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Importance Of A Business

In this day and age, the importance of a business in any country is incredibly
important; it has a large influence on the economy, making it more efficient. The
success of a business is determined by how well the firm is managed, which
includes the amount of information the owners and employees possess. Strong
business abilities, which I believe myself to have, as well as the ability to think
outside the box and identify new methods to make a firm more competitive than
other businesses, will be required. This can also involve projects.
Born and raised in Portugal, being the only child of a single mother who was a
successful business owner of a restaurant at the time has inspired and motivated me
to study more about companies and how I can build a successful business. What
does it entail? How does it work, and how can I make and implement business
decisions? My mother taught me at an early age that education is something you
can never have enough of, that the more you know and understand, the more
options you'll have. When I was 11 years old, I moved to England without
knowing anything about the country.

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