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J Neurosurg 84:203–214, 1996

Chronic electrical stimulation of the ventralis intermedius

nucleus of the thalamus as a treatment of movement
Department of Clinical and Biological Neurosciences, INSERM Preclinical Neurobiology, Joseph
Fourier University of Grenoble, Hôpital A. Michallon, Grenoble, France; and Department of
Physiology, Jinzhou Medical College, Jinzhou, Liaoning, Peoples Republic of China

 Tremor was suppressed by test stimulation of the thalamic ventralis intermedius (VIM) nucleus at high frequency
(130 Hz) during stereotaxy in nonanesthetized patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor.
Ventralis intermedius stimulation has since been used by the authors over the last 8 years as a treatment in 117 patients
with movement disorders (80 cases of Parkinson’s disease, 20 cases of essential tremor, and 17 cases of various dys-
kinesias and dystonias including four multiple sclerosis). Chronic electrodes were stereotactically implanted in the
VIM and connected to a programmable stimulator. Results depend on the indication. In Parkinson’s disease patients,
tremor, but not bradykinesia and rigidity, was selectively suppressed for as long as 8 years. Administration of L-Dopa
was decreased by more than 30% in 40 Parkinson’s disease patients. In essential tremor patients, results were satis-
factory but deteriorated with time in 18.5% of cases, mainly for patients who presented an action component of their
tremor. In other types of dyskinesias (except multiple sclerosis), results were much less favorable. Fifty-nine patients
underwent bilateral implantation and 14 other patients received implantation contralateral to a previous thalamotomy.
Thirty-seven patients (31.6%) experienced minor side effects, which were always well tolerated and immediately
reversible. Three secondary scalp infections led to temporary removal of the implanted material. There was no per-
manent morbidity. This tremor suppression effect could be due to the inhibition or jamming of a retroactive loop.
Chronic VIM stimulation, which is reversible, adaptable, and well tolerated even by patients undergoing bilateral
surgery (74 of 117 patients) and by elderly patients, should replace thalamotomy in the regular surgical treatment of
parkinsonian and essential tremors.

KEY WORDS • Parkinson’s disease • essential tremor • thalamus •

ventralis intermedius nucleus • deep brain stimulation • stereotaxy

modern surgical treatment of tremor was intro- and that the most sensitive symptom was tremor. Over
duced 30 years ago when an unexpected intraoper- the years, this target was progressively restricted to the
ative complication, which occurred during pyrami- posterior part of the motor area of the lateral thalamus and
dotomy,59 led Cooper and colleagues22–24 to the discovery finally to the ventralis intermedius (VIM) nucleus, where
that destruction of portions of the thalamus suppressed smaller lesions were achieved.4,36,38–40,42,51,62,68,69,71,77,89,90,
tremor in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. The acciden- Although a spectacular and total suppression of trem-
tal lesion of the anterior choroid artery induced an infarc- or could be obtained in a high percentage of patients
tion of the anterior and lateral parts of the thalamus, and at undergoing surgery, recurrences were nonetheless ob-
the end of the surgical procedure, the patient was perma- served in approximately 4% to 20%42 of these patients
nently relieved of her tremor, although the pyramidotomy after several weeks or years. When the lesion size was
had not been performed. According to the previous work increased to prevent this recurrence, morbidity such as
of Hassler,37 this accidental observation was exploited and motor deficit, dystonia, speech disturbance, and sensory
extensive work was done to determine the best functional loss were observed with a reported frequency of approxi-
target. Although multiple lesions were advocated to mately 25% transitory deficits and 2% to 9% permanent
relieve both bradykinesia and tremor, which led to per- deficits.87,89 In addition, bilateral procedures, although
forming pallidotomy for bradykinesia and thalamotomy reported to be feasible,57 were often associated with severe
for tremor during the same procedure, it appeared quite neuropsychological deficits56 and were thus rarely per-
rapidly that the most effective target was in the thalamus formed as a routine procedure.

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A. L. Benabid, et al.

