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Natural & Effective Ways of Stimulating, Activating, and

Repairing the Vagal Cranial Nerve
Why Stimulate?
Information That Can Be Really Helpful For The Beginner &
The Advanced
In Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Importance of The Vagus Nerve
It’s called the Tenth Cranial Nerve, and it starts out somewhere
above your mid-brain, and then it comes out through the Skull,
and it in>luences everything from eye movements, to facial
expression, to tone of voice, to heart rate variability, to
breathing, then it goes through the Diaphram, and it innervates
all of the organs in the abdomen as well.

So it in>luences lung activity, heart activity, and the activity in al

the abdominal organs, including spleen, liver, kidney, and of
course, the intestine.

And the Vagus Nerve has bi-directional traf>ic, which means it

gives information from the brain to the body, and from the body
back to the brain.
The Para-Sympathetic Nervous System
So the Sympathetic Nervous System is the alerting system, the system that Alerts us to stressful situations, the
system that is responsible for the >ight or >light response, it’s a System that creates alertness and prepares us for
emergencies. Our societies on sympathetic overdrive, as a results of an increased risk of high blood pressure,
in>lammation in the body, heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and much, much more.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System on the other hand, of which the Vagus is a part, that is more responsible for
what we can call the relaxation response.

So when we have the opposite of the stress response, we can call that the relaxation response or the restful alertness
response or the response that we get through meditation, and when the Vagus Nerve is stimulated then that illicits
the relaxation response. 

So it in>luences eye movements, the tone in your voice, and facial expressions, if you’re in a good mood, if you’re
relaxed, and people can see that in your face.

And as it goes down it increases lung capacity, it increases heart rate variability, which is one of the best signs that
you’re relaxed, and for self-regulation that it is kicking in.
Inflammation Response
Self-Regulation vs. Disregulation
“Sympathetic Nervous System overdrive causes
inflammation, and Parasympathetic Nervous
System stimulation causes the opposite.”

–Deepak Chopra, MD
The Gut-Brain Axis

The Vagus Nerve, as it goes into the abdomen, in>luences the micro-
biome, and the micro-biota in your stomach.

So as the Vagus Nerve goes to the abdomen it in>luences the 2.2

million genes that are of bacterial origin, and these in>luence of
course, the human genome.

You create 3000 human genes, but you have 2.2 million bacterial
genes, and these cross over the human genome, they produce
metabolites, which in>luence everything happening in the body.

Also there are hormones produced like Ghrelin and Leptin, and also
all kinds of other very interesting chemicals such as dopamine,
serotonin, oxytocin, opiates, all of these hormones, that make us
feel good, are also neuromodulators.
Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve
The healing response is nothing but a return to self-regulation.
Stimulating Your Vagus Nerve Easily

Put Ice Cubes on your Face & Neck

Singing & Humming to activate your Laryngeal Vagus Nerve

Mantras & Chants (“Ommmmmm”)

Yoga Poses (Cat Call, Sun Salutation, and Downward Dog)

Slow Breathing (FOUR seconds IN - SIX seconds out)

Social Interactions: where there is a lot of exchange of love,
compassion, empathy will stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Meditation: which also increases the activity of the genes

responsible for self-regulation, and therefore healing

Take Probiotics: any of them are better than nothing at all

Laughter! Which increases Vagal Tone, and makes you feel

really good too
Exercise definitely increases Vagal Nerve Tone

Massage is a great way to stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Full or Intermittent Fasting stimulates it

Laying down on your Right Side will push + stimulate your

Vagus Nerve, even better if you combine this with deep
breathing excercises
Acupuncture, make sure you ask the specialist specifically
about the Vagus Nerve and Vagal Tone Activation

Accupressure is also a less intense alternative to acupuncture

Eating a high fiber diet will activate the good bacteria, and
stimulate your Vagus Nerve

Take a dose of sunlight every day (5-10 minutes will do)

Technology (Vibration, Electrical, Ultrasonic, etc.)

A Society on Overdrive

All of those things will activate your Vagus Nerve

Our current world paradigm prioritizes stress, we

are constantly pushed to be in fight or flight, alert

However, we need to be more in the flow, more


Increasing Vagal Tone is going to be helpful no

matter what the situation is
Lots of interesting ways to increase Vagal Tone and Improve

Now go and Try It!

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