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The New Galactic Wave of March 2010

by Sri Aurobindo
February 24, 2010

I am Sri Aurobindo. Dear Brothers and Sisters in this incarnation, accept my compliments and
greetings. I speak specifically as a spokesman for the Order of Melchizedek, with special
responsibility for ensuring the smooth running of the coming of Supermind within your density,
something many of us, and the archangels, you l 'expressed and relayed. Today, beloved people in
this density, the Overmind began to be felt, even within your biological structures, the effect of
Supermind called in your time, the Wave of Light Galactic. Relayed from the central sun of the
Source from Alcyone, the Galactic Wave has effects that you see, already, both in terms of elements
of the structure of the Earth, and within-even your own structures. The pressure of high densities of
light reaching up to you to function, if your desire is there, you realize in the wake of your Truth
transcendent, beyond the veils of your incarnation, you find your eternity, your beingness, your size
of unit. The arrival of the Galactic Wave is undoubtedly the most important event for many tens of
thousands of years, certainly, will the burst of light, the burst of the unit, within this dimension. The
effect of this wave of light you have been extensively detailed by the Archangel Mikael itself
gradually as the Celestial Marriage and Marche, leading to the end of the intervention of the
Archangel Michael, the within your density, the key changes that you are to achieve closer to what
you are, in fact. The path you have committed is a path to you. Do not follow anyone but yourself
because there's nobody to do that yourself. The influence of light is to resonate in you your inner
temple, your Radiantes Crowns, to awaken within your structures, which many of you perceive and
feel. The Fire of the Heart, for it is he whose it is, aims to be the key to your multi-dimensionality.
Many of you are exploring in their own way, access to the dimensions of the beingness within
himself of that personality, as well as outside of that personality. Many of you rediscover spaces
free of any belief and any fear. Thus, freed from your beliefs, whatever they are, and freed from
your fears and your past crystallizations, you enter and every day you step into further areas of
beauty, areas of Unity and areas of your own truth.

Certainly, as the Archangel Mikael told you many times, it is within your own dimension forged a
number of forces of resistance to the Light. These forces of resistance were also present in you, and
still are, some of you during these last weeks of the Archangel Mikael. These forces of resistance in
you and outside you, do not be shamed, you do not pay attention, because the Intelligence of Light,
Intelligence of Supermind is able to dissolve what should be dissolved. Do not put the strength
where there is resistance in you and outside you. Go, rather, to the lines of least resistance toward
the line easily and clearly, because the truth is simple, and it is only within these areas of simplicity,
in your areas of weakness where can settle Joy, Truth and Unity. Definitely, the more the days pass,
you simply accept, welcome and let, let the light grow in you and around you. What should
dissolve, dissolve, wholly. Everything that is outside the field of light dissolves. You have patiently
and bravely prepared your Inner Temple, some of you long ago, others more recently, but with
greater intensity. Today, many of you are exploring facets unknown unknowns of life because
hidden until now in your density. Only very few great initiates, as you call them, were able to
penetrate the spaces beyond the matrix, beyond September Mayas, beyond the illusion. Upon
entering the sphere of eternity, you feel in you, and you live in you, Light and Fire. This Fire
transforms you. He forged what must be forged. He burns what must be, in order to prove to
yourself your true size light before it is obscured by the veils of forgetfulness in the matrix

Today more than ever, you must go inside you and outside you, to a total emancipation, signed by
you, as a dimension of Star Seeds, the end of the division , of the division and separation. On being
fragmented, you get more and more by the action of Fire and Light, your unified dimension. What
will recognize it? Beyond the appearance of fire, beyond the aspect of Vibration and Light, it is for
you, Joy, Bliss and Unity. It frees you and frees you completely chains conditionalities that they
have to name, socializing, education, and even spirituality. You lived in a finite world and you learn
infinites. You lived and adopted the rules of a limited world, and you discover unlimited. Here is the
action of light, there is the action of fire, there is the action of Supermind within your structures and
subtle now physical. As and when the time ahead, you will receive the most intense effects, within
your own cells, within your own biology, but beyond that, especially at the level of your
consciousness, replacing the concepts of limitation, concepts of darkness, a consciousness
penetrating fully into the sphere of ethics in the areas of integrity in the areas of honesty, and in
spheres of beauty. Within these spheres Unitarians, evidence of Light, in the course of your life will
appear more clearly, more and more radiant.