The advent of L-Dopa27 therapy totally changed the TABLE 1

therapeutic landscape of the disease, and for decades the Description of patient population
surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease was practical-
ly withdrawn from the therapeutic arsenal. In the early No. of No. of No. of
No. of Bilat Contralat Bilat
1970s, the follow-up examination of L-Dopa–treated pa- Disease Patients Implantation Thalamotomy Surgery
tients began to reveal some drawbacks of the substitutive
treatment such as intolerance, disappearance of efficacy, Parkinson’s disease 80 38 8 46
or even added complications such as abnormal involun- essential tremor 20 13 2 15
tary movements, due not only to the evolution of the dis- dyskinesia 17 9 4 13
total 117 60 14 74
ease but also to the therapy itself. A recurrent need for sur-
gical treatment was born and stereotactic procedures for
thalamotomies were once again performed.9,30,32,33,85
To avoid surgical complications, accurate localization ease and essential tremors and even more when a bilater-
of the most effective target must be achieved during sur- al procedure is necessary.
gery, using electrophysiological methods: deep brain re-
cordings3,4,35,82,91 aimed at the recognition of specific dis-
charge patterns in the surrounding structures such as the Clinical Material and Methods
ventroposterolateral (VPL) sensory thalamus in front of Patient Selection
which is situated the VIM target or inside the VIM target
itself.68,69,73,77 When electrical recording is not available, From January 1987 to July 1994, 117 patients under-
electrical stimulation can be used to detect areas sur- went implantation with uni- or bilateral electrodes (177
rounding the VIM nucleus that must be avoided, such operated sides). Tremor amplitude at rest, during posture
as the sensory VPL nucleus or the pyramidal tract. Dur- handling, or during action and intention maneuvers, was
ing these procedures we observed that electrical stimula- considered severe in all patients and scored as four of four
tion was able to inhibit completely and immediately both on a five-point scale31 with an assessment of overall sever-
parkinsonian rest tremor and postural tremor. However, ity of four of four by both the patient and the examiner.
this effect, which was immediately reversible when the This protocol received the approval of the Grenoble
stimulation was discontinued, was only obtained at high University Hospital ethical committee. All patients under-
frequency (100 Hz and more). Similar observations have went a hospitalization period first during which they were
been previously reported: microelectrode recordings of evaluated.
neuronal activity in the human thalamus revealed the
presence of burst discharges synchronous with tremor in Clinical Examination
VIM.3,5,38,39,46,63,72,93 These authors observed that stimula- Clinical examination was undertaken to confirm the
tion at high frequency through the same microelectrode diagnosis of tremor and its etiology. Quantification of the
suppressed parkinsonian rest tremor immediately and that patients’ symptoms was achieved by clinical measure-
electrocoagulation within that area stopped tremor perma- ments of frequency, amplitude, and type of the tremor and
nently. by videotaping. The tremor was also quantified by ac-
We, as others,42,93 used this effect for several years as an celerometry. Neuropsychological evaluation was system-
intraoperative test for electrode placement. The implanta- atically performed, investigating global cognitive func-
tion of a chronic deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode tions as well as frontal, attentional functions and motor
was initially proposed as an experimental therapeutic pro- neglect. In all patients, this evaluation protocol was per-
cedure in a patient already thalamectomized on one side formed again between the 3rd and 6th months after
who persistently requested a contralateral procedure and surgery.
who gave his informed consent.13 The result was excel-
lent, and a pilot study of long-term high-frequency VIM Pharmacotherapeutic Test
stimulation in the treatment of disabling tremor was initi-
ated for patients in whom a second operation contralater- All patients submitted to several pharmacological trials
al to a previous thalamotomy was under consideration and at the maximum tolerable dosages. Patients with Par-
for those in whom bilateral surgery was advocated.13–15 In kinson’s received dopaminergic agonists plus peripheral
view of the very encouraging results, we extended the decarboxylase inhibitors (L-Dopa up to 1100 mg/day;
method to other types of dyskinesias, including dystonias bromocriptine up to 30 mg/day; apomorphine up to 50
of various origins and multiple sclerosis tremor, to replace mg/kg per subcutaneous injection) and anticholinergic
conventional destructive thalamotomy.16,77 We report here drugs (trihexylphenydyl up to 6 mg/day). Patients with
our experience with 117 consecutive patients implanted essential tremor received propranolol up to 320 mg/day
with uni- or bilateral electrodes in VIM (177 operated and primidone up to 750 mg/day. Patients who responded
sides), with a follow-up period of more than 7 years (90 to medical therapy were not recommended for surgical
months) for the first patient. The absence of permanent intervention. The details of the population of patients are
complication, the minor side effects when any occurred reported in Table 1.
and their immediate reversibility, the possibility of bilat- Parkinson’s Disease, Essential Tremor, or Other
eral implantation in the same session, and the persistence Dyskinesias
of tremor relief are strong arguments that support chronic
VIM stimulation as the method of choice when a surgical There were 100 patients (with 151 implanted thalami)
procedure is indicated for the treatment of Parkinson’s dis- who exhibited either tremor due to Parkinson’s disease

