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Money Can Buy Happiness Analysis Essay

2006 Words9 Pages

In the book “Money can buy Happiness” tells about spending money on important

and substantial things that bring us long lasting happiness. It provide some helpful

information and tips which can be applied in our daily living. If you want to find

out how to put together the most of your money in order to get a good and happy

life (good return on investment). This book also creates awareness of how we

spend our money, investments and savings wisely. For those who wants to analyze

whether their spending habits align with their values, this book can be an eye

opener for them.

MP Dunleavey, is the author of Money Can Buy Happiness. She is an award-

winning personal finance author, editor, consultant, specializing in women and

money. She is also a former columnist for The New York Times, and MSN

Money. Dunleavey points out some good ideas about financial key terms to

validate how spending money when makes you happy, makes a lot of sense. It’s a

usual advice about retirement and paying down debt but that’s always a given. The

best parts of this book are the parts that focus on happiness and evaluating if you

are using money for its intended purpose.

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