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Practice Test 4 - Assessment of Learning

Multiple Choice

Choose the BEST answer.

1. Between a driver who passed the written test but failed the driving test and one who passed the
driving test but failed the written test, the latter is generally preferred. But most preferred is one
who passes both written and driving test. What does this imply about assessment practice? *

a. Traditional assessment when done well can function as authentic assessment.

b. Authentic assessment complements traditional assessment.

c. Authentic assessment can be relied upon.

d. Traditional and authentic assessments cannot adequately measure what is intended to be


2. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results. In which subject did
Glenn performed most poorly in relation to the group performance? *

Subject Mean SD Glenn’s Score

English 85 3.50 88

Mathematics 97 5.00 95

Music 98 6.50 90

PE 91 4.00 94

a. PE

b. English

c. Mathematics

d. Music

3. In which subject the scores most dispersed? *

a. English
b. Mathematics

c. PE

d. Music

4. In which subject the scores less dispersed? *

a. Mathematics

b. English

c. PE

d. Music

5. In which subject did Glenn performed best in relation to the performance of the group? *

a. English

b. PE

c. Mathematics

d. Music

6. What type of learner is Glenn? *

a. Musical

b. Logical

c. Bodily-Kinesthetic

d. Linguistic

7. Learner A received an Initial Grade of 60 in Mathematics for the First Quarter, which, when
transmuted to a grade of _________. *

a. 70

b. 65

c. 80
d. 75

8. The following are John’s grades for the second term. Find his general weighted average. *

Subject Units Grade

Purposive Communication 3 1.5

Mathematics in Modern World 3 2.3

Panitikang Filipino 3 2.0

Science, Technology & Society 3 2.8

Readings in Philippine History 3 1.4

a. 1.95

b. 2.00

c. 2.10

d. 2.01

9. What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution? *

a. Most students performed well.

b. Most students performed poorly.

c. A few students performed excellently.

d. Almost all students had average performance.

10. Which is TRUE of Kindergarten grades? *

a. There are numerical grades with descriptions.

b. There are no numerical grades.

c. Grades are computed like the grades in Grade 1.

d. Remarks like passed and Failed are used.

11. In the K to 12 Basic Education grading system, the lowest mark that can appear on the report
card for Quarterly Grades and Final Grades is ______. *

a. 60

b. 65

c. 75

d. 50

12. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grades 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet
expectations ________________. *

a. In 2 learning areas

b. In three or more learning areas

c. As shown in the general average

d. In four learning areas

13. One-way ANOVA is used when: *

a. analyzing the difference between two population means

b. analyzing the results of a two-tailed test

c. analyzing the results from a large sample

d. analyzing the difference between more than two population means

14. Which is/are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?

I. The quarterly grade is the average of the quarterly grades in the four areas Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)

II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH).

III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because they are related *

a. I only
b. II only

c. I and III

d. I and II

15. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained? *

a. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters

b. Get the average of the grades for the 4 Quarters

c. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters.

d. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters

16. In a one hundred-item test, what does Richard’s raw score of 70 mean? *

a. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.

b. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score

c. He got 70 items correct.

d. He got a score above the mean.

17. Which is TRUE when standard deviation is small? *

a. Scores are spread apart.

b. The bell curve is relatively flat.

c. Scores are toward both extremes.

d. Scores are tightly bunched together.

18. Which measure of central tendency is MOST reliable when scores are extremely high and low?

a. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given.

b. Mean

c. Median
d. Mode

19. In reporting learner’s behavior demonstrating the Core Values, which rating scale is used? *

a. Non-numerical rating

b. Either numerical or non-numerical rating

c. Numerical rating

d. Both numerical and non-numerical rating

20. At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades?

I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total number of
learning areas.

II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average.

III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole numbers. *

a. II and III

b. I and II

c. I and III

d. I, II and III

21. A result is called “statistically significant” whenever *

a. The p-value is less or equal to the significance level.

b. The alternative hypothesis is true.

c. The p-value is larger than the significance level.

d. The null hypothesis is true.

22. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning areas?

a. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
b. Is not accepted for enrolment in the school

c. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas with failing

d. Retained in the same grade level

23. The normal curve represents a distribution where the __________, ___________, and
___________ are equal to each other. *

a. mean / median / mode

b. mean / median / standard deviation

c. range / standard deviation / variance

d. mode/ median / standard deviation

24. The computed r-value for Math and Science is -0.92. What does this imply? *

a. The higher the scores in Math, the higher the scores in Science

b. The lower the scores in Science, the higher the scores in Math

c. Math and Science scores are inversely related.

d. The higher the scores in Science, the lower the scores in Math

25. I get a grade of 90. What is its descriptor? *

a. Advanced

b. Beginning

c. Very satisfactory

d. Outstanding

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