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Commponents of Research Process


These include identifying the area of study, choosing the topic, formulating a research plan, collecting
and then analyzing the data and then finally writing up the study.

2.Research Questions:

A research question is 'a question that a research project sets out to answer'. Choosing a research
question is an essential element of both quantitative and qualitative research. Investigation will require
data collection and analysis, and the methodology for this will vary widely.

3. Assumptions:

In academic writing, an assumption is regarded as unexamined belief; that is what we are considering
without realizing it. Inarguably all research works conclude based on the assumption that the authors
have not critically examined.

Assumptions are things that are accepted as true, or at least plausible, by researchers and peers who
will read your dissertation or thesis.

4. Sampling Methods:

When doing a research study, we should consider the sample to be representative to the target
population, as much as possible, with the least possible error and without substitution or
incompleteness. The process of selecting a sample population from the target population is called the
“sampling method”.

5. Data Collection Methods:

Data collection is a process of collecting information from all the relevant sources to find answers to the
research problem, test the hypothesis and evaluate the outcomes. Data collection methods can be
divided into two categories: secondary methods of data collection and primary methods of data

6. Research Methods:
Research methods are the strategies, processes or techniques utilized in the collection of data or
evidence for analysis in order to uncover new information or create better understanding of a topic.
There are different types of research methods which use different tools for data collection.

7.Quality Criteria :

Quality criteria for all qualitative research are credibility, transferability, dependability, and
confirmability. Reflexivity is an integral part of ensuring the transparency and quality of qualitative
research.Thus, the criterion of internal validity (quantitative) corresponds to the criterion of credibility
(qualitative), that of external validity (quantitative) to that of transferability (qualitative), that of
reliability (quantitative) to dependability (qualitative) and that of objectivity.

8.Data Analysis :

When data is collected, it is forwarded for analysis which is the most technical job. Data analysis may be
divided into two main categories.

Data Processing: it is sub-divided into the following.

Data editing, Data coding, Data classification, Data tabulation, Data presentation, Data measurement

Data Exposition: Date Exposition has the following sub-categories.

Description, Explanation, Narration, Conclusion/Findings, Recommendations/Suggestions

9. Report Writing:

A research report is a well-crafted document that outlines the processes, data, and findings of a
systematic investigation. ... Reading a well-written research report should provide you with all the
information you need about the core areas of the research process.

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