There are, of course, during that Mikaël has called this 5th March and as I said February 17 ... This
Walk is one that should see the look decompartmentalisation and crystallization of the Light within
your world, within rigid structures, within you and outside you. Do not remember what part,
because that part is old. Let come to you again, let you settle in the light of Truth, the Truth of
Light. The only work involved is a vigilance of every moment in order not to return to resistance,
one way or another, the establishment of the Light within your Inner Temple, thus preparing the
arrival of Master of Light in your interior space. Remember: you have nobody else to do that
yourself, but yourself transfigured in the beingness, transfigured in the truth because you are the
Truth. You are indeed the only Truth. Gradually, as you notice, within you and outside you, the
masks fall, forgeries come to light, the manipulations are revealed. What belongs to the former must
give way to what is coming. You will see more in you and outside you. This sums up the immersion
of Supermind within your density and its role transfiguring, and raising his role.

The vibration levels and levels of light - they are the same - you'll live in you and outside you have
not been possible within this density over many cycles of fifty thousand years . Light, as we have
said, has won, but we need the truth in the highest heavens be established within your scale, and this
is what is underway, and this is which comes into manifestation. So, yes, whatever the risks and
suffering of your daily lives in this density, rejoice because the light will always be more important
than the suffering ephemeral ephemera that questions, in your density. There is, strictly speaking, a
concept of trust and a concept of faith to establish more firmly in your consciousness to participate
beyond the celestial wedding in your reintegration into the Celestial Dimensions unified and not
separated. There are many forms of life, today, around your solar system and around the Earth.
Specifically, the twelve Archangels focus within your own magnetosphere, the Light of Supermind.
We, the 24 elders, in the Vessels of Light Dimensions Unified, and we are working to stabilize the
plan. Many forces of light belonging to the Confederation called Intergalactic involved in your new
birth, not, of course, to do the work for you, for you alone, again, can achieve, but more in the hotel,
more to prepare to welcome you in your new birth in the spheres of the Unit. Today, in your sun, we
literally freed the electromagnetic forces that now dependent on this dimension, dependent on these
limited areas. Some of you are so used to being trapped within this matrix that despite the Fire
Heart they live and feel at times, they still fail to fully release all beliefs inherent in this Illusion.

This is the period, perhaps the most difficult but nevertheless, the brightest, you're done: one that
takes you to the threshold of a new day where the light will burst, continuous and all, in this world.
This is en route. The connection is about to be accomplished. Some of you have achieved already
within themselves, what I called the Switch Consciousness, allowing them to spend their limited
consciousness to their Unlimited Consciousness, more or less easily more or less regularly and
more or less intensely. But nevertheless, this switch is there, asking to settle permanently in your
consciousness. This consciousness, which is revealed again in His Truth, then experimented some
states unpublished, from Joy to the most intense feeling of total dissolution. All that, sheltered by
vibration mixing Radiant Crown Head and Crown of the Radiant Heart, in a light and a light
shaking all of your structures to build in you the basics of your new life in your new identity. All
this is done, right now, by the junction of Supermind to limit your magnetosphere. That's what you
live now. This approach, with simple words, which I hope will complement the teaching of the 5th
March and lived Vibration of the 5th march, as defined by the Archangel Mikael. You are more
likely to follow this process Vibratory spread over the entire planet. Remember it is yourself that
you must follow, primarily because you are yourself, for yourself, the Way, the Truth and the Life
and no one can be in your place and that 'you must do this, be the Way to the Truth and the Life to
be before the Master who said those words a day, two thousand years ago, is back in you, to
celebrate the alchemy of your wedding Mystics, yourself, down here with you, in beingness.
Beloved brothers and sisters, if you now have questions about the Super-mind, if you miss one light
and if I can make, then I will. And I will leave you asking me the questions you want.
What do you call the Switch Conscience?

Dear Sister, what I call the Switch Conscience is when ordinary consciousness perceives when it
goes into a different consciousness, expanded and unified. This switch is reflected by a vibratory
aspect, by perceptions but, above all, understanding the direct, intuitive consciousness moves from
one mode to linear mode multidimensional. This is a straightforward process, experience level of
consciousness, when it, itself, identifies the moment it leaves the linearity, as you know, to enter
into multi-dimensional or non - linearity.

