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Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

Simplified analysis of cantilever diaphragm walls in cohesive soils

Enrico Conte, Antonello Troncone ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, 87036 Rende, Cosenza, Italy

Received 4 January 2018; received in revised form 11 July 2018; accepted 9 August 2018
Available online 12 November 2018


In this paper, a method is presented for a simplified analysis of cantilever diaphragm walls in cohesive soils under undrained and
drained conditions. A rectilinear distribution of the net contact stresses that are not completely predetermined by the limit state is
assumed at the soil-wall interface, consistently with the mechanism usually experienced by these structures. Simple equations are derived
to readily calculate the contact stress distribution on the wall and the associated internal forces in the ultimate and service conditions.
Moreover, these equations require few parameters as input data. Comparisons are carried out with a limit equilibrium method commonly
used in design to show the usefulness of the proposed method for practical purposes.
Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license. (

Keywords: Earth pressure; Active pressure; Passive pressure; Retaining structures (IGC: E5/H2)

1. Introduction to excavation induces negative excess pore water pressures

that progressively dissipate with time. As steady state seep-
Diaphragm walls are extensively employed as temporary age conditions are approached, the dissipation of these
and permanent retaining structures to provide a lateral pore pressures has a destabilising effect on the wall. By con-
support to an unstable soil mass owing to excavations. trast, the movements of the wall may result in a significant
These structures can be cantilevered, usually when the increase in pore water pressure in the soil in front of the
retained height is relatively low, or anchored. The wall sta- wall (on the excavated side), the dissipation of which leads
bility of cantilevered structures is essentially ensured by the in principle to an improvement of the wall stability. It is
passive resistance in front of the structure on the excavated generally difficult to establish a priori which effect prevails
side, and the embedment depth is designed to allow the and whether there is an increase or a reduction in the safety
development of this resistance. In addition, the structure margin during the consolidation process (Lancellotta,
has to be designed to resist the internal forces induced by 2002). Consequently, the designer should consider both
the contact stresses, with the mechanical behaviour of the outcomes by analysing the wall behaviour under undrained
involved materials properly taken into account (Conte and drained conditions, especially in soft clays. An
et al., 2013, 2015). undrained analysis is especially important for temporary
In many situations, the wall is constructed in clayey or diaphragm walls.
silty soils. In these circumstances, the stress removal due Conventional calculations are based on the limit equilib-
rium method, in which the mechanism considered for the
structure is a rotation around a pivot point located near
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. the wall toe (Burland et al., 1981; Bowles, 1982; Padfield
⇑ Corresponding author. and Mair, 1984, Bolton and Powrie, 1987; Bica and
E-mail addresses: enrico.conte@ (E. Conte), antonello. Clayton, 1989; King, 1995; Osman and Bolton, 2004; (A. Troncone).
0038-0806/Ó 2018 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license. (
E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457 1447