204 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996

Ventralis intermedius stimulation in movement disorders

This allowed a very precise delineation of the midline of

the third ventricle and of the anterior commissure (AC)
and posterior commissure (PC).
The target of implantation has been VIM, considered to
be the target for thalamotomy most effective in relieving
tremor.36,62,66,69,71,73,76,77,93,94 The coordinates of VIM have
been calculated from the lateral x-ray view according to
a proportional geometric scheme based on the AC–PC
line34,50,88 (Fig. 1A). The posterior and anterior limits of
VIM on the AC–PC line are situated at the 2/12 and 3/12
of the AC-PC line length, ahead of the PC. The laterality
of the theoretical target was equal to 11.5 mm from the lat-
eral wall of the third ventricle.93 On the lateral view, the
electrode projection was superimposed on the main axis
of the VIM nucleus. After assessment in the initial cases,
electrodes began to be placed more on the anterior than on
the posterior border of the VIM, to diminish or even avoid
the spreading of current to the primary somatosensory tha-
lamic relay VPL, which induces contralateral paresthe-
sias. On the anteroposterior view, the trajectory of the
electrode was parallel to the midsagittal plane in 109
patients (162 electrodes). In eight patients (15 electrodes),
an oblique trajectory was chosen (6˚–10˚ from the mid-
sagittal plane) to be aligned on the main axis of the VIM.
In the first 22 patients (28 sides), an electrode with an
outer diameter of 2.3 mm (Radionics, Burlington, MA)
FIG. 1. A: Schematic drawings over x-ray films for determina- was inserted into the VIM target through a 2.3-mm diam-
tion of the ventralis intermedius (VIM) target. The third ventricle eter burr hole and was used to stimulate structures during
dimensions did not significantly differ between Parkinson’s dis- the electrode placement procedure. In the last 95 patients
ease, essential tremor, and dyskinesia groups. The anterior and pos- (149 sides), it was replaced by a semi-microelectrode69 or
terior commissures (AC–PC) = 26.25 mm ⫾ 2.02 mm. Thalamus by a bipolar concentric stimulating-recording electrode
height = 17.38 mm ⫾ 1.76 mm. Third ventricle width at the level
of electrode implantation = 6.69 mm ⫾ 2.51 mm. B: Graphs with an outer diameter of 0.62 mm (model 17-300-1;
showing general representation of the actual position of the mono- Frederic Haer and Co., Brunswick, ME). Spontaneous as
polar VIM electrodes in the first 73 patients (108 thalami) and the well as evoked multiunit activities were recorded at vari-
active contacts of the tetrapolar VIM electrodes in the last 44 ous sites along the trajectory down to the AC–PC line.
patients (69 thalami). The neuronal activity was recorded using conventional
preamplifiers (model DAM-5A; World Precision Instru-
ments, Hertfordshire, England), AC–DC amplifiers (Neu-
(80 cases, 118 sides) or essential tremor (20 cases, 33 rolog NL106; Digitimer Research Instruments, Hertford-
sides). Seventeen patients with 26 implanted thalami shire, England), filters (Neurolog NL125; Digitimer
(four multiple sclerosis, five dystonias, one writer’s Research Instruments), and spike triggers (Neurolog
cramp, seven posttraumatic or posthemorrhagic midbrain NL201; Digitimer Research Instruments), and then
tremors) were operated on according to the same proce- processed through a MacLab 4 WPI system and a Mac-
dure. One patient with dystonia muscularis deformans was Intosh II cx computer. Stimulation was also performed at
admitted to our service in critical condition, and the pro- various sites along the trajectory, using the same semimi-
cedure was agreed upon with the patient’s parents and croelectrode and a constant-current stimulator with an iso-
lation unit (models Accupulser A310 and A365R; World
medical team as a humanitarian therapeutic trial. This was Precision Instruments). The exact position of each record-
later justified by the favorable outcome. ing and/or stimulating site was checked on x-ray film and
Surgical Procedures imported into the final operating scheme. The effect of
stimulation on tremor was quantified using an accelerom-
After induction of brief, reversible general anesthesia eter attached to the patient’s finger. Usually, several sub-
(diprivan administered intravenously) spontaneously sequent electrode tracks were performed parallel to the
breathing patients were placed in a Talairach stereotac- midsagittal plane and aimed at detecting the anterior and
tic frame (at the focus of a long distance (3.5 m) biorthog- posterior limits of the VIM; these were also used to check
onal x-ray system). Anteroposterior and lateral x-ray films the laterality. The expected effects of 130-Hz stimulation
were obtained at an average magnification coefficient of on tremor (tremor suppression with the lowest (0.2–2 mA)
1.05. Contrast ventriculography was performed by free- electrical intensity) was the major criterion in choosing
hand tapping of the frontal horn of the ventricle through a the final placement of the chronic electrode. When they
twist drill (90 mm from nasion, 25 mm from midline, 65 could be recorded, bursting cells synchronous to tremor
mm long Cushing cannula). Serial images were obtained were also considered to be a highly significant feature of
during and after a 6.5-ml bolus injection of contrast medi- the VIM. Finally, the body area in which paresthesias
um (Iopamiron) with the patient supine and then prone. were induced by stimulation of VPL behind VIM could

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A. L. Benabid, et al.

FIG. 2. Graph depicting the evolution of the current threshold FIG. 3. Electrophysiological recording showing effects of ven-
along the electrode track, exploring the thalamus from anterior tralis intermedius stimulation on the parkinsonian tremor in a rep-
commissure (AC) to posterior commissure (PC), in 11 patients. resentative patient and polarity dependence of stimulation-induced
tremor suppression. The electrode penetration was anteroposterior-
ly into the right thalamus. The position of the electrode was ⫺3
also help in defining the best laterality according to the mm to the anterior and posterior commissure line and the stimula-
known somatotopic organization, with lower-limb senso- tion intensity was 0.48 mA at 130 Hz. The tremor was recorded at
ry neurons lying more laterally than hand and mouth neu- the left index with an accelerometer. The accelerometric recording
rons. Because of individual variations, the final target of tremor (upper trace) shows that negative polarity stimulation
(lower trace) is more effective than positive polarity.
could therefore be significantly different from the theoret-
ical target. When localization was considered satisfactory,
the recording-stimulating electrode was removed and re-
placed by a chronic DBS electrode (Medtronic, Inc., at the hospital for 1 week to evaluate the effects of stimu-
Minneapolis, MN). The first 108 electrodes were mono- lation on the tremor. Video recordings as well as com-
polar (model SP5535; Medtronic, Inc.) with an insulated puterized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, so-
tip 1.2 mm in diameter and 4 mm long. The last 64 elec- matosensory evoked potentials, and in four cases, positron
trodes were tetrapolar (model 3387; Medtronic, Inc.) with emission tomography evaluation of the cerebral blood
four contacts 1.2 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm long each flow28 were obtained. The clinical assessment of VIM
separated by 1.5 mm. The actual placement of electrodes stimulation effects was based on a five-point scale: 4 =
in the 117 patients is reported on Fig. 1B. In both cases, complete disappearance of tremor in all circumstances;
this electrode was secured to the skull by a knot anchored 3 = reappearance of a slight tremor on rare occasions (for
in the bone and sealed by a drop of methylmethacrylate example, under stress, mental calculation, or motor acti-
dental cement. This electrode was connected to a lead vation); 2 = moderate benefit; 1 = slight but definite ben-
externalized through the skin at the level of the parietal efit without any real improvement in daily living; and 0 =
area. All incisions were closed by nonresorbant sutures. no benefit.
The patient was allowed to recover for 24 hours and
then underwent test stimulation for approximately 1 week.
When the test was considered satisfactory, a programma- Results
ble stimulator (Itrel I in the first 23 patients and Itrel II in Intraoperative Effects of VIM Stimulation
the last 94 patients; Medtronic, Inc.) was implanted in the
subclavicular region on the same side as the electrode During insertion of the stimulating–recording test elec-
while the patient received general anesthetic. In patients trode (Fig. 2), stimulation at 130 Hz, 60-␮sec pulse width
undergoing bilateral operations, two stimulators allowed was able to suppress the tremor with current intensities
separate and independent stimulation of each VIM nucle- that decreased as long as the electrode approached the
us. All surgical procedures were performed without sys- optimum site of stimulation, which usually corresponded
temic antibiotic administration. Skin incisions were local- to the VIM area, as determined by the scheme of Guiot
ly irrigated with rifampin during surgical procedure and and colleagues.34–36 The lowest value of this threshold was
prior to being closed. used to determine the site of maximum effectiveness into
which the DBS electrode was finally implanted. Con-
Stimulation Parameters tinuing progression of the electrode beyond this point usu-
ally necessitated increasing current values to suppress
During the stereotactic procedure, test stimulation was tremor, whereas permanent paresthesias actually induced
done with a 60-␮sec pulse width frequency at 130 Hz and by stimulation of VPL were progressively and more in-
a current intensity that varied from 0.1 to 10 ␮A. The tensely induced. In the VIM area, stimulation with cur-
parameters of the implanted stimulator were set at 60- rents as low as 0.2 mA induced immediate suppression of
␮sec pulse width, 130 Hz, and 0.5 to 8 volts. They were the tremor, in a current intensity–dependent manner. At
adjusted according to the needs of each patient during the sufficient stimulation intensity, the tremor disappeared at
follow-up period. If needed, the frequency range of the the onset of the current, with no more than 1 or 2 seconds
stimulator (Itrel II) could be extended to 185 Hz. of delay, and recurred almost as immediately when the
Evaluation of Benefits and Follow Up current was turned off. When a posteffect was observed, it
did not last more than 10 to 20 seconds. The effect was
After implantation of the stimulators, patients were kept polarity sensitive, the stimulating electrode being nega-

