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Catanduanes Colleges

Virac, Catanduanes


Name: Christine B. Toledo Class Schedule: Sunday 4:00-7:00pm


Activity 1:
1. What is the difference between bloom’s taxonomy and the revised taxonomy?
Answer: Bloom's taxonomy is based on the belief that learners must begin by learning
basic, foundational knowledge about a given subject before they can progress to more
complex types of thinking such as analysis and evaluation while In the revised
taxonomy, evaluation is no longer the highest level of the pyramid. A new category,
creating, is at the top. Another significant change is that category names are no longer
nouns, but verbs, so objectives are meant to describe learners' thinking processes rather
than behaviors

2. Explain the main changes in the Krathwohl’s 2001 cognitive taxonomy.

Answer: Anderson and Krathwohl felt that subject matter (noun) and cognitive processes
(verb) should be separate dimensions, so they replaced Bloom's nouns with verbs to
reflect the nature of thinking for each category.
Activity 2:

Topic: Different provinces in Bicol Region”

IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to identify the different provinces
in Bicol region.
TI: What are the different provinces in Bicol region?
IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to distinguish the different
dialects spoken in Bicol region.
TI: Distinguish the different spoken dialects spoken in Bicol region.
IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to determine the different tourist
spots in the province of Bicol region.
TI: What are the different tourist spots in the provinces of Bicol region?
IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to order festivals celebrated in
the provinces of Bicol region.
TI: What festival in Bicol region is celebrated at the month of December?
IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to compare economical in the
different provinces of Bicol region.
TI: What is the richest province in Bicol region?
IO: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to assess the impact of climate
change in Bicol region.
TI: How does climate change affect the daily lives of people in Bicol region?
Levels of Cognitive Domain Learning Competencies

Remember ⚫ Identify the genre, purpose, intended

audience and features of various viewed
texts such as movie clip, trailer, newsflash,
internet-based program, documentary,
⚫ Identify and use signals that indicate
⚫ Recognize positive and negative
messages conveyed in a text.
Understand ⚫ Explain how a selection may be influenced
by culture, history, environment, or other
⚫ Summarize key information from a text.
Apply ⚫ Use the passive and active voice
meaningfully in varied contexts.
⚫ Use the past and past perfect tenses
correctly in varied contexts.
⚫ Use direct and reported speech
appropriately in varied contexts.

⚫ Determine the meaning of words and

expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues.
⚫ Use phrases, clauses, and sentences
appropriately and meaningfully.

Analyze ⚫ Research a topic with support using two or

three sources provided, e.g. newspapers,
website, video, images, podcast, print
based material
⚫ Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared
heritage of people with diverse
⚫ Distinguish features of academic writing.
Evaluate ⚫ Raise sensible, challenging thought
provoking questions in public
forums/panel discussions, etc.
⚫ Synthesize essential information found in
various sources.
⚫ Examine biases (for or against) made by
the author.
⚫ Compare and contrast own opinions with
those presented in familiar texts.
Create ⚫ Supply other words or expressions that
complete an analogy
⚫ Transcode information from linear to non-
linear texts and vice-versa.
⚫ Compose an informative essay.
⚫ Compose effective paragraphs.
2. Write complete lesson plan objectives using the three domains of lesson planning.
Subject Matter: Polite Expressions
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. Cognitive
1. 1. Distinguish polite expressions and informal language used in conversation.
1.2. Identify polite expressions used in context.
1.2. Use polite expressions in a conversation.
2. Psychomotor
2.1. Write dialogues using polite expressions.
2.2. Read poem involving polite expression.
2.3. Create role-plays using polite requests and expressions and informal
3. Affective
3.1. Appreciate the use of polite expressions.
3.2. Give importance to a well behave manner.

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