Madabhushi and Chandrasekaran, 2005; Gaba et al., distribution was also proposed by King (1995), Day
2017). Owing to this mechanism, it is assumed that the nor- (1999) and more recently by Conte et al. (2017), for analys-
mal stresses above the pivot consist of active stresses on the ing the behaviour of retaining walls embedded in dry sand.
retained side and passive stresses on the excavated side. Simple equations are derived to calculate the contact stress
Below the rotation point, soil goes from the active to the distribution and the associated internal forces arising in the
passive state, with passive stresses on the retained side. structure. These equations can be readily used to analyse
As a further simplification, the contact stress distribution the wall behaviour in ultimate and service conditions. Some
shown in Fig. 1 is often considered, with the horizontal comparisons with Blum’s method are also carried out to
contact stresses below the rotation point, which are show the usefulness of the proposed method for practical
replaced by a resultant force, R, applied at this point purposes.
(Blum, 1931). The required embedment depth is evaluated
from the moment equilibrium about the same point, and 2. Proposed method
the resulting depth is empirically increased by 20% in order
to allow the development of R. Once this force is calculated Under the assumption that a structural failure does not
from the equilibrium of the horizontal forces, it is also nec- occur, a cantilevered diaphragm wall generally moves as an
essary to check whether the resulting embedment depth is approximately rigid body that rotates about a point
sufficient to generate the force R under the action of the located in proximity of the base of the structure (Fig. 2)
passive pressures behind the wall and the active pressures owing to the soil excavation in front of it (Bolton and
in front of it. This method was originally proposed by Powrie, 1987, 1988; Clough and O’Rourke, 1990). As a
Blum (1931) and is commonly used in practice, especially consequence of this mechanism, the soil and the wall
in Europe. To analyse the behaviour of the wall under ser- undergo large displacements in their upper portion, and
vice conditions, a similar contact stress distribution is often much smaller displacements in the lower portion. As an
used in conjunction with a safety factor that should over- example, Fig. 3 shows the excavation-induced soil move-
come the uncertainties in the input parameters and ensure ments observed during a centrifuge test (Bolton and
that the structure remains serviceable under working con- Powrie, 1988). It is clearly evident from this figure that
ditions (Burland et al., 1981; Valsangkar and Schriver, the soil displacements significantly reduce near the base
1995; Powrie, 1996; Pane and Tamagnini, 1997). However, of the structure. In view of the above mechanism, it is rea-
a drawback of this approach is that the resulting internal sonable to assume that, up to a certain depth from the
forces in the wall depend on the value of the safety factor excavation level, the wall is subjected to active stresses on
and also on the particular way in which this safety factor the retained side and to passive stresses on the excavated
is introduced into the calculations (Bolton et al., 1989). side. Below the above-mentioned depth, however, the
In the present study, a simple to use method is proposed assumption that the contact stresses are at limit state is
for the analysis of cantilever diaphragm walls in cohesive not appropriate, as it was documented in several experi-
soils under undrained and drained conditions. In this mental studies (Terzaghi, 1934; James and Bransby, 1970;
method a rectilinear distribution of the net contact stresses Clayton and Milititsky, 1986).
is assumed at the soil-wall interface, the values of which are The method proposed in this paper is based on this evi-
not completely predetermined by limit state. A similar dence and allows the behaviour of diaphragm walls in

Fig. 1. Horizontal stress distribution assumed by Blum (1931). Fig. 2. Displacement pattern of a cantilevered diaphragm wall.
1448 E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

Fig. 3. Excavation-induced soil movements observed during a centrifuge test (modified from Bolton and Powrie, 1988).

cohesive soils to be analysed under both the undrained and where rv is the vertical total stress at that depth, and a is
drained conditions. A detailed description of this method is given by
provided in the subsequent sections. rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
a¼2 1þ ð3Þ
3. Diaphragm wall under undrained conditions
with a = 2 when the adhesion effects are ignored.
Fig. 4 also shows the net horizontal stress diagram con-
A diaphragm wall embedded in a purely cohesive soil
sidered in the present study. Specifically, it is assumed that
with horizontal ground surface is schematized in Fig. 4.
the soil above the excavation level is in an active limit state
Height H and penetration D of the structure are assigned.
owing to the wall movement. In this connection, the value
The soil is completely saturated with unit weight c, and
of ra at any depth is calculated using Eq. (1). The scheme
undrained strength cu . Considering that the installation
of Fig. 4 also accounts for the presence of a vertical tension
of the wall generally produces some smear of the soil in
crack on the retained side, the depth of which is estimated
contact with the wall, a resistance ca (adhesion) is assumed
as hc ¼ a cu =c. For simplicity, the active stresses acting on
at the soil-wall interface, with ca 6 cu . Therefore, the active
the portion of wall with height H  hc are replaced by their
and passive stresses ra and rp (in terms of total stress) at a
resultant force S a applied at a distance y 1 from the excava-
given depth are approximately evaluated using the follow-
tion level. The expression of S a and y 1 are respectively:
ing equations (Rowe, 1957):
1 2
ra ¼ r v  a c u ð1Þ Sa ¼ c ðH  hc Þ ð4Þ
rp ¼ r v þ a c u ð2Þ 1
y 1 ¼ ðH  hc Þ ð5Þ
In order to calculate the lateral stresses below the exca-
vation level, it is convenient to treat the soil mass above
this level as a surcharge q ¼ c H (Fig. 4). Considering that,
up to a depth X measured from the excavation level
(Fig. 4), the active and passive stresses are fully mobilised
behind and in front of the wall respectively, the net lateral
stress (i.e. the difference between the passive stress and the
active stress) acting on the portion of wall from the excava-
tion level to depth X, is constant with depth and is given by
r1 ¼ 2 a cu  q ð6Þ
where r1 > 0, otherwise a wall with that height is impossi-
ble to be stable.
At depths greater than X, where the contact stresses are
Fig. 4. Net horizontal stress distribution assumed in the proposed method not at limiting conditions owing to a significant reduction of
for diaphragm walls in cohesive soils under undrained conditions. the soil displacements (Figs. 2 and 3), the net stress varies
E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457 1449