206 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996

Ventralis intermedius stimulation in movement disorders

FIG. 5. Electrophysiological recordings in the ventroposterolat-

eral sensory thalamus. Neural activity evoked by skin taps and light
pressure was easily recorded.

response to superficial stimulation of the skin (touch,

pressure) (Fig. 5).
FIG. 4. Electrophysiological recordings in ventralis intermedius
(VIM). A: Multiunit recording showing that the neural noise Postoperative Effects of VIM Stimulation
amplitude is high in the caudate nucleus (⫺23 mm from the ante-
rior and posterior commissure line), then decreases (from ⫺15 Effects of VIM Stimulation on Tremor and Other Ex-
to ⫺8 mm), and increases again when the electrode enters the trapyramidal Symptoms. Tremor was essentially the only
VIM. B and C: Single-unit recordings (upper trace) of bursting symptom significantly influenced by VIM stimulation
cells recorded in the VIM (B) synchronous to tremor (accelerome- (Table 2). Rigidity was only slightly affected because the
try, lower trace). These cells are replaced by an electrical silence cogwheel syndrome was reduced when tremor was sup-
when the electrode leaves the VIM to enter the internal capsule (C). pressed. There was almost no change in bradykinesia or
in any other symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Unilateral
pain, which accompanied severe tremor and rigidity in
many cases, also was greatly reduced.
tive. When the polarity was reversed, the effect disap- During the test period, the external extension of the
peared or at least was strongly decreased (Fig. 3). Brief DBS electrode was used to study the current threshold as
paresthesias, which disappeared within 10 seconds, were a function of frequency, and this showed, as Fig. 6 demon-
often described by the patient at the onset of stimulation. strates, that the optimum frequency was in the 100 Hz to
During progression of the electrode toward the final tar- 1000 Hz range with a minimum at approximately 250 Hz.
get, a decrease in spontaneous tremor intensity was often In all patients, clinical modifications in the tremor were
observed, together with increased stimulation posteffects quite obvious: at the onset of stimulation, tremor disap-
and difficulty in reinducing the tremor. This was consid- peared within 2 seconds and remained absent provided
ered a minor equivalent to the thalamotomy-like effect, that the intensity of the stimulation was sufficient. Dis-
which could be classically observed when entering the continuation of stimulation always resulted in an im-
thalamotomy target with a larger electrode. In the VPL mediate return of the tremor.
area, stimulation that was less effective in reducing trem- In patients with Parkinson’s disease, drug therapy was
or as the electrode was more distant from VIM somato- often reduced after VIM stimulation: dopamine agonists
topically induced permanent paresthesias in various areas were maintained in all but two patients to treat bradykine-
of the body. sia or to enhance the effects of VIM stimulation. Thirty-
Extracellular Recording of Neuronal Activity nine (48.7%) of 80 patients with Parkinson’s disease had
their dopamine dosage decreased by 20% at 3-month fol-
Neuronal activity was recorded along the track. With low-up review, but only 12 (15%) at the last follow up
a semimacroelectrode, only multiunit activity was record- continued at the decreased dosage, due to progression of
ed: the amplitude of the spikes, described as “neural the disease. Because stimulation effects were adjustable,
noise,”70,71 varied along the track and provided informa- results are given according to each patient’s choice, based
tion about the limits of the different nuclei. This neural on an individual compromise between benefit and adverse
noise was high in the VIM and strongly diminished when effects.
the electrode entered the internal capsule (Fig. 4A). With During the initial postoperative period (3 months),
the microelectrode, single units were recorded in the VIM scores of 3 or 4 were obtained in the upper limbs in 102
and VPL. In the VIM, cells fired by bursts consisting of (91.9%) of the 111 operated sides (Table 2), whereas 7.2%
five to 10 large spikes, and some cells had a spontaneous of the sides had scores of 2 or 1, and 0.9% had a score of
bursting activity independent of any peripheral stimula- 0. At the last follow-up examination, these scores were
tion or muscular activity. Some other cells were definitely 88%, 10.8%, and 0.9%, respectively. Global scores for the
synchronous with the tremor (Fig. 4B and C) and also four limbs were slightly lower, rated 4 or 3 in 86% at 3
responded to passive movements of the limbs. Similarly, months and then 85% at the last follow up. Resting or pos-
evoked activities were easily recorded in the VPL in tural tremor seemed to be better controlled than action