For this process to switch, there is support at the physical body?

Dear Sister, there are different points of Conscience for targeting or locate the Switch. It is not so,
although during this switch, a number of functions related to the chakras or points of vibration
related to the chakras, changing. In particular, the perception of the Heart Chakra which the
vibration changes state at the same time that the vibration points located under the nose and above
the nose, corresponding to the 11th and 12th corps body begin to vibrate, but before being placed in
the body, the Switch is primarily at the level of consciousness because it is still the rule. This switch
of Consciousness can be searched by technology, even if I have given very recently, the means of
achieving this, an easier way. It joined, above all, a particular behavior with the Archangel Anael
had talked a long time during your last year and called for the abandonment of Light, which allows
unlimited entry to the limited. This switch occurs, firstly, where surrender to the Light, and on the
other hand, when it is accepted by the Consciousness of being free from any belief whatsoever.
There would, somehow, at this level, a principle, I would say, of communicating vessels. If your
limited beliefs are stronger than your belief in the unlimited, then the switch can take place. When
your belief in the unlimited become stronger than your limited beliefs and these beliefs limited
dissolve themselves, then you enter the spaces of freedom, beyond all belief, where vibrates your
eternal flame, your parcel of eternity. But you can not access it in full as long as you adhere to a
belief system or another that you keep within the limits and within the illusion. For all the
commitment and beliefs are linked because all beliefs are deprivation of liberty, even if they were,
in time, not so old that it, like crutches allow you to grow.

Feel cold inside and vibration in the body that are not necessarily located in the Heart,
is related to the shedding of Supermind?

There are many perceptions within the experience of the influence of Supermind. Some are directly
related to the effect of Supermind and others are the result of the interaction between Supermind
and energy limited, which, again, result in vibration and perceptions. There is no place there either,
to ask questions about the significance of vibration perceived anywhere in the body whatsoever. It is
simply to leave work that Light is because it reflects the integration of Supermind or it reflects the
effect of the deregulation in Supermind and defragmentation of your Being. In one case, as in the
other, she participates in the preparation of your unit.

When the switch phenomenon occurs, what are the tears that may reject the physical body?

Tears, like the smiles, like yawning, is for each of you according to the signs you show, the
highlight of your connection, when it was still tight unravels and relaxes, yet where what was
rediscovering the Unlimited limited, in happiness and in relieving all your tensions.

Beliefs associated with angels and archangels are also an Illusion?

Belief is not the vibration. You can believe in angels and archangels not perceive any vibration, then
yes, at this level, it will stay belief and Illusion. When you exceed the fields of belief, when you
experiment with your conscience, the vibration of the Archangel Mikael Vibration or the Angel of
the Presence (Archangel Uriel), you're not in belief but you are in experience and you're in
reunification. The belief is in the field of dissociation and separation. Experience the vibration
belongs to the realm of unity and integration.

How to move from belief to experience?

As long as you live in the belief you can live the experience because the belief is external and the
internal experience is. Belief is a projection outside the self system, ideology, or creating a egregore
enslavement. Experience frees you and make you free. The experience makes you experience the
vibration and takes you away from belief. All faiths, today, must be extinguished before the Truth of
Being and its manifestation of Radiance and its presence. The domain of belief is that the energies
of the Shadow. The field of light is the area of freedom, unity and experience. You can say a
thousand years to believe Archangels but it remains a belief. But when you experience the energy of
the Archangel, the encounter with the Archangel or your guardian angel, this is more the realm of
belief but of experience. You go to that level, the duality of the unit, you live what was outside and
separate passes and becomes internal and Unified. This is not an empty word when, in all traditions,
the greatest mystics have told you that Christ became, they became the self, they became the
Unlimited. But this experience was certainly colored words for these beings, to reinstate the
dimensions of personality, to try to express in words, concepts and ideas, which a priori is
indescribable as the domain of the Essence. And speaking of the Essence in words, is already
moving away from gasoline. Essence does not dress words, the essence is.

Climate, weather, can affect the shedding of Supermind, and how we can live, receive?