linearly from r1 at depth X on the excavated side, to r2 at 4. Diaphragm wall under drained conditions
the wall toe on the retained side (Fig. 4). In other words,
unlike the traditional methods based on the limit equilib- For cohesive soils under drained conditions, the active
0 0
rium approach (Blum, 1931; Padfield and Mair, 1984), the and passive effective stresses, ra and rp , acting on the wall
assumption of rigid-plastic behaviour of the soil is not in the horizontal direction, can be evaluated using the fol-
maintained in the proposed method. It is also worth noting lowing equations:
that the net stress diagram shown in Fig. 4 is completely 0 0
defined once X and r2 are known. To this end, equating ra ¼ K a rv  K ac c0 ð14Þ
0 0
the horizontal forces acting on the wall and the moments rp ¼ K p rv þ K pc c 0
generated by these forces about the wall toe, leads to a sys-
tem of two equations from which the following expressions where
for X and r2 can be readily obtained (See Appendix A): K ac ¼ ð1  K a Þ cotg/0 ð16Þ
3 ½r1 D2  2 S a ðy 1 þ DÞ K pc ¼ ðK p  1Þ cotg/ 0
X ¼D ð7Þ
2 ðr1 D  S a Þ 0

rv is the vertical effective stress at a given depth, K a and K p
4 ðr1 D  S a Þ are respectively the active and passive earth pressure coef-
r2 ¼  r1 ð8Þ
3 ½r1 D2  2 S a ðy 1 þ DÞ ficients, c is the effective cohesion and /0 is the shearing

with 0 < X < D and r2 not exceeding a limit value, rlim , resistance angle of the soil. Eqs. (14)–(17) have been
given by the difference between the passive stress and the derived in the present study using the theorem of the corre-
active stress at the wall toe, i.e. sponding states (Caquot, 1934) under the assumption that
the effects of the adhesion at the soil-wall interface are neg-
rlim ¼ 2 a cu þ q ð9Þ ligible (See Appendix B for their derivation). In order to
In other words, the net stress diagram shown in Fig. 4, calculate the coefficients K a and K p appearing in these
with X and r2 calculated using Eqs. (7) and (8) respectively, equations, the analytical expressions derived by
can be employed for any assumed value of D provided that Lancellotta (2002, 2008) can be used. These expressions
0 < X < D and r2 6 rlim . It is also worth noting that Eq. are:
(8), in which it is imposed r2 ¼ rlim , allows an evaluation   qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
cos d 0

of the minimum embedment necessary to ensure the wall Ka ¼ 0 cosd  sin2 /0  sin2 d e2 #a tan/
1 þ sin /
stability, Dmin . In this circumstance (i.e., when r2 ¼ rlim ),
the proposed method coincides with the method developed ð18Þ
by Bowles (1982), which is commonly used in the USA for cos d 0
Kp ¼ 0 cosd þ sin2 /0  sin2 d e2 #p tan/
the design of diaphragm walls. 1  sin /
Once X and r2 are known, the internal forces (i.e., shear
force T, and bending moment, M) can be calculated at any
depth. Considering that the internal forces in the portion of with
the wall above the excavation level are simple to be calcu-  
1 sin d
lated, the expressions of T and M at depth z below the 2 #a ¼ sin d ð20Þ
sin /0
excavation level (Fig. 4) are only provided in the present  
paper. These expressions are: sin d
2 #p ¼ sin1 þd ð21Þ
sin /0
– for z 6 X and d is the soil-wall friction angle the effect of which is
hence accounted for in Eqs. (14)–(17),
As is well known, the pore water pressures acting on the
T ¼ r1 z þ S a ð10Þ wall under drained conditions can be calculated separately
z2 from the effective stresses. In order to evaluate these pres-
M ¼ r1 þ S a ðy 1 þ zÞ ð11Þ sures when water flows through soil, the steady-state
hydrodynamic equation is generally solved using some
numerical techniques, such as the finite element method
or the finite difference method. However, if the wall is
– for X 6 z 6 D impermeable and the hydraulic head is dissipated uni-
formly with depth, the pore water pressures on the wall
r þ r  ðz  X Þ2 can be readily calculated using an approximate solution
1 2
T ¼ Sa þ  r1 z ð12Þ in which a one-dimensional water flow is considered
DX 2
(Symons, 1983). This flow is characterized by a constant
r þ r  ðz  X Þ3 z2
1 2 hydraulic gradient, i, that is a function of the total head dif-
M ¼ S a ðy 1 þ zÞ þ  r1 ð13Þ
DX 6 2 ference, h, and the length of the submerged portion of the
1450 E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

