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Evidence – Woodbridge School Behaviour Incident Record (Term 4 2021)

Date: 1/12/2021


XXXX had a very unsettled morning. First, he missed daily fitness

and went and played foosball with another student from the class.
When our Teaching Assistant (TA) asked them what they were
doing, they lied to her and said that they had my permission to be
there, and then he refused to apologise to her. He was also then
very unsettled during science, calling out constantly and having
discussions about soccer. He then pushed in the of the line in front
of another student and they started shoving each other. He moved
his peg three times (Back on Track) and had to relocate to our
Details of
buddy class for a time out. When he returned from the buddy
class, he argued regarding what he had to complete in science.
When asked to paste his work into his science book, he threw it in
the bin. He reluctantly removed it from the bin and pasted his
work in. He then refused to participate in the class Kahoot, so he
was asked to read with the TA outside because he kept on calling
out the answers and making fun of people who got it wrong
(especially XXXX). I then called Senior Staff to relocate the student.
He will now be completing his maths activities in the Assistant
Principal’s office for period 4.

Teacher's Name Sian Wailes

Student year level Year 5/6

Other Students XXXX XXXXXX

Location C block

Primary Behaviour: Disrespect

Day & Time- select one

Wednesday (1, 2, 3)
box only

Values reminders
Primary Intervention Change of space
Strategies Time to think (buddy class)
Get some support (senior staff)

Senior staff support


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