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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 December 17, 2021 pm – Al-Qaeda's
First Attack on the U.S. in Yemen

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CLXXXVII] – *Law/Order

The only actual link between the aforementioned election-related info and the following
reactions to current events is shared adherence to conservatism [rule-of-law]; some of
these thoughts relate to more elaborative analyses previously remitted, but with a twist.
The focus of this first installment is upon crime/punishment issues [h/t Dostoevsky].

Two homes on my block sport BLM banners (augmented by Dem campaign signs), but
challenging them has been deferred; they probably care not that they support Marxism.
The hope, however, is that Americans who shrugged shoulders in the face of riots/crime
now honor Rudy’s “broken window” approach (emphasizing enforcement); for example,
Philly is among 12 major US cities where homicides are increased, breaking records and
has had more homicides in 2021 than have America’s two largest cities. Less often
appreciated is that this gun violence has spawned an 80% increase in carjackings in 2021;
this is why I don’t loiter in my office after sundown @ a busy intersection in the Great
Northeast (a block from Nazareth Hospital, across the street from a Hookah hangout).

After re-election, DA Larry Krasner’s campaign and San Francisco-based Real Justice PAC
admitted to breaking Philly’s campaign finance law, again. And after he denied any “Crisis
of Crime,” national and local disgust (e.g., ex-Mayor Nutter) forced him to clear the air by
claiming he’d been “inarticulate” when denying Philly’s experiencing a violence crisis.
Ongoing [mis]conduct of Soros-$ offspring follows pungent role in the 2020 election.

Dems who fell for the Juicy Smolett hoax (inclusive of blind backing by prominent liberals)
won’t atone; the White House commented only “lessons learned” after Brandon/Harris
defended him. Still posted on Twitter is Kamala Harris calling Jussie Smollett’s sick race
hoax a “Modern Day Lynching.” People opining about whether he’ll be sent to a slammer
quote the prosecutor, who said Smollett “compounded the lying” to the jury,
prompting pundits to wonder if he might face further charges; noting how many police
resources he consumed, one wonders if DA Foxx will be subject to ethics charges as well.
The ripple effect could impact the media, after Smollett said CNN's Don Lemon helped
him shortly after incident (recalling the Cuomo-Brother precedent); it didn’t yet, however,
impact the non-racist component of American jurisprudence, noting a jury just found a
San Diego BLM activist charged with 19 felonies for attacking/gassing police Not Guilty.
{Federal policing authority is limited in Congress and by the POTUS (posse comitatus).}

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