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996 207

A. L. Benabid, et al.

Effects of ventralis intermedius stimulation according to
disease type*
No. of Implanted Sides (%)

First Follow Up Last Follow Up

Score at UL† (3 mos) (at least 6 mos)

Parkinson’s disease (111 electrodes)

0 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9)
1 3 (2.7) 5 (4.5)
2 5 (4.5) 7 (6.3)
3 31 (27.9) 55 (49.5)
4 71 (64.0) 43 (38.7)
global score (86) (83)
essential tremor (36 electrodes) FIG. 6. Graph depicting frequency–intensity relationship of the
0 0 (0.0) 6 (16.7)
ventralis intermedius stimulation threshold for tremor suppression
1 3 (8.3) 2 (5.6)
2 6 (16.7) 6 (16.7)
3 13 (36.1) 18 (50.0)
4 14 (38.9) 4 (11.1)
global score (69) (59)
and in saliva inhalation, an increased facility in swallow-
* Abbreviations: UL = upper limb; LL = lower limb. ing, and reduction in hip, knee, and elbow flexed posi-
† The results are related to the number of implanted sides, because, in tions, all leading to a global improvement in general sta-
bilaterally implanted patients, they may be different from one side to the
other. The global scores represent the evaluation of patients who had tus. Two of the four multiple sclerosis patients had a good
scores of 3 or 4 at both UL and LL (see Fig. 8), and this explains why the or fair benefit.
percentage of these scores is lower than the sum of scores 3 and 4 at the Side Effects. Side effects were always reversible, mild,
UL alone.
and accepted, as long as VIM stimulation intensity could
be set at a level at which these side effects became tolera-
ble for the patient and tremor relief was still good or excel-
tremor. In addition, distal limb tremor was more easily lent. Paresthesias (9%) were usually induced at intensities
suppressed than proximal or axial tremor. of stimulation higher than those that suppressed the trem-
In patients with essential tremor, during the initial post- or and lasted a few minutes or even seconds after the on-
operative period, scores of 3 or 4 were obtained in the set of VIM stimulation. However, they were much less
upper limbs in 27 (75%) of the 36 operated sides (Table intense when electrode placement was more anterior,
2), whereas 25% of the sides had scores of 2 or 1, and close to the anterior border. These paresthesias were never
none had a score of 0. At the last follow up, these scores painful except in one patient whose electrode was placed
were obtained in 61.1%, 22.2%, and 16.7% of operated 2 mm below the AC–PC line and who experienced burn-
sides, respectively. Global scores for the four limbs were ing sensations in the perioral and ophthalmic area. These
identical, as essential tremor involves mainly the upper disappeared when the electrode was withdrawn 2 mm.
limbs, rated 4 or 3 in 75% of operated sides at 3 months Higher amplitudes than those needed to suppress tremor
and then 61% at the last follow up. could result in the induction of a slight cerebellar dys-
Other kinds of dyskinesias (such as writer’s cramp, metria interpreted as a spreading of current to cerebellar
posttraumatic dyskinesia, multiple sclerosis tremor, dys- pathways. In 9% of patients, a dystonia of the foot was
tonias) were inconsistently, less significantly, or not im- observed after approximately 12 months of stimulation.
proved. If improvement was achieved, it lasted only a few This was reversible when stimulation was discontinued
months. This is comparable to the results of thalamoto- but resumed immediately at onset and therefore required
my.9,10 However, whereas the effects of VIM stimulation the patients to use slightly lower parameters to avoid this
did not achieve a satisfactory result with regard to the clin- dystonia. Dysarthria was observed in 23 patients (19.6%;
ical scoring scale used for tremor, there was significant 18 Parkinson’s disease, five essential tremor): only five
improvement observed in the quality of daily living. In the (4.2%) had unilateral stimulation, 14 (12%) had bilateral
two patients with familiar dystonia the parameters that stimulation, and four (3.4%) had a previous contralateral
proved to be the most effective were significantly differ- thalamotomy. When compared to the numbers of patients
ent from those used in Parkinson’s disease tremor and in each group, dysarthria was observed in 14 (27.5%) of
essential tremor, namely pulse width, which was 450 the 51 bilaterally stimulated patients but in four (40%) of
msec. The establishment of the effect was delayed, and the the 10 patients who underwent thalamotomy on one side
parameters had to be changed during rather long periods and stimulation on the other side. This shows that thala-
of observation to check the effects. When the stimulators motomy has more side effects than VIM stimulation. Dis-
were shut off or when the batteries were depleted, the equilibrium was observed in 10 patients (six Parkinson’s
patients’ clinical status quickly worsened and the stimula- disease, four essential tremor), of whom six were bilater-
tors had to be changed immediately, after which it took ally and four unilaterally stimulated, among whom three
several days for patients to recover to their previous clin- had previous contralateral thalamotomy. Contralateral
ical status. The effect of VIM stimulation in these two dystonia was observed in six patients (four Parkinson’s
patients consisted mainly of a decrease in limb rigidity disease, two essential tremor), of whom four were bilater-

