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Name: Akshat Shah Marwadi University

Er No: 9190095702 Faculty of Diploma Studies, Information and Communication Technology Photo
Subject Name: Project-1
Subject Code: Project Title: Skenit – Qr code menu
Semester: Fifth Guide Name: Chirag Visani

Sr Date Duration Topic/Discussion Sign of Guide

1 18-09 4 min Website Migrating from localhost to webserver
2 19-09 10 min Website new errors after shifting from local to live using laravel debugger
to find error and then solving it
3 25-09 8min payment gateway and force payment redirection after registration
complete and payment error fixing and demo trying payment
4 30-09 3min Update in some features and connecting it with react.js application
5. 6-10 6min Restaurant link customization function for admin rather than on
subdomain idea implementation
6. 10-10 2min Suggestion on integrating payment gateway on checkout page after the
order is bought
7. 17-10 14min Thermal printing option in restaurant portal and coupon code added at
the checkout page minor bug fixing and demo checking

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