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The Desires of Being Rich

“Money can’t buy happiness” is one of the most well known saying commonly
heard throughout the world. Money is one of the most important things in our
lives, next to, food and water, shelter and transportation but will all of those things,
you need money. That is where the phrase “Money can’t buy happiness” comes in
because people think that since money can buy everything else, it can easily buy
happiness as well. Money can not make people love you for who you are, having a
lot of it is nice but it doesn’t change the person you are. Happiness is a feeling we
find within our own selves as human beings. An object should not be able to define
that happiness. Money 's not everything and it’s sad that nowadays people a lot of
people haven’t figured it out. Many people are caught up in what they think is
happiness and live their whole lives miserable. Throughout literature, it is evident
that striving for money does not end up what you want to be in the end. The
characters in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott
Fitzgerald experience that becoming wealthy will not buy you happiness and
relationships can be ruined in the end.

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