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Owned and Operated by the City Government of Gapan

Module 1

History (from Greek ἱστορία, historia, meaning "inquiry; knowledge acquired by

investigation") is the study of the past. Events before the invention of writing systems
are considered prehistory. "History" is an umbrella term comprising past events as well
as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of
these events. Historians seek knowledge of the past using historical sources such as
written documents, oral accounts, art and material artifacts, and ecological markers


1. Understand Society
2. Understand Change
3. Provides Sense of identity
4. Preserves Stories
5. Inspire Us
6. Teach us warning sighs
7. Help us be better people

1. Understand Society - of all of the reasons to study history, this one might be the
most important. How can we being to understand society today without understand
what created it? The events and people that shaped who we are today are incredibly
2. Understand Change - going along with understanding society, studying history
allows us a look into what causes change. The events leading up to both World Wars
help us understand how a small event can set off a large series of changes. History
gives us the opportunity to see how daily life has changed over the years, and what
goes into the fostering that change.
3. Provides Sense of identity - It is no wonder that websites like are so
popular. People are intrigued to know where they came from. What blood runs in
their veins? Is there any interesting family history? Knowing the history of your family
is very important to some people in finding a sense of identity.

Readings in Philippine History
4. Preserves Stories - It is important we hear the stories of those before us. I find
talking to my grandmother fascinating because she tells me so many stories of what
it was like growing up in her time. I think it is important to hear what those before us
have to say. We need to hear their stories, preserve them, and pass them down to
those after us.
5. Inspire Us - Hearing the stories of those before us can inspire us to take action in our
own lives. Knowing that my ancestors came to this country and worked their hardest
for a better life, inspires me to work my hardest of provide for my future family. Our
past can have a huge impact on our future and we need that inspiration to teach us
6. Teach us warning sign - in the Jewish community, we pray that another Holocaust
will never happen to any group of people every again. But because of our suffering,
we have learned the warning signs leading up to such a horror. Society has been able
to take these warning signs and fight against them when they seem them in the
present day. Knowing what events led up to a large occasion helps up better predict
and influence our future
7. Help us be better people - some people view history as a boring and unimportant
subject, but one of the most important reasons to study history is that is will make
you a better person. You will have a better understanding of the world and what
shaped it into the world it is today. You will understand the suffering, joy, and chaos
that were necessary for the present day to happen.
Some people think history is very boring, and I never understood those people. It is a
giant story that leads up to you. It tells you about the lives of people who lived
hundreds of years before you. And it can help you understand and mold the world
around you. What did you think of my reasons to study history? What are some
reasons you think it is important to study history? Did you enjoy studying history in

Readings in Philippine History

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