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Multicultural Lesson Activity

1. Lesson Objectives:Art/Writing-3rd grade

● Subject observable objective:SWBAT write and illustrate about their culture.

● Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide): Develop a positive attitude toward our own cultural

2. All Lesson Materials: Include all materials with the lesson activity assignment.
Sticky notes, paper, construction paper, pencils, colors of the world crayons, crayons, markers, color
pencils,glue, scissors.

3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural activity

following the teaching design below:

● Do First: (5 minutes.) SW write on their sticky note their answer to the question of the day:
What can you do if you see someone who is left out or treated differently?

● Mini-lesson: (15 minutes) TW Ask students:Look at the children and activities on the cover of
the book Let us talk about the similarities and differences you see. TW read to class the book All
are welcome. Discuss
- What does all are welcome mean to you?
-What can we do to make others feel welcome?
-Share our answer to the question of the day.

● Guided Practice: (15 minutes) SW write about their own unique self and their culture. TW walk
around to assist and answer questions that students may have.

● Independent Practice: (10 min.) Students will illustrate what they wrote in their writing
assignment. They may include a drawing of flags from their culture, food , family, traditions.

● Exit Slip: (5 minutes) SW will share what is something new that they learned about a friend.

4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.

5. Reflection:
Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.

What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?

The specific subject concept in this lesson was for students to recognize diversity is ok. Being different is
ok. Let's celebrate each other and be proud of who we are. The purpose of this activity was for students
to feel comfortable opening up the conversation of diversity is something good and be proud of who we
are by sharing with the class about our own unique self.

What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?

A specific skill achieved in this lesson: Sensitivity to one's own and other cultures and Cultural awareness
and curiosity. Enhancing students' understanding of kindness, diversity, and inclusion.

Evaluate the level of student engagement in the teaching-learning process.

Students were engaged in answering questions and discussion and active listening. Students engaged in
writing about themselves.

List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan

The strengths of this lesson plan were that students were able to express themselves and share with
their classmates about their cultures. The weaknesses were that maybe not all students would know
their culture very well. I would give those students time to go home and ask their families about their

Grading Rubric --Multicultural Lesson Activity Assignment

Multicultural lesson activity follows the required format 10
The lesson outline provides details for the entire teaching/learning 10
Subject concepts, skills, information, etc. identified in the observable 10
objective are effectively and actively taught.
Multicultural activity clearly and actively teaches the multicultural goal 10
and objective listed for the assignment.
The “Reflection” demonstrates the student’s detailed evaluation of the 5
lesson plan. Teaching effectiveness for both subject and multicultural
content, student engagement, and the lesson strength and weaknesses.
Assignment is free from errors in language, paragraphing and Written 5

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