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Function of Mosque

2.1 Mosque functions of the Prophet

Mosque in the time of Rasulullah saw not only as a place to feed religious emotions alone
has been used as a center of people activity. The things can be recorded history about the
function of the mosque in between
1. The war training place
The Prophet allowed ' Aisha to witness from behind him the Habasyah practiced using
their spear in the Prophet's Mosque on the feast day.
2. The treatment Hall of the injured Muslim army
Sa'd bin Mu'adz injured when the war of Khandaq then the prophet erected a tent in
the mosque.
3. The dwelling place of friends treated.
4. Where to receive guests
When the messenger of Tsaqif came to the prophet saw he told his friend to make the
camp as their banquet place.
5. Prisoner of war detention place
Tsumamah bin Utone of the prisoners of war from the Bani Hanifah was tied to one of
the pillars of the mosque before it was decided.
6. The court
The Prophet used the mosque as a settlement for disputes among his companions.
7. In addition to the above the mosque is also a place where foreigners and homeless
In the mosque they get to eat drinking clothes and other necessities. In the mosque,
the Prophet provides work for the people who do not know to help the poor teach
about health and society informing the things needed by the people receiving the
emissaries of tribes and countries preparing the soldiers and sending the Da'i to the
corners of the country.
8. Masjid Rasulullah saw is a mosque based on Taqwa
So the mosque is a place where the science cleanse the soul and body. To be a place
that gives meaning to the purpose of life and ways of it. Be a place to put real work
practice before the theory. A mosque that has lifted the essence of human humanity as
the best servant on Earth.
More strategically, in the days of the apostle, the mosque is the center of Pengem-
bangan communities where every day the people meet and hear the instructions of the
Apostle about various things, the principles of love, about the new Community system, as
well as the new Qur'an verses come down. In the mosque there are interactions between
thought and between human characters. The Azan that is held five times a day is very
effective to bring together the community in building togetherness
Along with the times, there are excesses where business and worldly affairs are more
dominant in mind than worship even in the mosque, and this inspires Umar ibn Khattab to
build facilities near the mosque, where the mosque is preferred for things that clear the
meaning of Ukhrawinya, while to talk about things that are more secular, Umar made a
special space next to the mosque. That is the origin of the origins so that in the period of
Islamic history classical (until now), markets and schools are always near the mosque.

2.2 Mosque Functions Nowadays

Mosques in the present day has the dominant functions and roles in the life of
Muslims, some of which are as follows:
1. As a place of worship
As the name of the mosque is a place of prostration, then its main function is as a
place of prayer worship. As it is known that the meaning of worship in Islam is
widespread concerning all activities of life aimed at obtaining the pleasure of Allah,
the function of the mosque beside as a place of prayer as well as a place of worship
widely according to Islamic teachings.
2. As a place of study
The mosque serves as a place to learn teaching, especially religious science which is a
fardlu ain for Muslims. Besides, also other sciences, both natural science, social,
humanities, skills and others can be taught in the mosque.
3. As a place to construct pilgrims
With the existence of Muslims in the vicinity, the mosque plays a role in coordinating
them to unite the potential and leadership of the people. Furthermore, the people who
are neatly coordinated in the organization of Tamir Masjid is built faith, steadfast,
Ukhuwah Imaniyah and Dawah Islamiyya. So the mosque became a solid base of
4. As a center of dawah and Islamic culture
The mosque is the heart of life of Muslims who always pulsed to disseminate the
Dawah Islamiyah and Islamic culture. In the mosque is also planned, organized,
examined, implemented and developed dawah and Islamic culture that is addressing
the needs of the community. Therefore, the mosque serves as a center of Dawah and
cultural activities.
5. As the center of the People's caderization
As a place to construct pilgrims and the leadership of the people, the mosque requires
activists who struggle to enforce Islam istiqamah and continuously. Broken grow
missing change. Therefore, the development of cadres need to be prepared and
centered in the mosque since they were small to adulthood. Among them with Al
Quraan Education Park (TPA), Youth Mosque and Tamir Masjid and its activities.
6. As the basis for the awakening of Muslim
The fifteenth century Hijri has proclaimed Muslims as a century of Islamic
awakening. The Muslims who have long fallen asleep and fall behind in the world of
civilization are trying to rise with their religious values. Islam is examined and studied
from various aspects, whether ideological, legal, economic, political, cultural, social,
etc. Afterwards tried to be applied and developed in the real life of the people. To
recite the life of this world with Islamic values. The process of Islamization in all
aspects of life wisely wise rolled out.
7. Muslims strive to arise
This revival required the role of the mosque as the base of struggle. The awakening
originated from the mosque to the community widely. Therefore, the functioning of
the function and the role of the mosque in the fifteenth century Hijriyah is urgent
(urgent) carried out by Muslims. Back to Basic, Back to Masjid.

Suryo AB (AlTasamuh-2003) said in the era of the resurrection of the people today.
Functions and roles of mosques began to be taken into account. At least four functions and
the role of mosques in the management of the potential people
1. Education and Training Center
The Saal human resources became one of the important icons of the first stone-laying
process of the people's development. The process towards empowering people begins
with education and training.
2. The economic center of people
Cooperative known as Soko Indonesia economic teacher. But in reality it is actually a
cooperative into goods that do not sell. In spite of the various reasons for the
cooperative, there is no harm if the mosque takes over the role as a cooperative that
carries a positive impact to the people in the circled.
3. Screening center of people potentials
Mosques with worshippers who are always present merely to abort its obligations
towards God can reach tens, hundreds, even thousands of people. This can be
beneficial for a variety of age, various professions and levels (strata) both
economically and intellectually, even as the place of the cultural acculturation
4. Library Center
The first commandment of God to the Prophet Muhammad is "read ". And it is
supposed that Muslims love to read, in a conceptual and contextual sense. Nowadays,
very little found from circles categorized as middle class at the intellectual level
(students, students, even lecturers and ustadz) have a hobby of reading.
In general, the management of our mosque still concern. What might be a solution to
try to offer in actualizing the function and role of mosques in the modern era. This should we
think together so that the mosque can become the center of life activity of the people as it has
been converted by the messenger of Allaah Alaihi wa sallam with his companions.

At present the mosque increasingly needs to be enabled, expanded the scope of its
activities and services and handled with good organization and management. Strictly
speaking, it is necessary to act on the functions and roles of the mosque by giving a modern
color and breath.

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Translation: The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah
and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is
expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided.
The sense of the mosque as a place of worship and Islamic Cultural Center has been
giving its own color for modern Muslims. It is no wonder that at any time, God willing, we
come across the mosque that has been well managed, maintained cleanliness, health and
beauty. Organized with good management and social services such as, polyclinics, Al Quraan
Education Park, schools, Madrasah Diniyah, Ta'lim assembly and so forth

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