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Nama : Novi Nursifa

Nim : 2010711021
Matkul : English A

1. A deatailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

2. To perceive through the sense of touch or emotion
3. The usual weather conditions in an area in generl or over a long period
4. A sudden upsetting or surprising event on experience
5. To divide evenly
Word power
1. Pamphlet-A small booklet or leaflet containing information about a single subject
2. Anxious-Easily agitated or alarmed
3. Custom –A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is
specific ,place,or time
4. Uncertain—A person who isn’t completely smart or enermous of something
5. To become ill- get sick
Contrasting Customs
1. Brazil had a contrasting custom with...
2. France had a contrasrting custom with...
3. Indonesia had a contrasting custom with...
4. Egypt had a contrasting custom with...
5. Denmark had a contrasting custom with...
Past Contnuous VS Simple past
1. Sylvia ...when she ...the DVDs
2. We....home when the accident ...
3. He...home when the accident ...
4. He...home work when his father came home...
5. The secretary...a speech when a protetstor egg at her
6. While steven ...a documentary,he ...a sleep
Past perfect
1. When school,He realized he...his textbox
2. When i ...the new teacher,i was so suprised. I ...his class
3. It wss very dificult movie ,but i because i ... the book
4. When we went to bali,my friend...a lot about th beache because she ...there many times
5. I ...any money on the weekend because wailet on Friday
1. Strange but true –stories from the hottest tabloids in town
2. Read the article above..find the word “off –limits”in that article . Then find the meaning
3. Read the article above. find the word “ litterally”in the meaning below
4. Read the article above.Find the word “with stand” in that article.Then find the meaning below
5. Read the article above. Find the word “look on”in the article .The find the meaning below..
6. Read the article above .Find the word “shoot down” in that article.Then find the meaning
7. Read the article above .Find the word “astounded”in that article .Then find the meaning
8. Match this sentence in the article “After people had rubbed the fish...” with the information
9. Match this sentences in the article “after the firefighters had given up hope...” with the
information below!
10. Match this sentences in the article “After the driver had stopped for the tourist...”with the
information below!
11. Match this sentences in the article “after people had drunk from the fountain,.”with the
information below!

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