wall on the excavated side, d (Fig. 5). The net pore water used in Eqs. (22) and (23), and the vertical effective stress
pressure distribution calculated using this approximate at a given depth beneath the ground surface is
solution is shown in Fig. 5a and b for two possible situa- r0v ¼ c0m z ð24Þ
tions, in which i ¼ h=ðh þ 2dÞ (Fig. 5a) and
i ¼ h=ðh þ d þ DÞ (Fig. 5b). In these figures, it is also indi- on the retained side, and
cated the maximum net pore water pressure, um , the expres- r0v ¼ c0v z ð25Þ
sion of which is
on the excavated side, where
um ¼ cw h ð22Þ c0m ¼ c0 þ i cw ð26Þ
h þ2d
c0v 0
¼ c  i cw ð27Þ
d þD and c0 is the effective unit weight of the soil.
um ¼ c w h ð23Þ To analyse the long term behaviour of a diaphragm
hþd þD
wall, the profile of the net horizontal effective stress shown
for the situation schematized in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. in Fig. 6 is considered. In the same figure, it is also plotted
In these equations, cw is the unit weight of water. For sim- the assumed distribution of the net pore water pressure.
plicity but without loss of generality, the case considered in The resultant force of the active stresses above the excava-
the present study is when the groundwater level is located tion level is again denoted as S a with y 1 defining the posi-
at the ground surface, both on the retained side and the tion of its application point. In addition, the depth of the
excavated side. In this circumstance, h = H and d = D are tension crack on the retained side is

Fig. 5. Approximate net pore water pressure distributions on a diaphragm wall.

Fig. 6. Net horizontal stress distribution and net pore water pressure distribution assumed in the proposed method for diaphragm walls in cohesive soils
under drained conditions, when c0 P KKa q.
E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457 1451

0 0 2
hc ¼
K ac c
ð28Þ ½ðr0 þ ro Þ D  2 ðS a þ S w Þ
K a c0m r02 ¼  r0 ð33Þ
ðr0 þ 2 r0o Þ D2  6 ½S a ðy 1 þ DÞ þ S w y w 
Depth X defines again the extension of the plastic zone with 0 < X < D and r02 6 r0lim , where
(measured from the excavation level) where the active r0lim ¼ ðK p c0m  K a c0v Þ D þ K p q þ K c0 ð34Þ
and passive stresses are fully mobilized. The net stress dis-
tribution on this portion of wall is linear with a gradient S w is the resultant of the net pore water pressures acting on
given by ðK p c0v  K a c0m Þ and the net horizontal effective the wall and y w defines the position of the application point
stress ro at the excavation level (i.e. at z = 0) is of S w from the wall toe. The terms S w and S w y w appearing
in Eqs. (32) and (33) are expressed by
ro ¼ K c0  K a q ð29Þ 1
S w ¼ um ðH þ DÞ ð35Þ
where K ¼ K ac þ K pc and q ¼ c0m H . Although the scheme 1
S w y w ¼ um ðH 2 þ 3HD þ 2D2 Þ ð36Þ
shown in Fig. 6 refers to the case when c0 P KKa q, the equa- 6
tions presented below can be also used when c0 < KKa q In addition, the internal forces at a depth z measured
(Fig. 7). In Figs. 6 and 7, the net horizontal effective stress from the excavation level, are given by the following
r01 at depth X, and the net horizontal effective stress r0 at equations:
the wall end on the excavated side, are also shown. The
expressions of these net stresses are: – for z 6 X
0 1
r01 ¼ ðK p c0v  K a c0m Þ X þ ro ð30Þ 0
T ¼  ðK p c0v  K a c0m Þ z2  ro z þ S a þ T w ð37Þ
and 1 0 0 1 0
M ¼  ðK p cv  K a cm Þ z3  ro z2 þ S a ðy 1 þ zÞþM w ð38Þ
6 2
r0 ¼ ðK p c0v  K a c0m Þ D þ ro ð31Þ
– for X 6 z 6 D
At depths greater than X, it is assumed that the net lat-  0 
r1 þ r02 ðz  X Þ
eral effective stress varies linearly from r01 at depth X to r02 T ¼  r01 ð z  X Þ þ S a
DX 2
at the wall toe. The unknown quantities X and r02 can be  0 
calculated from the equilibrium conditions of the wall ro þ r01
 X þ Tw ð39Þ
(including the pore water pressure contribution). The 2
resulting expressions of X and r02 (obtained using a similar r1 þ r02 ðz  X Þ
ðz  X Þ