Undoubtedly, yes. Firstly, the Overmind is not above the mind. The Overmind is not a branch of
refined mind. The Overmind is precisely the state of consciousness where the mind dissolves and
fades and no longer exists. For the last filter to fall before your access to the Unit is the mind. This
Supermind is influenced (as well as your cells are influenced by sunlight and moonlight, as well as
intracellular water is influenced by tides, the same way), the Overmind is influenced by stirring
elements. Currently, the Fire of the Earth, corresponding to the junction of Fire with Fire Supermind
Intra-Terrestrial, modifies the elements of the Earth. The irruption of Fire Supermind leads to
anomalies, I would say, behavioral elements of Earth, as you've seen and you observe the way more
and more noisy. However, this is still a filter that makes you look, you know it, as unified as
separate from the consciousness of Gaia, Earth. So you are in this world but you are not of this
world. Catch you nevertheless for your Vibration Vibration cell is modeled on the Vibration of the
Earth. So yes, there are indeed elements in your layers. But in the Supermind gradually as your
immersion will continue in this unified consciousness, the more you discover statements and spaces
for self, totally disconnected from the vibration of the solar system, to enter the dimensions of
beingness beyond personality, making you rediscover your multidimensional vehicles that have
absolutely nothing to do with your envelopes subtle, but your bodies are actually made of eternity,
not just locked in your vehicle subtle. Thus, your Divine Spark is deployed in its construction
vehicle of Light where you become you own your own Merkaba, your own Ship of Light, beyond,
again, subtle layers belonging to this dimension.

Is it possible to experience these aspects of Supermind by his own fortitude,
without relying on angels, archangels or the Masters?

Dear Sister, you do trustest strictly on anything because there is only you who can make this work,
and you alone. As we ancients have always said, and the Archangel Michael, himself, has always
said, to you alone belongs the work of revival and awakening. However, once again, this is not a
strength of mind, but more of an abandonment of the soul to the will of the Spirit. You must still
consider that you are in a cycle time of a very individual who is the end of a cycle and, indeed, the
end of a great cycle that last more than three hundred thousand years. You are involved in this
particular place in space and time, a very precise process that does not force your mind, that does
not meet your personal desires but, more to the will Light and reintegration of this parcel of galaxy
in the unified world. Movement, of course, which you're invited, which you have to adjust, whether
that is your desire to return to the areas of Unity and Joy. But no, I mean anyone other than yourself,
can do the job. But there are times when you are involved, which are easier to prove what you

How to surrender to the proposal: "Thy will be done and not mine?

In releasing what needs to be dropped. By stopping the activity of the mind, by stopping the activity
of your beliefs that keep you locked up, by stopping what is the domain of personality, while
remaining within the personality, which is your tool for access to what is beyond personality. Again,
there is no technique, because any technique in the final, even using the body, is still a mental
device. Being is surrender, but this act of abandonment is not an act developed by the mind or
developed by any decision following advantages and disadvantages, but more by a real act
Vibration corresponding to the ultimate sacrifice called, in this dimension, crucifixion and
transfiguration. To enter the realms of multidimensionality, which is small and limited, which is
heavy, should subside and disappear. It is in this sense that this moment is historic, because never
the influx of light will permit, as easily, to do this, if that is your goal and, indeed, your only goal.
You can not have the objective of the Light and another goal because the goal of Light is the goal
that must be unique for any other purpose combines her get away from the light. The Fire of Love
wants you in full, provided that you yourself like it. And this is not a decision of the mind but a
decision I would call Vibration. Whether the Conclave Archangelic (which, for over a year now,
relayed to you the quality of vibration), it is ourselves, 24 elders, since time immemorial (with,
admittedly, different consciousnesses), make sure Since the dissociation of your world, make sure
that one day reunification is possible. You are now at this moment. No one can deny the constraints
within your internal structures, as in your field structures, so that the Truth hatched, so that truth
manifests itself in this world. The world of artifice ends. The world of illusion is over. The world of
corruption ends. The world of pain begins to recede. It is this that you live right now and we live
with you, to you and through you.
What do we live in now is a step towards the fact of awareness that
we are a lot of the Source?

