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Economic English (Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris)

Bambang Sutrisno
Exercise 1: Complete the following paragraph with
the words in the box.
Halal tourism is a 1)…….. of tourism which is geared towards
Muslim families who abide by 2)…….. of Islam. The hotels in such
destinations do not serve alcohol and have separate swimming pools and
spa facilities for men and women. Malaysia, Turkey and many more
countries are trying to 3)…….. Muslim tourists from all over the world
offering facilities in accordance with the religious 4)…….. of Muslim
tourists. Currently, there exists no internationally recognized 5)…….. on
Halal tourism.
The Halal tourism industry also provides flights where no alcohol or
pork products are served, prayer timings are announced, and religious
programs are 6)…….. as part of entertainment offered on board.

rules standards subcategory

beliefs broadcast attract
Exercise 2: Complete the following paragraph with
the words in the box.
Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic 1) ……... It is the
month during which Muslims 2) …….. fasting from morning twilight
(Fajr Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer). The term
Ramadhan is literally driven from al-Ramd which means ‘burning
heat of the sun’. It is believed that this name is given to the fasting
month due to the 3) …….. experienced during fasting.
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam that the name is
given to the fasting month because fasting 4) …….. the sins.
According to some 5) …….. ‘Ramadhan’ is one of the Names of Allah
and hence the more 6) …….. way to refer to the month of fasting is
to say “The Month of Ramadhan”, not Ramadhan.

narrations appropriate burns

thirst observe calendar
Exercise 3: Complete the following paragraph with
the words in the box.
Zakat is one of the most important 1) …….. of Islam. It is 2) ……..
for every muslim who is financially stable, to pay zakat to the poor and
needy. Zakat is an act of 3) …….. which every muslim should perform to
help the underprivileged muslims. In Quran, zakat is discussed for a
number of times.
According to Islam, zakat is meant to be paid in order to
4) …….. the wealth. Therefore, those muslims who have enough wealth
have to give a little amount i.e. 2.5% of your wealth to the poor and
needy. It is the duty of wealthy people to serve the deprived community
by helping them in every possible way. Zakat is not a voluntary charity but
an obligation. Muslims 5) …….. zakat every year in order to purify their
wealth and to seek 6) ……... from Allah.

pay blessings pillars

worship purify mandatory

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