208 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996

Ventralis intermedius stimulation in movement disorders

FIG. 7. Graphs showing the evolution of the intensity of ven-

tralis intermedius stimulation required to suppress totally the trem-
or with time (A), and the evolution of electrode impedance mea-
sured on Itrel II stimulators (B).
FIG. 8. Bar graphs showing clinical results for Parkinson’s dis-
ease, essential tremor, and dyskinesia patients, expressed in per-
centage versus the clinical status, rated at 3 months after surgery
ally stimulated and two unilaterally. Bilateral stimulation (initial) and at the last follow up (final).
induced perioral paresthesias in one patient with Par-
kinson’s disease and hypersalivation in one patient with
essential tremor. Bilateral stimulation did not induce the
neuropsychological deficits usually reported following (range 828–1483 ohm) on Day 106 (Fig. 7B). This in-
bilateral thalamotomies. No patient spontaneously com- crease in impedance could account, at least in part, for the
plained of symptoms of frontal disturbance, but neuropsy- increase in threshold current intensity observed during
chological tests showed a slight, lateralized decrease in clinical follow up of treated patients. The average current
performance fluency, especially affecting verbal perfor- charge density with the first electrodes (DBS SP 5535;
mance, when the left VIM was stimulated, and spatial per- Medtronic) (60-msec pulse width, 130 Hz) was 2.89
formance, when the right VIM was stimulated. Detailed mA/16.2 mm2 = 179 A/m2.
results will be reported elsewhere. The effect of VIM stimulation (Fig. 8) remained stable
more often in patients with Parkinson’s disease (96% of
Follow-Up Data on VIM Stimulation Parameters. In 22 the 102 stimulated sides) than in patients with essential
(20.5%) of 107 patients and 23 (15%) of 153 electrodes, tremor (81% of the 27 stimulated sides), although essen-
introduction of the test electrodes during the procedure tial tremor is considered to be the best indication for thal-
induced total suppression of the tremor when the electrode amotomy:36 complete suppression of the tremor was
reached the target. Assessment of the efficacy of external achieved with rather low stimulation voltages, which were
stimulation had to be delayed in many patients because of stable after the initial postoperative increase. Dis-
temporary suppression or reduction of the tremor induced continuation of VIM stimulation led to a recurrence of the
by the microthalamotomy-like effect of electrode implan- tremor almost identical to that observed during the preop-
tation. The tremor reappeared after 1 to 10 days, in many erative test period.
cases at a lower amplitude than before surgery. This However, in 36% of cases (two of 20 with essential
“target impact effect” (or thalamotomy-like effect) usual- tremor, 33 of 78 with Parkinson’s disease), discontinua-
ly disappeared within 1 week and the tremor resumed. tion of the VIM stimulation resulted in a rebound effect,
Nevertheless, in all cases the intensity of VIM stimulation consisting of an increased intensity in the tremor as com-
necessary to alleviate tremor had to be increased during pared to the preoperative intensity. Patients who previous-
the first 3 weeks from an average initial value of 1 V ⫾ ly had no tremor while sleeping then required VIM stim-
0.5 V to approximately 4 V ⫾ 0.5 V. It reached a plateau ulation 24 hours a day, because their tremor without
after approximately 2 months at a mean value of 3.06 V stimulation had increased to a level that did not allow
(Fig. 7A). Using the Itrel II stimulators, it was possible to them to fall asleep. Sixty-four percent of patients (18 of 20
measure the electrical impedance of the brain structures with essential tremor, 45 of 78 with Parkinson’s disease)
stimulated by the implanted electrode. This parameter were able to stop their stimulator at night.
increased significantly during the first days, from a mean In four (44%) of the nine patients who had an initial
of 794 ohm (range 499–1238 ohm) on Day 14 and then score at 4 or 3 and were then rated at 2 or 1 at their last
more slowly during the following weeks to 1057 ohm follow up, improvement in the activities of daily life was