procedure to that described in Appendix A) are M¼  r01 þ S a ðy 1 þ zÞ þ

DX 6 2
respectively:     0  
0 X r1  r0o

0  ro X z  þ X z  3 X þ Mw
ðr0 þ 2 ro Þ D2  6 ½S a ðy 1 þ DÞ þ S w y w  2 2
X ¼D ð32Þ
½ðr0 þ r0o Þ D  2 ðS a þ S w Þ ð40Þ

Fig. 7. Net contact stress distribution and net pore water pressure distribution assumed in the proposed method for diaphragm walls in cohesive soils
under drained conditions, when c0 < KKa q.
1452 E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

where T w and M w are the shear force and the bending bending moment (kNm/m)
moment at depth z due to the pore water pressures acting
-25 25 75 125 175
on the wall. For the net pore pressure profile shown in
Figs. 6 and 7, T w and M w are 0
1 z 
T w ¼ um H þ u m 1  z ð41Þ 2 this study
2 2D
1 H um  z  2
M w ¼ um H þz þ 1 z ð42Þ

depth (m)
2 3 2 3D
Finally, it must be noted that, for both drained and
undrained conditions, a factor of safety can be calculated
as the reduction factor of the soil strength parameters
which determines a condition of incipient collapse of the 8
wall (i.e., when r2 ¼ rlim under undrained conditions, or
r02 ¼ r0lim under drained conditions). 10

5. Limitations of the proposed method

The proposed method can be used for the preliminary Fig. 8. Comparison between the bending moment distribution calculated
design of a cantilever diaphragm wall that moves as an using the present method and the values of the bending moment measured
essentially rigid body rotating around a point located near by King (1995) during a centrifuge test.
the base of the structure. In view of this behaviour, it is
assumed that the net normal stresses acting on the wall
are at limit state (active on the retained side/passive on bending moment (kNm/m)
the excavated side) up to a depth X measured from the 0 100 200 300 400
excavation level (Figs. 4 and 6). In particular, for dia- 0
phragm walls under drained conditions, these stresses can experimental
be readily calculated using some existing solutions 2 this study
(Janbu, 1972; Caquot and Kerisel, 1948) or the equations
suggested in the present paper for the case of vertical and 4
rough walls and horizontal ground surface. Some simple
depth (m)

solutions are also reported for evaluating approximately 6

the net pore water pressures acting on the wall, under the
assumptions of impermeable wall and water seepage with 8
constant gradient. Below depth X, it is assumed that the
net normal stress varies linearly with depth and attains 10
an unknown value (r2 or r02 ) at the wall base, on the
retained side (Figs. 4 and 6). The above-mentioned wall 12
mechanism (a rigid rotation) generally occurs when the
embedment length, D, is not excessively long. From an 14
analytical point of view, this condition is met when, for
an assigned value of D (with D > Dmin), the calculated Fig. 9. Comparison between the bending moment distribution calculated
depth X falls into the range 0 < X < D, and the calculated using the present method and the values of the bending moment measured
by Madabhushi and Zeng (2006) during a centrifuge test.
net normal stress at the wall base (r2 or r02 ) is not greater
than the respective net normal stress at the limit state
(i.e., r2 6 rlim or r02 6 r0lim ). These limitations define the in cohesionless soils. Unfortunately, the authors are not
field of applicability of the proposed method for the design aware of similar results concerning walls in cohesive soils.
of cantilever diaphragm walls. In both case studies, the wall underwent a rotation about
a point located in proximity of its base, consistently with
5.1. Comparison with experimental data the main assumption on which the present method is based.
The case considered by King (1995) concerns a dia-
To validate the proposed method, some comparisons phragm wall with an excavation height of 6 m and an
with experimental data are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 in terms embedment length of 5 m. The wall was embedded in a
of bending moment distribution with depth. These data sand with c = 14.2 kN/m3 and /0 = 40°. In addition,
were obtained by King (1995) and Madabhushi and Zeng d = 15.8°. These data were obtained by King (1995) from
(2006) from centrifuge tests on diaphragm walls embedded the results of plane strain and direct shear tests. The soil
E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457 1453

