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Nomor : 20462 /IT3.D10/TU.00.

08/2021 27 Oktober 2021

Lampiran : 1 (satu) lembar
Hal : Informasi tawaran Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship 2022

1. Para Wakil Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan
2. Para Ketua Departemen
Institut Pertanian Bogor

Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi mengenai peluang untuk menempuh studi jenjang S2
dan S3 dengan beasiswa Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship (HUPF Fall 2022) di
Hokkaido University, Jepang yang diperuntukan bagi alumni IPB.

Bagi yang berminat, informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada berkas terlampir atau melalui

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon kiranya informasi dimaksud dapat segera
disebarluaskan kepada civitas yang berminat di lingkungan Saudara. Berkas yang sudah
lengkap, dapat disampaikan ke alamat email: (cc sebelum tanggal 17 Desember 2021.

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Saudara diucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Program Internasional,

Tembusan: NIP 19660320 199002 1 001
Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Internasionalisasi, Kerjasama
dan Hubungan Alumni
Yth. Para Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah
Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship
MS/ PhD Degree in HOKUDAI - Japan
Fall intake (October 2022)

Program Overview
Hokkaido University is seeking applicants for Hokkaido University President’s
Fellowship, for prospective international students seeking master’s, professional, or
doctoral degrees that plan to enroll in October 2021. Eligible for applicant who is a
current or alumni students of universities of IPB University. Students who are already
enrolled at Hokkaido University can not apply for this fellowship.
 BSc/ MS degree holder of IPB University
 Good academic performance
Required Documents:
1. A completed Application for Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship (Form 1).
2. Consent letter written by your prospective supervisor (Form 2). Before submitting
the application, please make sure to contact your prospective supervisor directly and
consult with them concerning the topic and plan of your research. Please be sure to
keep and in cc for all communication
related to this Fellowship.
3. Official Transcripts (English version). For a doctoral degree, both undergraduate and
graduate transcripts must be submitted.
4. A letter of recommendation from a supervisor at your university (no set form)
5. Official candidacy announcement from your university’s president to the President of
Hokkaido University (no set form). This form will be provided after you pass the
selection process in IPB University.

Application Procedures
 Please email softcopies of all required documents to (cc: by December 17th, 2021 (FRI) at 15 p.m at the latest
with Subject: HUPFfall2022_APPLY_Name_MS/PhD. Please write MS or PhD
according to your applied program.
 Applicants CANNOT apply individually to Hokkaido University.
 Online interview (Zoom/GMeet) will be conducted based on further notification
 If you have any inquiry please kindly DM our Instagram (@ico_ipb) or email us by
format: HUPFfall2022_INQUIRY_Name to (cc:

Application Documents Naming System:

 Each file of application document should be named according the following naming
format: DocumentNumber_YourName_DocumentName_HUPFfall2022
 Example:
o 1_AnatanoNamae_ApplicationForm1_HUPFfall2022
o 2_AnatanoNamae_ConsentForm2_HUPFfall2022
o 3_AnatanoNamae_ OfficialAcademicTranscript_HUPFfall2022
o 4_AnatanoNamae_RecommendationLetter_HUPFfall2022

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