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​ O video será nesses dois formatos, em inglês :

Hello everyone, my name is Milena and these are: william and marilise. We will talk about

The capital of England is:
The government is:
The monarchy is a system of government in which the monarch, emperor or king, governs
a country as a head of State. Government is for life, that is, until death or abdication. The
transmission of government occurs in an inherited way
The monarch of the United Kingdom is:
Elizabeth second
And the currency is:
British Pound
The flag is this:

now we will learn more about history, culture and more
stay tuned and get ready for a great trip


(irá ser falada de uma forma resumida por Milena, william e marilise)

(milena): The land known as England has been inhabited for thousands of years. The Celts had
lived there since 500 a.C. Then came the Romans. In the fifth and sixth centuries, three peoples of
northern Europe conquered England: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. Their language, the
Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, was the basis of today's English. The region became known as
"Angle-land" and later became "England".
In 1066 the Norman Conquest took place: the Normans, branch of the Vikings that had settled in
the north of France, conquered England. The fusion of old English with Norman French and its
culture marks the beginning of modern England and English. In 1154, henry II ascended the throne
and began a new lineage of kings, increasing the territory of the country.

(William): The ancient kings vied for power with the Catholic Church and the nobility. King John
was cruel and unpopular. The nobles then united to limit their power. In 1215, they forced him to
sign a document called the Magna Carta. This first constitution granted rights to the English
people. Then, in the thirteenth century, Parliament was formed, the legislative body.
During the reign of Henry VIII, the English set out to conquer the world, but it was in the reign of
Queen Elizabeth I that England became a maritime power. The country's power soon spread to
other parts of the world. English merchants established trading posts in distant places such as
India and North America. It was precisely from the sixteenth century that the British empire
expanded throughout the world, including much of Africa, almost all of North America, India and
several islands around the world.

(marilise): In the seventeenth century, the English kings fought against the Parliament. They did
not want to split power. This conflict led to civil war in 1642. The group that supported the king
fought against the one who supported the Parliament. It defeated Parliament. From 1649 to 1660,
England was left without a king. The leader of Parliament, Oliver Cromwell, declared Lord
Protector of the country, ruled it as a republic for eleven years. In 1660 the royal power returned,
although more limited.
Over hundreds of years, England gradually appropriated neighboring territories as well. Wales was
incorporated into England in 1536. In 1707, Scotland merged with Wales and England to form
Britain. In 1801, Ireland was annexed to England, Scotland and Wales, constituting the United
Kingdom of England and Ireland. Most of Ireland became a republic in 1921, but Northern Ireland
remained part of the United Kingdom, which was renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.

(irá ser falada de uma forma resumida por Milena, william e marilise)

(William): At first the English people may seem cold and hostile. But they are not. They are just
more introspective and timid, really. Another important point is that English people are very keen on
education and good manners. So whenever you meet an unknown person it is important to greet
them. Never ask for anything without putting the "please" in the sentence. Be always punctual in
the commitments, greet the people with a friendly smile, and if you can not attend let them know in

(marilise): In the culture of England customs could not fail to have a captive place. British love
pubs, beer and football. In fact, they created football. They love Big Ben, they do not give up on the
London Eye, they have a real ritual in the 5 o'clock tea, they ovate the queen, the change of
guards, and they walk in the cemeteries as if they were in parks. They are the creators of a more
ironic and sarcastic mood, you know? Like Monty Phynthon and standup comedy.
(milena): One could not fail to mention the English artists who marked the epoch and made
history, right? William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens,; Charles Darwin,; Wiston Churchill, and
John Lennon. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Sex Pistols,
The Kinks, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Adele and so many others.


​Fish and Chips ​Cornish Pasty ​Wellington Beef ​Bangers and Mash ​Roast Beef


​Londres ​Universidade de Cambridge ​ astelo de

C ​ s pedras de
Windsor Cidades Stonehenge

 * While in Brazil drivers drive motor vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc.) on the
right lane, in England drivers must drive their vehicles on the left lane.
* An important tradition in England is afternoon tea, which takes place punctually at 5 pm.
* The name England derives from the word "Englaland" (England), whose meaning is
"Terra dos Anglos". The Anglos, Germanic tribe, occupied and colonized the region of the
present England after the fall of Roman Empire of the West (century V).
* The largest city in England is London with 7.8 million inhabitants.
* The most important river in England is the Thames, which passes in the southern region
of the country.
* The most common surnames in England are: Smith, Jones, Taylor and Brown.
* One of the most important dates in England is April 23, St. George's Day (patron of

This is it people, I hope you have enjoyed it
thank you very much
See you!!

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