used in the tests by Madabhushi and Zeng (2006) was a fine much higher value of Dmin (9.10 m) is required to ensure
sand with a relative density of 92%. The input data for this stability. Different values of the embedment length D are
case study are H = 7.2 m, D = 7.2 m, c = 16.4 kN/m3, then assumed (with D>Dmin ) to show the influence of this
/0 = 40° and d = 12° (See also Conti and Viggiani, 2013). parameter on the lateral stress distribution and the internal
As can be seen from Figs. 8 and 9, there is good agreement forces of the wall. In this connection, the depth X and the
between the bending moment diagram calculated using the net horizontal stress at the wall toe (r2 for Case A, or r02 for
proposed method and the available experimental data. Cases B and C) are calculated using the equations derived
Other comparisons with numerical and experimental in the present study (Eqs. (7) and (8) or Eqs. (32) and (33)),
results concerning diaphragm walls embedded in cohesion- and the respective results are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 as a
less soils can be found in Conte et al. (2017). function of D. As can be seen, all the above parameters
increase with decreasing D. In other words, the smaller
the embedment length, the deeper the extension of the plas-
6. Comparison with the limit equilibrium method
tic zone below the excavation level (Fig. 10) and the higher
In this section, some comparisons with the classical the net normal stress at the wall toe (Fig. 11). The results of
Figs. 10 and 11 (along with the data in Table 1) also define
method developed by Blum (1931) are presented to show
the range of the possible values of D for which the pro-
the usefulness of the proposed method for practical pur-
posed method can be used for each case study considered.
poses. Although Blum’s method was proposed many years
Finally, Figs. 12–15 compare the bending moment and
ago, it is still extensively used in many countries of the
shear force distributions predicted by Blum’s method and
world, especially in Europe. A description of this method
those calculated using the present method, for some values
has been provided in a precedent section of the present
paper. A diaphragm wall with H = 6 m is considered as of D. The sign convention used for the bending moment
an example. The assumed soil properties are c = 20 kN/ and shear force is indicated in Fig. 12. As expected, the
results provided by the above-mentioned methods (both
m3, cu = 40 kPa, c´ = 5 kPa and /0 = 26°. In addition, it
is assumed that d = 20° and the adhesion effects are
ignored. For this wall, three conditions are considered:
(1) the soil is completely saturated and the analysis is per-
formed under undrained conditions (Case A). (2) The soil is
completely saturated with the groundwater level at the
ground surface (both on the retained side and on the exca-
vated side), and the analysis is performed under drained
conditions (Case B). In this connection, the approximate
solution previously described in the present paper is used
to evaluate the net pore water pressure distribution due
to the steady-state seepage from the ground surface on
the retained side into the soil below the excavation level.
(3) A drained analysis is again performed, but it is assumed
that the groundwater level is at the excavation level both
on the retained side and the excavated side (Case C). In this
latter case, no water flow occurs and the net water pressure Fig. 10. Effect of the embedment length D on the extension of the plastic
is zero at any depth. A different unit weight is, however, zone, X.
used for the soil above and below the excavation level,
i.e. c and c respectively.
The minimum embedment length Dmin is first calculated
using the present method. The resulting values are shown
in Table 1 for each case study considered. As expected,
the most critical condition for the wall stability is the long
term one when the soil is completely saturated and a
steady-state flow occurs (Case B). In this case, in fact, a

Table 1
Minimum embedment length Dmin calculated using the
present method for the considered case studies.
Case Dmin (m)
A 2.68
B 9.10
Fig. 11. Effect of the embedment length D on the net horizontal stress at
C 4.95
the wall toe (i.e., r2 for Case A, or r02 for Cases B and C).
1454 E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

Fig. 12. Bending moment and shear force distributions calculated using the present method and Blum’s method for Case A when D = 4 m. The sign
convention used for the shear force and bending moment is also indicated.