We can say it like that but understand that everyone is in a stage or at a different time of his own
revelation in itself. Some live these statements recently, others have a little more experience in the
exploration of these statements. Indeed, some of you, traveling in beingness, effectively capture and
consciousness that this body is that which serves as a vehicle of expression to something far greater,
far beyond this event, well Beyond the vagaries of duality and beyond suffering. Remember the
principle of communicating vessels: more beingness, less and less of personality, until the final
transfer and extinction of personality. But this is not right away, however, included in this cycle and
will happen according to your own development, your own progress, and your own beingness.

What do you exactly beingness?

The beingness has been explained on numerous occasions. I therefore refer you to what has already
been said by many speakers. The beingness means going to more simple living and being in Being.
Being is defined, beyond ordinary consciousness, the unified consciousness living in the Fire of
Love, in the Crown of the Radiant Heart and head, Unified in the chest and the vibration of the
source running through the body.

You will respect, in these processes, the free will of everyone to the end,
or there is a time when there will be a response from you or others?

Free will is a creation related to the creation of karma, linked to the creation of the falsification of
the world, now more than three hundred thousand years, when the precipitation in the dual worlds
(called allegorically and symbolically "fall "), making you experience the world of Shadow and
Light, the world of good and evil, the world of duality. Free will is for that. Freedom is something
else. It is not colored by free will. Entering the realms of beingness is leaving the world of free will
to enter the sphere of freedom. Participate in the Unit is already out of duality, while still in this
body duel but showing more and more clear in his Life, in its behavior, the worlds Unitarians.

There is a link between the Fire Heart and breathing?
The development of Heart-Fire can reduce breathing?

Yes. There is a direct link, as well as many of you have found. At the Switch of consciousness,
respiration rate changes. The speed of light is modeled on the respiratory rhythm. At another stage,
the fire escapes of the Heart and breathing becomes himself breathing, not breathing but at the level
of cellular respiration itself.

Is it normal to feel less of Fire Heart since the descent of the Overmind?

The Supermind element is initialized, in what was called the Ultra Violet Radiation Source and the
cancellation of the Holy Spirit. The unification of these three components is called Supermind. It is
what sets the fire, which keeps and what nourishes it. However, during certain phases of the
approach of vibration, it can s'impacter at the Radiant Crown of the head, accumulate, thus giving
the impression that the Fire Heart is less intense. This corresponds, in each, to cycles that you own.
Progression of Heart of Fire is not linear. It follows the comings and goings, the ebbs and flows,
depending on number of elements in your life or your environmental conditions,
in the broadest sense.

Reconnection of right and left brain is a step toward beingness?

Undoubtedly as a merger or unification of duality in Unity, final resolution of good and evil. There
are, of course, connection and relationship with what is called the fusion of the hemispheres, or
return to the primordial androgyny, corresponding to the last of the new body.

Cellular respiration allows the body to breathe, pulsate as a Heart?
That is his goal, in essence.

A pain in the chest can be seen as a resistance to shedding Supermind?
Not always. When Supermind is in waves, impulsive and down, it can go through a preliminary
stage of feeling and perception of tension or compression in the chest and the Heart chakra. This is
not resistance but in matching.

The Life of every day can be a hindrance in this process?
It depends what is the weight of your daily life. But you must understand that you better go to your
beingness, minus the weight of personality will be important, whatever the weight. Path of Fire is a
path of lightness. Fire reduces what should be. In this sense I was saying earlier that you clearly
identify your goals. And what is your main objective: the lightness or weight? Gradually, as you
approach your beingness, whatever the weight of personality, you will find that this lighter weight
gradually as the fire grows, progressively as the vibration is amplified . This is a constant.

Should be felt more in the Heart as an organ or the Heart Center as energy, chakra?
Should we still be able to make a difference. The Heart pump body on a binary rhythm.
The Vibrating Heart is a light that turns on a non-binary.

What is the difference in these two rhythms in relation to the process of Supermind?
What makes you feel more one than the other?
I do not see the link. The pulsation of the Heart is dilation, contraction. The Vibrating Heart chakra
or the chakra related Supermind is a vibration, not a pulse expansion and contraction. This vibration
can actually go faster or slower, more or less widely and more or less widely, but in any case, it will
constriction, contraction, like the heartbeat. It may possibly be compared to breathing but not a
contraction or dilation.
We have no more questions.
Thank you.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in this density, I send you all the love and all the blessings of the Council
of 24 elders. I provide for myself, the blessing of the Light Blue and I say to you very soon.

... Shedding energy ...

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