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HFN2 Textbook Assignment - “Food For Today” - Keeping Food safe to Eat

Pgs. 198-215 Old edition Pgs. 78-95 –First Canadian Edition


Read the textbook information provided and answer the following questions on the lines
provided. This study guide will become handy for future reference and when studying for tests
and quizzes.
1. Identify three examples of harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illness.
E.coli ,Salmonella , Clostridium botulium
2. What conditions are needed for bacteria to multiply?
Moisture, air and heat makes bacteria grow, if something is frozen or
freeze-dried it is more difficult to create moisture.
3. How can you prevent food-borne illness when you work with food?
Wash hands and ingredients, and when handling meat do not cross contaminate and clean
knives and cutting boards.
4. Describe the procedure for a through hand washing. Explain why you should wash your hand
even if you are wearing gloves.
1. Turn on warm to hot water 2. apply a good amount of soap 3. scrub
palms, knuckles, and fingers 4. scrub under fingernails and around wrists. 5.
rinse with water 6. finally dry with a clean, dry towel
5. What guidelines should you use to keep from spreading bacteria when you set the table?
The most important is to have a clean space and also clean hands, do not
set a table if there are spills or food scraps on it. wipe it down with a clean
wash cloth and disenfectant
6.How should a cutting board be cleaned? Why?
A cutting board should be cleaned with warm-hot water , and scrubbed with
its own individual sponge(especially if meat was used) with soap,
7. Can the same towel be used as a hand towel, and dry dishes in the kitchen? Explain your
No, there could be bacteria on you rhands even after washing them and
could spread to the dishes
8. Why should food not be thawed at room temperature?
Because if food is thawed in warm water, the mild amount of
heat could cause growth of bacteria
9. How should you handle leftover hot food after a meal?
within 2 hours refrigerate or frezze perishable food. set fridge to 40 F and freezer set
to 0 F
10. Why should the inside temperature of a refrigerator be 32*F and 40* F?
to keep the food at a perfect coolness that won't allow bacteria to
form but at the same time won't over cool an item which will
make it have to be thawed again and reheated.
11. How should bulk foods be stored? Why?
its best to keep bulk foods in a dry cool space, maybe with glass lids
with airtight seals.
12. What are the signs that a food may be spoiled?
physical change in product, garbage like smell, mold or fuzz, food might produce liquids
or juices. or check the expiration date.

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