
bone effect on a randomly generated bodypart. You can spend 2 SL to heal one wound per turn.
change it from minor to major.

Range: 10 yards

Target: Two allies in range (one of them may be you should you wish) Ingredients?
Duration: One minute
You may be confused by the ingredients listed here
Ingredient: The heart of a worthy beast as miracles don’t tend to have them. Worry not, the
Greedily devouring the heart of a bull Rhinox or Mournfang the Butcher miracles work as normal and the ingredients are not
can project the raw vitality imbued in such a worthy sacrifice to the Maw. needed. They are used only for the purpose of the
The targets get +10 to their strength. You can spend 1 SL to increase the
”Gastromantic Power” talent.
boost to +20.

Range: 10 yards

Target: Two allies in range (one of them may be you should you wish)

Duration: One minute

Ingredient: A chunk of granite

By consuming a hunk of tooth-cracking granite the Butcher bestows the

rock´s resilience and the sturdiness of the mountains themselves into his
brethren. The targets get +10 to their toughness. You can spend 1 SL to
increase the boost to +20.
The Cult of the Fire Mouth, God of Volcanoes
Seat of Power: The Fire Mouth Penances
Head of the Cult: Council of Firebellies Pilgrimages to the Fire Mouth, swallowing magma,
Primary Orders: The Firebellies setting yourself on fire.
Major Festivals: The Flame Trial Strictures
Popular ”Holy Books”: Oral traditions -Answer the calls of the Fire Mouth as best you can
Common Holy Symbols: Tattooes of flames, a interpret them.
volcano symbol
-Spread the faith of the Fire Mouth.
The Fire Mouth is the Ogre God of Fire and Volca-
noes, and the supposed offspring of the Great Maw. -Light a fire each day.
Every so often the skies of the Ogre Kingdoms are -Burn or shave yourself to stay hairless.
thrown into turmoil, set alight by the volcano the
Ogres call the Fire Mouth. Located near the centre -Honour the father and mother of the Fire Mouth
of their mountainous realm, the vast conical edifice (The sun and the Great Maw).
is considered by Ogres to be the offspring of an un-
holy alliance between the Great Maw and the sun.
As a result, the Fire Mouth is itself a god, given re-
verence by all Ogres and especially worshiped by
those tribes that have witnessed the power of its Ogres and Magic
titanic eruptions.
The gods of the ogres are their own and their rites
Worshippers may be primitive but the basics are the same as
The volcano even has its own blazing priests, those of human worship where the latter is simply
the Firebellies. The majority of the Firebellies clus- more ordered and civilized. Ogres have their own
ter in a small tribe at the foot of their molten- priestly careers (Butcher and Firebelly namely) to
hearted god where they lead many rituals. After ye- use divine magic but apart from this and some
ars of service to their god, Firebellies often become unique talents that can affect it their magic works
possessed with wanderlust and will join other tribes exactly like human divine magic.
throughout the Ogre Kingdoms, or even travel to far It should be possible for ogres to potentially learn
distant realms. Along the way, Firebellies will arcane magic but even when that is the case the
spread the word of their angry god before retur- ogres use rituals and see it as coming from their
ning, leading a pilgrimage of many Ogres. Never gods. Thus some of the mages studying magic of
truly at rest, the Fire Mouth periodically bubbles other species theorized that ogres can’t conceptu-
and spits thick streams of lava down its sides like an alize such power coming from themselves and
over brimming meat pot. Its major eruptions are thus can only use divine magic, needing to believe
always seen by the Ogres as a sign that it is time for their power comes from a higher source.
Holy Sites
The one holy site of the Fire Mouth is fittingly
enough the Fire Mouth itself though some Firebel-
lies consider all volcanoes minor holy sites of their
god as other volcanoes are the children of the Fire
Miracles of the Firemouth
The Blessings available to followers of the Firemouth are; Char-
Bow before the Volcano Father you weak
isma, Courage, Fortune, Hardiness, Might, Righteousness
pathetic gits!
Range: 15 yards
Range: Self
Target: FelB enemies within range
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Duration: One hour
You launch a pillar of flame and force by heat and fear your foes to their
Holding up an item and bellowing for the power of the Fire Mouth you knees in reverence to the Fire Mouth. All targets get the prone condition
ignite it. One item you carry starts to burn and can not be put out for the (from bowing down). Targets with the Iron Will talent are immune to this
duration of the spell (after which it will work like a normal fire). miracle and refuse to bow to anyone. Undead and daemons are also im-
mune but for other reasons.
Lavaflow from within
Cool off
Range: Self
Range: 10 yards
Target: Self
Target: One ally in range (which may be you should you wish)
Duration: One Hour
Duration: Instant
Invoking the lavaflow of the firemouth the firebelly makes his tattoos start
to glow with divine fire. You illuminate your surroundings giving the illumi- Snapping your finger you put out fire burning on your friends showing it
nation of a burning building. You can spend 2SL to give one blinded con- that your god is better than those puny little fires. All targets lose all their
dition to all enemies with the night vision talent within line of sight. You Ablaze conditions.
can stop the miracle whenever you wish as a free action. If you are in com-
bat you may only stop the miracle during your own turn.

Fire Breath
Range: Cone of FelB yards

Target: AoE (Cone of FelB yards)

Duration: Instant

Breathing out you send a stream of fiery destruction at your foes. All tar-
gets suffer 5+SL damage and take an Ablaze condition.

Fists of Fire
Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: One minute

By shouting ”Fire Mouth” at the top of your lungs you set your fists ablaze
with fiery power. For the duration of the spell unarmed attacks use the
pray skill, cause +2 damage and are magical.

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