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Adress: Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.80, Pegangsaan,
Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Zip Code 10320
Email:, No Telp: 02144556078


Power Of Attorney

The undersigned below :

Name : Joko Susilo
Age : 30 Year
Pleace, Date of birth : Jakarta, 20/Juni/1991
Gender : Male
Religion : Islam
Work : Private Employees
Adress : Jl. Gunung Sahari VII A No.25, Gunung Sahari Utara
Village, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta,
Jakarta Pusat, Zip Code 10720
Place In this case, appoint the legal domicile to the proxy below, by giving
power of attorney to:
Name : Dr. Meilusu Zalukhu, SH., MH.,
Work : Advocate / Lawyer
Name : Dr. Hizkia Pasmanta Sitepu, SH., MH.,
Work : Advocate / Lawyer
Name : Dr. Martin Luther, SH., MH,
Work : Advocate / Lawyer
Name : Dr. Zheus Charlos, SH., MH.,
Work : Advocate / Lawyer

Its office is at the Advocate's Office "MAHIZMEICHAR S.H., LAW", Address Jl. Prince
Diponegoro No.80, Pegangsaan, Kec. Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Postal Code
10320,Both Alone and Together

For and on behalf of the power of attorney to represent, accompany and act as a legal
assistant to the attorney as a suspect and or defendant who is suspected of having committed
a criminal act in the Bribery Case as regulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law 31/1999
concerning the Bribery Case No. 87/PID.SUS-PPK/2021/PNJKT.PST at the Central Jakarta
District Court.

Furthermore, to the holder of this power of attorney, we give full authority to represent and
give power to appear before the Central Jakarta District Court trial where the Bribery Case
case is examined, appear and speak before government / private officials, make and sign the
documents submitted in connection with with the case of the Bribery Case, answer, refute
things that are not true, seek peace and sign the right of peace, submit evidence and
witnesses, reject evidence and witnesses in false statements, apply, submit verzet, accept
decisions, etc. legal remedies that are good and useful for the attorney, and are allowed
according to the procedural law and are also given partial or complete "substitution" rights to
other people.

Jakarta, 22 November 2021

Endorsee Endorsee Enorsee Endorsee Authorizer

Martin Luther. SH, Hizkia Pasmanta.SH, Meilusu Zalukhu. SH, Zheus Charlos. SH, JOKO SUSILO

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