Fig. 13. Bending moment and shear force distributions calculated using the present method and Blum’s method for Case B when D = 12 m.

in terms of bending moment and shear force) are coinci- mum shear force and could lead to unsustainable values
dent in the upper portion of the wall. At greater depths, of this internal force (Figs. 13–15).
however, the internal forces are rather different, both in In summary, as Blum’s method (as well as other similar
magnitude and trend. Blum’s method generally provides methods based on the limit equilibrium concept) refers to
a good estimation of the maximum bending moment, but an incipient failure condition of the wall (when
it could underestimate this internal force when D is signif- D = Dmin ), the contact stresses and the internal forces cal-
icantly greater than Dmin (Fig. 15). Another drawback of culated using this method do not change with changes in
Blum’s method is that it provides the same results (both D (with D > Dmin). In addition, in the lower portion of
in terms of bending moment and shear force) irrespective the wall, Blum’s method provides values of the internal
of the value of D (Figs. 14 and 15). It is also worth noting forces (especially the shear force) that are not realistic.
that Blum’s method considerably overestimates the maxi- These drawbacks can be overcome using the proposed
E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457 1455

Fig. 14. Bending moment and shear force distributions calculated using the present method and Blum’s method for Case C when D = 6 m.

Fig. 15. Bending moment and shear force distributions calculated using the present method and Blum’s method for Case C when D = 12 m.

method that hence represents a reliable alternative to the calculate the contact stresses and the associated internal
conventional methods. forces arising in the structure. These equations can be
easily implemented in a common spreadsheet to readily
7. Concluding remarks analyse the wall behaviour in the ultimate and service con-
ditions. Moreover, few parameters are required as input
A method has been proposed for a simplified analysis of data.
diaphragm walls in cohesive soils under undrained and The proposed method overcomes the limitations of the
drained conditions. In this method, it is assumed that the conventional design methods based on the limit equilib-
wall moves as an approximately rigid body rotating around rium approach and is hence a reliable alternative to these
a point located in proximity to its base. Due to this move- methods. In this connection, some comparisons have been
ment, a rectilinear distribution of the net contact stresses carried out between the present method and Blum’s
not predetermined by the limit state is considered at the method which is widely used in practice. The results, in
soil-wall interface. Simple equations have been derived to terms of the bending moment and shear force provided
1456 E. Conte, A. Troncone / Soils and Foundations 58 (2018) 1446–1457

0 0
by these methods, are coincident in the upper portion of ra ¼ K a rv þ K a q  q ðA-7Þ
the wall. At greater depths, however, the calculated values 0 0  
rp ¼ K p rv þ K p q  q ðA-8Þ
of the internal forces could differ considerably both in mag-
nitude and trend. Specifically, Blum’s method grossly over- where rv is the vertical effective stress at a given depth, K a
estimates the maximum shear force and could and K p are the active and passive earth pressure coefficients
underestimate the maximum bending moment when the 0
that depend on / and d. These coefficients can be calcu-
embedment length of the wall is significantly higher than
lated using the analytical expressions derived by
the minimum value required for ensuring wall stability.
Lancellotta (2002, 2008). Substituting Eq. (A-6) into Eqs.
(A-7) and (A-8) leads to the following equations:
Appendix A. A.1. Calculation of depth X and net lateral
0 0 0
stress r2 in cohesive soils under undrained conditions ra ¼ K a rv  K ac c ðA-9Þ
0 0 0
rp ¼ K p rv þ K pc c ðA-10Þ
With reference to Fig. 4, the equilibrium equation for
the horizontal forces acting on the wall can be written as: where
y 0
S a þ ðr1 þ r2 Þ  r1 D ¼ 0 ðA-1Þ K ac ¼ ð1  K a Þ cotg/ ðA-11Þ
where y ¼ D  X . In addition, moment equilibrium about
the wall toe gives K pc ¼ ðK p  1Þ cotg/ ðA-12Þ
2 2
y D Similarly, the equations for calculating the associated
S a ðy 1 þ DÞ þ ðr1 þ r2 Þ  r1 ¼0 ðA-2Þ
6 2 contact stresses in the vertical direction can be derived.
Solving Eq. (A-1) for y yields They take the form:
0 0 0

r1 D  S a rav ¼ K a tgd rv þ c cotg/0 ðA-13Þ

y¼2 ðA-3Þ 0

ðr1 þ r2 Þ 0 0
rpv ¼ K p tgd rv þ c cotg/ 0
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