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996 209

A. L. Benabid, et al.

still significant. This was mainly the case for Parkinson ate, spectacular, and totally reversible without significant
patients with rest tremor, and this loss of efficacy appeared posteffect and without permanent side effect. However,
at 17.2 ⫾ 9.6 months. this effect is selective, as the different effects of VIM stim-
In five (55%) of these nine patients, this decrease in ulation on Parkinson’s disease tremor, essential tremor,
score was no longer associated with a significant func- and other dyskinesias suggest that the corresponding un-
tional improvement. These were primarily patients with derlying mechanisms are also different, at least with re-
an action component to their tremor, and this loss of effi- gard to the role of the VIM.
cacy appeared more quickly, at 7.2 ⫾ 1.5 months postop-
eratively. Reduced Morbidity of Unilateral and Bilateral VIM
Mortality and Morbidity. There was no operative mortal- Stimulation
ity. One patient died suddenly on the 11th postoperative Because the procedure is safe and devoid of tissue
day from pulmonary embolism due to previously existing destruction after electrode insertion, it minimizes the risk
cardiovascular insufficiency, although he had recovered of bleeding or progressive edema. The procedure was
from stereotactic surgery and was able to walk into the always well tolerated, even by the oldest patient who was
neurosurgery department. Five others died from various 81 years old. Bilateral implantation during one surgical
nonneurological diseases at 3, 6, 7, 10, and 23 months. In session (in 60 of 117 patients; 51%) or complementary
six patients, a microhematoma was induced by electrode implantation on the contralateral side of a previous con-
insertion: three were asymptomatic, discovered only on tralateral thalamotomy (in 14 of 117 patients; 11.9%) did
routine postoperative computerized tomography scanning, not induce any of the neuropsychological deficits fre-
two were responsible for transient motor neglect, and one quently reported in cases of bilateral thalamotomy. This,
occurred in a patient with multiple sclerosis and induced by itself, is a unique advantage of VIM stimulation and
an acute deficit on the 8th day, also reversible in 3 months. provides a surgical solution for patients in whom bilateral
Five patients suffered from skin problems: three had a late thalamotomy would be indicated. Because the side effects
scalp infection, due to skin necrosis in front of the cable are immediately reversible, the patient has the opportuni-
connectors in two female patients with thin scalps. In ty to choose between the benefit of VIM stimulation,
these three cases, electrode and connector removal and which suppresses the tremor, and the eventual side effect,
further replacement were needed to heal the wounds. Two or simply to lower the intensity of stimulation to the level
patients had a granuloma along the connector extension at which the side effects are reduced and the benefit still
track, and one patient had transient fluid collection in significant.
the subclavicular pocket of the stimulator. In this series
no epileptic seizures were induced by thalamic kindling. Tolerance Phenomenon in VIM Stimulation
There was no complication of ventriculography. This In this series, stimulation amplitude had to be increased
procedure is safe when strict landmarks are observed, and in all patients. The initial increase was more rapid during
reported complications are often due to use of cannulas the first 3 weeks and was related to tissue changes around
longer than 65 mm.21,55 Comparable low morbidity has the electrode. The need for the late increase in stimulation
been already observed during VPL chronic stimulation for amplitude was because of the progression of Parkinson’s
pain.1,43 disease or the development of tolerance. The first hypoth-
esis could explain the late recurrences of tremor several
Discussion months after thalamotomy, although this does not really
happen when placement of the lesion has been correct.29,36
The intraoperative suppressive effect of thalamic stim- The second hypothesis assumes that chronic stimulation
ulation on parkinsonian tremor has long since been re- of the VIM nucleus would become less effective with
ported in the same site in which thalamotomy would also time, therefore demanding an ever increasing amplitude of
suppress tremor.6,8,42,63,76,80,92,93 It has also been reported stimulation. The observed increase in electrode imped-
that stimulation increased or triggered the tremor.66,69 ance can account only for the early and not the late toler-
Dependence on the effect of frequency was observed,64 ance to VIM stimulation. Tolerance was not due to deple-
but it was not clearly established that high frequency was tion of the power batteries: after changing the generator
a critical parameter, although in some reports6 this stimu- parameters were not significantly different. The Itrel I
lation was performed at 200 Hz. Surprisingly, attempts to stimulators have already been replaced in 15 of 19 patients
apply this observation as a permanent treatment were rare, after 34 ⫾ 15 months (range 17–63 months). The life time
reported as poorly effective and short lived92 or involving of the four Itrel I stimulators not yet replaced ranges from
the centrum medianum and the intralaminar nuclei,11,12,64 56 to 80 months. Four Itrel II stimulators have already
zona incerta,19 the sensory VPL nucleus,25,58,64,84 the pul- been replaced, with a life time of 41.8 ⫾ 7.7 months
vinar and dentate nucleus,61 but not the VIM nucleus. (range 31–49 months). The life time of the 77 Itrel II stim-
Efficacy of VIM Stimulation on Tremor Arrest
ulators not yet changed ranges from 1.9 to 56 months.
Tolerance could also be due to a decreased biological
As a general rule, the effectiveness of VIM stimulation response (habituation) of the neuronal network. This
reproduces that classically obtained for thalamotomy: Par- hypothesis is supported by the fact that after turning off
kinson’s disease tremor and essential tremor are the best VIM stimulation, the tremor recurred with a temporary
indications, and complete arrest can be expected when the rebound of its amplitude. The threshold intensity for alle-
patients are carefully selected and the surgical stereotactic viation of tremor had to be regularly increased up to a
procedure is correctly performed. The results are immedi- final level that could no longer be increased due to the

