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1 to bagsy
/ˈbæɡzi/ - to manage to get something for yourself before
anyone else can
You can’t sit there! I bagsied the front seat of the car!

2 bloke
/bləʊk/ - a man
I thought he was going to be arrogant but he was such a
nice bloke!

3 bog
/bɒɡ/ - a toilet
Mum! You’ve forgotten to buy bog roll!

4 to budge up
/bʌdʒ ʌp/ - to move along in order to make space for someone
Would you mind budging up? There is enough room for all of
us on this bench!

5 to cheese off
/tʃiːz ɒf/ - to annoy
He really cheesed me off today! Who does he think he is?

6 chin wag
/tʃɪn wæɡ/ - enthusiastic conversation
I saw them having a chin wag at the park - maybe there is
romance in the air!

7 chuffed
/tʃʌft/ - very pleased
I am so chuffed with my exam results! They were way better
than I expected!

8 codswallop
/ˈkɒdzwɒləp/ - ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are
silly or not true
I've never heard such a load of old codswallop in my life.

9 dodgy
/ˈdɒdʒi/ - seeming untrustworthy
Don’t speak to that old woman, she seems really dodgy!

10 dosh
/dɒʃ/ - money
How much dosh have you got on you?



11 fit
/fɪt/ - attractive
I met such a fit guy at the party last night!

12 gutted
/ˈɡʌtɪd/ - extremely sad or disappointed
I was completely gutted when we had to cancel our
wedding, but I feel a lot better now.

13 knackered
/ˈnækəd/ - extremely tired
I was so knackered after work yesterday that I fell asleep on
the train!

14 legend
/ˈledʒənd/ - a great person
I love you, you’re such a legend!

15 miffed
/mɪft/ - annoyed
I’m a bit miffed that I didn’t get the job as I was the best
candidate by far!

16 minted
/ˈmɪntɪd/ - very rich
My uncle lives in a castle - he is absolutely minted!

17 skint
/skɪnt/ - having no money
I can’t go out tonight - I’m completely skint.

18 to skive
/skaɪv/ - to avoid work or school by staying away or leaving
I always skive off work the day after a bank holiday!

19 starkers
/ˈstɑːkəz/ - not wearing any clothes (abbreviation of stark
I love you, you’re such a legend!

20 to take the mickey

/teɪk ðə ˈmɪki/ - to mock
Are you taking the mickey? I’m not going to drive you to the

The End

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