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Study Guide - Act 2

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Act II Study Guide

After you finish the act, consider the following questions. Type
your answers below each question, using a different colour.
Remember to use the PIE structure - make a point, find an
illustration from the play and then fully explain your ideas. A short
paragraph for each question should suffice. Also, put your copy of
this document in your English submissions folder and share with

Act II

1. What are the significant events that occur in Act II? Why are
they significant?

2. Kristine Linde is Nora’s childhood friend. Construct a character

profile of Kristine. What qualities are privileged? How are we
positioned as readers to accept or contest Mrs. Linde as a

3. Dr. Rank is a close friend of both Nora and Torvald. Construct a

character profile of Dr. Rank. What qualities are privileged? How
are we positioned to accept or contest Dr. Rank?

4. Construct a character profile of Krogstad. What qualities are

privileged? How are we positioned to accept or contest Krogstad
as a character?

Formative task, Act 2

Adopt the persona of Nora. Write a diary entry, as Nora as she is

at the end of Act II. What is Nora feeling? What is she concerned
about? (This would be a good idea for a creative written task.)

Dear Diary,

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