210 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 84 / February, 1996

Ventralis intermedius stimulation in movement disorders

induction of paresthesias. This led to a loss of functional the motor cortical area.49 However, there are three main
benefit, mainly in patients with intense initial tremor who populations of cells that are situated successively and en-
needed high intensities 24 hours a day. This tolerance was countered by the electrode along a track passing through
reversible after a stimulation holiday when VIM stimula- the reticular thalamic nucleus, the ventrooral anterior and
tion arrest was acceptable by the patient. A similar phe- ventroposterior parts of the ventrolateral nucleus, and then
nomenon has been observed during central gray matter the VIM.78 In the reticular thalamic nucleus, cells respond
stimulation for pain.43 to verbal command; in the ventrooral–ventroposterior
parts of the ventrolateral nucleus and the VIM, the popu-
Mechanism of Action lations of cells responding to voluntary and passive move-
The intimate mechanisms underlying the effect of VIM ments are mixed, and the rhythmic activities recorded at
stimulation are unknown as, too, are the mechanisms of these levels either precede or follow the motor activity
tremor65,74,75 and remain to be studied. It is surprising that recorded by electromyographic (EMG) monitoring.4–6,
both destruction and stimulation of the same structure It can be assumed that the VIM is a proprioceptive
achieve the same effect. Actually, VIM stimulation sup- relay,7,68 receiving postural inputs from the peripheral
presses tremor only when the frequency of stimulation is joints and muscles. It is also suggested that the VIM can
at least 100 Hz (Fig. 6). The similarity of this curve with trigger tremor. Rhythmic activities, recorded in VIM cells
that commonly known as the intensity–frequency rela- of patients17,46,73,78,93 preceding EMG discharges and disap-
tionship recorded in frog muscle nerve fibers26 is striking. pearing just before tremor arrest, are not suppressed in
This suggests, by analogy, that VIM stimulation involves monkeys with tremor by section of the dorsal spinal
mostly passing fibers rather than cell bodies of VIM roots67 or after injection of curare.48,52 Therefore, the VIM
neurons. would act as part of a feed-back loop,81 impinging on the
This paradoxical effect of stimulation when using low- main corticospinal motor pathway and aiming at modula-
frequency versus high-frequency currents has been also tion of the transfer function of the sensorimotor system.
reported during stimulation of the intralaminar and mid- The gain in this loop can be regulated by other afferents,
line thalamic nuclei for relief of epilepsy in human among which the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system pre-
patients98 and has long been known and documented in sumably plays a key role.79 Deletion of this dopaminergic
experimental animals.2,41,44,47,60 The precise structure that control would detune the VIM-containing loop and there-
is stimulated in our series is more than probably the VIM, fore lead to a noncritically dampened loop responsible for
although no anatomical control is available. During thala- the oscillatory behavior that is constitutive of the tremor.
motomy, it has been already observed that stimulation in Interruption of this ill-regulated feed-back loop (by
the VIM can suppress tremor and that coagulation at that destruction or by stimulation-induced inhibition of the
site will achieve the same effect.6,11,92,93 The anatomical VIM) would suppress this abnormally oscillatory behav-
landmarks from the third ventricular commissures are ior (and then suppress the tremor) but would also suppress
accurate when a proportional graphic system is used to a normally needed tuning system, thus explaining why
construct the position of the target.88,97 The pattern of voluntary movement after thalamotomy is never as pre-
semimicroelectrode recording cannot fully characterize cise and skilled as it is in normal persons. On the basis of
VIM. Detection of the best target using the changes in the studies of motor activities under the effect of DBS in
neural noise69,71,73,76,77 can be equivocal. Observation of humans, it has been proposed that resonance properties of
rhythmic patterns in the VIM3–6,68,69,71,73,76,93 is not always the motor control circuit are basic features of the motor
easy to achieve. Recognition of the specific somatosenso- system, which are normally dampened by a suppression
ry areas of the thumb and labial commissure in VPL mechanism. When this mechanism weakens, external
immediately behind the VIM target seems to be a reliable stimuli or internal impulses may elicit oscillations and
landmark5,29,36 and is a strong argument for the identifica- then tremor. This model does not postulate a thalamic
tion of the effective target as the VIM, and not the VPL. rhythmic center to explain the tremorogenic process.95
In our last 72 cases in which a preliminary electrode track Jamming of the VIM, in this hypothesis, would also result
crossed the VIM from front to back, the stimulation in the same tremor suppression. However, this cannot be a
threshold required to suppress tremor was minimal in the unique system because we did not have such good results
area corresponding to the geometrically defined VIM in other types of dyskinesias (17 patients with 26 thalam-
from the AC–PC landmarks of Guiot, et al.,34 (Fig. 2) and ic-implanted sides). It may be possible that the VIM is not
significantly reincreased when the electrode entered the an adequate target for these dyskinesias and has to be
VPL, where the threshold of induced paresthesias was in replaced by a more appropriate structure, which has yet to
turn minimal. Therefore, our target is definitely situated be discovered. For instance, stimulation of a target, which
immediately in front of the VPL and is more than likely is 8 mm below and 2.5 mm more medial than ours, has
the VIM. been reported to be effective on multiple sclerosis inten-
tion tremor,19 compared with the lack of satisfactory and
Role of VIM Nucleus in the Arrest of Tremor During long-lasting results in our series for this type of dyskine-
Thalamic Stimulation sia. However, tremor in multiple sclerosis may be of vari-
Knowledge of the afferent and efferent connections of ous origins—cerebellar or extrapyramidal—depending on
the VIM and of the biochemical basis of Parkinson’s dis- the location of the responsible sclerotic lesion. Therefore,
ease does not provide an explanation for this mechanism. VIM stimulation may suppress the extrapyramidal com-
The VIM probably receives vestibular afferents37 as well ponent of the tremor and leave the other component unaf-
as proprioceptive inputs from limbs76–78 and projects onto fected, in particular the cerebellar tremor. Ventralis inter-

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A. L. Benabid, et al.

medius stimulation has to be compared to the VIM thala- appears that VIM stimulation can be proposed as a stan-
motomy, which is commonly reported to be effective dard neurosurgical approach to tremor, with the same indi-
regardless of the type of dyskinesia, although clinical cations as those imposed for thalamotomy. Finally, VIM
description of patients as well as precisely evaluated post- stimulation provides an experimental opportunity, be-
operative scores are not often available in the neurosurgi- cause of its reversibility and adjustability, to study and
cal literature.86 understand the mechanisms of tremor in Parkinson’s dis-
Assuming that the data obtained in the monkey45,49,96 on ease as well as of normal motor control in humans.
afferent and efferent connections of the thalamus could be
extrapolated to humans,49 one might consider that the Acknowledgments
VIM has strong reciprocal connections from the cerebel-
lum,53 whereas the VPL receives the somatosensory lem- The authors thank Dr. Elizabeth Boogusch for useful help with
the English text and Mrs. A. Abbadie for typing the manuscript.
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