January 2022 Draft: Executive Elective: Strategic Communication For Executives 15.S58

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Executive Elective: Strategic Communication for Executives


Instructor: Neal A. Hartman TA:


January 7 & 8, 2022 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Course Description:

Communication is crucial to the effectiveness of all leaders and nearly every other management

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skill depends on your ability to communicate effectively – formally or informally. As people
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rise to levels of senior executive responsibility, they must motivate, persuade, and inspire even
the most resistant audience. This course will focus on the following themes: (1) identifying a
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range of communication styles, recognizing how to use them with different audiences and in
various contexts, and exploring the notions of executive presence; (2) exploring principles of
persuasion and how to build and deliver compelling persuasive messages; (3) understanding

cross-cultural and global communication issues and differences and how to lead multi-cultural
groups; and (4) leading and communicating in a crisis situation.

Specific Course Objectives:


Ø Explore different communication styles and assess the effectiveness of each in different

Ø Understand techniques of persuasion and how to build effective persuasive arguments.

Ø Practice and polish vocal and nonverbal delivery skills.

Ø Develop an understanding of and appreciation for cross-cultural and global

communication issues and differences and explore how to lead multi-cultural groups.

Ø Learn to lead and communicate effectively during a crisis event.

Ø Assess your own communication/leadership style and capabilities and consider aspects of
executive presence.

Ø Learn from the communication/leadership experiences of others through a series of

interactive exercises and case/classroom discussions.
EMBA: 15.740 Syllabus – Page 2

Sessions I & II – January 7th

I. Communication Styles and Executive Presence

Session I explores a range of communication styles that shape how we communicate

in different situations. We will take the Interpersonal Attitude Survey to recognize a
range of four distinct communication styles and examine how each might be effective
in various contexts. We will explore how communication contributes to executive
presence and examine the idea of executive presence through a model developed by

Susan Bates and colleagues and by watching and critiquing selected video examples.

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Principles of Persuasion and Building Effective Persuasive Messages
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Reading: Harnessing the Science of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

We will examine principles of persuasion and explore how to build effective

persuasive arguments and messages. This session will focus on persuasion and

influence and discuss ethical considerations of persuasion. After presenting

frameworks for creating persuasive messages, we will practice structuring and
delivering compelling persuasive arguments.

Sessions III & IV – January 8th

III. Leading Across Cultures: Understanding Cross-cultural and Global

Communication Issues and Differences

Case: “Leading Across Cultures at Michelin” (A) by Erin Meyer and

Sapna Gupta, INSEAD 2009, IN5538

In this session we will explore some of the issues surrounding cross-cultural and
global communication. What can leaders do to understand and appreciate cultural
differences? We will examine frameworks for developing key competencies around
intercultural communication and consider some of the values and perceptions that
differentiate one culture from another.
EMBA 15.740 Syllabus – Page 3

The case Leading across Cultures at Michelin provides an opportunity to look at how
culture affects leadership and how and why leaders in a global world need to be
aware of these cultural issues.

IV. Leading and Communicating in Crisis Situations

Nothing tests a leader like a crisis and leaders make a profound impact based on how
they guide the organization through these moments. In session IV, we will consider
strategies for dealing with crisis situations, examine several mini-case scenarios, and

develop responses to crisis events encountered by a variety of organizations and

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discuss the relative merits of those responses.
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Final Assignment: Leadership Reflection Report

Based on discoveries during the four class modules about your own Communication skills,
reflect on the various strengths of your current Communication abilities, identify areas of your

Communication skills you plan to develop, and suggest strategies for how you will develop
selected skills. Include a recent story/example that demonstrates one of your current

Communication strengths. The report should be 2-3 pages.

Reflection Report is due January 17, 2022.


Strategic Communication for Executives will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

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